Red Light Specialists (13 page)

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Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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Waylon arched an eyebrow. If Rupert wouldn’t normally select her, then there was hope she was actually a beautiful woman. Immediately, he chastised himself for even entertaining committing to an evening with a prostitute. “I appreciate the effort but I’m going to have to pass.”

“I’m afraid you’re too late. She should be waiting by your vehicle. She said she’d be in a little black dress and you’ll love this one…she’s a brunette.”

“Rupert, don’t you…” The transmission ended and Waylon knew Rupert wouldn’t attempt to connect with him again until morning.

He increased his pace while heading to his vehicle, hoping to avoid whatever slut Rupert had selected for him. Approaching the corner of the building, Waylon heard the sound of men shouting.

“Hey, baby, you know you want to give us a free ride.”

“Yeah, and I want to be the first to let her.”

“No, I’m going first.”

Waylon peered around the corner and spotted five men huddled near the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. His breath caught in his chest as he fully took her in. Her long dark brown hair hung in large, loose curls down to the middle of her back. She looked up at the men with emerald green eyes. A normal humanoid would not have been able to pick out subtle details in the dark at that distance, but Waylon was anything but normal. The woman’s rose-colored lips drew into a smile. She looked entirely too happy to be caught in a dark parking lot with a group of aggressive men.

Did she really want these men to take turns with her?

Glancing her over one last time, he took note of her little black dress. The girl certainly fit Rupert’s description, but how the man could think she wasn’t sexy was beyond him. The idea of sticking his dick in someone who’d serviced more men than she could count had always left him cold. But, staring at this prostitute, his loins burned. He waited in the shadows and watched to see if she’d fuck the group of men or not. Why it was so important to him, he wasn’t sure. One thing was for certain, he couldn’t tear himself away from her.

“Come on, sugar, you know you want daddy to give it to you good and hard,” one man said, reaching out and grabbing her arm.

The prostitute winced. The beast within Waylon tried to surface. He had to fight it back before he went to intervene. The woman twisted fast and delivered a roundhouse kick to the man’s throat. Considering she was only around five foot seven and the man she was up against was well over six feet, that was quite a feat. The man jerked backward and clutched his throat.

Another man threw a punch at her and she not only ducked out of the way, she delivered a jab to his windpipe that sent him to his knees. When the other three charged her, Waylon decided it was high time he helped out. Rushing out of the darkness, he descended upon the three men with his supernatural speed. He took two out with one sweep and the other the prostitute handled.

Waylon turned to check on her and froze as something sharp pressed against his throat. Glancing down, he found that the woman had her leg fully extended and her foot pressed against his neck. That felt awfully sharp to just be a high heel. He narrowed his gaze on her and drew in a deep breath when he realized just how drop dead gorgeous she was.

There was a classic beauty about her, with her high cheekbones and narrowed nose. He couldn’t sense any enhancements on her, which meant that she came by her beauty naturally. From the pressure being applied to his throat, he got the sense that she came by a few others things as well.

She met his gaze head on and didn’t flinch when he let his eyes shift from brown to pale blue and back again. That very move had sent more people running from him than he could count. This one didn’t seem fazed.

“If you move, I will slit your throat.”

“With your pumps?” He smiled devilishly at her and winked.

She pressed her foot harder to his throat and he felt something cutting into his skin. “No, jackass, with the blade sticking out of my pumps.”

Waylon’s cock hardened. Not only was she beautiful, strong and lethal, but her voice was so soft, so silky that it made him instantly think of her calling out his name as he fucked her.

Her green eyes raked over him and she eased the pressure on his neck. “Oh shit, you’re him!”

Waylon seized the moment to grab her ankle and twist her around. He rode her body to the ground and pinned her. The new position did little in the way of alleviating his erection issues. If anything, having her lush ass pressed against his hard cock made it all worse. Why was he so attracted to a whore? And more importantly, where did a common streetwalker learn moves like that? “Who are you?”

“Trinity,” she muttered and he realized that he was pressing too hard on her.

Easing up a bit on her, Waylon took in her light floral scent. He could have sworn that she smelled like an Earthling to him. Knowing that was impossible, he pushed the thought from his mind. “Mmm…oh…okay, Trinity, where the hell did you learn to fight like that?”


Her answer shocked him. Restigatio was a hard-core prison planet that housed women from all over the tri-galaxy area. “Did you get busted for prostitution?”


Trinity huffed and pushed against the man on her back. If she wanted to, she could have flipped him off her without a second thought, but so far all he’d done was make her cream herself. No harm in that, right? His assumption that she’d been convicted of prostitution shocked her. “No, not exactly. Now, let me up or else.”

