Red Light Specialists (17 page)

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Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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Waylon held her hips tight to him and whispered words she couldn’t make out in a language she didn’t recognize. Instantly, her mind fogged and her body arched back to form to his. He kissed her neck, softly sliding his tongue out and over her skin. Beyond that, neither of them tried to move.



Chapter Five


Waylon lay in bed, holding Trinity. Her hair was still damp from their shower and the vision of her sucking on his cock while the water jetted over her smooth skin had been digging at him from the moment they’d returned to bed.

She was so beautiful. Her body reacted to his as no other woman ever had. Sure, he’d made them all come but never before did his
powers make a woman so sexually charged that she could barely contain herself. This was a double-edged sword. As hot and horny as Trinity got, it paled in comparison to what he felt around her.

The need to take her, mark her, claim her had been so intense that he’d almost left the room, but the thought of missing one second of being with her ripped at his heart. When he’d recited the binding words as his cock was still buried deep within her ass, he’d almost done it. He’d almost sunk his teeth into her shoulder for all the universe to know she was his. No man would be permitted to touch her, let alone pay for her services. He could offer her another life, a life off the streets. Whatever reasons she had for selling her body for money were unknown to him and if he had his way, he’d find out.

This is insane. There’s no future with us. We can never have children, never really be a truly mated pair.

As his thoughts plagued him, he remembered the magic that had risen around them after he’d chanted the binding words in her ear. Thankful that Trinity didn’t know Latin, he waited to see what would happen. When the air around them thickened, Trinity went limp in his arms.

Somehow, he’d managed to mix essences with her, forever linking them, but he hadn’t finished all that needed to be done. He’d given her his seed, expelling more energy than he should have. But still, he managed to hang onto his gifts, at least for a little bit. After he’d done the binding, his body was as weak as hers. Though he didn’t pass out, he did ease them to the bed and wrap his body around hers until the ill effects of spilling his seed passed.

Several gut-wrenching hours passed as he body was forced to adjust to his missing supernatural gifts. His muscles ached. His senses dulled and it felt as if he was moving through quicksand. Slowly, he regained his energy and his powers. It was then that he lifted Trinity’s still sleeping form and carried her to the bathroom. She woke to find him holding her close to him as he adjusted the water temperature.

Waylon hadn’t planned on fucking her again but once her gaze met his, he found himself spellbound. He not only fucked her, he fucked her every way imaginable. They’d stayed locked together until the water was ice cold and he could barely stand.

Somehow, the normal depletion of his powers wasn’t as severe the second time around. He’d heard of other
being able to reset the loss of energy. From what Waylon could tell, Rupert never seemed to tire after sex. Rupert claimed that his energy was depleted the longer he abstained. It seemed to make sense. The one time they’d been unable to stop on a planet inhabited by females for close to a week, Rupert had lain curled in a ball in his quarters. Unsure what to do to aide his friend, Waylon finally gave up and did the only thing he could think of—he hired two girls to try to “cheer” Rupert up. That did the trick. He was up and going full speed by the next morning.

Trinity stirred and moaned softly next to him. He kissed the top of her head lightly and he sighed, knowing he’d have to bid her farewell. Keeping her, while a romantic idea, was insane. They were completely different species and if he ever did find a mate, she’d have to carry human DNA in her. Even though he’d thought to have detected it in her when they first met, the likelihood of her actually having it was slim to none. He’d been so wrapped in lust since first seeing her that he’d probably just misread it.

“Goodbye,” he whispered as he slid his arm from around her, steeling his heart for what had to be done. Like it or not, Waylon had to push Trinity away.

* * *

Trinity stilled. Someone had touched her. Who? The fog of sleep had yet to lift completely. Never before had she felt this groggy. Not even when she’d woken to find the serial killer on Vedieone standing above her. The drug he’d used was powerful, yet somehow she’d metabolized it quickly. That was one of the reasons the king had wanted her to stay and marry one of his sons. He’d made no bones about her being “special”.

Someone nudged her and her RLS-69 training kicked in. Jerking upwards, she took hold of the arm touching her and twisted it madly. Rising to her knees, she prepared to dispose of whoever had dared to touch her. The sight of Waylon’s large brown eyes stopped her dead in her track. Dropping his arm quickly, Trinity hung her head.

“I’m sorry. I… I didn’t know it was you.”

A cold look passed over his face. “I can see how it would be hard for someone in your line of work to remember where you are every morning.”

She felt as though she’d been smacked. Too stunned to respond, she merely stared at him, trying to make sense of his turnabout. In the shower, she could have sworn she’d heard Waylon whisper that she was his. If this was how he treated “his property” then she wanted no part of it. Even if she did, she could never act on it. The only man she would ever belong to was Simon. He’d signed for her and assumed control of her fate the day he’d selected her for the RLS-69 program.

