The Awakening (45 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Nolan swallowed hard. "The fact that you are near me shows that statement is false. You think I couldn't toss you off me now? Set you outside my door and effectively remove your temptation? Raina...I'm allowing your power over me this minute.” Nolan ran a hand down the length of her spine, liking the feel of her soft golden hair. His hands rested at her hips, and he gently lifted her out of his lap, and set her on the couch beside him, smiling at her flushed cheeks.

              They were silent for a moment.

              "So what was that? How did Elenora make me feel those feelings?" Raina whispered.

              "That is one of her strengths Raina. She has the ability to make you feel those emotions so strongly....stronger than you may have felt them originally."

              Raina frowned. "Like Thanatos feelings of love for her? She uses her gift to keep him?"

              Nolan frowned at the mention of his name. "Do not be concerned over him."

              Raina blinked at the biting statement. "I was asking a question."

              He cleared his throat. "She can use these feelings to overwhelm you...depress you. I'm sure if there were any good in her she could use it to benefit others...but she never has."

              Raina smiled. "Like your use of dreams? Your ability to make one feel safe? Or your protection? For good?"

              Nolan grinned. "Yes to the dreams for others...the protection is only for you."

              She blushed.

              "Pink is such an appealing color."

              Raina wanted to hide her face as she, on queue, blushed again.

              Nolan became very serious, and tipped her chin to look up at him. "Elenora," he emphasized her full name,” has been known to fell many a man with her power. She’s even made the strongest minds insane...weak...addled. I've seen the happiest people lose themselves in sorrow...I'm talking entire lives overcome by sorrow. I will not allow her to bring pain back into your life Raina. You have just begun healing. She is vindictive enough to take you back to square one."

              "Because she wants you."

              "That or she is jealous of you. Her boy toy Thanatos has a thing for you."

              "She doesn't care about him," Raina bit out. "She wants you!"

              He gave a shrug. "Either way...This is why we hide...this is why we stay secret, like Joseph said. As long as she is happy, appeased, there is nothing to fear."

              Raina nodded, biting her lip. She felt his thumb tug her chin, stopping the assault. "You shouldn't have to live like this for me," she sighed. "I know you stay for me because of David," she whispered. “You could leave me, and your own life, immortal as it is would be so much easier. You would be so much better off."

              "No I wouldn't," he growled." I would be miserable."

              Raina’s blue eyes held his.

              Nolan suddenly cleared his throat. "How about some food? I'm starving!" He got up and moved to the cd player, flipping on a some music. He moved toward the kitchen. "Just got back from the gym...showered...before I was barged in upon," he spoke from the other room.

              Raina giggled. "You cook too? Man of many talents?"

              "I cannot," he laughed. "I can however, make a mean grilled cheese and tomato soup."

              "How did you know I love grilled cheese?"

              Within minutes he had made them their simple supper. He even poured a glass of wine to calm her still fuzzy nerves. He flipped on a lamp, since the room had grown dark. A steady rain fell outside; it splashed against the front window. They ate with pleasant silence. Adele crooned to them through the speakers.

              Nolan cocked his head and smiled, after listening for a few seconds. "This is a good one," he agreed. "One and Only...right?"

              Raina smiled, “So good!" She sighed.

              Nolan stood, dusted off his sweats, and held his hand out for her glass. Her brow furrowed, but she handed it over. He set it on the table, then took her hands and lifted her from the couch. "Such a good reason to remain still for it, is there?"

              The blue eyes held shock. "I get a dance?" she squeaked.

              Nolan nodded, drawing her nearer.

              Raina’s tummy somersaulted. "Boundaries?"

              "It’s just a dance, Aelan...we can respect boundaries enough to dance."

              Raina grinned up at him. "You have never danced to Adele," she teased.

              His eyes swept over her. "And you have?"

              Raina blushed. "I haven't danced in a long while."

              Nolan’s eyes again took an appreciative glance, and his hand settled at her waist. He took her hand in his.              

              Raina’s free hand traveled up his arm to his shoulder. She could feel the defined muscles...the profit of his hours in the gym. His bare skin was warm on her fingers, and tanned, thanks to clear Florida sun.

              "I haven’t danced with a woman in over a century," he crooned.

              Raina was pleased by his statement, but displeased by his stance. He held her completely too far away. "Obviously," she chuckled.

              He tilted his head in question. "What am I doing wrong?"

              She smiled up at him. "Maybe a century ago you danced at arm’s length...but that is no longer the case. I don't think boundaries are very easy in this day and age when it comes to dance."

              He tilted his head again, and stiffened when she stepped into the circle of his arms, her hand went to his neck, and she tucked her head under his chin.  He was forced to wrap his arm about her, holding her to his chest. Her hand, tucked inside his, rested over his heart. He tried to still its pounding, knowing she'd be feeling it now. She was entirely too close, and soft and warm...and if she didn't have the most feminine scent.

              Adele’s voice set them to motion. The music overwhelmed the senses almost as much as the closeness. They swayed gently.

              It was going to be hard honoring boundaries when she felt this good in his arms. He didn't push her away, or fight her off. He gave in, pressing his lips to her hair, and inhaling her scent.

