The Awakening (59 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              She looked up into his impassive gaze. Her hands reached up to his face, touching him, loving him, taking in every feature. Tears still ran down her face. "Where have you been?" Her voice was small, weak.

              "Sorting things out," he growled.

              Raina felt a cold chill run through her. She let her fingers slip from his face. She stepped back, and he let his arms fall.

              "Please sit," he said calmly.

              Raina swallowed, and backed up sitting back down in the chair next to Thanatos. She gave the devil a questioning look, and his green eyes held sorrow for an instant, then he attempted a smile.

              "Just waiting on a few others and we will start," Nolan’s calm voice spoke. He walked around to the chair behind the large desk, and sat down. He folded his hands in front of him, and studied them. He wouldn't grace her with a glance.

              "I...I am very confused," Raina whispered. "I don't see you for weeks...and you..." she drew in a breath. "Nolan...what’s going on? Is this? This is your home?" She was trying to move past the shock.

              "It is," he sighed.

              She bit down hard on her lip. What was wrong with him? Why was he being so cool? Why was he not responding to her presence like she was to his? Where was her Nolan? Where was the man she had nearly made love to weeks ago? The man who said he loved her........wanted her for always? Her heart was tearing in two at this moment, and she could say nothing...her voice was failing her. Her thoughts were failing her.

              Thanatos reached over and took her hand. "Raina," his voice gentled. "Just hear him out, beautiful."

              She blinked at him, shaking herself from her dumb state. "Why can't you just tell me what’s going on?"

              "He a bit." He lifted a hand and brushed her tears with his fingers.

              "Touching her is not necessary," Nolan said in a low voice.

              "It's quite necessary, friend. Do you not see what this is doing to her?"

              No, he couldn't see, if he wouldn't look at her.

              "I think I want to go home," she whispered.

              Thanatos cupped her face, and forced her to look in his eyes. "Raina, you have to let this happen. For the both of have to let this happen."

              "What happen?" her question was barely over a whisper. "What is happening?"

              "Trust me."

              "I said I did," she argued. "I'm here, I'm confused, and I'd much rather go home."

              "And hide?" Thanatos shook his head. "That’s the old Raina."

              She sighed and closed her eyes. "Fine, I'll stay," she breathed. Her blue eyes opened to him, looking peeved. "Thanks for the guilt trip friend."

              Thanatos chuckled. "Good girl." He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

              Raina jerked, as Thanatos was ripped from her. He was in Nolan’s clutches and up against a wall before she could blink.

              "Touch her again and I will..."

              "You will what?" Thanatos challenged. "Run away again? I cannot protect what I cannot touch. You are giving her up Nolan...wasn't that the plan? So it’s not your say anymore who touches her!" The green eyes blazed with fury.

              Nolan growled, pressing into him harder.

              Thanatos frowned deeper. "It’s a knee jerk reaction...I know, but you have to get over it. I am not going to hurt her. My intentions toward Raina are must know that."

              Nolan’s jaw clenched. "I know," he growled.

              "It would be best if you let me go then," Thanatos growled back.

              Nolan released him, and straightened his suit jacket.

              She didn't know what to say to him. To a man she had never had issue speaking her mind to...trusting. She watched as he turned, not even looking at her, and sitting back down. He gave no attention to the one he'd just defended. Not that Thanatos would harm her, but he'd touched her. She knew how much Nolan hated that hadn't changed.

              "You are giving me up?" Her voice was hollow. "What does that mean, Nolan?"

              He shook his head. "The others will be arriving soon."

              "What if I don't want to stick around for the others?" she asked defiantly.

              "You will stay," he said flatly.

              "I have a say in that."

              "You have no say," he growled. "You will sit there, and you will listen, and you will do what will keep you safe...keep you alive."

              Raina frowned. "And who is going to hurt me? Thanatos? You? No, I don't think so." She stood up to leave.

              His tall frame shot to full height. "Sit the hell back down," he snarled.

              Raina didn't sit; she was knocked back in her chair just by the authority and anger in his voice. She had never heard such a harsh tone come from him. Maybe close to such a tone was the morning in the hotel room...when he had lost control with her; almost lost control. The forced words when he had last seen her...fighting against his desire. Both times his control had been tested. Was all this authority just an act? Was he feeling out of control in truth?

              Her voice trembled, "Nolan, this isn't you."

              "It is me Raina. It’s me keeping you alive."

              "You don't have to treat me like..."

              "Yes," he groaned. "I do."

              She felt a new rush of tears. There was vulnerability in the eyes that meet hers. She gripped her trembling hands before her. "You do?"

              "I do," he whispered.

              She drew in a breath. Her eyes did not leave his. She did not want to lose that contact. Not when he'd avoided it from the moment he walked in the door. "I will try to trust you," she whispered. "I don't understand what’s going on forgive me if I'm freaking out."

              Thanatos sat down again next to her. "Nolan means well," he sighed. "His passion is misplaced. He doesn't mean to take it out on you. This is costing him, Raina."

              She studied the beautiful face of her protector, not even turning to Thanatos. "What price?" she whispered.

              "You will find out," Nolan said bitterly.

