Take it Deep (Take 2) (30 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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“Jake, please make love to me.  T
ake the pain away,” I begged. 

He grabs my head and looks at me
, wiping the tears away from my face.

“Ana, I don’t think this is a good
idea.  You’re upset.  We need to talk.”

“Please Jake, I want this. 
I want you.  I need you to make love to me.”  I clung on to his shirt frightened that if I dare let go he would be pulled away from me somehow.  I knew he wasn’t going anywhere, but the fear gripped me harder still.  I had to have him one more time.  I had to feel him, touch him, be as one with him.  I knew once it was over I had to tell him, but for now he was the only thing that mattered to me—the only thing in the world that existed.  Jake was and always will be my favorite thing.

I pulled at him desperately trying to lay his lips to mine.  He tried to pull away, but I gripped harder
, begging the word, “Please,” into his mouth.  I feel him visibly let go as he gave into my pleas. 

He kissed me back and it was tender, loving.
  “Ana, you’re scaring me.  You’re not going to leave me again are you? Why does this feel like you’re saying goodbye?”

I shook my head, “Jake, I’m not going anywhere, I promise.  I just need you so much.”

He picked me up into his arms and cradled me until we reached my bed.  He gently laid me down and pressed his lips to mine.  I wanted to feel his skin on mine so much, that I couldn’t give the time to unbutton his shirt.  I tugged at it, pulling it over his head.  He pulled the straps of my dress down to my shoulders and kissed every part of my chest and neck.  He exposed my breasts, licking and sucking each one meticulously.  I moaned out, lust taking over my whole being.  He kissed his way down until all my clothing had departed from my body.  He released himself from his trousers and quickly raced to find my lips.  I needed to feel him inside me; I wanted it as much as my craving for ice cream—my craving for life.

He scooted down past my breasts and I thought he was going to kiss that sweet spot he knew I loved so much, but instead he laid kisses on my belly.  The feeling shocked and thrilled me.  If only he knew th
ere was a life growing inside there—a life he and I had created together.  A little miracle that was brought into existence out of a couple so in love, they couldn’t possibly live without each other.  I wanted to sob, but the feeling to have him this one last time took over.  He was my everything and always will be.

Jake came back up kissing the side of my n
eck.  He wasted no time entering me and the shock made me gasp loudly.

“Ana, I love you so much,” he said thrusting himself inside me again and again.

I knew I couldn’t hold it much longer; I had to let him know I felt the same way.  “I love you, too!” I screamed, willing him deeper and deeper.  He was practically clawing his way into my core and I was a very willing participant.   He always knew he could have me no matter what the circumstances.  There was no going back for me this time.  The one chance in a lifetime opportunity and I was taking advantage of it as much as I could muster.

The feeling of him p
ounding inside me is exquisite.  I know I won’t be able to last long.  “Jake,” I cry grabbing the sheets and holding them tightly in my fists.  I’m close, I know I am and I never want this feeling to stop.  “Jake, don’t stop, Jake!” I shout again willing my orgasm to explode.

“Ana,” Jake cries and that’s all it took.  I was gone and there was no turning back.  I screamed and pulled his ass into me so hard that it spurred Jake
’s climax at the same time as mine.  We were shaken and breathless, but I knew that it could never get any better than this.

We laid there for a while with Jake’s head on my chest.  I stroked his hair, taking in as much of the seconds, minutes we had with one another.
  The tears fell and I couldn’t help it.  How could I ever get over the man of my dreams?  The one man who taught me just how good being in love could possibly be.

He lifts his head up and spots
me crying.  I hated him seeing me this way, but I couldn’t help myself.  I was an emotional wreck.  He rises to face me better and strokes my cheek.

“Ana, please tell me what’s wr
ong?  Tell me and I will fix it.  I promise.  I don’t want to lose you again.  I can’t lose you again.”

I take a deep breath thinking it’s now or never.  He takes my face in his hands and wipes the tear
s away imploring me to speak—to tell him what it is that has been bothering me all these weeks of turmoil.  I know it has now come to that point.  I made a pact with myself that I would have Jake one last time and then divulge my little secret.  My beautiful miraculous secret.

“Jake, I’m—
” I began, just at the time Jake’s cell phone rang.

“Don’t worry about
that; tell me.  You’re more important.” 

It briefly stopped
, but then it just started back up again.

“Jake, you have to answer.  I
t may be Matthew needing your help or an emergency at work.  Please see who it is and then we’ll talk.”

He reluctantly rushed to his pants pocket and r
etrieved his phone.

“Bennett,” h
e said rudely.  “What do you mean accident, when?”

His fac
e looked panicked which worried me.  There was definitely something wrong.

ay, I’m leaving now.”  He slammed his phone shut frantically pulling his trousers back on.

happened Jake?  What’s going on?  Speak to me.”

“It’s Matthew and Cindy.  They’ve been in an accident and they’re both at Virginia Hospital Center.  I have to go there now.”

I hopped around the room wasting no time in getting dressed.  We were both ready and out the door within five minutes.  The journey of around twenty minutes took less than fifteen because of the way Jake was driving, and I couldn’t blame him.  I was as anxious to get to Matthew as he was.

Once we were there
, we quickly found someone who pointed us in the right direction.  Thankfully a very young doctor met us in the corridor.

“Mr Bennett?”

“Yes, that’s me.  Where’s my son?” he asked, panicked.

“He took quite a big hit in the accident.  We have had to force him into a coma because he has some swelling on the brain.  As soon as the swelling goes down we can bring him around.  He has a lot of bruising and a broken femur, other than that he is stable.”

“Can we see him?” Jake asked.

“Of course, come this way.  I must
warn you though; you will be shocked at the sight of him.  But I assure you it looks a lot worse than it seems, okay?”