Huffing, Trinity yanked away from Waylon and sat on the edge of the bed. “I think now would be the perfect time for me to leave.” She knew that her voice sounded hard, cold, just as she had intended it to.

“That may be best,” Waylon offered, his tone neutral.

Happy she wasn’t facing him, she bit her lower lip in an attempt to push her feelings down deep. She was an expert at hiding her head in the sand and Waylon would just be one more memory she never touched again.

“I don’t know where I am but that does happen a lot to
like me. It’s also common for us to be thought of as assassins, considering that’s what we
moonlight as.” Each word was clipped as she gritted her teeth.

Waylon touched her back lightly. The heat of his skin, the sting of his words, was too much for her to bear. Leaning forward, Trinity let his hand fall away. She felt a shift of the weight on the bed and knew that Waylon had gotten up. Two could play at this game. She rose to her feet and turned to look at the man who was breaking her heart.

His face was blank. If he did care even a tiny bit about her, he never showed it. It was an expression she used often, especially when facing someone she knew she would hurt or kill. Part of her wanted to prepare for battle, another wanted to give in to the pain in her heart. Thankfully, the fighter in her prevailed.

When he spoke, his voice was guarded and hard. “I’m sorry things got out of hand. It was a case of mistaken identity, that’s all. I’ll have clothes sent in shortly, since I ruined yours. A vehicle will take you wherever you wish to go.”

“That’s it?”


It took every bit of power Waylon possessed to turn away from Trinity. His instincts told him to sink his teeth into her flesh as he shot come into her womb but he fought the beast within. On this matter, he’d not give in to that other part of him.

No. The man would prevail.

Waylon focused on the door, knowing his next statement would sever any further communications with Trinity. “Right, sorry I forgot that you’re paid to perform. I’ll see to it that you are generously compensated for your time and services.”

With that, he walked out of the room. His chest was tight and his gut clenched with each step he took down the hall. He had to fight not to run back to her and wrap his arms around her.

mated for life. While Trinity would go on to find someone else, he would forever want only her—a woman he knew nothing about. A woman who sold her body to men. A woman who had been an inmate on Restigatio. A woman who may or may not be a hired assassin.

A woman who now, in the eyes of his people, was considered his wife.



Chapter Six


Trinity sat at the pixeton game table and stared around the casino. It had been days since she’d seen or heard from Waylon and, so far, she hadn’t had any luck contacting Simon again.

Thankfully, another encrypted file in her head partially decoded, allowing her to at least read the native Mixlione language. It left her with a hell of a headache for the greater portion of a day but it was worth it. She still wasn’t entirely sure about all the colored chips in her bag, but after watching other people interacting, she gathered they were currency. She also knew that Waylon had held true to his promise, he had several bags full of chips dropped off at the hotel she selected along with additional clothing.

She’d been so upset with his presumption that she’d only been with him to be paid that she’d thrown the bags across the hotel room and cried until she could cry no more. The minute she heard herself
beg the empty room to make Waylon show up and fix her broken heart with his healing kiss,
she came to her senses. She wasn’t a beggar. After she’d found a group of thugs trying to rob two old men and beat the living shit out of them. Even that didn’t make her feel completely better.

Now, she sat and took in the scene. A raven-haired woman in the corner of the room caught her eye again. It was the third time in the last day that Trinity had found the woman staring at her. She was so familiar yet Trinity couldn’t place her. She didn’t have a thing against females, but her tastes ran more toward men. So far, the woman had only stared intently at her. An uneasy feeling crept over her but she pushed it down and tore her gaze from the mysterious woman. Never one to let her guard down, Trinity kept her senses heightened just in case something got out of hand.

The A-mac would, or rather should, return her to Restigatio once her mission was complete. The fact that she was still on Mixlione meant that her gut had been right, Waylon was her charge and she was to protect him. Or she’d been wrong and her mission was something altogether different—something connected to Waylon but not directly. Regardless what her actual mission was, Waylon had lit a fire in her she never knew existed. Now, her body ached to be touched and she yearned for release.

A tall man with chin-length jet-black hair caught her eye. There was something familiar about him yet she was positive they’d never met before. The feeling seemed to be running rampant as of late. First the woman and then the handsome man.

Smiling, Trinity lifted her drink and nodded at him. The corner of his mouth pulled up and he made his way across the room to her. He was thin yet looked to be well-defined. In fact, as he got closer, he looked to be more than just well-defined, he was solid. The black suit he wore spoke volumes about his station in life. The man was wealthy. That wasn’t a shock. Mixlione seemed to attract the rich and horny.

