Saturday (Timeless Series #6) (18 page)

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And I’d put her assailant behind bars as well.

Rose pressed her forehead to mine then ran her fingers through my hair. She felt the soft strands gently, her eyes looking into mine. The sorrow burned from deep within her soul. She felt the same pain I did, carrying it as a burden so I wouldn’t carry it alone.

Her fingers slowly drifted down my cheek until they reached my jawline. She felt the stubble that started to come in immediately after I shaved. She felt each strand like she wanted to memorize it, to treasure it.

Her hand migrated to my chin. She felt the stubble there as well as the skin just below my bottom lip. Her eyes were glued to my mouth, appreciating it just the way I appreciated hers.

My body stiffened in anticipation.

She cupped my cheek in a loving way and moved in slightly, her lips almost touching mine.

It took all my willpower to remain still, to keep my hands and lips to myself. I wanted this, more than I could ever explain in words. My body was hot on fire and my heart was about to give out.

Rose crossed the last few inches and slowly pressed her mouth to mine.


Her lips remained idle, sitting against mine. They were plump and firm, everything I suspected they would be. I could feel the softness of her skin, and when her deep breath fell on my upper lip my dick became hard.

I wished it wouldn’t.

Rose kept her mouth there, breathing hard and growing accustomed to the burn between our lips.

I’d never felt this sensation in my life. When I kissed other women I felt a spark that ignited into a fire. But with Rose, it was an inferno the moment we touched. My fingers sizzled, and my heart skipped a beat every few seconds. The kiss was sexless and practically PG but it was so sexy at the same time.

I couldn’t believe she kissed me.

She breathed into my mouth, her bottom lip trembling slightly. I could feel her hesitation as well as her desire. She wanted to kiss me more, kiss me harder.

And I hoped she would

It took all my strength to not seize control of the moment and suck her lips until they were puckered in red. Naturally, I wanted to roll her to her back and kiss her hard, kiss her everywhere. I wanted to take charge of the moment and kiss her until her lips were chapped.

Somehow, I restrained myself.

Rose gently pulled away, our wet lips slowly breaking apart. The ecstasy was in her eyes, the same kind in mine. Her fingers slowly trailed down my cheek until they moved to my chest. Her breathing was still haywire.

I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to keep going and never stop.

Her fingers were digging into my chest, nearly breaking the skin, but she didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes were still glued to my lips, as if she couldn’t believe what she just did.

I wanted to move in and keep going, but I didn’t want to pressure her.

She loosened her grip on my chest when she realized what she was doing. She quickly pulled it away, apologetic for hurting me.

My cock was rock-hard and unable to be subdued. That kiss brought it to life, made it crave something it hadn’t had in a long time. It desperately wanted Rose, to be inside her and never leave. I couldn’t just make it go away with a simple command. It would take several minutes, maybe an hour, for it to finally deflate.

Rose moved away from me slightly, putting space in between us again.

I didn’t want distance. I wanted our bodies to be so close together they formed a single entity. “I want to keep kissing you.” I had to train my body to do things differently. Instead of doing what I wanted I had to ask her permission first. Sometimes my desire blocked out all my logic and I turned into a carnal man in desperate need of affection. But I had to keep in mind how different this situation was. I couldn’t afford to take one wrong step.

With her breathing still irregular, she stared at my lips.

I held myself back, waiting for her consent.

“I…I’m sorry.” She started to move further away, getting out of the bed altogether.

“Sweetheart, that’s fine.” I grabbed her wrist and steadied her. “Please don’t go.”

She sat at the edge of the bed, her wrist still clamped tightly in my fingers.

“Come back.” I didn’t pull her in any direction. My fingers were just loose enough that she could pull away if she wanted to.

She turned back to me, the hesitance in her eyes. “I’m sorry…I’m not trying to lead you on or yank your chain—”

“It’s okay. Really.” I gently pulled her toward me, making her glide back into bed. “If you ever want to kiss me again, go for it. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine too.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear and avoided eye contact with me. “Maybe this won’t work—”

“It will work.” I wasn’t letting go. “Just relax.” I released her altogether and got back into bed. I lay back and remained calm, wanting her to do the same. I rested one arm behind my head and breathed normally.