              Raina sighed with contentment, when she felt him relax. He had brought it on himself with his..."It’s just a dance."

              Her fingers gentled against his neck. They brushed his nape, where his hair was still damp from the shower.

              His breath warmed her ear, as he dipped his head. "Boundaries, Aelan," he breathed.

              "Ah yes, the hair," she giggled into his shirt.

              His fingers traced her spine, down, then up again, then stilled. He felt Raina’s smile against his shoulder. He grinned, and gave her a squeeze. "Okay, you were right, boundaries and dancing does not go well together!"

              She giggled, and looked up into that beautiful face. "Suggesting a movie would have been more appropriate. But you don't hear me complaining."

              He smiled, squeezed her waist. "For boundaries sake...maybe we should revert to the movie."

              Raina nodded, then gasped. "Emily! I left her standing in the café! She must be so worried! I'm a horrible friend!" She ran for the purse she had tossed in the corner upon her arrival.

              She pulled out her phone, and hit the speed dial for Emily.

              "Ughh," she growled, when it went to voice mail. "Em, it’s me. I'm safe, at Nolan’s. I completely lost track of time! I'm sorry I ran out on you! Call me tomorrow! No, I'll call you in the morning. Love you!" She hit end, then dropped the phone on the table.

              Nolan cleared his throat.

              "I should get home."

              He scowled at her. "You're not driving. Not after a bought with Elenora!"

              She frowned back at him, and then turned to dig into her purse again. Her frown turned into a smile. "Look!" She pulled an envelope from the purse. "I forgot I had these! Well, my episode today made me forget.”

              Nolan took the envelope from her hands and smiled. "The pictures from the park? He eagerly opened it. "These came out great!"

              "It’s my lovely camera that some thoughtful man gifted me." She sat up, gracing him with a smile.

              He pulled out the picture he had taken with her on the rocks. He leaned it against the lamp on the table beside him. He gave her a gentle look, and then tipped her face with one finger.

              Raina held her breath, seeing the look in his eye, thinking he might kiss her. He did not. Her disappointment was hidden by the ringing of her phone. She was glad to turn her attention elsewhere.

              "Em," she sighed with relief, reaching for the phone.

              It was not Emily.

              "Raina, where are you?"

              It was Thanatos.

              Raina's breath caught for a second in fear. "I...I'm...where are you?"

              "At your house...where the hell are you?" He growled.

              "I went for a ride," she whispered.

              "Don’t lie…you are awful at it!” He shouted into the phone. His voice sounded panicked.

              Nolan watched her with concern. With his crazy immortal hearing, he knew exactly who she talked to.

              "So the two of you are done're bored, so you have to stalk me? I'm safe, that’s all you need to know."

              "Listen Raina, I need to know!"

              "No you don't! What if I'm with Emily? Or...or, Donna?"

              "You're not...I checked! And that Emily would give me no clue as to where I could find you!"

              "Good! That’s why she’s my best friend!"

              He growled into the phone. "If you're not with're not at home...there’s only one other person you could be with! Raina, I swear if you are with him..."

              She bit her lip. "Umm..."

              "You are with him!"

              "You can't tell her!"

              "I'm not going to out you...I'm going to throttle you!"

              She blanched at this. "Why?"

              "You two are so stupid!"

              She frowned. "Listen here you Green eyed Devil..."

              "Get! I'm serious."

              "I can't get home," she cried.

              Nolan gently took the phone from her. "She's still affected by Elenora. She can’t drive," he spoke evenly. Then he winced at the growl that even Raina heard sitting next to him. "Settle down...yes, I know I'm an idiot."

              He stood, pacing, allowing her only his version of the story. This went on for several minutes. Each passing second, Nolan got more irritated. He was speaking in low deep tones into the receiver.

              Raina sat wringing her hands. She watched Nolan’s transformation from calm comfortable companion, to calculating immortal. His shoulders stiffened, his breathing accelerated, his silver eyes dilated.

              "I understand, but I don't want you near her. I don't care if Elenora left town tonight..."

              Raina blinked in surprise.

              "Because I don't trust you!" He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck. "Seriously...that does not matter! No...don't!" He growled and tossed the phone down. "Damn it!" He grabbed Raina’s hand, and moved to the door.

              Raina's hand was trembling. "Nolan, what is it?"

              He threw open the door and Thanatos waited outside.

              Rain drops dripped from the blonde hair. Green eyes took in the two of them, and he entered calmly. "Hey, beautiful," he spoke with forced politeness.

              Raina swallowed and felt Nolan move closer, squeezing her hand. She felt dread.

              Nolan closed the door, not letting go of her hand.

"I won't beat around the bush," Thanatos sighed. "Elly has plans for you, Raina."

              "She knows? Nolan and I?"

              "Oh no...even without her knowing about the two of you...she has plans. Believe me...if she knew...God help us all. You two are incredibly stupid to be together! Is this the first meeting?"

              Raina opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

              "Have you been sneaking around then? Lying? Even to me? I knew it!"

              Raina frowned. "Why would I share anything with you? Just today I stood up for you, and you took her side..."

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