              She shook her head. "Nolan, no matter what’s going on...I don't care. I...I love you. That is not going to change."

              He turned his face from her, and sank down in the chair. "We'll see if that’s really true."

              She gasped at that response.

              Nolan flinched, but didn't raise his eyes to hers again.

              A knock sounded at the door, and then Joseph entered, followed by Jonathan.

              Raina felt her pulse leap, and she smiled at her new friends. She wanted to jump up and hug them both, but somehow that didn't seem proper at this moment. She took courage in Joseph’s smile, Jonathan’s look of compassion.

              "Thank you for coming," Nolan greeted.

              They both took a seat, and nodded.

              Raina felt further confused, when Jonathan handed Nolan an official looking folder.

              "All ready to go," he said softly. " are sure?"

              Nolan gave a curt nod.

              Jonathan shook his head. "I don't think you are."

              "Stay out of my head, Jonathan," Nolan growled.

              Raina's eyes followed the folders journey, until it sat before Nolan. She worried her lip with her teeth. What was this? Why were Jonathan and Joseph here?

              "Elenora arrived yet?" Joseph asked cautiously.

              Raina felt another chill. Her stomach dropped, and she sure she paled as white as a sheet. No, she did not want to be around that woman. She felt a tremor in her hands.

              Thanatos reached over and squeezed her clasped hands. A look from Nolan had him rolling his eyes and releasing her.

              She shook her head, and reached over to reclaim his hand. She and Thanatos had come too far in their friendship to be bullied now. His intentions were pure, and she needed his comfort. "Why are they here?"

              Thanatos leaned in, and whispered softly in her ear. "Jonathan is a lawyer."

              She frowned. "We need a lawyer?"

              Thanatos nodded his blonde head.

              "And Joseph?"

              "We need a changer as well. It will all be explained in a moment."

              She nodded, swallowing back fear. "After Elenora gets here. I don't want to be near her." She squeezed his fingers. Her eyes moved in the direction of the empty chair beside her.

              "Switch places with me. You sit next to Jonathan." Thanatos stood, tugged her hand to help her up, and they exchanged places.

              She felt a little better, between two immortals that she trusted would try to keep her safe.

              Jonathan took her other hand. "Do not let Elenora bully you. This is a meeting of equals, and not one person can have the upper hand."

              She gave him a small smile. "I'm confused at your presence, but I'm glad you're here, Jonathan."

              His warm browns softened. "We will make this as easy for you as possible."

              She was about to ask him more, when the door behind them opened again. She felt a chill, and her fingers flexed over Jonathans.

              "Ah, granddaughter, late as usual," Joseph greeted. He got to his feet and went to Elenora.

              Raina wouldn't look up, but she heard Joseph kiss Elenora’s cheek.

              Elenora gave an unladylike groan. "Let’s get this thing started. I don't understand Nolan’s formality. What’s the big ta do?" She walked over, and sank gracefully into the empty chair.

              Raina bit her lip. It was disconcerting being the only mortal in the room. Her eyes lifted a smidge to the man behind the desk. He now looked uncertain, hesitant, and still beautiful. She just wanted to walk around the desk, curl up in his arms, and comfort him. This would not be an option right now, and she doubted he would invite any such thing from her.

              Nolan cleared his throat. "Now that we're all here. We should just get this started." His eyes followed the line of each person before him. Then those eyes came back to rest on Raina. "Little mortal with all the power," he sighed.

              Raina drank in the attention she had from him.

              "We have to change that. That’s the reason for this meeting."

              "Change?" she whispered. She felt a rush of adrenaline wash over her.

              The gorgeous frowny face appeared, as though he could read her thoughts. "Change your power status...not the status of your mortality," he growled. "You'd have to be dying, and you are veruy much alive and staying alive."

              "I could arrange that," Elenora purred.

              Nolan gave the woman a scowl. "You will stay in your seat, Elenora, until called upon."

              Raina's tummy tumbled, when he again returned his eyes to hers.

              "I vowed to protect you," he whispered. "I am in a place right now, where that is not an option. Being with you poses a threat to your life from others... and even from myself." He shook his head. "For that, I'm sorry, Raina."

              She knew what he meant. The last time she had seen him...they had been so close to putting her in danger. That whole night had been one big cheat on death for her. She shivered, remembering Richard’s words, his intention, Elenora’s gloating.

              "But...I was bestowed to that protective sense. can't change that," she whispered.

              Nolan swallowed. "You can. That is why all of us are here. And Jonathan wrote up our contract. I cannot be your protector anymore, Raina, but I will be sure you are protected."

              Tears stung her eyes. What? Nolan no longer her protector? “I don’t want anyone else.”

              "I can't," he said flatly. “If I’m with you, Richard will be sure to make your life an unsafe one…”

              "Because of her," Raina jerked her chin toward Elenora. Her blue eyes sparked angrily. "She can change that!"

              "When Nolan is mine, I will," Elenora sighed. "Easy as that. My father will not harm you once this is done. I promise that."

              Raina felt sick at that idea. Her eyes implored his. "I don't want that. Anything but that." She shook her head, and a tear escaped down her cheek, despite her efforts to be strong. "I'll give you up, Nolan, before I let you be hers."

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