Seducing Peaches (19 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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“No, you’re not going home.  You want answers right.  You’re about to get them.”

“Why, why now?” She continued to yell.

“Because, when I get done with you, you’re gonna want answers and then you will deserve them.”

“What are you going to do with me?” She stuttered out.

“Did I not warn you?  Did I not tell you to fight?”

She didn’t know how to answer that.  He did.  She flipped him off and turned looking out the window.  She didn’t listen to him.  She didn’t like the way he was looking at her.  It scared her.  She had butterflies crowded in her stomach, but he wasn’t going to see that she was terrified and nervous.  But freakishly turned on.  She couldn’t let him see that for sure.

They parked.  She got out and noticed she wasn’t his house.  “I thought we were going to your place?”

“This is my place.”  He grabbed her elbow and drug her in.  Right passed the door man who didn’t say a word.  He was taking long strides swiftly.  He opened his door and pulled her in.  Locking it behind him with a key and putting it in his pocket. 
Oh shit.

Dragging her up the stairs, she lost one of her heels.  He didn’t stop, he kept dragging her.  He was either going to kill her or fuck her brains out.  She couldn’t tell either way by his actions.  She was leaning more towards the kill her.  Although she was hoping for the fucking.

They reached a door and he opened it and shoved her inside.  “When I come back, you best have nothing on.  Strip everything off of you and then wait for me.”             

“Excuse me.”

“Do it.”  And he left.  She could hear keys shuffling on the other side of the door.  She ran

to the door and
it was locked. 

“You can’t leave me in here you pig, you fucking asshole.  FUCK YOU!!!!”  She wanted him to come back.  She wanted him to come in and kiss her tell her he was sorry for what he said.  He didn’t mean it.  And show her what sex was really supposed to feel like.  Exactly how it had felt before minus the emotional distress.

She turned looking around.  The walls a dark grey, black crown molding.  Large king size bed with dark red covering, headboard and footboard both black.  On either side of the bed hang portraits of a woman.  Black framed.  Black and white.  It looked as she was dancing with fabric.  She was beautiful.  Sexual.  It didn’t matter that her face was hidden.

She went to the closet and opened the door.  It looked as if it was a totally complete other room.  Suits hung neatly spaced.  Casual wear hang on the other.  Numerous white, solid t-shirts hang.  Jeans, multiple shades.

She heard the keys back and the door opened.  “I told you to strip your clothes and wait for me.”  His voice was calmer.  He had changed out of his suit and was wearing dark jeans that hang just off his hips.  The V his abdomen made was like a map showing where to go from here.  Barefoot.  He held a bottle of wine and a glass in his hand. 

“I want to go home.”  She kept her voice soft, but she could hear the nerves in it. 

“Not until you have your answers.  And not until I am completely satisfied that you have been punished sufficiently.  Now take your clothes off.”  His voice remained calm but stern. 

“No.”  She was firm.

He raised a brow at her.  His face hardened.  “Take them off.”  He was forcing the words out from between his teeth.”

“No.  What part is it exactly that you don’t understand?”

“Ok, just remember you brought this one on yourself.”  With a few quick steps toward her he had her.  He pulled her toward the bed.  With one quick movement he had a pair of cuffs, one side on her wrist the other around the pole of the footboard.  It was tight.  She wanted to scream for help but something told her no one would hear her.  He stepped back and examined her.

“Take your pants off.”  He ordered again.

“No.  I will not.”

“Oh, damn it.  Why do you insist on defying everything that I tell you?  You just keep making it worse on yourself.”

“You have no right to punish me, nor am I getting naked.”  She was scared out of her mind. 

“Ok, then, remember again you challenged me.”

“Challenged you!!!”  Ha her inner self was laughing but quickly came to a halt when he pulled a pair of scissors out of a drawer.  What was he going to do with those? 

“What are you doing?  Are you fucking crazy?  You are.  You’re a freaking nut job aren’t you?  No wonder you’ve never been married.  What kind of decent woman could love this man that you call yourself?”  He was playing with the scissors, opening them and closing them hard.  She shivered at the sound of the metal being forced open and closed.  Turning them in his hands as he came at her slowly. 

She changed her tone quickly.  “Look you don’t have to do this.  I’m sorry.  Ok, I’m sorry.  Stop.  It doesn’t have to be this way.”  He knelt in front of her. Her heart was beating fast.  She tried to kick him but he grabbed her leg and pulled her to the floor. 

Her wrist was stuck in the cuff and she screamed out in pain as it caught stopping her wrist and arm from falling.  It brought tears to her eyes.  She didn’t have time to react before he cut her jeans up one leg and then the other.  He pulled the slashed fabric away.

She was too scared to speak.  He whispered to her.  “Don’t move.”  He was very serious.  He cut each side of her panties and removed them.

“Don’t do this please.”  She pleaded with him.  He didn’t say anything.  He only looked at her and smiled slightly. 

He stood leaving her there.  She watched every move he made as she tried to quiet her sobs.  He walked through another door and turned on the lights.  It was a bathroom.  She could see the sink and the side of the toilet.  She couldn’t see what he was doing but she could hear the water running.  She smelled peaches.  Fresh peaches.  Was he going for a repeat?

He returned standing in front of her now.  “I’m going to release the cuff and help you up.  If you try to run, kick, hit or defy what I tell you to do again, I can promise you, you won’t be successful at it.  I however will continue to add it to your punishment.”  She nodded her head at him.  She understood completely now. 
Do as I say or I kill you.

