The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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With a relieved sigh, Cameron straightened his back, ready for the pounding wave of nausea as all the blood rushed out of his head again. He closed his lips and eyes tightly and waited until he felt certain it was safe to open his eyes again.

Tor was watching him, his face expressionless but his gaze guarded. Tor knew how he felt. Tor always knew. That’s why Cameron trusted him to be the one in charge of his sexual pleasure.

“You were staring at Gaynor’s ass. You want to replace that butt plug with your cock, don’t you?”

Cameron nodded, cleared his throat, and said, “Yes.”

“You were imagining how you’d fuck her, how deep and how hard. How good it would feel for you both.”

Again Cameron nodded.

“Do you understand why I made you wait like that?” asked Tor.

“You wanted me to imagine doing it. It will be better for both Gaynor and me because of the time I spent watching her and picturing myself fucking her ass.”

“She’ll be so wet and ready she’ll come at once. So you must be in control and give her a second orgasm before coming yourself.”

Damn. It is going to be tricky to hold off that long.
“Yes, Sir.”


Cameron followed Tor across the room to Gaynor, his legs still slightly wobbly. Gaynor had heard everything, of course, and knew he’d be the one fucking her. He’d be the one giving her two orgasms.

Tor stroked Gaynor’s skin gently as he released the handcuffs and freed her. “Cameron will sit on the chair, and you’ll sit on him. Also, you’ll suck me off while he fucks your ass,” said Tor.

Gaynor gave a little shiver, but Cameron knew it was from pleasure, not from disagreement with the plan. She gave excellent head and was always willing to suck either of them. She almost never disagreed with any of their plans, although she’d insisted on both him and Tor using condoms at first. Now they’d been in an exclusive relationship for four months, and she’d had the pregnancy-prevention implant, so she no longer cared whether they used condoms or not.

Cameron settled himself on the chair then guided Gaynor’s ass down over his cock. She was more than ready for him, stretched and open, so he slid right inside her with just a tiny push past her ring of muscles. She wiggled down on him until his balls were pressed tight against her ass cheeks.

He wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her safe on his lap, then rammed three fingers of his other hand deep into her cunt. “So wet,” he said.

Gaynor just moaned then gave that tiny purr sound again.

Tor had lined his cock up with her lips, and Gaynor held his shaft with one hand and his balls with the other.

Cameron’s eyes nearly crossed as he tried to watch her mouth on Tor’s cock and her breasts bouncing up and down as he pulled out of her ass then drove up into her again. People often said men couldn’t multitask, but he did gather together enough brain cells to make his fingers twist and curve deep inside her cunt until he found that slightly rougher patch of nerve endings. He scraped his fingers over it and she came hard, her pussy rippling around his fingers and her ass clenching tight on his cock. Cameron had to stop thrusting into her or he’d have come as well then, but he managed to control both his cock and his breathing as she shivered and rippled all around him.

As soon as he sensed her starting to come down off her peak, he slammed into her again and again, keeping his fingers moving around inside her as before, matching them to the drive and withdrawal of his cock some of the time and just twisting them around to stroke her sweet spot the rest of the time.

After a little while he managed to find her clit with his thumb, and on his instroke he rubbed her hot little button then teased around it on the outstroke. His cock was harder than a spike now, his balls drawn up tight, and the tingling at the base of his spine told him his control was pretty much all used up.

Cameron put both hands on her hips, forcing her down on him as he pushed up, trying to get even a fraction of an inch more penetration.

Tor’s hands were on Gaynor’s breasts, teasing her nipples, and Cameron really wanted to look, but his brain was almost fried with pleasing her as it was, and he didn’t dare watch her sucking Tor’s cock or Tor playing with her lovely, round breasts.

At the very moment when he thought he was going to lose control, Gaynor melted against him, her body shaking hard as she climaxed. Cameron had no sensation of letting go, but semen poured out of his cock into her tight heat over and over again while he held Gaynor against his chest.

He had a moment’s guilt wondering whether Tor had come before remembering Tor always was in control. That’s when his brain registered the stickiness of Gaynor’s breasts against his hands. How could he not have noticed Tor coming on Gaynor? It could only have happened at the exact moment he came himself, when his eyes were shut and his brain had momentarily switched off. But how like Tor to time it so they’d all climaxed together. It was another example of Tor’s wonderful care for him and Gaynor, of their relationship as a threesome.


* * * *


Gaynor was so limp she thought she might never be able to move again. First Tor had teased and tormented her by handcuffing her over a chair, stuffing her ass with a huge butt plug, and then using his hands and a feather to arouse her almost to screaming point. If he hadn’t expressly forbidden her from coming, she’d have orgasmed the moment when he spanked her. Or possibly even sooner. Then Cameron had fucked her brains out. Her ass had felt so empty after the butt plug was removed that she’d been desperate to be fucked there. But somehow Cameron had understood and had used his fingers in her cunt as well. Plus, with Tor in her mouth she’d felt so full and cherished, loved in every possible way.

