The Awakening (46 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              "I warned you," he growled. "And believe me, I paid for that!" His green eyes flashed pain and hurt.

              Raina was silenced.

              "Thank you," Nolan said softly. "For the warning to her...for what protection your presence allowed, but I do not need your help!"

              Thanatos sneered. "She shares all with me! Do you think she would reveal anything to you? She knows you will do all to protect Raina!"

              "And she has not guessed you favor her too?"

              Raina backed away, crawling back on the couch, and holding her head in her hands.

              Thanatos glared. "She thinks she has enough power over me to sway me!"

              "And does she?"

              "No," he spat.

              "You were in her bed just today...that sounds powerful to me!" Nolan’s silver eyes turned to flint. "You may say you want to protect Raina now..."

              "And if I hadn't gone to her bed...she would have followed!"

              Nolan’s mouth thinned, and his nostrils flared. He did not even want to entertain the thought.

              "So she'd scare me with her mind tricks," Raina piped in. "I would survive!"

              Both immortals turned their vivid colored eyes on her. She felt a chill run up her spine. She could barely swallow, let alone speak.

              "I have not told you all, Aelan," Nolan said softly. He shook his head. "Jonathan started to, but did not finish."

              Raina bit her lip.

              Thanatos eyes widened. "She has meet Jonathan? When the hell did this happen?"

              Nolan glared at him.

              "Just this past weekend," Raina spoke up. "He is nothing like his sister. He's worthy of his grandfather’s respect."

              "Joseph still loves his granddaughter, and if he knew you were causing her pain..."

              “Joseph is a good man," she argued.

              Nolan gave a nod.

              "He won't hurt me," she whispered. I know he won't. He...he likes me."

              Thanatos stood in shock. "You've meet him too?"

              Raina swallowed. "Yes."

              "He came here?" His eyes darkened.

              She shook her head.

              "You were there?"

              Raina nodded.

              Thanatos swore violently, and turned his back. "What the hell else are you hiding from me?"

              Nolan scowled. "Everything," he growled. "You are loyal to Elenora. Why in the world would she...would we tell you anything that could get back to her?"

              "You went to her own grandfather for God’s sake," Thanatos shouted back. His green eyes were blazing with panic.

              "Joseph is a level headed fair man," Raina whispered.

              Thanatos growled. "How is she not going to find out?"

              "By you keeping your mouth shut," Raina bit out. Her lip trembled.

              Thanatos eyes fired. “How much time are you spending together? Be honest with me," he pleaded."

              "She doesn't have to answer that," Nolan growled.

              Raina shook her head. "A lot of time," she whispered. The cat was already out of the bag.

              "So it’s only time until she finds out," he whispered back.

              Raina shook her head. "But Joseph won’t tell...."

              "It’s not her grandfather I am worried about! It’s Richard Rivers! Is that name familiar? If you know anything of him, it should be sending chills up and down your spine!" Thanatos came to sit down in the chair beside her.

              Raina paled. "I only heard that I should never wish to meet him," she murmured. “That he hurts people.”

              Thanatos sighed. "No, you never want to be on his bad side Raina. And if he finds that you are hurting his daughter..."

              "I'm not hurting her!"

              "You have Nolan. You've stolen him from her," Thanatos said softly in a reminder.

              "But he wasn't bestowed to her. He was not hers for me to steal," she argued, looking up pleadingly at Nolan.

              Thanatos looked surprised. "You told her a great deal...didn't you friend?"

              Nolan shrugged. "Not all!"

              "Then she doesn't know your strengths, does she? Elenora will use Nolan’s strength... to hurt you. You need him now Raina. And you don't even know why. You have no idea the extent of his gift."

              Raina protested. "He is a protector...dream maker."

              Thanatos grinned. "That’s just a bit of it. Nolan is a ..."

              "Thanatos," Nolan growled.

              "Why must it be a secret? You are so humble," he growled. He turned back to Raina. "Why do you think I tried to offer David immortality, and not to heal him?"

              Raina shook her head.

              The green eyes meet hers. "Because I'm not a Healer."

              "Joseph said they are rare. He said he only knew of one! I don't understand why you bring that up now!"

              Thanatos shook his head. "I know one do you."

              Her breath caught in a gasp. "Nolan?"

              Thanatos nodded.

              Raina's eyes lifted to Nolan’s in admiration. Her eyes softened on the pain in his face. "Just like your grandpa," she whispered. "You did turn out just like him! Nolan what a wonderful gift..."

              "It's a curse," he shouted. "Don't try to glorify what I am!"

              Raina blinked at the force of his words.

              "Is it a curse?" Thanatos growled. “You healed Raina."

              Raina blinked.

              Nolan shook his head.

              "Yes he took your grief Raina, and his presence in your life allows you to be free of it. As jealous as I am that this is...I can't deny it," the green eyes devil growled.

              "I do need you," she said softly. "To hurt me...she would hurt you."

              "And to hurt him...she would hurt you," Thanatos added.

              Raina’s blue eyes widened. "Her grandpa would...."

              "He could do nothing, if Richard stepped in. Joseph has the gift to impart immortality...Richard has the gift to take it away."