She got back into bed a moment later, pulling the sheets over her body.

I loved that kiss so much that I couldn’t regret it. But if it drove her away I’d have no other choice but to resent it.

“You must be frustrated with me. If you want to leave and be with someone else, I wouldn’t hold it against you.”

There was no one else in the world that compared to her. I moved next to her and wrapped my arms around her, making sure she couldn’t slip from my grasp. “I’m only frustrated when you push me away. Don’t say things like that. I don’t want anyone else but you.”


“I don’t want anyone else but you.” I’d say it as many times as she needed to hear it. “Now let’s go to sleep. I don’t know about you but I have a long day tomorrow.” I spooned her from behind and kept my hips slightly out, not wanting her to feel the hard definition in my boxers. It would be unfair for her to hold that against me, something out of my control, but I kept it far away from her and avoided the problem altogether.



When I kissed Kyle I wasn’t thinking. The pull came over me, and my body leaned forward without thinking. A desire burned deep inside me, and the pain from his revelation hit me square in the chest. I wanted to comfort him.

I wanted to comfort myself.

That kiss sent me high into the sky—to the universe. It was powerful and earthshattering. I couldn’t keep my feet on the ground for even a second. My lips were so hot they burned, and the rest of my body ached in the same way. It was the first time I wanted to be with a man.

The kiss wasn’t the problem. The definition of his hard-on in his boxers wasn’t the problem ether.

I was the problem.

Could I be with him without telling him the truth? Would that be right? I had the perfect opportunity that night. His sister experienced the same nightmare I did. We shared a common experience. Of all people, he would understand.

But I still couldn’t do it.

Would he look at me the same? Would he be so turned off that he would walk away? Would he stay with me just out of pity?

I didn’t know what to do. So I ended the embrace and turned away.

Kyle was unbelievably patient with me. He was practically a monk. For a man who could get anyone he wanted, he seemed intent on waiting it out with me. I knew he must be frustrated, being with the same woman for months without getting any action.

But he never complained.

He was making me fall hard for him, getting to the point where I couldn’t stand the possibility of losing him. He made me happy in a way no one else ever had. Sometimes I wondered if it was all a dream.

One that I never wanted to end.

It was tense for the following week, and the plane ride to France was also awkward. Kyle didn’t bring up that night or try to kiss me again, unless it was on the forehead. He was still affectionate with me like he always was, holding my hand or gripping my waist, but he wasn’t quite the same.

I wasn’t sure if I should say something.

When we arrived in Cannes I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. It was right next to the water, the coastline absolutely gorgeous. The sand was pristine white, and all the people were beautiful. Our hotel was right on the water, and it smelled like a scent I’d never experienced. The air was clean and the people were a little brash, but I loved it there all the same.

Kyle checked in. “I have two rooms—both under Kyle.”

He had two rooms?

The concierge pulled up the information on the computer. “Yes, I have you down for two suites.”

We weren’t sharing the same room?

“Thank you.” Kyle took the sets of keys then turned to me. “They’re right next to each other.”

“We aren’t staying together…?” I took the card with a shaky hand.

Kyle placed his in his wallet. “I just thought you’d be more comfortable alone.”

We hadn’t slept together since that night with the broken kiss, but I assumed we’d be attached at the hip for the weekend. “Uh…I’d rather stay with you.” I missed his strong body keeping me warm. His body heat naturally acted as a heater, keeping the cold sheets comfortable at all times. I loved feeling his powerful body beside mine, like nothing could hurt me when he was near.

“You’re sure?”

I nodded.

Kyle watched my face for hesitance, and when he didn’t find it he returned the keys to the extra room. “Nevermind. We won’t be needing these.”


Kyle hung up his suit in the closet then checked his phone for messages.

“What’s the plans for tonight?”

“The rehearsal dinner. The restaurant is right down the road.”

“What should I wear?”

