Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-Being (ARC) (35 page)

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Authors: Elaine R. Ferguson

Tags: #Nutrition, #Diet & Nutrition, #General, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living

BOOK: Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-Being (ARC)
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Health, n.d.,

14. Herbert Benson. “The Relaxation Response: History, Physiologic Bases, and Clinical Usefulness,”
Acta Medica Scandanavica

(1982): 231–237.[AU: Issue no. (or “supplement”?) and month?]

Benson and Monks
, ABC, [AU: Give full date it first aired. I don’t know]1985; Why is this note being deleted? It is about the

research that parallels the documentary. Please do not delete.

16. Herbert Benson, “Temperature Changes during the Practice of g Tum-mo Yoga,”
198 (1982): 402.[AU: Issue no. and month?]

17. Source? (no author) The Transcendental Meditation® Program,



Benefits Of Meditation

18. [AU: Give source B.K. Hölzel, J. Carmody, M. Vangel,, “Mindfulness Practice Leads To Increases In Regional Brain GrayMatter

Psychiatry Research
, 30 (2011):36-43.]

19. [AU: Give source P. Sedlmeier, J. Eberth J, M.Schwarz,, “The Psychological Effects Of Meditation: A Meta-Analysis.”,
Psychological Bul etin

20. [AU: Give source. If it’s an ibid., delete this note and put the previous note number at the end of the paragraph. S,D. Wu, and P.C. Lo,

“Inward-Attention Meditation Increases Parasympathetic Activity:

A Study Based On Heart Rate Variabilitym,”
Biomedical Research
, 29(2008): 245-50.]

21. Jon Kabat-Zinn, [AU: Complete source. University of Massachu-

setts Medical School, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health

Care and Society: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program

website: Stress-Reduction Page

tent.aspx?id=41254 ]

22. [AU: Give source on prefrontal cortex switch. S.W. Lazar, C.E. Kerr, R.H. Wasserman,, “ Meditation Experience is Associated with

Increased Cortical Thickness,”
16(2005): 1893-97.]

23. [AU: The deleted sentence in the previous note is what the note number is attached to in the text, so give the source of that here.

(The deleted sentence in this note belongs to the previous note.) E, Luders, A.W. Toga, C.N. Lepore,, “The Underlying Anatomical

Correlates of Long-Term Meditation: Largert Hippocampal And

Frontal Volumes of Gray Matter,”
45(2009)- 672-78. ]

24. Andrew Newberg,
How God Changes Your Brain
(New York: Bal-lantine Books, 2009), . [AU: Page no. of info cited.8]

25. Ibid., . [AU: Same page no.? If not, give new page no.28]

26. National Center for Complementary and Alternative


27. Ibid.

28. Finch in Van Sertima.[C.S, Finch, “Science and Symbol in Egyptian



Medicine: Commentaries On The Edwin Smith Papyrus,”

nal of African Civilizations
10(1989) 325-351 AU: Give complete source.]

29. [AU: Source on use of daydreams in therapy.] This is not what’s in the manuscript-Visualization has been used for more than a century in the field of psychotherapy. In the 1920s daydreams began

to be used in therapy-Source: U.C. Schoettle, “Guided imagery--A

tool in child psychotherapy,”
American Journal of Psychotherapy
, 34(1980): 220-227.

30. Carl Jung, [AU: Give source Gerald Epstein:Waking Dream Vs

Lucid Dream,


31. [AU: Give sources for “many clinical studies.” G.Addolorato, C.

Ancona, E. Capristo, et. al., “ State And Trait Anxiety In Women

Affected By Allergic And Vasomotor Rhinitis,”
Journal of Psychosomatic Research,

32. K. Ahijevych, R. Yerardi, N. Nedilsky, “ Descriptive outcomes of the American Lung Association of Ohio hypnotherapy smoking

cessation program,”
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
, 48 (2000):374-87.

33. A.L. Ai, and S.F. Bolling, “The Use Of Complementary And

Alternative Therapies Among Middle-Aged And Older Cardiac

American Journal Medical Quality,

34. J.R. Aitken , and J.W. Benson, “The Use Of Relaxation/Desensitiza-tion In Treating Anxiety Associated With Flying,”
Aviation, Space
and Environmental Medicine.

