Seducing Peaches (15 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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She suddenly remembered he could see her and picked her jaw up off her desk, closed her laptop and glared briefly in his direction. 
I bet he’s sitting over there laughing at me
.  The vibration in her pocket startled her.  She reached in pulling out her cell. 
Texting now!.


Lois, LMAO, you can’t avoid me.  Until next time.


Ha, what makes him so sure of himself



Tom, I closed my laptop because I’m not playing your game.  Furthermore, what makes you think there will be a next time?
After all, you were not a very nice guest last night.



because as I said before bewitched you.  Fight it if you will.  Fight hard.  I sincerely mean that.  And Lois, if I wasn’t very nice, and if I had left you hanging, I would have left the moment you swallowed baby.



Tom, Then there isn’t a problem.  I do not desire therefore th
ere is no fighting.  It will NOT happen again.  I have other ways of getting pleasure.




She sat her phone down, opened her laptop and begin reviewing some documents she had prepared before leaving yesterday.  He text again.  She thought about it a moment and then deleted it without reading it.  In a few minutes and two paragraphs later he IM’s her again.





Thanks for the coffee.  It tastes very good this morning.  It’s doing wonderful things to my taste buds.






You do know I have work to do and I am sure you don’t pay me to respond to I M’s all               day.


She waited for his response but didn’t get one.  So she sent him one.



As you told me when you hired me, I could redecorate my office at the company’s expense.  I have chosen what I want to do and the company in which I want to do it.  May I proceed?






You may do as you like.  Let me know when it is finished and I’ll sign a check.

P.S. What will you do for me? : )



I’ll tell you what I’ll do for you.  Block your view and self-entertainment.
  She reached for the phone and dialed the number she had pulled up on her screen.


              “L & M Glass, May I help you?”

“Hello, this is Lois Brown over at Hasting Inc.  I wish to place an order.”   She told them what she wanted and made arrangements for them to begin this evening and have it completed by morning.  She smiled to herself and looked toward his office hoping he seen her. 




I was thinking that maybe you would like to go out and have dinner, like a date, tonight?






I would very much like to have a “date night” with you.  I have to work tonight.  When else would you like to do it?





I would very much like to do
“it” anytime you are ready.





I meant date night, goober.
  And “doing it” is out of the picture.


Immediately his response came back.




Thanks so much for the laugh.  I haven’t been called a goober since I was a kid.  Bringing out the youth in me.  You do know what a goober is don’t you?  How about you quit your second job.  I could give you a raise if need be.  Tonight then?


No way.  It can’t be.  He can’t mean it.  Does he?  Let’s find out.




Thank you for that.  I will look forward to seeing that raise on my pay check.  Can’t wait.


Dinner came and gone.  She went her way and he went his.  She didn’t understand if he was playing some kind of game with her or if what she seen in his eyes had been false.  One minute he couldn’t keep his hands off of her, the next minute he walked away without ever touching her.  She was on his endless roller coaster of lust, need, and addiction.

Text- “Lois, just thought you would like to go to the opera with me.  Tomorrow night.  We will leave after work.  No excuses.”  

Demanding, but it turned her on.  Strangely enough she liked it when he was in control of everything.  But she didn’t want him to know that.

The day seemed like it was never going to end.  She couldn’t wait to be close to him again.  She wanted to have him in a way she never had before.  She needed him mentally, emotionally and physically.  Until now, it had only been physical.  And with the orgasm he had shown her, it only made her want more.

She must have been lost in her thoughts because it seemed like a millisecond later Tom was standing at her door asking her if she was ready to go.  She gestured yes and walked toward him.  He held the door and they left.  He didn’t speak to her on the way.  He didn’t act his normal, charming, teasing self.

They got into a car with a driver and all.  This should have had her excited, but instead she felt depressed.  Why would he do this to her?  She hadn’t expected him to jump her bones right there on the spot, but a sincere hello would have been great.  Holding her hand, or laying his on her thigh, or even putting his arm around her would have been better.

The car stopped and she didn’t wait for the driver to open it.  The helipad.  “Helicopter?”  She had never been on an airplane much less a helicopter.