“Hello. What’s a beautiful woman such as yourself doing sitting all alone?” the tall stranger asked, his accent sounding similar to Simon’s.

Trinity smiled at him and knew she’d much rather prefer Waylon, but in a pinch this man would do just fine. Since Waylon had turned his back on her and “paid” for her to leave, pinches were all she would ever have. “Does that line work for you often?”

He grabbed his chest and looked slightly taken aback. “Dear lady, you’re not implying that I was using some smarmy pickup line, are you?”

“Oh, I’d never imply something like that. It would seriously cut my chances of getting laid tonight.”

The man nodded, never breaking his calm exterior. He sat in the seat next to her and tossed a red chip onto the table. “So, you’re saying that if I were a betting man, laying odds on the two of us coupling are in my favor then?

“You could say that.”

He smiled. “It’s good to find a woman in this place that’s interested in a good time and doesn’t require payment at the end of the night.”

Trinity’s gut tightened at the man’s words. “What? You don’t think I’m a prostitute?”

The man laughed and tossed another chip on the table. “No. I know a prostitute when I see one and trust me, doll, you aren’t one. Hot as hell, but definitely not a pay-by-the-hour kind of gal.”

“Yeah, well you’d be the first man here to think that. Certain men seem to be fixated on the assumption I am one.” There was no hiding the pain in her voice and she knew it. Waylon had worked his way under her defenses and put a hole in her heart. No amount of sexy, well-spoken men would repair the damage. The best she could do now was to enjoy herself while Abbi and Simon tried to get her back to the base. “So, would you like to fuck tonight or not?”

The man paused a moment and then nodded. “Yes, I would. But do you think we should at least get each other’s names first?”

Trinity shrugged. “Doesn’t matter what you call me just so long as you’ve got a big dick and are willing to use it.”

“Right then, shall we?” he asked, extending his arm to her.

Trinity took it and stood with him. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and she turned to find the mysterious brunette watching her. Not able to shake the feeling that she was in danger, Trinity tensed slightly in preparation for battle.

“Are you having second thoughts?”

She smiled up at him. “No. I very much want to fuck my troubles away.”

“I’d ask what troubles a beautiful woman like you could have but I get the sense you’d refuse to tell me.”

“You’ve got keen senses.”

He chuckled and the sound rolled through her, reminding her of Simon and a bit of Waylon. “That I do, doll. That I do.”

They made their way through the casino and headed onto one of the level lifts. Trinity’s room was on the fourth level but the tall stranger wasn’t going there. No. He pressed the button for the top floor and gave her hand a tiny squeeze.

“I have to admit that I normally don’t find brunettes attractive.”

Glancing up at him, Trinity laughed. “Yeah, well I normally don’t offer to fuck strangers so we’re even.”

He turned to her and wrapped her in his arms. While it felt good to be held, he wasn’t Waylon. Closing her eyes, she found she could easily envision this man as Waylon. Trinity reached up and pulled on the back of his head. When she felt his face near hers, she stood on her tiptoes and puckered her lips.

The stranger’s warm breath ran over her, making her body tighten. “I know that you’ve no desire to share your name with me, but I’m Rupert, in case you wanted to know.”

“That’s great, Rupert. Now shut up and kiss me.”

He did and the moment their tongues touched, Trinity felt an awesome amount of energy pouring through her. Rupert gasped and they both tried to break free from one another but it didn’t work. Giving in to the raw sexual energy, Trinity’s nipples hardened and she pressed her body against his.

Rupert slid his hand down her body and lifted her tiny red dress. When his hand skated over her hip, Trinity drew in a deep breath. The minute Rupert slid his hand between her thighs and moved her thong aside, she gave in to him. When he inserted his long finger into her pussy, she moaned and rode it hard. He rubbed her clit with his thumb and sent pleasure tingling throughout her body. The combination of the pending orgasm and the power that tore through her made Trinity ride Rupert’s fingers even faster.

He pushed his hips against her and she felt him unfastening his dress pants. A second later, the bare head of his cock pressed against her stomach. She moved against it, wishing she was taller so he could fuck her standing up. As much as she wanted to be fucked, she wanted Waylon to be the one in her. It didn’t matter. He thought of her as a whore, a hooker to be paid off and never looked at again.

Maybe my uncle was right. Maybe I was destined to be at men’s mercy. Maybe a half-breed like me should just lie down on her back and enjoy the ride.

Rupert increased his pace and rubbed her clit faster. Trinity cried out into his mouth as her orgasm hit her. Rupert growled and the power between them flared more. Instantly, her cunt was clenching down on his fingers. He pushed hard against her and came with a start all over her bare stomach. They stayed stuck together, entangled in their own kiss, his throbbing cock against her stomach and his finger in her vagina, until the power within them flickered out.

