The Awakening (44 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Raina allowed the full smile.

              Elenora frowned at this. "Let’s go," she growled. She grabbed her coffee and Raina a look, then, leaning up kissed Thanatos suggestively. Her free hand, cupped his jaw, her body swayed into his, and he had to lift a hand to her waist to still her. "Let’s skip the walk...I have a better exercise in mind." Her hand grasped the front of his shirt and tugged.

              Raina blinked at the words, knowing full well there meaning.

              Elenora brushed passed Thanatos, and toward the door.

              Thanatos remained standing there. He leaned down, placing his palms on the table. His eyes were level with Raina's. He closed them for a second, shaking his head.

              Raina shook her head as well, knowing he was about to chastise her for something. "Thanatos..."

              "Be careful," he whispered. "Please Raina, don't mess with her...and don't defend me! I'm able to defend myself." The greens sparked angrily.

              Raina felt tears prick her eyes. "I couldn't take her saying those things about you!"

              "They were true words weren't they?"

              Raina was startled by the loathing she heard in his voice. "You may be a devil Thanatos...but you deserve so much more." She was surprised to realize she meant those words. "Don't you know your worth?"

              The green eyes darkened. "Not worthy enough of you," he growled. "No, you've made that obvious. Even with Nolan out of the picture!"

              She sighed.

              “I don't deserve a returned call?"

              "I'm sorry," she said softly. "You have to know it’s difficult..." She drew in a breath. "You scared me."

              He frowned. "You scared yourself Raina...I wouldn't have hurt you." His eyes narrowed. "You sure as hell hurt me."

              The look in his face made her heart skitter. “She is beneath even you Thanatos."

              He shook his head gently, and set a finger to her lips. "Careful with your words," he whispered. The green eyes softened. "And watch yourself Raina...don't try to be fearless."

              She could see the plea in his eyes...the concern, but she ignored it. "I am not afraid of her," she repeated.  She reached up to grasp the fingers at her lips.

              His green eyes darkened, and he squeezed her hand. "Then again, a good dose of fear might be beneficial for you!"

              At his words, a chill ran through her.

              He straightened, and then stepped away. “Call if you need me," he whispered, low enough only for Raina's ears. “I’m sorry, Raina."

              She shook her head, not understanding, until she looked toward the entrance, and Elenora stood, looking down her nose at her. Raina's eyes fully meet Elenora’s, and a wave of fear and grief washed over her. It was the type of grief she hadn't felt since...since the day David passed. A strong overwhelming urge to burst into tears came over her. She felt the blood drain from her face...and was faint.

              How could one do that with just a glance? Raina broke the stare, breathlessly. She was trembling; a sweat broke out over her forehead. She didn't look up, until a hand touched her shoulder.

              "Rain? Are you okay?" Emily shook her friend.

              Raina looked up, and shook her head. "No." She drew a trembling hand through her hair. "I...I have to go Em," she croaked out.

              "What did that she-devil say? And what was he doing here too?"

              Raina shivered and shook her head, still unbelieving of the feelings that had overtaken her. The first waive was a feeling of loathing and self-doubt...then this despair. Elenora was stronger than she appeared. She was not just immortal...she was dangerous. The last thing Raina needed was her world falling down around her in emotional ruins!

              "I have to go," she repeated. She grabbed her purse. "I'll call you!" She stood shakily.

              Emily couldn't even protest. She watched her friend run from the cafe.

              She glanced up and down the road to be sure the black pickup was nowhere near, unable to follow her. That was the last thing she needed. Her eyes warily lifted to the darkening afternoon sky. Rain clouds gathered, as she got into her car.

              Raina was not sure how she made it without crashing the car. She was overcome by feelings...doubt...sadness...unchecked terror. She blindly parked her car, ran up the flight of stairs, down the hall, and lifted her hand to knock on a door that was thrown open wide before she could do so.

              She hurled herself into a pair of strong arms, her arms chokingly wrapped around his neck; she buried her face against his chest and burst into tears. The fears washed away the second she felt him wrap an arm around her. The tears were ones of relief.

              "Aelan," he whispered. He held her close, but carefully with one arm. His lips brushed her forehead tenderly. He tucked his face into her hair and breathed deeply. Her weeping was breaking his heart.

              She couldn't get close enough to him. She felt sorrow roll over her, and sobbed harder; her fingers clenched his damp hair, and buried her face into his neck. Raina felt the wet against her cheek, ashamed that the tears had appeared. She then realized it was not just tears that had dampened her cheek. She was wrapping herself, clinging and molding herself to a freshly showered Nolan, who was holding tightly on to his only protection. The towel about his hips was held with one hand, while his other arm was wrapped about her waist.

              She gasped, and stepped away. "Oh!" She tried to look away...a difficult task. Her cheeks warmed.

              Nolan adjusted the towel securely, and reached to cup her face with both hands, so she had to look up into his face. “Tell me what happened. Are you all right? "

              She shook her head. "I don't know! I just...I..." The terror was evident in her eyes. "I ran into Elenora."

              Nolan frowned. The silver eyes held fury. "What did she do?"

              "She was a witch of course...but never touched me. That’s what is scary," she whimpered. "She never touched me...but what she made me feel...." Her tears returned.

