She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story (2 page)

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

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“Do you even have an outfit picked out?” she inquired.

“Yeah, I’m wearing a regular black dress,” I rolled my eyes. She was being so over the top. She knew I hated these parties, but I only went to please my sisters and because it helped me relax

“No Josalyn. This party is a big deal babe; you need to look your best.”

“For what?” I whined and lightly stomped my feet. Andi treated me like I was a little girl competing in a beauty pageant.

“It’s gonna be a lot of cute guys there. Guys with money and fame,” she smirked as she switched over to her walk-in closet. “And I want them to take notice of my pretty little sister,” she winked.

“I don’t care about that,” I said in a low tone, as I set my drink on her nightstand and laid flat on her bed.

Andi was always trying to hook me up with some guy that she believed would catapult she, Zooey, and I to fame. I had a little bit of notoriety on Instagram, just because of how I looked, which was more than enough. Shoot, I didn’t even want that, but it gave me an income outside of my inheritance, which was cool. People paid me to model their clothes, weaves, bathing suits; you name it. It was nobody big, just little local businesses and boutiques, but they paid handsomely.

Sometimes, even thirsty wanna be niggas would hit me up to fuck with them, and it was annoying as hell. I never answered because I was never interested. None of them were presentable, and plus, I was still very hung up on someone.

I fell in love about two years ago, with a dope boy named Craig Haywood. I was so in love with him, and even lost my virginity to him. Everything was all good until he was randomly robbed and killed one night. I was miserable for about a year, and was just now getting back to myself.

“You’re gonna let Craig hinder you for life?” Andi asked as she put her hand on her hip. It was like she knew what I was thinking.

My sisters hated Craig because they said he couldn't do anything for me. I loved him with all my heart though, so I didn’t care what they thought of him. I wasn’t the type to live my life according to what people thought. I didn’t care what people thought of me, as long as I was happy.

“No, I’m not gonna let him hinder me. When I see someone I like, I will go for it,” I replied standing up to leave.

“I hope so Jos. Now go relax I guess, but start getting ready by eight o’clock at the latest,” she said pointing to me.

I nodded and left out to my room. I walked inside and pulled a box from under my bed. I opened it up and pulled out all the pictures of Craig and I. Tears started to well up, but I tried to stop them from falling.

“Why God? Why did you have to take him?” I cried as I looked at a picture of us at his birthday party.

I missed him so much, and I knew I would never find anyone like him again. Many times during my darkest days, I thought about taking my life so that I could be with him. Thank God, I came to my senses and realized he wouldn’t have wanted that for me, and ultimately neither would I. He was sweet, caring, yet had some hood to him. He never was unfaithful or treated me badly. I just knew he and I were gonna be married one day. I guess God had other plans though.

After looking through all of the pictures and reminiscing, I saw it was 7:30pm. I looked in the mirror and saw tears had stained my toasted vanilla complexion. I grabbed a tissue and quickly dried my face. I put my long dark hair into a topknot, and then grabbed my stuff for a good shower. I just wanted tonight to be over with, so that I could come home and dream about Craig.




Chapter Two: Andi


It was party time, and I couldn’t help but smile, because I knew my life was going to change. I would walk in as a nobody, and walk out on the arm of one of Hollywood’s finest deejays. Sam sent a limo to pick up my sisters and me, so we got a little tipsy on the way there.

“Y’all ready for our lives to change?” I cheesed and kissed Josalyn’s cheek. She playfully turned her lip up and chuckled.

“I know I am. I’m tryna have a fashion show by the end of the year,” Zooey smirked.

“Can’t y’all find a way to achieve your goals a bit more morally?” Josalyn quizzed as she poured herself some more champagne. Zooey and I looked at each other and laughed.

“No Mother Teresa,” I joked and all of us cackled. “We’re here, fix yourselves ladies,” I said before turning up my champagne glass.

The party tonight was at Greystone Manor in Los Angeles, and it was gonna be packed wall to wall. My sisters and I climbed out the limo fitted from head to toe, and all eyes were on us. The niggas were drooling, and the girls were smacking their crusty lips and rolling their big eyes. My sisters and I grabbed each other’s hands, as we made our way past the crowd of people waiting outside like basics.

“I’m Andi Richardson, a friend of Samuel Drives,” I winked at the bouncer. He smiled down at me and then whispered to a girl with a clipboard. She looked me over, and then headed inside the club. “Is there a problem?” I frowned.

“Nah, no problem baby; just wait a second please,” he replied. The lady came back out and told us to come on in. I let out a sigh of relief once I realized there was in fact no problem.

“Big Rings,” by Drake and Future was playing, and the club was live as hell. We continued to follow the young lady all the way up to VIP with Samuel, and the gorgeous Hollis. Once Sam saw us, he smiled big and waved me in.

“Hey boo,” I said giving him a church hug. I didn’t want Hollis to think he and I had anything going on.