              Raina’s eyes widened. “He would do that to Nolan??”

              Nolan leaned against the wall, suddenly feeling void of strength. "Elly is seeing her father again? Jonathan knew nothing of this."

              Thanatos nodded. "She has wrapped him around her little finger. He will do her bidding if she asks.”

              Raina felt tears prick her eyes, and shuddered. "She doesn't want to hurt Nolan!"

              Thanatos wanted to comfort her, but knew Nolan would object. His partner stood as still as a statue now. He had not wanted Raina to hear this...but she needed to know. "Elly does not care who she hurts really, Raina. You can't hurt if you can't truly love. But she’s possessive of Nolan. She knows you are’s a war. She knows her only hope to win is if you think you need to protect him. She knows you'll do anything. Even give him up. She thinks you've done so now. This is why it is so stupid of the both of you...."

              "What if I don't want to give him up? Certainly Joseph can step in."

              Thanatos hushed her with one look. "And forfeit his life?"

              She ducked her head. "It’s not fair." She felt tears spill down her cheeks.

              She felt Nolan’s arms surround her, and she pressed her face into his chest.

              “I could try persuading Richard…” Thanatos began.

              "Trust you to go to Richard and beg for my life?” Nolan laughed harshly. “When you could simply allow him to kill me?”

              "Don't think I haven't entertained that idea!" Thanatos green eyes narrowed.

              She felt the muscles around her stiffen. "Exactly why I can't trust you."

              Thanatos looked as though he'd been struck. "I want to protect her. Raina, you can only be protected if you us." He frowned.

              "NO!" Nolan barked. "I will not see her cursed as we are!"

              "You won't give her up either! You will be the source of her death! I don’t want to lose her."

              Nolan stood to his feet, as did Thanatos.

              "She is not yours to lose," Nolan growled.

              "I would have her for myself...immortal and strong! You want her weak and mortal, Nolan! Is that not a curse?"

              Nolan grabbed the front of Thanatos shirt.

              "You'll be her death then if you don't leave her alone." Thanatos pushed Nolan roughly. "Tell me...have you already started her death? Have you taken her to your bed?"

              A growl emanated from Nolan’s chest. Raina saw a flash of fear in Thanatos. She trembled too, seeing the power in Nolan’s stance.

              "Stop! The both of you," Raina cried. "You argue as though it were up to either of you! This is my life you are fighting over! I don't want to hear how cursed you are, or how weak I am! Just help me figure out what I must do to stay alive now!" Her blue eyes blazed with anger.

              Both men turned their eyes in shock. Sweet gentle Raina’s face was flushed in anger. Tears flowed at the same time. "Can't we talk this out? Figure some way?"

              Nolan shook his head, hands on hips. "Thanatos cannot be trusted, and he even knows that!” Nolan’s eyes darkened, as he stared down his former friend. "Why the change of heart, partner? Why have you decided you must protect Raina as well? We both know you only hurt those around you!"

              Raina was shocked at the malice coming out of Nolan, but she also knew it came from a lifetime of being hurt by the being before him...and witnessing others being hurt by him as well.

              Thanatos stood there, uncertain what he could say to prove himself. "Believe this or not...but I care for Raina too. I will protect Raina...I will not harm her. I give you my word."

              Nolan frowned. "Your word means nothing to me, especially when it comes to her. You certainly gave your word to deterred from that promise."

              "Because of her." Thantos voice was soft.

              Raina stepped back. Those words hurt. Nolan had told her that Thanatos' motives had changed when he had seen her. The question Nolan had been quick to deny flashed in her memory. Was David dead now because of her?

              "Don't, Aelan," Nolan growled. "Don't even entertain the thought."

              Thanatos looked back and forth between the two. Jealousy stood out in his eyes, when he realized they could communicate without exchanging a word. So, they had become pretty close the two of was worse than he thought. He growled too. "All I meant by that is... I will not break my promise because I desire her too much to destroy her."

              Nolan growled.

              Thanatos grinned. “As much as I’d like to take her to my bed… I realize she is too important to waste.”

              Nolan shoved him hard. Thanatos crashed against the wall.

              Raina was about to chastise them for fighting, when a shot rang out.

              Nolan did not make a sound; he only jerked back, and then fell to the ground with a loud thump. Then there was utter silence.

              Raina stood in shock, looking down at the still form of her protector. Overwhelming cold filled her senses...her vision felt blurry, and her heart leapt nearly out of her chest. Words would not form on her tongue. She watched the blood stain grow on the tank, right above his heart.

              She stared open mouthed at the smug creature with the gun.

              Nonchalantly, Thanatos brushed off the weapon, tucking it into the band of his jeans at the small of his back. He grinned sheepishly, giving her a shrug. "What? Raina," Thantos sighed. "I had to...."

              "No," she screamed. "No, you don't speak to me! Do you hear me? Go! Just leave!" She dropped down on her hands and knees before Nolan, sobbing. She touched the beautiful angel face with trembling fingers. Tears tried to blind her, but even that could not mar the beauty before her.

              Thanatos stepped closer, and he watched as she protectively covered Nolan, glaring up at him. "Why would you do this? Do you think I'll now willingly go with you? How? How could you Thanatos?"

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