Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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Renegade opened my door and held out his hand for me. He helped me balance as I got out of the truck. Bobby and Courtney helped Sheppard get my things out of the back of the truck. Renegade opened the front door and guided me into the house.

It was definitely a guy’s place. There was a huge widescreen TV mounted on the front wall and an L-shaped sofa in the corner. The end tables were simple, and there was a large coffee table in the center of the room. I’m pretty sure he used it as his kitchen table. There were circular stains all over it where he’d clearly left his glass sitting for too long. The kitchen was small, but clean. He had all black appliances, and there were a few dirty dishes in the sink.

“My room is down the hall. You’ll be staying in there while you’re here,” Renegade said flatly.

“I can sleep in the guest room or on the sofa. It’s not a big deal. I’ll be fine anywhere.”

He didn’t say a word. He just placed his hand on the center of my back and led me down the hall to his room. It was a typical bachelor’s pad. He had a large king size bed with a huge down comforter. A few pillows were scattered around the headboard, and there was another large TV mounted on the wall. His dresser was centered against the main wall, and there was a large window with a wonderful view of the lake. I walked over and pushed the curtains to the side so I could get a better look. There were several large trees and a small dock at the edge of the water. His home was simple, but it had everything a person could want in a lake home.

“This is really beautiful, but are you sure you’re okay with me staying in here? I don’t want to put you out.”

“I’m glad you’re here, and you aren’t putting me out. I have a lot going on at the garage, so I’ll be coming in late. I’ll sleep on the sofa, so I don’t wake you up.”

“Oh. Okay, then.” I hated that he wasn’t going to be staying here with me, but I figured it was for the best. The more time I spent with him, the harder it was going to be when I had to leave.

“Why don’t you get settled? I’ll bring the rest of your stuff in, and then you can get some sleep. I’m sure you’re tired from the trip. I need to run to the clubhouse and talk to Bishop. I won’t be long.”

“Okay. Thanks.” I wondered what he had to see Bishop about. I’m sure it had something to do with Gage, but I decided not to ask. I took off my shoes and reached for the remote control. I pulled back the comforter and settled into his bed. It was soft and smelled like him. I inhaled his scent and felt the tingles all over my body. I could feel myself getting aroused just knowing I was in his bed. This was going to be a very long two weeks. Yep, I was totally screwed.



Chapter 11




When I walked back into my room with Taylor’s bag, she’d already drifted off to sleep. I stood there staring at her in my bed. I don’t know how I ever thought this was a good idea. I could feel my dick getting hard just looking at her wrapped up in my covers. I wanted to pull back that comforter and slip into bed with her. I wanted to feel her body pressed against mine. Man, I needed to get the hell out of there. I needed to talk to Bishop and pay a visit to Jessica. I needed a release if I was going to survive these next few weeks with Taylor.

Bishop was back in his office when I got to the clubhouse. He was working on invoices for the garage, and he looked like he was not in a good mood. I could tell by the expression on his face that he was tense, and I hated to bother him, but I needed to let him know what had happened with Taylor.

“Hey, Pres. We’re back from Kentucky. I thought I’d come by and talk to you about what went down while we were there.”

“Crack Nut already told me about that guy beating the hell out of Taylor. That was fucked up. Is she doing okay?” he asked with concern.

“I think she’s going to be alright. She had a rough couple of days, but she’s getting better. I just left her at my place, and she was resting.”

“Good. Glad to hear it. Is there more?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“The guy is a member of the Red Dragons. He’s their road captain. He looks clean, but he has a sealed record.”

“You know all about that, don’t you?” Bishop questioned. He was well aware of my past, and I didn’t really appreciate him throwing it in my face.

“Yeah, I do, and I don’t like it. This guy is trouble. He was in Taylor’s hospital room today when I got there to pick her up. He was trying to convince her to forgive him. I have to admit, he’s pretty good. I think she almost believed the asshole.”

“I take it that didn’t go over well with you.”

“No… I beat the shit out of him. I’ll do more than that if he tries to fuck with her again.”

“We don’t need his club on our ass, Renegade. We just got over a huge mess with the Diablos. I don’t want to cause trouble with another MC just because that douchebag couldn’t control his temper and keep his hands off Taylor!” Bishop snapped.

“I get it, man. I really do. I won’t do anything to jeopardize our MC or my brothers. They’ll always come first. I just want to keep an eye on these guys for a while. Make sure this fucker leaves her alone.”

“All you do is watch. You don’t make a move without going through me first. You know I have your back. We won’t let anything happen to her. It’s obvious that you care about her.”

“She’s Ace’s sister. We owe it to him to keep her safe.”
“You’re right, and we will. Just don’t get carried away. You need to start thinking about where you’re going with this. She deserves to know where you stand with her. You don’t need to string her along. She’ll only hate you for it later.”

“I’m not stringing her along. I don’t plan on anything happening between the two of us. I’m just helping out an old friend until she gets back on her feet. When she’s ready, she’ll go back home and everything will go back to normal.”

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that. You might actually end up believing it, but I know better. Hopefully you’ll figure it out soon enough on your own. You coming to the party Saturday night?”

“That’s the plan. I’m bringing Taylor. By then she’ll be ready to get out of the house, and she’s been wanting to see the guys.”

“You going to try to get in some work this week? Someone brought in a 1950 Harley-Davidson Hardtail Classic on Tuesday. They want a new paint job, and Sheppard and Goliath are already working on dismantling the exterior. They’ll be ready for you soon.”

“I’ll be in first thing in the morning. You think Tessa would mind checking in on Taylor some this week? I think Taylor would really like to spend some time with her.”