“And who are these beautiful ladies?” Sam smiled.

“This is Zooey, and Josalyn,” I replied while looking at Hollis out the corner of my eye. “So, introduce us,” I said to Sam. What the fuck was he doing? He should’ve introduced me as soon as I walked up in this shit.

“Right… Hollis,” he called out and waved him over.

Hollis swaggered over to us dripping in plenty of labels and diamonds. His smooth brown skin was gorgeous and so was his perfect smile. His eyes were low as hell, letting me know he was faded already. Perfect.

“What's up?” Hollis cheesed as he eyed my beautiful sisters and me.

“This is Andi, and her sisters Zooey, and Josalyn,” Sam smiled and pointed to each of us. Zooey and Josalyn knew what was up, so they shook his hand lightly and then went to sit down elsewhere.

“Nice to meet you Hollis,” I smiled and licked my lips seductively.

“Nice to meet you too,” he grinned and bit his lip. I stood there and let his eyes roam my perfect physique.

“Sam babe, could you get me a drink?” I said, not taking my eyes off Hollis.

“It’s plenty to drink up here woman,” he frowned.

“I want a Long Island iced tea though,” I spat.

“A’ight,” he exhaled and then headed out.

Once Sam left, Hollis walked away and sat down by his friends. I followed him, and squeezed my way in to be next to him.
I wish one of these muthafuckas would say something
, I thought.

“Damn girl,” he chuckled and scooted over to make it more comfortable.

“So what’s up with you?” I asked smiling.

“Chilling, what’s up with you?” he smirked seductively.

“I’m just tryna chill with you, daddy,” I replied licking my lips.

“Don’t you fool with Sam?” he frowned in confusion.

“No, we’re just friends. I think he brought me just for you actually,” I lied and giggled.

“Oh word? Why would he do that?” he raised a brow.

“Cause he knows I’m your type,” I cocked my head to the left.

“And what’s my type?” he inquired, as he looked my body up and down.

“I know you like them freaky, and maybe a little bit sneaky,” I leaned over and whispered into his ear. He burst into laughter and nodded his head. I had this nigga.

“How old are you with ya sexy ass?” he asked licking his lips. His Baltimore accent was very strong.

“Freshly turned twenty-five,” I smiled.

“Everything checks out I see,” he nodded and lit up a blunt. What did that mean?

Sam finally came back with my drink, just as I was nibbling on Hollis’ ear. I started to kiss on his neck while rubbing his crotch, hoping Sam got the hint.

“Take your fucking drink bitch,” Sam shouted at me.

I snatched it from him while laughing. I didn’t give a fuck if he was mad. I had Hollis now and I didn’t need him. Hollis just shook his head at me and snickered.

“You wild man,” he sighed while cheesing.

“So can I leave with you?” I flirted in Hollis’ ear.

As he was about to speak, some bitch came and sat in his lap. She started rubbing up and down his chest, and kissing his cheek. Wait, I hope this bitch was blind, because that would be the only excuse she could give right now. It was obvious Hollis and I were getting cozy!

“Excuse me! Move out the way with your rude thirsty ass!” I frowned and pushed her back.

She paused like she was about to jump bad with me, then smacked her lips and stood up to walk away. Hollis watched her big fake ass bounce as she switched off. I was probably the only
bad bitch left.

“You don’t need to be looking over there,” I said turning his face back to me.

He just laughed and took a pull on his blunt. I ran my hand across his crotch, as I kissed all on his neck again. People were starting to pay attention to us and that was exactly what I wanted. They’d be wondering who I was by the time the sun came up.

“What’s your name again?” he asked.

“Andi,” I chuckled. I could care less about whether or not he remembered my name. I just needed him for a come up, not a marriage.

“You coming home with me?” he licked his lips.

“If that’s what you want,” I said already knowing he wanted me to.

“Fa’sho. I want some pussy tonight so don't be on no bullshit,” he stated sternly.

“And I want some dick, so we on the same page,” I replied and he laughed his ass off.

Mission semi accomplished
, I thought.

As soon as I put it on this nigga, he would be putty in my hands, just like Sam was. Then soon as I found someone who could take me higher, I would chuck the deuces up.




I slowly swayed to the music, as my eyes frantically searched the party for Poppy and Noah. When I met her a couple weeks ago, she said that she would be here, and I hoped she hadn’t flaked. That would totally stall my plans if she had.

“Who are you looking for?” Josalyn asked as she scrolled on her phone.

I wished my little sister would have more fun at these things. I hated seeing her so down about a nothing ass nigga like Craig. He wasn’t on her level, and she needed to see that.

“Poppy,” I smirked as I swayed my body in my seat to the music.

“Zooey, you’re ridiculous,” she chuckled and nudged me.

“How so?” I quizzed playing dumb.

“Befriending her just so you can get her husband,” she replied and scoffed.