Both of us nod our heads, but the shock of everything still made the whole situation a lot fuzzier than it was.  If I was feeling this way, lord knows how Jake felt.

“How’s Cindy, Matthew’s girlfriend?” I ask, remembering she was in the car with him.

“She is physically ok
ay with just some cuts and bruises, but I’m afraid she lost the baby, so she is visibly distressed.”

Baby, what baby?  Oh no.
  I look over to Jake and the shock is evident on his face.  The doctor leads us into Matthew’s room and seeing him made us both gasp.  His face was all swollen and bruised.  His eyes were puffy and red and there were several cuts on his face.  I clasped my hand over my mouth, willing the tears to stay put.  I look toward Jake and he turns away burying his head in his hands.  The shock of seeing his son lying was obviously too much to bear.

There was only one thing I could do and that was to go to him.  I placed my
hand on his arm, and he swung around pulling me to him.  He cried into my shoulder and I stood there as long as he needed me to.  The amount of times he had been there for me, it was now my turn to be there for him.  I couldn’t be selfish and think of my own grief in this situation.  His son was suffering and in turn, so was Jake.  I had to let him know I was there for him no matter what.

“Jake, he’s going to be ok
ay.  He’s young, fit and healthy.  He’s a Bennett for crying out loud.  They never give up, I know that for sure.”  I hear a slight laugh as he nods into my shoulder.

“Thanks, and thank you for being here with me.  I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“I already told you, I’m not going anywhere.”  I kiss him tenderly on the lips and we both turn our attention to Matthew.  We sit for hours just waiting and hoping that everything will be okay.

Some police officers turned up sniffing around and told us what they knew from witnesses so far.  Apparently a drun
k driver lost control of his vehicle and went into the driver’s side of Matthew’s car at such high speed; it toppled it over several times.  It sounded horrendous.  The other driver was in a different hospital with internal injuries.  They weren’t too sure whether he was going to make it, and I didn’t think Jake cared too much he was so angry.

A little while later I left
Jake with Matthew so I could seek out Cindy.  I wanted to make sure she was okay, as she must be suffering terribly. 

When I get to her room I notice a couple sitting by her bed.  Their head
s pop up as they spot me walking through the door. 

“I’m sorry,” I s
ay timidly.  “I’m Ana, Matthews—” I pause for a moment as I don’t really know what to call myself in relation to the situation.  Matthew is like family to me, so I can’t call him a friend.

“Ana, of course.
  I’m Claudia, Cindy’s mother and this is Dominic, her father.”

I walk towards t
hem shaking their hands.  I then look over towards Cindy and notice her sleeping.

“She’s had quite a shock.  They’ve given her something to help her sleep.  I think we’ve all had a shock of some sort today.”

“I had just heard and wanted to see her.  She’s a lovely girl.  I’m very fond of her.”  Claudia smiled at me sweetly, but Dominic didn’t seem too pleased.  I think hearing of his eighteen year old daughter becoming pregnant that young would do that to you.

“She often
talks about you.  I even knew who you were before you told me.” 

She giggled a little, but then the tears came.

“Claudia, don’t do this to yourself.  She’s fine now.  Listen, Ana,” he said turning towards me.  “I appreciate you coming here to visit my daughter and I know there was nothing that Matthew could have done to prevent this, but I’m still finding the whole situation a little uneasy shall we say?  I would like us to be alone with her for now, if you don’t mind?”

He wasn’t a happy father and I couldn’t really blame h
im in a way.  Nobody wants their daughter to become pregnant at eighteen.  I wondered how on earth they managed to get themselves into such a situation knowing full well that they didn’t have any means to support each other.

ay, I’ll go,” I said solemnly.  “Could you please let Cindy know I was here when she wakes up?  I will be just down the hall, so I won’t be far if she wants to speak with me.”

“Of course
, Ana,” Claudia said wiping her nose.  “We’ll be sure to do that.”

I smiled at her thanking them both.  I felt I had to say something for Matthew’s sake.  He is a good boy no matter what
, and I didn’t want them feeling bad about him. 

“You k
now, Matthew is a fantastic boy.  I’ve known him for a year now and I would do just about anything for him.  I am sure he would do anything for me, too, or anyone else he loves.”

“I don’t deny that,” Dominic said.  “But it doesn’t take away the fact he got my daughter pregnant.”

Ouch, that was sore, but again, I couldn’t blame him.  I retreated as quickly as I could back to Matthew’s bedside.  I found Jake sat by him holding his hand and looking every bit the doting, worrisome dad he should be.  He looked up and smiled, waving his hand for me to come over to him.  I sat down on his lap and he snuggled me into him, inhaling the scent on my neck.

“How’s Cindy doing?”

“She’s sleeping.  They’ve had to give her something to help, as I think she was a little bit fraught with losing the baby.”

body went rigid with the news.  “What about the mom and dad?  I assume they were there?”

“Yes, the mother looks in turmoil and the father
is a little sore with the news.”

“I can understand that,” he said, sadly.  “
I’m a little sore, too.  I don’t know how he could have done something so stupid.”

I cringed at his words.  If he feels this way about Matthew, how on ear
th is he going to feel about me? 

“Don’t be hard on him
, Jake.  You don’t know the circumstances yet, so give the boy a chance.”

“I know, I’m sorr
y.  I didn’t mean for it to sound like that.  He’s just a kid, they both are.”

I pull him in for a hug, kissing him gently on the lips.

“Don’t you think you should go home?  It’s getting late and you need the rest.  I’ll stay here and if I need you, I’ll call.”

I shook my head, “Jake, I’m not going anywhere.  Matthew me
ans everything to me and so do you.  I’m not leaving you both, not until I know for sure he’s going to be okay.”  He strokes my face, catching a tear that rolls down my cheek.

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