              Nolan used his thumbs to brush them from her cheeks. He rested his forehead against hers. He drew in a deep breath. "She used her strength," he sighed.

              Raina leaned into his touch. "What was that?" She bit her lip to stop its trembling. "It was like I had no control over my own thoughts! The only thing I knew to do was get to you!"

              He again pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You did the right thing," he soothed. He settled her head onto his shoulder, and she wrapped her arms about him, as he smoothed her hair comfortingly.

              She drew in shaky breathes, her fingers dug into his shoulder blades, and the tremors soon faded. She felt exhausted over the experience.  His presence was calming her in one way, accelerating her heart in another. He smelled nice, like he'd just used after shave...probably shaved in the shower. Her pulse jumped, remembering his ensemble, or lack thereof.

              She thought of the way he had kissed her in the ocean, grabbed her on their way back, and stealing her breath... how her thoughts left her. If he would only kiss her now....she pressed closer, and then came to her senses.

              "Nolan, maybe you should put some clothes on," she whispered softly.

              She heard a chuckle rumble in his chest. "I was thinking the same thing," he murmured into her hair. He stood straight, his hands resting on her shoulders. "I'll go get dressed...go ahead and sit down. We'll talk." He shut the door, and then led her to his couch.

              Raina sunk down in it, drawing in a deep breath, calming herself, and forcing her tears to stop. She grasped his hand, before he could leave. "Where were you?"

              His eyes meet hers.

              "You knew I was troubled. You opened the door before I could you felt...”

              He nodded.

              She blinked up at him. "I needed you."

              He squeezed her hand. "I sensed something was happening," he whispered. "But I also sensed it was something you needed to go through. There was no danger."

              She frowned at his answer, but allowed him to retreat for some clothes, tearing her gaze from his retreating back.

              He returned in sweat pants and a tank, and running his fingers through his wet hair to put it in order. Raina couldn't imagine a better view. Her heart skittered a bit, as he sat next to her. She lifted her face to his.

              She gave him a frown.

              His mouth lifted to the side, as he grinned. "What?"

              "You allowed me to go through what I just did?" Her blue eyes held hurt.

              Nolan tugged at a strand of her hair. "You needed to see what she was capable of," he whispered. "What you were capable of."

              "What if she had really hurt me?"

              He hushed her with a simple shake of his head. "Thanatos would not have allowed that."

              Raina blinked. "I thought he was not to be trusted? should have seen how he cow tailed to her. She said the worse things about him, and he still left with her. I defended him, and he still..." Raina shook her head.

              "It’s always been that way with him and Elenora," Nolan sighed.

              "Well, it’s sick!"

              Nolan leaned his head back on the couch and nodded agreement.

              Raina looked down on her hands. "I can't stand him...but I hate seeing him treated that way!"

              Nolan cleared his throat. He did not care for Raina's defense of Thanatos, but it was her way. There would be no changing Raina’s over all goodness. "As much as you hate seeing it should not let him know this. He will use your kindness."

              Raina drew in a breath. "He heard me...when I defended him against her," she admitted. "It seemed to anger him."

              Silver eyes darkened. "He was pleased, I'm sure...his anger came from the fact that he will have a difficult time with Elly because of your words."

              "Elenora," she growled.

              He looked at her in surprise. "What?"

              "Her name is Elenora. Stop calling her Elly! I hate when you call her she's a dear old friend! Or an old flame you are feeling nostalgic for!" She frowned.

              He grinned. "It’s a habit, Aelan...I mean nothing by it!" He knocked her knee with his own to give his words emphasis.

              "I still hate it," she growled.

              "You can go on hating it," he laughed. "I have called her Elly from day one...old habits die hard."

              Raina shook her head, unable to contain her jealousy. She grasped his chin for emphasis. She made him face her. "Promise you'll stop using it."

              He pulled away from her gently. "If it slips out I apologize. But I will not make promises."

              She pouted.

              "Thanatos would never have allowed her to hurt you,” he continued, ignoring her demand. “I only trust one thing about him; he is taken by you. He would see that no one harmed you...unless he got to do the harming."

              She frowned. "Well he certainly let her say some hurtful things to me."

              He nodded. "Never have been able to tame the words that come out of Ellys mouth."

              Raina growled, and then lunged at him, throwing a leg over his own, so that she straddled him. Effectively, she had seated herself across his lap.

              Nolan made a sound of protest, and gripped her hips to still her. He drew in a calming breath. "Raina."

              She cut him off, again grasping the sides of his face. "I'm telling you I don't want to ever hear you call her that! I've done a lot of compromising and hiding, and lying for you Nolan Gregor. You will do this for me!" She leaned closer to look him in the eyes. "Do you understand? I had to sit there and hear her call you hers....and I couldn't say a word....could not prove her wrong. You are my Nolan."

              His fingers flexed at her hips, and he frowned. "Yours?"

              "Yes, mine," she breathed.

              Nolan drew in a deep breath, and took her hands away from his face. "Boundaries," he whispered huskily. "You don't know your power over me Aelan."

              "My power?"

              Nolan’s heart thundered beneath her chest. "Yes," he sighed.

              Raina shook her head. "No, I don't know my power," she spoke softly. "Because you never allow me any power over you. It’s always you with your power over me."

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