“What the hell?” Trinity opened her eyes and stared up at Rupert. The shocked looked on his face told her that he was as clueless as she was about the events that had just unfolded.

“You’re from Earth or at the very least have Earth blood in your veins,” he said, almost in a whisper as he withdrew his fingers from her pussy and straightened her dress.

Trinity cringed and glanced around the level lift nervously. Being human wasn’t something you announced publicly. Descendents from the planet Earth had undergone a massive extermination during the Cleansing Wars and were hunted for sport in the hundreds of years since. For humans, that might mean many generations. For some aliens with longer life spans, it meant they were old enough to remember firsthand and they weren’t forgetting. Earth was now a ghost planet and what descendents remained kept their identities a secret.

Trinity shook her head and prepared to render Rupert unconscious if need be. “No. Don’t be silly. I’m from Salluinic.”

Rupert put his cock back in his pants and pressed her against the doors of the level lift. He grabbed her throat gently. Dipping his head down, he licked along her jaw line, making her rub her body against him in response to his touch. His come smeared over her stomach and soaked through the front of her dress. “Shhh, don’t be afraid of what you are with me. I’m from Earth as well. I’m a full-blood.”

A full-blood?

Trinity froze. That was almost unheard of. Her mother had been a full-blooded Earthling and her father a native of Salluinic. When her parents died, she and her sisters had been sent to live with their uncle. He was a prominent general in the Salluinic army and knew their “family secret”.

You’re dirty little Earth whores and that’s all you’ll ever be. Her uncle’s words played in her head. She tried to block them out but they kept coming. I’ll not spend my hard-earned money to support dirty lil’ whores such as the likes of you three.

Trinity returned home from school the next day to find her two sisters missing. Her uncle admitted to selling them at the slave auction and he then informed her she was to remain with him and “service his men”.

They fight hard for our people. The least you could do is show some respect.

By respect, her uncle had meant lying on her back and spreading her legs. When she’d refused, he had her beaten and chained to the bed. By the grace of the gods, she’d managed to escape. When her uncle found her, days later, hiding in a filthy, rat-infested cave, he’d decided to teach her to respect a man’s body personally. The fight that followed left her uncle dead and her hands bloody. Too stunned to move, Trinity had been found by her uncle’s troops and sentenced to death on Restigatio
for his murder. They didn’t care about what he’d tried to force her to do or what he’d almost done to her. No, the fact that she’d refused to obey a male in her family only made her sentence more severe.

Her uncle’s attempts at making her a prostitute for his armies was the reason Trinity had taken Waylon’s paying her for her “performance” so hard. It was also the reason Simon had made it clear that she in no way was expected to sleep with any men on her missions. As horrific as her life had been, it was because of that she’d even met Simon and Abbi. She had the ability to kill in her, yet Simon told her again and again that her heart was pure. Trinity wasn’t so sure about that.

Rupert touched her forehead and the memories of her uncle dissipated quickly. Trinity stared up at him with wide eyes. “What did you do to me?”

“I’m sorry, doll. I didn’t know you were part Earthling or I’d have never touched you without increasing my metaphysical shields.”

“Metaphysical what…?” The level lift doors opened suddenly and Trinity tumbled backward, taking Rupert with her.

They landed in a heap on the hallway floor. Rupert’s body was planted firmly over hers in the missionary position. He gave her a sheepish smile and put his forehead against hers. “Ah, it’s good to find another like us.”

“Us?” Trinity asked, making no attempt to get up. While Rupert was no Waylon, he did make her feel safe and that was something that didn’t happen often. To date, Simon and Waylon had been the only other men in her life to have ever made her feel that way. One man owned her life while the other owned her heart.

Rupert’s pale blue eyes flickered to violet and then swirled back to blue. He brought the hand he’d fingered her with to his mouth and inserted it, licking her come from it and rubbing his hips against her body. Something passed over Rupert’s face and he withdrew her fingers from his mouth. “You’re mated?”

Trinity stayed frozen in place beneath him, still shocked by the trick he’d done with his eyes. Waylon’s eyes had done something similar. “You’re a

It was Rupert’s turn to freeze. “What…? How…?”

“Rupert, you had better be here because I just ran up two hundred flights of stairs to get to you. Something is wrong with the level lifts. One is stuck and the other one is being serviced now… What the hell?”

The sound of Waylon’s voice made Trinity look up. He stood above them, dressed in dark gray pants and a white dress shirt. He clutched a matching gray jacket in his hand. Trinity’s gaze inched up his muscular body and when she reached his face, she found it hard, void of emotion.

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