“I’ll see what she has going on. She’s had a rough couple of weeks, but I think it’d be good for her to have a distraction. How long are you planning for her to be here?”

“At least a couple of weeks. Once she’s gotten back on her feet, I’ll help her get back home. We’ll need to set up a better security system at her place before she goes back. We’ll also need to get her car down here. Maybe Crack Nut and one of the prospects can go.”

“Sounds good. Let me know if anything comes up.”

“You got it. You do the same,” I told him on my way out of his office. Jessica was waiting for me by the bar. A smile spread across her face as I began to walk towards her. When I got close enough, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“I’ve missed you, baby,” she whispered in my ear as she began kissing my neck. Her hands began to wander down my back as she nibbled and licked all the places that drove me crazy.

“Let’s take this back to my room,” I told her as I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards my room.

“No need to rush, baby. This could take a while. I plan to make up for the past few days.”

“Stop talking. I’ve got better plans for that mouth of yours,” I told her. As soon as she entered my room, I pulled her to me. She forced her breasts against my chest as I pressed my mouth against hers in a commanding kiss. Jessica’s deep moan filled the room as she began to grind into my dick. I reached for the hem of her shirt and quickly pulled it over her head, exposing her large breasts. I’d always loved how her breasts could barely fit in my hand, but today I couldn’t even stand to look at them. I fought the unexpected memory of Taylor’s tight pink t-shirt. That damn shirt left no doubt that she had perfect tits, and it was driving me crazy. I grabbed Jessica’s ass, forcing her to wrap her legs around my waist and slammed her back against the wall. When she eagerly began to pull my cut off my shoulders, more thoughts of Taylor came crashing down on me. She was really worried about me when I left her hospital to fight Gage. I could see the pain in her eyes when I dropped my cut on that chair. Damn. I was losing it. I wanted to fuck Jessica, but I couldn’t get Taylor out of my mind. I slowly dropped her feet to the floor and pulled away from her kiss.

“What’s going on, Renegade? Did I do something wrong?” Jessica asked.

“It’s nothing, Jessica. I’ve just had a long week. I need to get home and get some sleep.”

“We can sleep here. When you wake up, we can finish what we started.”

“Not happening tonight. I gotta go.”

“I know what this is really about. Ace’s sister has you all twisted up, and you’re not thinking straight.”

“I’m not talking about this with you, Jessica. Leave it alone.”

“I’ll be here when you change your mind,” Jessica said as she walked out of the room, pulling her shirt back on. “You and I both know you’ll be back.”

Damn it! The universe strikes again. What the hell is going on with me? I’ve got to get my head out of my ass. I’m going back to the house to spend some time with Taylor, and then I’m going to get back to work tomorrow. I needed to get my shit together, and I couldn’t do that knowing she was waiting for me in my bed. I’d give myself tonight, but that’s it.

I stopped by to see Crack Nut and check on Taylor’s ex, before I headed back home. I needed to make sure he wasn’t up to anything. Once Bobby assured me nothing suspicious was happening, I headed back to the house with pizza and the movie
The Conjuring
. Taylor had always had a thing for scary movies. I knew this wasn’t a good idea, and I was being a damn fool, but I needed it.




Chapter 12




“What is the deal with scary movies anyway? I just don’t get it. I’m supposed to get freaked out by some kids playing a stupid clapping game? That doesn’t even make sense. And what’s the deal with the lights? Why are people always walking around in the dark? Can’t they just turn on some damn lights?” Renegade said as he shoved a large piece of pizza in his mouth.

“It adds suspense to the movie when you can’t see what’s lurking behind the door. It’s supposed to freak you out. That’s the whole point.”

“Well, I’d turn on the damn lights or get the hell out of there. No way I’d stay in a house if doors started shutting on their own or fucking ghosts started dragging me around the house.”

“I wouldn’t think something like that would scare the
big, bad Renegade
I thought it’d take a lot more than that.”

“Is that right? You think I’m big and bad, huh?”

“Well, that’s before I saw you jump out of your skin when that ghost blew the match out in that basement.”

“Now, that’s just not fair. That shit was fucked up,” Renegade said with a serious expression on his face.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter. He smiled and threw a piece of pepperoni at me.

“Do you remember that Halloween we went to see
Jason VS Freddy
with Ace and that awful girl he was seeing?” I asked.

“How could I forget?” He said, rolling his eyes. “You and Ace screamed at the movie screen the entire time. It was embarrassing as hell. And his date was a total nightmare. Didn’t she end up leaving in the middle of the movie?”

“Yeah, I think she did. It was awesome. The best part was when we rolled Old Man Turner’s yard for giving me all those bad grades in Math. You were like a man on a mission! It had to take him months to clean all that up.”

“He shouldn’t have given you such a hard time. I had to teach him a lesson,” Renegade said with a smile.

“I’ve missed hanging out with you,” I told him.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been around more. I should’ve come to check on you after Ace died. I just wanted to give you time. I know losing him was hard on you, and I’d give anything to bring him back. I wish I had gone with him that night.”

“It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have been so hard on you back then. I was just hurting. I’m sorry I put that on you.”

“You were right. I should’ve been there with him. We never expected anything like that to happen. It was just a routine delivery.”

“It was an awful thing that happened, but he chose to go that night. You weren’t his keeper. You were his friend.” I placed my hand on his and said, “You were a good friend to him. He loved you like a brother.”

“He was my brother in every way. I owe him my life.”

“Okay, enough of this depressing talk. You got another movie or what?” I asked.

“No more scary shit,” he said with a smile. “Action or comedy?”

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