“Yes.  Are you scared?”

Yes, I am.
  Inside the helicopter there were two dry cleaning bags hanging there.  She noted two shoe boxes.  She looked at him with the question written all over her face.

His only response was, “You’ll see later.  Sit back and enjoy the view.”

He helped her put on her head set.  She could hear people talking back and forth, but she didn’t understand a word they were saying.  Everything was too fuzzy.

The flight wasn’t nearly long enough.  It was over before she knew it.  Taking off wasn’t so bad, it was the landing that made her nervous as hell.  The pilot was awesome.  She hardly felt a bump when he touched down. 

Another car, long ride without talking

Yay, how much fun.
  The ride wasn’t long at all.  They stopped outside a restaurant. 
Oh how sweet, he’s gonna wine and dine me.  This should be interesting. 
Awkward was more like it.

They were seated and he ordered for them both.  Lois drank the glass of red wine in one gulp.  She felt uncomfortable and irritated.  He knew something was wrong.  Twenty minutes later and two glasses of wine the food arrived.  Silence annoyed her throughout the dinner but she didn’t offer to end it either.  When they finished he handed her the bag.

“You want me to change now?”

“Yes.”  She didn’t say a word.  She stood and went to the restroom.

When she unzipped the bag and seen what was covered one thought came to mind.
Oh my god.
  Long red, very elegant gown.  Shoes to match.  In the shoe box there was another small box with a note. 


These are almost as beautiful as you.  I look forward to seeing you wear only them.


The lid to the jewelry box said Winston. 

She opened and
OH MY GOD!!!!! 
Large ruby circled by diamond earrings.  The necklace, single row of diamonds with a single ruby dangling.  She closed the lid immediately. 

I can’t do this.  I can’t.  There is no way I can wear these.
  She opened the box again.

She dressed and for a moment she felt happy.  She held the jewelry box in her hand. 

Just put them on Lois.  He’s got it.  So what if something happens.
I hope it does.
  She was angry with him. 

She didn’t want all the finer things in life that clearly he was giving her.  She wanted his attention.  She wanted his touch.  She wanted to at least feel that he cared more for her than the appearance of her.

She walked out and he was standing there in his black tux waiting for her.  He looked so damn sexy.  She could take him right back into the bathroom and have her way with him.  Or he could have his way with her.  She didn’t care either way.

“You look exquisite, stunning.  Never seen anyone or anything more beautiful than you.    Shall we go?”

“Yes Sir.” His compliments did the trick.  She felt happy and finally comfortable. Relaxed.

They arrived at the theater and everyone was dressed so lovely.  They found their seats and when the music began, she got all cheerful inside. 

When it was over some two hours later, again her mouth got the best of her.  “Thank God.” 
Oh shit.
  He laughed. 

“I take it you didn’t like it?”

“Well, it wasn’t that I didn’t like it.  The costumes were gorgeous.  The voices were beautiful.  But I didn’t understand anything they were saying.”

“Hmm.  Well I guess next time, we will just have to get all dressed up and then we’ll get all undressed.”  He raised one side of his mouth into a smile.  Now that she understood completely.

She fell asleep in the helicopter on the way back.  She remembered getting in it, didn’t remember taking off, didn’t remember landing, just his sweet touch caressing her face and saying her name.

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to crash the lovely evening by falling asleep.”

“It’s ok.  Did you know you talk in your sleep?”

“What did I say?”

“Well, I don’t know if I want you to know just yet.”

“Come on tell me.  No one has ever told me I talked in my sleep before.”

“Later.  Let’s get you home.”

He held her hand as he escorted her to her door and gently kissed her goodnight.  As he turned away she couldn’t help it.  She wasn’t ready for the night to be through.

“Do you want to come in?  Maybe a nightcap?”  He stopped and waited a moment before turning around to look at her.


He slowly walked in and followed her to the little bar that was full of little bottles of everything. 

“What will it be?”

“Shot of tequila and a beer, please.”


She poured his shot, got out 2 beers.  She watched as he took the shot and chased it with his beer. 
So what is gonna happen now?
She went to the balcony and walked out.  He followed closely behind.

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