Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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I noticed Crack Nut and Sheppard had the truck unloaded and the equipment set up in the next room. I walked in and locked the door behind me. Bobby was already pulling out his files and showing Sheppard. I could tell by his expression that the news was not good.

“Show me,” I demanded.

“These are the rap sheets for some of the members of the Red Dragons. It’s pretty basic stuff. Drug possession with intent to sell. A couple of fights. DUIs and one’s in jail for murder.”

“What do you have on Gage Davenport?” I asked.

“Nothing. He’s got a clean record right now, but he does have a sealed file. Something happened when he was a minor, and I haven’t been able to access it yet.”

I knew all about sealed records. I had one myself, and it wasn’t a good sign.

“I’ve put in some calls to local clubs to see if I can get more information on them,” Bobby said as he continued to work on his laptop.

“Do you know where their clubhouse is? We need to go check things out. See what we are dealing with first hand,” Sheppard asked.

“I’m still looking into it. Looks like they keep the location secure. It shouldn’t be a problem for me to find it, but I just need a little more time.”

“Do what you do. No loose ends this time. We don’t need any surprises.” I hated to bring it up, but we couldn’t afford another mistake. We should’ve known that Duce was Tessa’s brother, but no one made the connection until it was too late.

We talked for another hour or so, before I decided I needed to head back. I made my way to the door and said, “I’m going back to the hospital. Courtney is taking care of some things for me, and she’s supposed to stop by and see Taylor. I figure she’s talking her ear off by now,” I said with a smile.

“You got that right,” Sheppard said laughing.

“Give her a break, guys. She’s just excited. She’ll calm down soon enough,” Bobby said as he shook his head. I could tell he really cared about her, so I let it go. She was a great girl, and I appreciated her coming out there to help. I could deal with the chatterbox a little while longer.



Chapter 6



This girl is a nut. A sweet nut, but a nut all the same. Right after my parents left, Courtney came bouncing in my room. She was all smiles, but I noticed that she had a hard time looking at me. I still look like shit, so I don’t blame her.

“I’ve got all your stuff packed up, and I found your laptop and your Kindle. Your apartment is precious! You have the coolest furniture. It’s so colorful and inviting. My place needs more color. I’m surrounded by natural undertones like sand and ivory, and it’s
boring! I need to perk the place up. I made the mistake of letting my mother help me decorate, and now I’m kind of stuck with it. Maybe you could come see it sometime.”

“I’d like that. Thanks for getting my things. I’m not sure what Ren has at his place, so it will be nice to have all of the basics.”

“Well, you got ‘em now. You’ll be all set when it’s time to go. Do you know when they’ll let you leave?”

“I think it’ll be in the morning. They still have me under observation for my concussion. I’m feeling a lot better though, and I really just want to get out of here.”

“Bobby said you’re going to be staying with Renegade for a while. I didn’t realize you were seeing each other,” Courtney said, but I could see that she was questioning me about him.

“We’re not seeing each other. We’ve been friends for years. I saw him a lot because he was my brother’s best friend. They used to hang out at the house when I was younger.”

“If you say so. I think he’s pretty hot. I’d be all over that if I were you. He’s not really my type, though. He has that brooding, mysterious thing going on. I’d probably drive him nuts. Besides, Bobby and I have been seeing each other, and I think I’m really falling for him. He’s so damn sexy on that motorcycle, and he makes me forget everyone around me when he’s in the room.”

“He sounds like a great guy, Courtney. I’m glad you found him.”

There’s a light tap on the door before Renegade walks in. Damn, he takes my breath away. He was wearing faded jeans with several worn out places around the knees, and a tight as hell black t-shirt. I could almost make out the ridges of his six pack, but his DC cut is in the way. His hair is in disarray and makes me want to run my fingers through it. The corners of his mouth curl into a sexy grin when he figures out that I am gawking at him. I can’t wait to pay him back for this shit. When I get better, I am going to wear my tight little black dress and hooker heels just so I can parade all around him. It’ll serve him right for looking so damn good while I’m a hot mess.

“How ya feeling?” Renegade asked.

“I’m feeling better. Courtney has been keeping me company while you’ve been gone. She packed some of my stuff, so I’ll be ready when they release me.”

“That’s good. The doctor said that he was thinking of letting you go in the morning. I’m going to have to take care of some stuff tonight for a while.”

“What stuff?” I asked, even though I knew he was going to be looking for Gage. He wasn’t going to let things go like I’d asked him to.

“Nothing for you to worry about. I’ll be back first thing in the morning.” He turned to Courtney and asked, “You staying here or heading back to the hotel?”

“I’ll stay with her for a little longer, and then I’ll head back. I know she needs to get some rest,” Courtney replied looking concerned.

“Noah?” He turned to face me before I said, “Please be careful.”

“Always,” he replied, kissing me on my forehead before disappearing out the door.

“Noah? He’s real name is Noah? Hmmm… I like it. He’s got a great road name. Poor Bobby is stuck with that awful name, Crack Nut, and it doesn’t look like they’re going to change it. That damn wreck,” Courtney giggled mischievously, “is going to haunt him for the rest of his one-balled life.”

“Yeah, they can be pretty hard on each other, but it’s just how brothers are. You know Renegade thinks a lot of Bobby.”

“Yeah, he’s pretty great. Is Renegade always so intense?” Courtney asked with a smile on her face.

“Yes! It’s so damn frustrating. I never know what to expect from him.”