When he released the cuff, she immediately brought her wrist to her other hand and began rubbing it.  “Stand.”  He had a hand out to help her up.  She hesitantly took it.  He pulled her wrist up looking at the whelp the cuff had left.  He kissed and ran his tongue over the inflammation as he slowly led her into the bathroom.  Water was still running.  Jets were running in the tub.  Bubble bath.  She looked at the bottle sitting on the tub.  Peaches.  Same exact brand that she used.

“Take off your shirt.”  She hesitated again.  She backed up a few steps.  Looking in his eyes.  She was petrified. Who was this man that she had completely fallen in love with?  Why was she scared out of her mind and horny as hell at the same time.

“Lois, don’t make me wait.”  His voice was soft as he closed his eyes shaking his head.

She grabbed her shirt and began to pull it up but again she hesitated.  Tears were pouring down her face. 
This is it.  He’s going to kill me.  I can’t.
  She let go and again stepped back.

He shook his head in disappointment.  “Please do as you’re told.”  He looked at her.

“I can’t, I can’t do it.  Just kill me and get it over with!!!!”  she screamed.

He smiled and stepped toward her.  “If I was going to kill you, I wouldn’t have run you a bath.”  She breathed out finally
.  Ok he isn’t going to kill me.  Or is he just saying that?

Tom reached for her shirt and she tried to hold it into place.  He looked at her surprised by her reaction, leaned his head down and tried to kiss her.  She turned her head away.  He grabbed either side of her face and held it still as he kissed her hard at first until she responded.

She was panting.  Her body began to respond. She didn’t want to but it was too late now.  She kissed him back.  He shoved his tongue into her mouth and it sent a thrill through her.  He groaned, softening his kiss.  Her arms wrapped around his neck.  She could feel him sliding her shirt up slowly and he broke the kiss long enough to pull the shirt over her head. 

When his lips found hers again, his breathing was heavier.  He was losing control.  Her body was throbbing and screaming for his attention now.  He continued to kiss her and she let her hands move to unfasten her bra.  Letting it fall to the floor he stepped back taking in the view.  His eyes had softened but she watched as they darkened again.  This time from wanting her as much as she wanted him.

He scooped her into his arms and sat her down in the hot, aroma filled water.  She watched as he removed his shirt.  His bare, muscled ripped body was driving her crazy.  She reached out to touch him, he grabbed her hand stopping her. “Don’t touch.”  He warned.  She was so into this moment now that she would do exactly what she was told. 

He knelt down.  Grabbing the detachable shower head, he switched it on.  His hand gripped her hair and pulled it back.  The water began soaking her hair.  The feel of his hand in her hair, massaging her scalp.  Her eyes closed. 
Oh it feels so good
.   She heard the bottle close and then both hands were scrubbing her head, it smelled so good.

Rinsing her hair, then lathering his hands, they were touching her neck, her back, her arms, and her chest.  Her breast reacted, nipples hardened even further than they had already.  He pulled at nipple, squeezing it causing pain and making Lois moan at the same time.  His hand slid down her stomach to her core.  His fingers went straight to her clit. 

She couldn’t say anything.  His touch was driving her crazy. Her orgasm was about to erupt and she wanted him now.  She was moving against his fingers.  He slid his finger into her.  She moaned as it felt so good.  His thumb continuing to circle her clit.

“Does that feel good?  Do you like that?”

“Yes.”  She was briefly surprised at how quick she answered him.  Her eyes were heavy.  She could feel herself about to let go.  Then he stopped.  “What are you doing?”  She questioned. 

“Punishing you.  Stand.” 
Punishing me.  Really?  I can handle this kind of punishment any day.
  She stood.  He grabbed a towel and began drying her.  She stepped out of the tub when he pulled her slightly suggesting she do so.  He continued down her legs.  Slowly the soft fabric moved over her.  She still felt the orgasm waiting for release.  She wanted him so bad right now.  He carried her to the bed placing her feet to the floor at the foot of the bed. 

“Get on the bed.”  She felt playful now.  She wanted more of his idea of punishment.

“Make me.”  She smiled at him.  When his face darkened, she was suddenly aware of how serious he was. He grabbed her throwing her on the bed.  His roughness was doing things to she never dreamed of before. 

He was on top of her kissing her fiercely.  He pulled her hands above her head and cuffed each.  She trembled as the feel the cold metal around her wrist again.  She stopped kissing him.  He raised his head and then gently kissed her lightly and then looked at her opening his mouth to speak.  She was hypnotized by his mouth.

She noted hearing him saying something but she didn’t know what he was saying.  She continued to stare at his mouth.  “Do you understand Lois?”  She had no idea what he was talking about but she understood what her body wanted right now.

He reached over and grabbed the bottle of wine and took a drink and then kissed her again.  She tasted him and he tasted of peaches.  He raised and poured the wine over her breast licking it up.  She moaned out.  He poured again this time in her navel.  His tongue twirled and he sucked until it was gone.  But he didn’t stop.

He dipped deep with his tongue then moved down pouring the wine over her cunt.  Between the chill of the wine and the heat of his tongue on her clit it sent her over.  She tightened and screamed as her orgasm suddenly ripped through her body.  Her body trembled over and over.  She couldn’t breathe.  She couldn’t do anything but enjoy the release that he had given her.

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