Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-Being (ARC) (37 page)

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Authors: Elaine R. Ferguson

Tags: #Nutrition, #Diet & Nutrition, #General, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living

BOOK: Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-Being (ARC)
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6. [AU: Insert author, if there is one, and article author, title as noted-Folate]Mayo Clinic, n.d.,

health/folate/NS_patient-folate; and Mark Sisson, “10 Quick Tips

to Boost Your Serotonin,” Mark’s Daily Apple, n.d., http://www.

7. L. Van Oudenhove, S. McKie, D. Lassman, et al., “Fatty Acid–In-



duced Gut-Brain Signaling Attenuates Neural and Behavioral Ef-

fects of Sad Emotion In Humans,”
Journal of Clinical Investigation
121 (2011): 3094–99.[AU: Issue no. and month?]

8. J. L. Kristeller and R.Q. Wolever, “Mindfulness-Based Eating

Awareness Training for Treating Binge Eating Disorder: The Con-

ceptual Foundation,”
Eating Disorders
19 (2011): 49–61. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

9. R. D. Berg. “The Indigenous Gastrointestinal Microflora,”
in Microbiology
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10. Ibid., .[AU: Use page no. of the fact cited.430]

11. Ibid., .[AU: Use page no. of the fact cited. 430]

12. U. Vyas and N. Ranganathan, “Probiotics, Prebiotics, and

Symbiotics: Gut and Beyond,”
Gastroenterology Research

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publisher) ; Y. Miyake and K. Yamamoto, “Role of Gut Microbiota

in Liver Diseases,”
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Orlando and F. Russo, “Intestinal Microbiota, Probiotics and Hu-

man Gastrointestinal Cancers,”
Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer
44 (2012): 121-131. [AU: Provide volume, issue no., and pages for

all three sources.]

13. M. Messaoudi, N. Violle, J. F. Bisson, et al., “Beneficial Psychological Effects of a Probiotic Formulation (
Lactobacil us heveticus
R0052 and
Bifidobacterium longum
R0175) in Healthy Human

Gut Microbes
2 (2011): 254-61. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

14. M. Messaoudi, R. Lalonde, and N. Violle, “Assessment of Psycho-tropic-Like Properties of a Probiotic Formulation (
R0052 and
Bifidobacterium longum
R0175) in Rats and Human Subjects,”
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105 (2011): 755–64.

[AU: Issue no. and month?]

15. P. Berick, E. F. Verdu, and J. A. Foster, “Chronic Gastrointestinal Inflammation Induces Anxiety-Like Behavior and Alters Central



Nervous System Biochemistry in Mice,”

(2010): 2102–12. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

16. J. Faher, I. Kovacs, and C. B. Gabrieli, “Role of Gastrointestinal Inflammations in the Development and Treatment of Depression,”

Orvosi Hetilap
152 (2011): 1477–85. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

17. Max Gerson,The Gerson Therapy [AU: Give article title for fact cited.], author’s website, n.d.,

18. D. G. Blanchflower, A. J. Oswald, and S. Stewart-Brown, “Is Psychological Well-Being Linked to the Consumption of Fruit and

Social Indicators Research
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19. S. Nair, W. Li, and A. N. Kong, “Natural Dietary Anti-Cancer Che-mopreventive Compounds: Redox-Mediated Differential Signaling

Mechanisms in Cytoprotection of Normal Cel s ersus Cytotoxic-

ity in Tumor Cel s,”
Acta Pharmacolicga Sinica
28 (2007): 459–72.

[AU: Issue no. and month?]

20. S. Shankar, D. Kumar, and R. K. Srivastava, “Epigenetic Modifications by Dietary Phytochemicals: Implications for Personalized

Pharmacology and Therapeutics
(November 2012): ii.[AU: vol. and no.]