“At least he’ll never bore you,” she said with a chuckle. She’s right about that. He’d never bore me. He was anything but boring.


Chapter 7




Every time I walk into that damn hospital room, I feel like punching the goddamn wall. Seeing the marks that asshole left on her infuriates me, and I’m finding it harder and harder to control myself. I want to beat the life out of that motherfucker with my bare hands, and then bring him back so I can do it all over again. I’m trying to keep my anger hidden from Taylor, but I’m feeling close to the edge. I have to be patient, but I will wait for the right time and seek my revenge for Taylor.

Bobby finally located the Red Dragon’s clubhouse while I was at the hospital. It’s close to the hotel, so we decided to go over to check things out. He brought the cameras I’d asked him to bring, so we could place them around the compound. We needed to wait until no one was around before we tried to install them. Bobby will be able to stream the video from his laptop and help us monitor their clubhouse over the next few weeks. I might have gone overboard with all of this, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. I didn’t want Taylor getting hurt again, and the cameras would help me monitor what was going on with her psycho boyfriend and his club.

Bobby and Sheppard were waiting for me in the parking lot of the hotel. We decided to take Bishop’s SUV, since we were carrying so much equipment.

“Their clubhouse is off of Jenkins Road. It’s about six miles down past the water park,” Bobby explained.

“You got everything we need?” I asked.

“I got it. It’s going to take a little time to get everything up and running, but I think we should be able to do it without any problem. There’s a large cornfield surrounding the back gate. That’s our best bet for entry.”

“What’s the plan for setting up our equipment?” Sheppard asked Bobby.

“We’ll have to disarm their security system before we can start setting up our own cameras. They’ve got their own surveillance cameras on the inside, so I can reroute the feed and we can access their footage. Once they clear out for the night, we can get started.”

“Let’s get going. I want to get back to the hospital before Taylor wakes up in the morning,” I replied.

They had several men guarding the front gate when we drove by, but other than that, we didn’t see many bikes in the lot. We finally found the dirt road that led us through the cornfield to get to the back of the clubhouse. The clubhouse was a good distance from the main road, and there was a barbed wire fence surrounding the entire compound.

It was after midnight before their MC cleared out. It looked like several of their members had crashed there for the night, but since everything was quiet, we decided to make our move. I was feeling anxious, but I trusted my brothers. I knew they’d be careful and help make sure everything went as planned. Bobby was able to dismantle their security system pretty easily, so we were able to move around the complex without being noticed. Sheppard used his bolt cutters to get through the fence, but we’d have to be sure to repair it before we left. We didn’t need them getting suspicious of a break in.

We were able to set up four cameras on each corner of their clubhouse. Bobby installed a splitter so we could access their cameras inside the building. After about three hours, Bobby rearmed their system, and we left unnoticed. Sheppard used his blowtorch to fix the broken lines in their fence before we left. It wasn’t perfect, but it would buy us some time.

It was 4 a.m. before we made our way back to the truck. Bobby pulled out his laptop to check each of the cameras before we left. Once he felt satisfied with what he had, we headed out. I was exhausted. I needed to crash for a few hours before I went back to the hospital. I was also in need of a hot shower. It’d been a long night, and it’d taken its toll on all of us. Sheppard was already dozing off by the time we hit the main road.

I looked at Bobby. “You did good tonight, Crack Nut. Thanks for coming out and helping me with this.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Glad to help, man.”

“Courtney was great, too. It meant a lot to Taylor that she packed all of her stuff up for her. Get some rest. I’m going to crash for a few hours, and then I’m headed over to the hospital. I’ll call you when we’re ready for you to come pick us up.”

“Will do. See ya in a few hours,” Bobby said as he parked the truck.

We each headed into our hotel rooms to get some sleep. I took a hot shower the minute I got to my room. The warm water helped relieve the tension I had built up over the past 24 hours. I had a thousand thoughts running through my head. I needed to pull it together before I went to the hospital. The next few weeks were going to be tough, and I really hadn’t taken the time to think all of this through. Every time I saw the bruises on Taylor’s arms and face, the memories of my past came rushing back. I needed to get a grip before I brought those thoughts home with me.


Chapter 8





“You need to just go, Gage. I don’t have anything to say to you.”

“Don’t be like that, Taylor. You know we’ve got a good thing here. I know I fucked things up. I was just upset that you were leaving me. I didn’t mean to lose control like that. You know I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Gage pleaded.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! You didn’t
to hurt me? You didn’t
to kick me in the head with your boot or break my arm? You didn’t
to black both of my eyes and give me a concussion?” I told him sarcastically. Where does he get off? I’m sitting here in the damn hospital, and he’s trying to make
feel guilty about not wanting to see him.

“I don’t know what happened, baby. You know I’m crazy about you. I just lost my mind when I thought about losing you. You’ve got to give me a chance to make it up to you.”

“I don’t
to do anything. There are no second chances, Gage. I have no desire to be your punching bag when things don’t go your way.”

“It won’t happen again. I promise. Things were out of control that day. We had some stuff go down at the clubhouse, and the Pres was breathing down my neck. I had a lot on my mind, and I just wasn’t thinking. I really am sorry, Taylor.”

“I don’t want to deal with this right now. Please, just go.”

“I’m not going anywhere without you,” Gage said just as Renegade stepped into the room. The room instantly filled with tension as Gage turned to see him standing there.

the reason you won’t listen to me? You just don’t get it, do you?” Gage shouted as he stared at Renegade.

“Let’s take this conversation outside,” Renegade said as he glared at Gage.

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