35. Anbar RD. Hypnosis In Pediatrics: Applications At A Pediatric Pulmonary Center.
BMC Pediatrics,

36. R.D.Anbar, M.P. Slowthower, “Hypnosis For Treatment Of Insom-

nia In School-Age Children: A Retrospective Chart Review,”


37. M.S.Anderson, “Hypnotizability As A Factor In The Hypnoti Treatment Of Obesity,”
International Journal of Clinical and Experimen-254


tal Hypnosis,
33(1985):150-59. A,C, Bakke, M.Z. Purtzer, and P.

Newton, “The Effect Of Hypnotic-Guided Imagery On Psycho-

logical Well-Being And Immune Function In Patients With Prior

Breast Cancer,”
Journal of Psychosomatic Research,

Forbes A, MacAulay, S, Chiotakakou-Faliakou, E. Hypnotherapy

And Therapeutic Audiotape: Effective In Previously Unsuccess-

ful y Treated Irritable Bowel Syndrome
? International Journal of
Colorectal Disease.

38. J. Hattan, L. King, P. Griffiths, “ The Impact Of Foot Massage And Guided Relaxation Following Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized

Controlled Trial,”
Journal of Advanced Nursing
. 37 (2002):199-207.

39. Martin Rossman, [AU: Give source.
Guided Imagery for Self-Healing
(Novato: New World Library, 2000) p. 24.]

40. O. Carl Simonton, Stephanie Matthews-Simonton, and James L.

Getting Well Again
(New York: J. P. Tarcher, 1978).

41. [AU: Give source Richard Carr and Noah Hass
eds., Art Therapy
and Clinical Neurosciences
(Jessica Kingsley Publishers: Philadel-phia, PA: 2008), 214.]

42. Alvaro Pascual-Leone, [AU: Complete source Sharon Begley,

“The Brain: How The Brain Rewires Itself,”
Januaey 19, 2007,9171,1580438,00.


43. Ibid.

44. [AU: Give sources for “the studies reported during the 1980s and 1990s.”

45. M.J. Esplen, P.E.Garfinkel, M. Olmsted, et. al., “ A Randomized Controlled Trial Of Guided Imagery In Bulimia Nervosa,”

46. T.C.Ewer, and D.E Stewart, “Improvement In Bronchial Hyper-Responsiveness Iin Patients With Moderate Asthma After Treatment

With A Hypnotic Technique: A Randomized Controlled Trial,”

British Medical Journal
, 293(1986) 1129-32.

47. L.J. Fick, E.V. Lang, H.L.Logan, et. al., “Imagery Content During



Nonpharmacologic Analgesia In The Procedure Suite: Where Your

Patients Would Rather Be,”
Academy of Radiology,

48. E.Guthrie, F. Creed , D. Dawson,, “A Randomised Controlled Trial Of Psychotherapy In Patients With Refractory Irritable Bowel Syndrome,”
British Journal of Psychiatry,
163 (1993):315-21.

49. H.C.Haanen , H.T. Hoenderdos, L.K.van Romunde,, “Con-

trolled Trial of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Refractory

Journal of Rheumatology.
18(1991): 72-5.

50. J.N. Lyles, T.G. Burish, M.G. Krozely, “ Efficacy Of Relaxation Training And Guided Imagery In Reducing The Aversiveness Of

Cancer Chemotherapy,”
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
, 50(1982): 509-524.

51. [AU: Give source for this. J. Schneider, C.S. Smith, S. Whitcher,

“The Relationship Of Mental Imagery to White Blood Cell (Neu-

trophil) Function: Experimental Studies on Normal Subjects,”

Paper presented at the 36th Annual Convention of the Society for

Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, San Antonio, Texas. ]

52. [AU: Give source of this J.B. Jemmott, J.Z. Borysenko, M. Borysenko,,, “Academic Stress, Power Motivation, And Decrease

In Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A Secretion Rate,”

53. Gerald Epstein, [AU: Complete source Healing Visualizations: Creating Health Through Imagery.


54. [AU: Give source of this. Richard Carr and Noah Hass
eds., Art
Therapy and Clinical Neurosciences
, 214]

55. [AU: Give source of this.

