Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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I knew that flirting with Goliath like that was a shitty thing to do when I had no real interest in him, but he didn’t seem to mind. I took every opportunity to put my hands on him whenever I could. A brush across his arm, a bump of the hip as I leaned in for my next play, or lightly hitting his shoulder when I laughed at something he said. Yes, it was obvious that I was flirting pretty heavily, but it was kind of fun getting a rise out of Renegade. I could tell that he didn’t like it, but he hadn’t done anything to stop me. So, I kept playing the game.

Courtney sauntered over to me with a mixed drink, smiling because she knew what I was up to. She didn’t call me out on it, though. Instead, she encouraged it.

“Looks like y’all are having a good time tonight. Can I grab ya a beer, Goliath?” Courtney says, giving me a smirk.

He gave her a nod as he leaned in for his next shot. He was really concentrating then, because I was beating him pretty bad. Ace and I had played all the time, and he’d taught me all of his tricks. I’d gotten really good over the years, and I had caught Goliath by surprise.

He looked a little flustered when he missed his shot. “Damn! I can’t catch a break,” he growled. He looked my way with a raised eyebrow. “If you make this shot, you’ll win the game.”

“Oh, I’ll make the shot. Don’t you worry about that.” I stick my hip out to the side and fling my hair over my shoulder. I give him a wicked grin before I sink in the final ball, winning the game.

“Well, I guess you proved me wrong, even with that damn cast. I never thought I’d see that happen. You did good, babe.”

“You didn’t do so bad yourself. You’re really good. I thought you had me there for a minute.”

“Doubt that. Where’d you learn to play like that?” Goliath asked as he walked over closer to me. Before I could respond, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, “You know… you look damn good playing pool like that. I think your little plan might be working.”

I was a little thrown by his comment. He stood there staring at me like he could see right through me. I couldn’t believe he’d known all along that I was using him to make Renegade jealous, and he’d never let on. That made me like him even more.

I smiled and asked, “You knew what I was doing the whole time?”

“I had my hopes up there for a minute, but you haven’t been able to take your eyes off him all night. It was a hit to the ego, but I get it. I don’t know why he isn’t admitting that he feels the same way. I know he’s crazy about you, too.”

“Well, thanks for playing along. I had to give it one last try before I gave up entirely. I’ve tried everything.”

“How far do you want to take this? We can really give him something to think about if you’re up for it.”

“That sounds interesting. I’m game for anything at this point.” I wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but I’d gone that far. There was no turning back now.

“I think it’s time for a dance,” Goliath said as he cocked his head.

“Mmmm…. Yeah, I think that’s a great idea. Let me run to the bathroom first.”

When I turned around, I noticed Renegade was still at the bar, but he wasn’t alone. Jessica was standing between his legs whispering something in his ear. Renegade’s eyes met mine, and jealousy surged through me. I had no business feeling that way. I had practically thrown myself at Goliath right in front of him, but it still pissed me off. Jessica wasn’t part of my plan. I gave him a quick smile and headed off to find the bathroom.


Chapter 15



The night had gone from bad to worse. Taylor showed up looking hot as hell in her tight jeans and low cut shirt. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. Her tight little body has had me on edge all night. Every time she bent over that damn pool table, I couldn’t help but think of all the ways I wanted to fuck her. To make matters worse, she hasn’t even spoken to me all night. Now, Jessica was trying her best to get my attention by shoving her tits in my face.

“Why don’t we go back to your room and finish what we started a few days ago?” she whispered in my ear. She ran her hands up and down my thighs as she tried to wedge her hips between my legs.

“I don’t think so, Jessica. I’m not up for it tonight,” I said closing my legs, preventing her from getting any closer.

“Oh come on, Renegade. Let me make you feel better. I know just how you like it.”

“Jessica, just give it a rest. I said no,” I told her as I pushed her away.

“I don’t know why you’re being like this. I know you’ve seen her. She’s been all over Goliath tonight. Why are you even wasting your time?” she snapped.

“Woman, I said get the fuck away!” I shouted. I didn’t need her telling me what I already knew. She stormed off towards the back. I was glad she was finally gone. I hated myself for ever getting mixed up with her in the first place. She was great for a quick fuck, but she was a real head case. I didn’t want to deal with her shit tonight.

I was finishing off my beer when Taylor walked back into the room. She walked straight over to Goliath and never even looked my way. It was killing me that she was ignoring me like this. I knew she was just playing me, but I was totally falling for it. That damn outfit had been calling out to me all night, and I was aching to take her back to my room and see what was underneath.

I hated myself for watching her, but I couldn’t make myself look away. Goliath had just touched her again, and it was taking everything in me not to go break his goddamn neck. He knew she was mine, and he was gonna pay for putting his hands on her.

“I told you this would happen,” Bishop chided as he sat on the stool beside me and handed me a new beer.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“You know damn well what I’m talking about. You asked for this shit, and you know it. Maybe if you had pulled your head out of your ass and claimed her, Goliath wouldn’t be over there putting his moves on her.”

“I don’t know what to do, Bishop. I want her more than I have ever wanted anything in my life, but I just don’t know how I can make this work. She’s worked hard to put her life back together. I don’t want to be the one to fuck it all up.”

“Who’s to say that you’d fuck it up, Renegade? You’re the only one standing in the way. If you want her, go get her.”

He stood up and walked over to Tessa and Courtney. He looked back to me and nodded his head in Taylor’s direction. When I turned to look, Goliath was taking her across the room to dance. The anger began to boil up inside me, and I had to get some distance between us before I did something I would regret. I grabbed my beer and walked over to the corner of the room away from the crowd.