21. [AU: first initial] A. Ascherio, H. Chen, M. G. Weisskopf, et al.,

“Pesticide Exposure and Risk for Parkinson’s Disease,”
Annals of
60 (2006): 197–203. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

22. Russell Blaylock,
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kil s
(Sante Fe, NM: Health Press, 1996), 49.

23. Joseph Mercola, review of
The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side
of America’s Favorite Health Food
, by Kaayla T. Daniel, July 17, 2008,[AU: Per URL]




24. F. A. Popp, “Properties of Biophotons and Their Theoretical Implications,”
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
5 (May 2003): 391–402; F. A. Popp, Q. Gu, and K. H. Li, “Biophoton Emission:

Experimental Background and Theoretical Approaches,”

ern Physics Letters B
8, nos. 21–22 (1994): 1269–96; F. A. Popp,

“Biophotons—Background, Experimental Results, Theoretical

Approach and Applications,”
Research Advances in Photochemistry
and Photobiology
1 (2000): 31-41; and S. Cohen and F. A. Popp,

“Biophoton Emission of the Human Body,”
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
40 (1997): 187–89. [AU: Month for all four sources; issue no. for first, third, and fourth.]

25. Cohen and Popp, “Biophoton Emission of the Human Body,” .[AU: Page no. of info cited. 440]

26. G. L. Bowman, L. C. Silbert, D. Howieson, et al., “Nutrient Bio-marker Patterns, Cognitive Function, and MRI Measures of Brain

78 (2012): 241–49. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

27. Mercola, review of
The Whole Soy Story

28. D. R. Davis, M. D. Epp, and H. D.Riordan, “Changes in USDA

Food Composition Data for 43 Garden Crops, 1950 to 1999,”
Journal of the American Col ege of Nutrition
23 (2004): 669–82. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

29. Susan Rinkunas, “Pop This Supplement to Stay Young,”
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30. “Vitamin D Weight Loss Information,” Vitamin D Weight Loss,


31. Mike Adams, “Astaxanthin: The Little-Known Miracle Nutrient

for Inflammation, Anti-Aging, Athletic Endurance, and More,”

Natural News
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32. Jonathan Benson, “Scientists Call Resveratrol a ‘Miracle Molecule,’”

Natural News
, September 24, 2012, http://www.naturalnews.




33. [AU: “” is not the greatest source, certainly not up to par with the other sources you use. Can you find a reputable study?

New Yor University Langore Medical Center, “L-Theanine,” http://]

Chapter 7: Your Superhealing Spirit-Body Connection

1. A. K. Bansal, and S. D. Sharma, “Can Spiritual Health Be Quantified: A Simple Idea,” paper presented at the International Confer-

ence on Statistics, Combinatory, and Related Areas, University of

Southern Maine, Portland, October 3–5, 2003.

2. M. N. Shiota, S. L. Neufield, W. H. Yeung, et al., “Feeling Good: Autonomic Nervous System Responding in Five Positive Emotions,”
11 (2011): 1368-78. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

3. C. Chida and A. Steptoe, “Positive Psychological Well-Being and Mortality: A Quantitative Review of Prospective Observational

Psychosomatic Medicine
70, no. [AU: Insert no.] (September 2008): :741–56.

4. A. Steptoe, “Psychophysiological Contributions to Behavioral

Medicine and Psychosomatics,” in
The Handbook of Psychophysiology
, ed. J. T. Cacioppo, L. G. Tassinary, and G. Bernston, 3rd ed., 723–25 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007).

5. E. Diener and M. Y. Chan, “Happy People Live Longer: Subjective Well-Being Contributes to Health and Longevity,”
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
3 (2011):1–43. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

6. J. Lacey and B. C. Lacey, “Two-Way Communication Between

the Heart and the Brain: Significance of Time Within the Cardiac

American Psychologist
(February 1978): 99–113, [AU: Vol.

and issue no.?]

7. R. McCraty. “Influence of Cardiac Afferent Input on Heart-Brain Synchronization and Cognitive Performance,”
International Journal
of Psychophysiology
45 (2002): 72–73. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

8. E. Diener, N. Weiting, J. Harter, et al., “Wealth and Happiness Across the World: Material Prosperity Predicts Life Evaluation,



Whereas Psychosocial Prosperity Predicts Positive Feeling,”
of Personality and Social Psychology
99 (2010): 52–61. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

Chapter 8: The Superhealing Power of Love and Relationships

1. R. M. Nerem, M. J. Levesque, and J.F. Cornhil , “Social Environment as a Factor in Diet-Induced Atherosclerosis,”

(1980): 1475–76. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

2. T. Field, “Touch for Socioemotional and Physical Well-Being: A Review,”
Developmental Review
30 (2010): 367–83. [AU: Issue no.

and month?]