“Something fancy.” When he finished checking his messages he looked me in the eye. “My mom and Charles have expensive taste.”

I opened my suitcase and searched through my outfits, unsure what I should try.

He came to my side then sorted through the dresses. He pulled out a deep blue one that had a low cut in the front. He whistled loudly. “Damn. This is the winner.”

I chuckled. “It’s not too slutty?”

“Sweetheart, there’s no such thing as too slutty.”

“There is when I’m meeting your mother for the first time.”

“Don’t worry about it. You could show up naked and she would still love you.”

“Why do I doubt that…?”

“Trust me. She’s just happy that I’m happy.”

I hadn’t met a boyfriend’s mother before, but I wasn’t nervous to do it for the first time. If she was anything like her son she was wonderful. And since the last woman left Kyle to go back to her ex, I would probably be immediately liked in comparison. “Then this should be easy.”

“It’ll be a walk in the park, sweetheart.”


Kyle held my hand as we walked down the narrow sidewalk together. Everything in France was reduced. The roads were thinner, the walkways were slimmer, and even the bathrooms were smaller.

“I’m starving.” He dropped my hand and hooked his arm around my waist. His hand rested on my lower back, squeezing the fabric slightly. “How about you?”

“I feel like I’m always hungry.”

He chuckled. “Good. You have great metabolism.”

“I think I just like to eat.”

“That makes two of us.” He approached the entrance to the restaurant and held the door open for me.

“Wait.” I grabbed his wrist and pulled him off to the side.

“What’s up, sweetheart?”

“How should I address your mother?” By her married last name? Her first name?

“Carol is fine.”

“You’re sure?” I couldn’t afford to screw this up.

“Yes.” A slow smile crept into his lips. “Where did these nerves come from?”

“I guess I just want this to go well…”

“Sweetheart, you’ll be fine. My mother already loves you, as I’ve told you. The man she’s marrying is Charles. He’s very nice too. Honestly, you couldn’t ask for better people. I know I’m biased and everything, but they’re down-to-earth people.”

That made me feel a little better. “Okay.”

He kissed my forehead before he pulled me inside. “Now let’s eat.”


Kyle’s mom was exactly how he depicted her. She was warm and inviting, and she loved Kyle with every fiber of her being. Despite the pain deep in her eyes from losing a husband and a child, she still had a zest for life. She drank more wine than anyone else, and she laughed more than all of us combined.

“So, you’re an architect?” Charles asked. “That’s very interesting.”

“Yes, I enjoy it.” I already finished my food and now I was sipping my wine. “It can be stressful sometimes, but I love all the bad moments as well as the good ones.”

“I can imagine,” he said. “Kyle said you’re designing his beach house?”

“I was…I haven’t really gotten around to it.” I dropped the project when we started dating. I spent all my free time with him so I didn’t have a chance to work on his new home.

“Because you’ve been busy, I hope.” Carol smiled before she took a drink. “You have no idea how happy I am that you’re here. My son talks about you so much, and it’s so nice to finally put a name to a face.”

“Mom, chill.” Kyle spoke politely but his tone hinted at his irritation.

“I’m so flattered I was invited. France is so beautiful.” This dinner was going way better than I imagined it would. Even though I just met Carol and her fiancée I felt like I knew them for my entire life.

“Nervous about tomorrow?” Kyle didn’t seem to care for the answer but he was eager to change the subject.

“Not really,” Carol said. “Charles and I have been together for a long time. I think it’s time we tie each other down.”

Charles gave her an affectionate look. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Will your kids be there tomorrow?” Kyle asked.

The previous smile on his face evaporated immediately. “No, unfortunately. My kids aren’t as open to the idea of me getting remarried as you are.”

That was heartbreaking.

“I’m sorry,” Kyle said. “For what its worth, I’m very happy you’re getting married.”

“Thanks, kid,” Charles said with a forced smile.

“We aren’t going to let them bother us,” Carol said. “We make each other happy and that’s all that matters. I don’t want Charles’ money and I don’t need it. And he’s been alone for almost fifteen years. He deserves to have someone, as do I.”