“Or else what?” he asked, his voice sounded smug. He pressed his hard erection against her ass and her pussy clenched in anticipation. The man took a deep breath in. “Mmm, I get it. If I don’t let you up, you’ll keep creaming yourself until I slide in…err … I mean off you.”

As much as she wanted to hit the man, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Ha, ha, very funny, now let me up.”

He pressed his hips against her and spread her legs more. “Say please.”

Trinity gritted her teeth. “I beg no man.”

“No, you just require an additional fee.”

“Fuck you.”


The man tensed and then rolled off her. She went to stand and found him pulling her up. Glaring at him, she adjusted her now dirty dress. “I can stand on my own, thanks. And, for the record, I didn’t need your help with those men.” She looked around. They were gone. “Hmm, where did they all go?”

The sexy stranger glanced around and shrugged. “Off to try to solicit sex from some other prostitute, I suppose.”

Trinity’s mouth dropped open. Was he implying that she was a hooker, again? Did the man ever let up? Maybe he had prostitutes on the brain or something. Whatever his deal was, he was downright annoying.

And sexy as hell.

She tried to turn and storm away from him to prove a point. What point that was remained to be seen but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t even tear her gaze off him much less leave his vicinity.

“What’s he paying you for the night?” he asked.

Confused, she wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “Huh? Who are you talking about?”

He smiled and extended his hand. “Oh, you’re good. By far the best one he’s picked yet. Gods, you play the game so well that you almost make me think you’re not a…oh …never mind. Anyway, I’m Waylon Balch.”

She liked the sound of that. For a minute, Trinity entertained ignoring Waylon’s hand but her body betrayed her. Before she knew it, her cool hand was planted in his warm one.

He glanced down at their joined hands and smiled. “You’re so tiny.”

Tiny? That wasn’t something she was called often. It wasn’t like she was a giant or anything but she was tall—taller than many of the other agents at least. Waylon caressed her hand and she lost her train of thought.

His dark brown eyes locked on her and a devilish grin spread over his handsome face. “So, would you like to continue to stand out here in the dark or shall we head back to my place and fuck the night away?”

Trinity staggered backward and almost fell. Waylon’s hold on her hand was the only thing that kept her steady and upright. Fucking the night away wasn’t something she did but now it was all she could think about.

“You okay? If you would rather just fuck in my transport vehicle or even behind the casino, we can. I just assumed you’d prefer a bed. I guess women like you can do it anywhere, huh?”

“Women like…?”

Waylon leaned forward fast and captured her lips with his. All of her protests stopped as the sweet taste of his mouth consumed her. When his tongue dove in and licked along the inner edges of her lower lip, Trinity moaned and pressed her body against his.

At the moment, she’d let him think whatever the hell he wanted to think about her. She was horny and in need of a stiff cock. From the feel of what was pressing into her stomach, Waylon would more than do.



Chapter Two


Trinity stared over at Waylon, unsure why she’d gotten into his vehicle. The compulsion to see to his safety overwhelmed her. As she watched him maneuvering through the busy sections of the city, the tension she normally carried eased.

Never before had a man affected her so. On the few occasions that she’d given in to the need for sex, she’d simply selected someone she found attractive and fucked him. No questions asked. No comments. No further attraction. Could she really see herself simply fucking the man next to her then never looking back?

Not that it mattered. She was an RLS-69 operative until the end of her natural life. Other agents would only serve until their original sentence was up, but Trinity was not eligible for parole and hers was a life sentence. Though she had been sentenced to death to start with. Simon’s intervention and offer of working for him stopped that. Living with Simon was not only bearable, he was the closest thing to a family she had in a very long time.

Like it or not, the RLS program owned her and falling for a man wasn’t an option. It could only lead to heartache. The very thought of caring for someone and then going back to her life on Restigatio terrified her. She’d learned to numb herself to the reality of forever being alone many years ago. To let anyone under her protective shields was not only foolish, it was insane.

“Did you decide where you want to fuck?”

Trinity’s mouth fell open and she bit back a rude comment. Taking two calming breaths, she forced a smile onto her face. “Do you speak this way to all the women you meet or am I just special?”

Waylon chuckled. “Special, yes, but that doesn’t really change things, does it?”


“Meaning,” he said, glancing over at her, “there can never be anything between us so let’s just enjoy our time and make every ounce of money dropped on this meeting tonight count.”


What the hell was he talking about? Why was he so convinced she was a prostitute? Was that her cover story? If so, how did he know that? It wasn’t like she attempted to solicit him.

His gaze raked over her and her nipples hardened. Regardless what the man thought she was, her body wanted him, she wanted him. Did it really matter what he thought? He was right. There would never be anything between them. She was a convicted criminal and half human. A combination like that would turn any man away.