3. T. Field, “Massage Therapy Facilitates Weight Gain in Preterm Infants,”
Current Directions in Psychological Science
10 (2001): 51–54; T. Field, S. M. Schanberg, F. Scafidi, C. R. Bauer, N. V. Lahr, R.

Garcia, J. Nystrom, and C. M. Kuhn, “Tactile/Kinesthetic Stimula-

tion Effects on Preterm Neonates,”
77 (1986): 654–58; T.

Field, N. Grizzle, F. Scafidi, S. Abrams, S. Richardson, C. Kuhn, and S. Schanberg, “Massage Therapy for Infants of Depressed Mothers,”

Infant Behavior and Development
19 (1996): 107–12; M. Hernandez-Reif, T. Field, J. Krasnegor, and H. Theakston, “Lower Back

Pain Is Reduced and Range of Motion Increased After Massage

International Journal of Neuroscience
106 (2001): 131–45; M. Hernandez-Reif, T. Field, J. Krasnegor, and H. Theakston,

“High Blood Pressure and Associated Symptoms Were Reduced by

Massage Therapy,”
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies

(2000): 31–38; M. Diego and T. Field, “Moderate Pressure Massage

Elicits a Parasympathetic Nervous System Response,”
Journal of Neuroscience
119 (2009): 630–39; M. Hernandez-Reif, J.

Dieter, T. Field, B. Swerdlow, and M. Diego, “Migraine Headaches

Are Reduced by Massage Therapy,”
International Journal of Neu-

96 (1998):
1–11; and G. Ironson, T. M. Field, F. Scafidi, M. Hashimoto, M. Kumar, A. Kumar, A. Price, A. Goncalves, I.

Burman, C. Tetenman, R. Patarca, and M. A. Fletcher, “Massage

Therapy Is Associated with Enhancement of the Immune Sys-

tem’s Cytotoxic Capacity,”
International Journal of Neuroscience



(1996): 205–17.[AU: ALL of these studies are missing the issue nos.

and months.] These studies can be found at

edu/touch-research/research.html. [AU: Listed already.]

4. M. J. Hertenstein, J. M. Verkamp, , A.M. Kerestes, et al., “The Communicative Functions of Touch in Humans, Nonhuman Primates

and Rats: A Review and Synthesis of the Empirical Research,”
Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs
132 (2006): 5–94.

[AU: Issue no. and month?]

5. T. Field, “American Adolescents Touch Each Other Less and Are

More Aggressive Toward Their Peers Compared with French

34 (1999): 753–58. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

6. T. Field, “Preschoolers in America Are Touched Less and Are More Aggressive Than Preschoolers in France,”
Early Child Development
and Care
151 (1999): 1–17. [AU: Issue no. and month?]

7. J.S. House, K.R. Landis, D. Umerson, “Social Relationships and Health,”
29 (19889): 540-45. [AU: Complete]

8. W. Woods, N. Rhodes, and M. Whelan, “Sex differences in Posi-

tive Well-being A Consideration of Emotional Style and Marital

Status,” Psychological Bulletin 106 (1989): 249-264.[AU: Complete]

9. J.C. Coyne, M.J. Rohrbaugh, V. Shoham,, “Prognostic importance of marital quality for survival of congestive heart failure,”

American Journal of Cardiology
88 (2001): 526-529. , and T,F

Robles and J.K Kiecolt-Glaser, “ The Physiology of Marriage: Path-

ways to Health,”
Physiology and Behavior
79(2003): 409-416.

10. R.W. Bartrop, L, Lazarus, L. Luckhurst, et al., “Depressed Lymphocyte Function After Bereavement,”
8016 (1977): 834-836.

11. U. Goldbourt and J.H. Medalie ,, “ Isolated Low HDL Cholesterol As a Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease Mortality,”
Ar-teriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology,
17( 1997): 107-113.

[AU: Complete]

12. House, Landis, and Umberson, [AU: Short title is all you have to put here. Social Relationships and Health, (previously cited)]




14. , [AU: Complete and D. Spiegel, J. Bloom, H. Kraemer,,

“Effect of Psychosocial Treatment On Survival Of Patients With

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