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Ella walked out front to catch a breath of fresh air.  She strolled a few feet away from the shop and low and behold there was parked the blue sedan. He’s here. I probably shook hands with the creep.  Ella feeling a little uneasy made her way back to the shop. She looked around wondering who belonged to the blue sedan. Would he have the nerve to come in the shop? Since he had the nerve to park nearby, he just might come in.

It was five to nine.  Mark announced over the PA system. “Does everyone have their guest card in my hat?  You have five minutes before we draw the lucky card.  Five minutes seem like a long time.  Everyone was getting anxious.  Mark’s assistant pulled the card from his hat. 
“Drum roll please… The winner is… Sharon Moore… He announced in long drawn out syllables.  Sharon has five minutes to claim her prize.”  Mark said.  Almost before Mark finished his sentence Sharon ran through the door. 

“I’m here, I’m Sharon Moore.”  A middle aged lady said as she flew through the door. 

Ella presented her with a crisp one hundred dollar bill. 

“Thank you so much. This means so much to me.” Sharon said with tears streaming down her checks. “This will really help me out.”

“You are welcome.”  Ella said as she gave Sharon a hug.

Sharon kissed the bill and tucked it in her brassiere.  “Thank you so much.”  She said.

The ‘Grand Opening’ was a success.  The townspeople came out in support of the first flower shop in Coopersville.

The last guest left the shop and Ella turned the lock  and looked at her crew.


You guys are fabulous.”  Ella said as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Alicia had taken her heels off and was rubbing her feet.  “Lady, I don’t wear heels for just anybody…you owe me, big time.”  Alicia said with a big husky laugh.

The caterer soon had the place cleaned and ready to head home. 


Thank you for a job well done.”  She said handing the man in charge a check.

“We are glad you called on us to do the catering.” He said with a big smile.

Ella and the crew headed home.  Ella was too tired to look in her rear view mirror until she was on the country road near her home.  Again the lights from the blue sedan shined in her mirror.  Ella knew the shape and the glow of the blue sedan lights.  There was no doubt in her mind it was the blue sedan.  She turned up her drive.
Ella’s heart stopped for a moment.  Oh, my God he’s following me to my house.  What am I going to do?  Just as fast as the car pulled in the drive it backed out and headed toward town.  Ella could breathe again.  Stalker, a damn stalker.  That’s what he is.  Ella thought as she walked up to the house.

The house was quiet when Ella arrived home.  The crackling of the smoldering fireplace caught Ella’s eye.  Looks like the kids had a nice evening around the fireplace.  Memories  of Ella’s childhood filled her head.  Ella stood in silence looking at the embers as they sent light across the room with each smoldering spark.  Ella shook herself returning to reality.

Ella felt a chill and adjusted the thermostat as she headed for her room.  She sat on the side of her bed as she tossed her heels off laughing as she looked down at her feet.  The toes of her nylons were letting her big toe escape on both feel.

“So much for the expensive nylons.”  Ella said aloud as she laughed.

She unlatched the black shiny necklace and ran the strand of beads through her fingers. It’s only costume jewelry but it’s very nice.  She thought as the string broke with shiny black beads dancing all over the room.

“Oh well, so much for nice beads.  She said trying to catch of few of the escapees.

Ella managed to find most of the beads and put them in a dish on the dresser.  As she walked to the bathroom she stepped on an escapees and fell flat on her butt.  Sheesh, she thought I’ve been doing that a lot lately.  She remembering back to the drop-house incident.

Ella ran a bubble bath and soaked for a while.  The Grand Opening was perfect.  She couldn’t have asked for a better turnout.  There was a lot to do to get ready for the holidays soon approaching.  Next week was Thanksgiving and surely someone would need centerpieces for their holiday tables.  Although, the community has been ordering from Margo’s shop for years.  Ella wondered if the Coopersville residence would make the switch?  Red and Green, Christmas trees and holly was also on her mind.


I need to turn my mind off and get ready for the day.”  She said as she stepped out of the bear claw tub.

Ella, again put on her jeans this time with a rust colored slip over top with a tied sash at the side hanging almost to her knees.  She sat in her big chair pulling on a pair of brown boots over her brown socks.  Ella always looked fashionable.  Something she learned form her mother.  She made her way back to the big mirror in the bathroom.  She pulled the front part of her hair back to the crown and secured it with a barrette. 

Ella was glad to hear Maria in the kitchen.  She was most certainly hungry this morning.

“Good morning Ms. Ella.”  Maria said with a smile in her voice.  “If you don’t need Juan today we thought we would go on a drive.  We haven’t seen the countryside.”  Maria said.

“Sure Maria,  Juan has been working hard for weeks.  He needs to spend time with his family.”  Ella said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Thank you, Ms. Ella.”  Maria said as she bent over and gave Ella a hug.  Ella smiled. It felt good to have someone hug her.

Shortly Juan came downstairs carrying Jose face out.  Jose was drooling all over Juan’s hand and arm.