She touched his thigh and had to hold back from squeezing it. “You decide.”


“It’s my call, huh?” Waylon asked as his cock began to harden. Trinity’s hand was so light on his leg that he wasn’t even sure she was still touching him. And gods how he wanted her to touch him. He wanted to land his vehicle and fuck the hell out of her. Giving in to his animalistic nature, he made a fast left turn and pulled into a dark alley.


“Computer, lower the control panels.”

Instantly, the dark gray steering column and the control dashes shifted forward, leaving a few extra feet for maneuverability. Rupert had told him countless stories of having sex with women in his transport vehicle and he was an inch or so taller than Waylon. He didn’t care if his legs were so cramped that it stopped the flow of blood. He wanted Trinity. “Come here.”

Seeing the hesitation in her face, Waylon thought she might actually back out. That was odd. He was rich, handsome and had a great body. As vain as it was, it was all true. Women generally threw themselves at him and here sat a women whose job was to please men, yet she seemed reserved. It was odd to say the least.

“If you’d rather…”

Trinity slid over to him fast and touched his cheek. Her hand was cool against his feverish skin. He didn’t have a chance to ask her if she wanted to go back to the casino. She leaned into him and pressed her mouth to his. The taste of her sweet lips made him growl softly and pull her into his arms. She drew back from him and he mourned the feel of her soft lips.

Damn, she even tastes human.

She looked shyly up at him through hooded black lashes. His heart beat madly in his chest. Waylon fought for control, not wanting the beast he carried within to interfere with this moment of bliss. Stroking Trinity’s face gently, Waylon ran the pad of his thumb over her swollen lips. “So beautiful.”

She kissed his thumb gently. The green in her eyes seemed to deepen and Waylon couldn’t help himself. Grabbing hold of her, he lifted her quickly and pulled her onto his lap. She yelped and he chuckled.

Why was interacting with her so easy, so natural? They were strangers yet he’d found himself happy more than once in their short time together. That wasn’t normal for him.

“Mmm, this is…umm…nice,” she whispered, her cool breath sliding over him.

Waylon rocked his hips against her and slid his hand down to her thigh. He caressed it, moving his hand up and under her tiny black dress. She gasped as he slid his hands even higher. When his fingers skated over the tops of her pantyhose, it was his turn to draw in a deep breath. He was so near the prize, so close to finding her heated core. His erection pressed madly against his pants, to the point it was painful. “I need to be in you.”

Trinity leaned back and Waylon thought she was backing out on having sex with him. Disappointment ran through him. When she lifted her leg high in the air, he caught sight of her tiny black panties. Swinging her leg, she straddled him and moved her body forward.

She placed her arms around his neck as she rubbed herself against the bulge in his pants. “Mmm, this is even better.”

He smiled. “I agree.”

Trinity’s mouth came down on his and he moaned. The second she rubbed her cunt against his clothed member, the beast within him tried to rise. Somehow, he managed to hold it at bay, even when Trinity reached between them and unfastened his pants.

His erection now free, it immediately sought the bounty before it. The tip of his dick pressed against her wet panties. He growled into her mouth and she pressed her body tighter to his. Sliding his hands up and under her dress, his body jerked as his fingers splayed over her luscious curves. No enhancements, nothing to clutter his heightened senses.

So soft. So smooth. So real.

Trinity reached between them and slid her panties to the side, allowing his cock access to her. He pulled her closer to him and pressed the tip of his dick to her entrance. It was as hot and wet as he thought it would be. Breaking his kiss, he looked into her green eyes. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk, can’t move, can barely breathe. If you’re not willing to take me every way for the entire night, you need to tell me now. Once I feel your pussy wrapped around me, I won’t be able to stop.”

She nibbled at his neck and licked a slow path to his mouth. Drawing his bottom lip between hers, her gaze met his. The sultry look in Trinity’s eyes made his gut clench. The need to fuck her was overwhelming and the beast within him wanted in on the action.

Fighting a full-out shape shift into his preferred black panther form, Waylon pulled back a bit from Trinity. No woman had ever driven him to the point of changing or almost changing during sex before.


Trinity watched as Waylon seemed to distance himself from her. Her first reaction was to lean into him and slide over his cock. It was nestled beneath her dress, not open to her view, and she desperately wanted to know if it was as good as she thought it was. But Waylon’s body tensed and he suddenly looked as though the thought of fucking her was painful.

Offended, she slid off him. When he made no move to hold her in place, she knew that he hadn’t felt as strong a connection as she had.

Just as well.

The hair on the back of her neck began to tingle and all worries over her appeal to Waylon vanished. Her RLS training assured that she’d use all her senses to stay safe. And her limited sixth sense was telling her something was wrong.