“It’s not like I’m trying to keep him. I just need to borrow him for a second,” I half joked and we laughed in unison. Suddenly, I spotted them across the club in another section. “Bingo. Be right back,” I said shoving my drink into Josalyn’s lap.

“Zooey!” she yelped as I made my way out of Hollis’ VIP.

I rushed over to where Noah and Poppy were, and then headed up into their section. The bouncer stopped me, so I waved and got Poppy’s attention. She waved back, and then walked over to let the bouncer know I was good peoples. Poppy reminded me a lot of Ice T’s wife Coco. She was a white girl who had everything surgically worked on from her lips, to her ass and titties.

“Hi,” she paused.

“It's Zooey,” I fake smiled and hugged her.

“Yes! Zooey, I'm sorry, I meet so many people, but at least I remember your face,” she chuckled as we walked over to where she was sitting.

“Is this your husband?” I asked as if I didn’t know.

“Yes! Noah babe, this is Zooey,” Poppy introduced me to her husband. His hazel eyes took in my honey complexion and coke bottle frame before speaking.

“Nice to meet you Zooey,” he grinned. Noah was dressed to the damn nines, and smelling like the perfect come up.

“Likewise,” I said staring into his eyes. I wanted to flirt with him without speaking.

“Babe, I’m gonna go talk to my boy real quick,” Noah cleared his throat. He was feeling me and I knew it. His attraction to me made him uncomfortable around his wife.

“Okay honey,” she nodded and then we went to sit down with me joining her.

“So how long have you and Noah been married?” I asked as I poured myself a glass of peach Cîroc.

“We’ve only been married a year, but we dated for ten,” she replied.

“Ten fucking years? What took so long if you don’t mind me asking?” I said.

“He just wasn’t ready,” she shrugged somberly.

“No offense, but I would’ve been gone,” I scoffed. This bitch was dumb as hell. It may have been easier than I thought to come for Noah.

“You say that because you’re young. You have a lot of time ahead of you,” she half smiled. Child please, ain’t no nigga making me wait ten years for anything.

“I’m twenty-three, I’m not that young. How old are you?” I frowned.

“I’m thirty boo, and Noah is twenty-eight,” she smiled and sipped her drink.

I didn’t say anything as I shook my head in disappointment. I saw this type of scenario too damn much. Chicks would stick it out with a guy for years just to get a ring. There ain’t shit a nigga could say to me to make me stick around for a damn decade.

“So what do you do Poppy?” I asked trying to find a way to get close to her.

“I own a couple hair salons,” she answered.

“Oh, so you’re a businesswoman,” I fake laughed.

“Yeah, I guess you can say that,” she nodded.

“Are you really busy all the time?” I raised a brow.

“Girl yes! Most of the time I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off,” she said laughing hard. I rolled my eyes on the inside.

“Do you need like... an assistant maybe?” I cheesed.

“I never really thought about it, why?”

“Well I’m kind of going through some financial trouble and I need a job. I would work a retail job or something, but my abusive ass boyfriend doesn’t want me around any guys. So maybe if I worked for you, maybe just around the house, he would let me do it. You know, since I’m sure Noah is never there, he’d be okay with it. I wouldn’t ask unless I needed it badly. My lights will be off by next week,” I lied perfectly.

“Wow Zooey, I’m sorry to hear that. How much would you be looking to make?” she asked with a concerned expression. I had this bitch.

“Anything is okay at this point,” I responded. I was balling thanks to grandpa, so how much she ‘paid me’ was the least of my worries.

“Okay. Well I like you, and I definitely want to help you out. So how about we do a trial week of you assisting me, and see how that works out?” she smiled and I put my hand over my chest as if I was extremely grateful.

“Thank you, Poppy. I really appreciate this,” I said.

“No problem and how is $700 a week?” she quizzed.

“More than enough. Thank you,” I winked. She put her glass up to me so we could clink them.

This was just the beginning. If everything was gonna be this easy, I would have my clothing line up and running successfully in no time. I didn’t feel bad, because Poppy would have her husband back in no time at this rate.




Man, was I ready to go home. Here I was sitting in VIP, looking around while my sisters entertained their next come up in life. I just couldn’t get with this lifestyle at all. Using someone to get higher in life just seemed so thirsty, but that’s just always how my sisters have been. Ever since we were little, they would always find ways to scheme and lie their way out of things. I exhaled heavily as my eyes searched the club to keep an eye on my siblings. Andi was still over there flirting with DJ Hollis, as Zooey became fake friends with Poppy.

I pulled out my phone and pressed the home button to see the time. I stared at the picture of Craig and I that was on my lock screen. I shook my head and quickly looked back up, because I was not trying to sulk in the club.

Just then, a guy walked by and accidentally bumped my hand. Zooey’s drink spilled into my fucking lap and drenched my dress. Ugh! This is one of the reasons I hated clubbing.

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