56. Modesti PA, Ferrari A, Bazzini C, et al., “Psychological predictors of the antihypertensive effects of music-guided slow breathing,”

Journal of Hypertenion.,

47. [AU: Source on prostate cancer (nothing to do with asthma)

Cohen L, Parker PA, Vence L, “Presurgical Stress Management

Improves Postoperative Immune Function In Men With Prostate



Cancer Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy,”
Psychosomatic Medi-

, (2011):218-25.]

48. [AU: This is the note that should have the source on asthma.

S.Cotton, C.M. Luberto, M.S.Yi, “ Complementary And Alterna-

tive Medicine Behaviors And Beliefs In Urban Adolescents With

Journal Of Asthma
. 48(2011):531-8.

49. [AU: This note should have the source on tumor growth. Eremin O, Walker MB, Simpson E, Heys SD,Immuno-modulatory effects

of relaxation training and guided imagery in women with local y

advanced breast cancer undergoing multimodality therapy: a ran-

domised controlled trial,”

50. James W. Pennebaker,
Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions
(New York: William Morrow, 1990), .[AU: Give page no(s). of info cited. 209 Also, in a later note you give “Guilford Press, 1997” as the publishing info. Please pick one edition and

stick with it.]

51. Ibid., .[AU: Page no. of quote.]9

52. [AU: Page no. of info cited. J.W.Pennebaker, J. Kiecolt-Glaser and R. J, Glaser, “Disclosure Of Traumas And Immune Function:

Health Implications For Psychotherapy,”
Journal of Consulting
Clinical Psychology
56 (1986):239-245.

49. Ibid., .[Openining Up AU: Page no. of quote 89.]

50. [AU: Page no. of info cited. J.W. Pennebaker, J. W., and C.K.

Chung, (in press). Expressive writing and its links to mental and

physical health. In H. S. Friedman (Ed.), Oxford handbook of

health psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 19.


52. [AU: New source: Pennebaker and others. J.W.Pennebaker, J.

Kiecolt-Glaser and R. J, Glaser, “Disclosure Of Traumas And Im-

mune Function: Health Implications For Psychotherapy,”
of Consulting Clinical Psychology
56 (1986):239-245.]

53. JJ.M. Smyth, A.A.Stone, A. Hurewitz, “Effects of Writing About



Stressful Experiences on Symptom Reduction in Patients With

Asthma or Rheumatoid Arthritis:A Randomized Trial,”
Journal Of
The American Medical Association
, 281(1999): 1304-9. AU: Complete source, with page no(s). of info cited.

54. Ibid., .[AU: Page no. of quote. Interview with Joshua Smyth quoted in Newsweek Magazine, Claudia Kalb, “Paper, Pen, Power!” April

25, 1999,

pen-paper-power.html ]

55. David Sobel[AU: Spiegel in the text should be changed to Sobel],

“Healing Words: Emotional Expression and Disease Outcome ,”

Journal of the American Medical Association
281(1999):1328-9 [AU: Also give vol., issue no. and page of quote.]

56. Pennebaker,
Opening Up
, New York: William Morrow, 1990 [AU: Page no(s).]; and Kathleen Adams,
The Write Way to Wel ness

(Denver, CO: Center for Journal Therapy, 2000), . [AU: Page no(s).

These are summaries of tips gleaned from throughout the book]

56. [AU: Give source for this. This is a summary statement, that reiterates something previously cited see: This is my summation, I do

not feel there is a need for a citation. ]

Chapter 4: Establishing a Superhealing Environment

1. D. Lederbogen, P. Kirsch, L. Haddad, et al., “City Living and Urban Upbringing Affect Neural Social Stress Processing in Humans,”

474, no. 7352 (June 23, 2011): 498–501.[AU: Use page no.

of just the info cited. WHY?]

2. Ibid.[AU: Same page?yes]

3. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, “Lead Poisoning: Is Lead Hiding Here?”, National Institutes of Health, n.d., ute/lead.htm.

4. Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson, “Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb,”
Waste Not
414 (September 1997): , [AU: Add issue no. and page no(s). of

info cited. There is no page number it is located on the website]

5. “Mercury Poisoning,” Medicine Net, n.d., http://www.medicinenet.




6. National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences “Bisphenol A (BPA),” National Institutes of Health, n.d., http://www.niehs.nih.


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