“Is Jose cutting another tooth?”  Ella asked.

“We think so, this will his fourth tooth.  You can feel them under his gums.”  Juan said as he rubbed Jose gums. 

“He likes that, it makes his gums feel good.”  Ella told them.

“So, where are you three going?”  Ella asked.

“Maria told you we would like to take a drive?” Juan asked with a question hoping it was alright with Ella.

“Yes, but I think it’s best when we go somewhere we should leave a note about where we are going.  You know in case you don’t make it back. I could send the Calvary looking for you.”  Ella said with a big laugh.

Juan knew exactly why and didn’t ask questions.

“We’ll leave a note when we leave.” He said.

After breakfast Ella headed out to the shop.  There’s not much traffic on the road this morning.  I guess on Saturday’s people don’t get out so early, she thought. 

Alicia was standing at the shop door when Ella drove up.

“I’m going to need to give you a key in case I’m late you could go ahead and open up.”  Ella told Alicia while she unlocked the door.

“That’s a good idea. I’ve been thinking until we get busy Susan, Ron and I could pretty much keep this place going.”  Alicia told her.

Ron and Susan drove up both with smiles toting a box of donuts.

“We thought everyone might be hungry for a sweet roll.  Ron’s going to make us some coffee.” Susan said as she skipped into the shop.

“Good morning you two. Are you rested from the festivities last night?” Ella asked.

“We are rested and ready for work.” Susan said as she made her way to the back room to fill the watering can.

“These plant look a little thirsty.” Susan said as she twisted the faucet handle to off. 

I’m going to take the morning off. I think you three can handle everything.”  Ella said with a giggle.

There was water on the street from the dew causing the fallen leaves of gold brown and rust to glisten in the sunlight. It was Saturday and the kids were playing football on Ninth Street Ella slowly drove past them. Giving her a chance to look at the drop-house. She couldn’t believe her eyes the green van was parked in the drive. This meant the FBI had not raided the house. The men are still in there probably being beaten and maybe dead. Ella didn’t understand why it was taking the FBI so long to do their job.

Ella made her way back to the shop.  To her amazement the shop was swarming with customers.  They were ordering fall arrangements.  Thanksgiving was just a few days away and they needed centerpieces for their holiday dinner.  Ella greeted customers as she made her way to the work area.  Susan was in total control of the front counter.

“You best get yourself back here and get yourself to work lady.  Alicia ordered.

“Susan has written up a ton of orders.” Alicia said as she put a gift card on an arrangement she finished wrapping with cellophane.

“Where’s Ron?”  Ella asked

“He’s out on deliveries.  That new van is getting broke in today.”  Alicia said with a grin. 

“Lady we’ve been swamped since you left.” Alicia told her. 

Ella knew what swamped meant and swamped they were.

“You’re gonna need to make an order for Monday’s flower delivery and get it called in before noon or we are going to be in hot water come Monday.” Alicia told her pointing to a stack of orders. 

“I don’t know what the orders are.  I don’t know what to order.”  Ella said looking at the blank ordered sheet.

“Here, let me do that I know what to order.” Alicia said as she took the pen from Ella’s hand.

Within a few moments Alicia had a list of flowers needed and handed it to Ella.

“Here you go honey, order this an we will be fine.”  Alicia said as Ella took the order sheet from her hand and began to dial the phone.

Thank goodness they are still taking orders. It was 11:55 and the cutoff was at noon.  Ella read off the order to an answering machine.  When she finished she gave a sigh of relief as she put the phone in the cradle.

“Alicia, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you.  This is all new to me. I love to design but I’ve never worked at a flower shop.” She confided in Alicia.

“It shows but I can show  you the ropes.  I’ve been around flower shops since I was a kid.  I always dreamed of having my own shop but dreams don’t always come true.” 
Alicia confided in Ella with a look of failure on her round face.

“I have a degree in business but…”  Ella’s voice trailed off.

“We’ll do fine. You just follow my lead.”  Alicia said with her husky voice and a I’m on your side wink.

Ron came in the back door to pick up more deliveries.

Some of the deliveries are out of town. I’m going to need some money for gas.”  Ron told Ella.

“Why of course.”  Ella dug through her purse for her wallet.  She pulled out a gasoline credit card and handed it to Ron.

“Keep this card with you and never let the tank go below half full.  She told him.

“That’s where we are different Ella.”  Alicia said.
“I never let mine get above half empty.”  Alicia’s laugh was contagious.  She seemed to know when to crack a joke to relieve the tension. 

It was five o’clock and everyone was getting ready to leave for home.

“Hold on there everyone.  First thing about a shop.  You never leave the workroom dirty.”  Alicia as she picked up the broom and started sweeping up the flower clippings she had dropped on the floor as she was working.

Everyone scurried around and before long the shop was cleaned.

Ella announced she had an errand to run Monday morning and would not be there to open up.

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