I stood there watching her like some deranged psychopath. I didn’t even feel like the same person. I was filled with anger and jealousy, but I had no right to feel that way. She was in his arms, and I couldn’t stop wishing she was in mine. I couldn’t take it any longer. I was
done with this little game of hers. 


Chapter 16

I was washing my hands when the bathroom door swung open, slamming into the wall behind me. Jessica stood in the doorway staring at me with a disgusted look on her face. I knew she was one of the Fallen girls that stayed glued to Renegade whenever I came to visit Ace, and I really didn’t have anything to say to her. I quickly looked away and stared into the mirror, acting like I was fixing my hair. I did my best to ignore her vicious glare.

“You know it’ll never work,” Jessica said, contempt dripping from her words.

“What exactly are you talking about?”

“You and Renegade. It’ll
work. He’s never settled down with a woman, and he isn’t about to start now.”

“Okay. Whatever you say,
,” I told her, never looking away from the mirror.

“Why don’t you just go on home to your fancy apartment and high class job? There’s nothing here for you. You’re just wasting your time.”

“Just give it a rest. If you were really all Renegade wanted, you wouldn’t be worried about me.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. He’ll just end up hurting you, and I’ll be the one in his bed once you’re gone.”

I pushed my way past her and never looked back. I wasn’t going to waste my time trying to talk to some nutcase that didn’t know a thing about me. If Renegade really wanted her, he could have her. I just needed to know one way or the other.

When I made it back out to the bar, Goliath was waiting for me. He handed me a drink and put his arm around my shoulder. Bishop was standing behind him and gave us a questioning look.

“Hey, Taylor. How are ya feeling?” Bishop asked.

“Doing great. I’ve had a good week, and I should be ready to head home soon. I really enjoyed spending time with Tessa. I can see why you love her.”

“I’m planning a surprise birthday party for her Monday night at Hidden Creek. I hope you can make it.”

“I wouldn’t miss it. I won’t be heading home until Tuesday, so that works out great.”

“Good, I’ll see you there,” Bishop said before he turned to Goliath. He raised his eyebrow and said, “You know you’re playing with fire.”

“I’ve got this, Pres. Nothing to worry about,” Goliath said, reaching for my hand. He pulled me out to the dance floor. Doc and his wife Melinda were already dancing beside Bobby and Courtney. There was a slow song playing, and Courtney was resting her head on Bobby’s shoulder. He was whispering in her ear, and she was laughing at whatever he’d just said.

“Let’s get this party started,” Goliath said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him, and I put my hands around his neck. He was such a good guy. I knew he had a tough role to play as Vice President of the Devil Chasers, but he had a sweet side to him. He’d make some girl very happy if he ever got the chance.

I glanced around the room searching for Renegade. Everyone was talking into their own corners of the room, and I was having a hard time finding him in the crowd.

“He’s standing in the corner by the back door,” Goliath whispered in my ear. “He looks like he wants to cut my throat.”

“We can stop, Goliath. I know he’s your friend, and I really don’t want to cause a problem between the two of you.”

“I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t know it was the best thing for Renegade. He’s a tough nut to crack, but sometimes he just needs a little push.”

Goliath ran his hand through my hair, moving a few strands from my face and lightly kissed my cheek. I was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with this game, so when the song came to an end, I asked him, “Why don’t we go get another drink?”

Goliath nodded and took my hand, leading me over to the bar. I sat on the bar stool next to Tessa, and Goliath went to get us another drink.

“You having fun?” I asked Tessa. Her goofy smile let me know she’d had a couple drinks.

“Yeah, but I’m ready to get out of here. I’ve got big plans for Bishop as soon as I can get him outta here. I’m getting impatient.” She smiled and looked over at Bishop. You could see the love in her eyes as she watched him. Not to mention the fact that she looked like she wanted to rip his clothes off right there. He’d better get a move on before she did something drastic.

I hated myself for being jealous, but I wanted to feel loved like that. I was beginning to think it just wasn’t going to happen with Renegade. I took a chance and looked over to where Goliath had said he was standing, but I didn’t see him. He was avoiding me, and I was ready to give up and go home. Goliath had been great, but there was no point in keeping this going. It was only making things worse.

“I think I’m gonna call it a night. I need to go home and start packing. I have stuff scattered all over Renegade’s house.”

“Oh, don’t run off yet. It’s still early, and I think Goliath has been enjoying your company,” Tessa said with a curious look. Before I could respond, her expression changed and her eyes were drawn to something behind me.

I didn’t have to turn around to know who was standing there. The hairs on the back of my neck let me know Renegade was close. Very close. I could feel the goosebumps spreading across my body as he got closer to me. The warmth of his breath fueled my excitement as he whispered in my ear.

“This shit ends right now, Taylor,” he said firmly. I turned to face him, but he was already walking away from the bar. What the hell? I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. There was no turning back now. I got up from my stool and started following him down the hall. Goliath winked at me as I walked past him, and I couldn’t hold back a smile. I’d always appreciate what he did tonight whether it had worked or not.

The hallway was dark, and I couldn’t tell which direction Renegade had went. I was headed towards his room when I slammed into a hard wall of muscle and leather. When I looked up, Renegade was staring at me with a stone cold expression. I had pushed him too far, and now things were going to blow up in my face. At least I would finally have an answer once and for all.

“What’s your problem,
? You made it perfectly clear that you didn’t want me. Why do you care who I dance with?”

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