I couldn’t agree more.

“You’re right, Mom.” Kyle clanked his glass against his mother’s. “I’ll drink to that.” He downed the rest of his wine like it was a shot.

I did the same.

“Well, we should get to bed,” Charles said. “We have a long day tomorrow.”

“You guys better be sleeping in different rooms,” Kyle warned. “No hanky-panky the night before the wedding.” He shook his forefinger at both of them.

Carol chuckled. “Kyle…”

“I’m being serious,” Kyle said. “That’s not traditional.”

“I think it’s okay since we’ve already been married,” Carol said.

“And I need to have the
with you.” He pointed at Charles.

“What talk?” Charles asked.

“You know, are you going to treat my mom right? Stuff like that. I’m the man of this family and it’s my duty.” Kyle smiled so they both knew he was joking.

Charles turned to Carol. “Damn, he’s strict.”

“He’s just protective of me.” Her eyes lit up when she looked at her son. “He’s a momma’s boy.”

“Yep.” Kyle raised his fist in the air. “And I’m proud of it.”

Kyle wasn’t just good-looking and successful. He was the biggest sweetheart in the world. He always made everyone around him smile. Making other people happy seemed to bring him the most joy.

“Do we need to have the birds and the bees talk too?” Kyle asked.

Charles chuckled. “I’ve already had three kids. I think I’m okay.”

“Alright,” Kyle said. “My door is always open if you need to talk.”

Charles turned to me. “You have a good man on your hands, Rose.”

“I know.” I felt Kyle stare at the side of my face. “I’m very lucky. I’m not sure what I did to deserve such a wonderful man, but I’m not going to think about it too hard. I’m just glad he’s mine.”


“What’d you think?” Kyle kicked off his shoes then undressed himself. He removed his jacket then undid his tie, giving me a private strip show.

“About what?” I slipped off my heels and felt my feet scream in relief.

“About my mom.”

“She was great.”

“I’m glad the two of you got along.” He undid the buttons of his shirt then pulled it off. He returned it to the hanger and let it rest on the back of the chair. “My mom is pretty cool. I don’t know very many people who dislike her.”

“I doubt anyone dislikes her.”

He pulled off his socks then removed his slacks.

I’d seen him nearly naked many times, and I was never ready for the sight. He was undeniably beautiful, fit and strong. He had the body of a Greek god and the heart of a saint. He was the sexiest man I’d ever laid eyes on. Sometimes I couldn’t believe I didn’t jump on top of him and had my way with him. Whenever we were together I didn’t think about my past. All I thought about was him.

Kyle caught my stare. “Checking me out?” He grinned from ear-to-ear.

“Uh…” I was caught red-handed. “I just…”

“I’ll take that as an omission of guilt.”

I turned away and stared at my shoes on the ground. I fidgeted with the necklace I wore, trying to find something to do with my hands. My cheeks were turning bright red. I could feel the heat.

Kyle grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge then got into bed. “Are you going to join me anytime soon?” He turned off the lamp and got comfortable.

“Yeah…just let me change.” I walked into the bathroom and undressed myself. There was an unusual sensation in my fingertips, a burn that wouldn’t die out. My entire body felt hot, and the area between my legs was wet. I hadn’t been turned on like this in so long I almost didn’t recognize it.

I put on my pajamas but felt awkward doing it. I wanted to walk out there in just my underwear. I wanted to slip under the covers and feel his naked body rub against mine. Instead of sleeping I wanted to do scandalous things.

Was I ready for it?

I pulled off my pajamas as quickly as I put them on. In just my panties and bra I looked at myself in the mirror. My make up was still on and it wasn’t smeared. My hair looked pretty decent too. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do, but I would regret it if I didn’t.

I left the bathroom and walked to the bed. Kyle lay on his back with his eyes closed. His chest rose and fell gently, his breathing calm. The sheets were bunched around his waist, showing his hard chest and defined stomach.

I swallowed the lump in my throat before I slid into the bed beside him. My bare skin rubbed against his, and when he noticed the lack of clothes his eyes opened.

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