“I’m sorry for that. I…I…just needed a minute to collect myself,” Waylon said, softly.

“Think nothing of it. That seems to be happening to a lot of guys lately.” She’d assumed he’d meant that he had premature ejaculation. The startled look upon his face told her she’d judged wrong.

“I do not have a problem holding off my orgasm. In fact, it’s better if I do.” Each word was clipped. “And just how
men have you been with lately?”

As much as she wanted to both hit him and soothe him, Trinity had time for neither. The sense that something was wrong increased. Glancing out of the window nervously, she did her best to see in the darkness. The only light came from the now retracted control panel and that only let off enough to allow her to see Waylon. If her suspicions that they were being watched panned out, then that meant whoever was out there could see them but they couldn’t see him.

Instantly, another file from the A-mac decrypted in her head. Trinity bit back a scream as her mind accessed the broken information. A vision of a woman with long hair popped into her mind. She couldn’t make out a face, but she saw the long sniper rifle in the woman’s hand. An image of Waylon flooded through her, only in the vision he was spread out on the ground, not moving.

“Well, are you going to answer me?”

“No,” Trinity said as she kicked into RLS mode. It was then she noticed a small fuchsia pinpoint from across the way. That was an M825y6 sniper rifle marking if she’d ever seen one. The range on the weapon was quite extensive and Trinity knew they’d never get away fast enough. “Get down!”

“Answer my damn question!”

“Sexy and stupid. Just my luck.”


Shit, I said that aloud.

Knowing that his time was limited, Trinity launched herself at him, reaching for the lever that would release his seat back. She pushed off the dash with both feet, adding to the force of her body hitting his. They flipped over the seat and landed with a thud in the cargo portion of the vehicle. Waylon looked stunned beneath her and then pissed. He opened his mouth just as a blast rattled the entire vehicle.

Trinity pressed her body tight to his, hoping to shield him from any debris. Quickly, their positions changed. No longer was she the protector. Now, she was the protected. Trapped under his large body, she had little time to protest before another blast rocked them.

Waylon’s brown eyes shifted to pale blue as he snarled. Trinity drew in a deep breath. It was one thing to see him do this during battle. It was another to see the trick up close and personal. Her heart raced and the instinct to fight instead of run kicked in. She brought her knee up fast, hoping to catch him off guard. When he shifted quickly, blocking her progress, she realized that catching Waylon off guard wouldn’t be easy.

“Who is shooting at us and why?”

Trinity shook her head slightly. “I don’t know who or why.”

He bent his head down and sniffed her neck. “You lie but you don’t.”

Okay, that was weird.

Was she supposed to tell him the absolute truth? That she was a special agent whose planet downloads went berserk? Somehow, she didn’t think he’d buy that. If he did, what would happen to her? Simon had made it very clear that disclosing the RLS-69 program was not tolerated. He and his “associates” liked their privacy. They even killed to protect it. She didn’t think Simon would hurt her. Then again, she never thought he’d come in his pants while she demonstrated the art of seduction.

Waylon pressed his body against hers, causing his thick erection to dig into her. He caught hold of her wrists and pressed them above her head. “I should be angry with you. Furious, in fact. But all I can think about is fucking you senseless.” He pushed harder, grinding his pelvis against the soft pad of her pussy. “That will be your punishment. I’ll fuck you and then I might have to spank you for keeping things from me.”

The obvious threat didn’t scare Trinity one bit. It excited her, made her nipples pucker and her inner thighs tighten. She rubbed her body against his and almost begged him to take her. It didn’t matter that a crazed woman with a sniper phaser was attempting to kill them. It didn’t matter that Waylon didn’t trust her. All that mattered was how wet her pussy was and how very much she wanted his dick in it.

“Mmm, you’re wet for me. I can smell it.”

Trinity was just about to comment on Waylon’s bizarre choice of words when another large blast struck the vehicle. This time the impact proved to be more than the transport vehicle could withstand. Even though it was top of the line, it wasn’t made for a full-on attack.

Something snapped and popped next her head. Blue and white sparks shot out of a panel near her. Trinity hissed as one of the sparks came into contact with her cheek. The sudden pain brought her back from the edge of sexual madness. Instantly she did the only thing she could think of. She slammed her head into his.


Waylon jerked back, shocked that Trinity had resorted to head-butting him. That moment afforded her the opportunity to thrust him off her. In an instant, she was at the back hatch and flipping it open. At first, he assumed she wanted away from him but when she looked back, she motioned to him.

“We need to get the hell out of here. One more shot and this could explode.”

She thrust her tight little ass up in the air as she prepared to leap out of the vehicle. Waylon’s cock jerked wildly, wanting him to go to her, fuck her and claim her.

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