Tor was amazing, the way he always knew exactly what she needed to bring her to the highest peak of pleasure. But Cameron seemed to sense it, too, and never failed to please her thoroughly. She was one very lucky woman to have two such wonderful men to love her.

The BDSM really helped, too. She wasn’t into blood play or being kept on a collar and leash, but surrendering her thoughts and wishes to someone else and letting them decide what happened in the bedroom was truly liberating. Her orgasms had been the best ever since she’d joined with Tor and Cameron, and she’d developed a deep and abiding sense of peace that had spread right though her heart into her everyday life as well.

Gaynor hid a smile. The best-ever orgasms indeed. Of course she’d had boyfriends before. After all, she was very nearly thirty. But the sex had been mundane, with very few real fireworks. When Tor had introduced her to Cameron and told her what he wanted—both of them to follow his leadership and that both men would fuck her—the thought had almost blown her mind. She’d only agreed to a trial, but she’d soon changed her mind and realized that this was what she wanted. What she needed. It freed her to be herself. Of course, just as Tor had drawn them together, she supposed he could break them up.

He always kept something of himself back from her and Cameron. She was absolutely certain there was more to him than he shared with them and sometimes it annoyed her. Other times it disturbed her peace. It was almost as if he didn’t want them to know everything about him. Yet she’d answered every question they’d ever asked her, fully and completely. Sometimes Tor used his Dominance to turn the conversation away from himself.

What if he did decide to break them up? She supposed it was inevitable, but she really, really, really hoped that didn’t happen for a very long time. She truly loved them both, and she was sure Cameron had genuine feelings for her. With Tor it was harder to tell, as he was always so very much in control. But when he relaxed she knew he was happy with them both. For the time being, that was enough for her. She could be satisfied with that.

“Hey, have you gone to sleep there?” Cameron shook her gently.

“Almost,” she admitted, trying to open her eyes wider than they seemed to want to go.

“We all need a shower. I’ll go turn the water on,” said Tor.

Cameron lifted her off his lap, and Gaynor was conscious of how very sticky her body was, with Tor’s semen half-dry on her chest and Cameron’s dripping out from between her ass cheeks. Yuck. Yes, a shower was definitely the next thing to do.

She followed Tor to the bathroom, wishing it was much bigger. The three of them didn’t really fit in the shower. They often showered together, and the men were very good about letting her shampoo her hair, even helping her rub and rinse it, but it was cramped for three. And the tub was even smaller. There was no way even two people could fit in it at once.

Oh, well, no use complaining. This was the bathroom they had, and it’d been hard enough to agree to move in with Tor instead of staying in the tiny garden apartment she’d been renting. That had been absolutely a one-person apartment, basically a single large room with a tiny bathroom off to the side. But her balcony, also miniscule, had overlooked the garden, and she’d loved the green vista. Still, nothing could compare to snuggling up in bed with a man on either side of her. She sure didn’t need an electric blanket anymore, even on the coldest of nights!

As always, Tor had the shower water at the perfect temperature, and he pulled her under the spray, helping her shampoo her hair, giving her a scalp massage as Cameron picked up her feet, one after the other, to wash her toes. Now that was truly sexy! She did love these men so very much!

Tor stepped out of the shower to wrap a big fluffy towel around her before climbing back in to help Cameron get cleaned up. Gaynor rubbed her hair dry, patted her body, then, suddenly even more tired than before, she walked into the bedroom, pulled down the quilt, climbed onto the bed, and sank deep into the fluffy softness of the mattress.

She wasn’t really asleep but hadn’t been aware of time passing either when a growl was followed by a weight on the bed and a large hand enclosed one of her breasts. She knew that was Tor. He was quite possessive as he slept, always liking to hold her close to him. Whereas Cameron sometimes snuggled against her, sometimes cuddled her, sometimes spooned against her, and sometimes fell asleep with an arm or leg over hers. There was no rhyme or reason to the way Cameron slept. Tor, however, always and inevitably was holding some part of her body against his.

Gaynor relaxed back against Tor and opened her eyes to check for Cameron. He was sound asleep on his side, his body not quite touching hers, although only a fraction of an inch separated them. Gaynor closed her eyes and relaxed again. The men were so different from each other, and that suited her fine. She really did love them both and appreciated their differences.

As she snuggled against Tor she felt his cock as a hard ridge pressing against her ass. She knew his cock intimately, every vein and inch of flesh. She knew exactly what aroused him highest and fastest. If only he’d share his mind with her like that. She understood he was a Dom through and through and needed to be in control, but surely he could talk more to her, tell her more about himself. Sometimes it was as if he deliberately put a wall between them and that drove her insane. When he did that she didn’t dare try to ask him any questions even though there were so many things she’d really like to know about him. Right now she should be blissfully asleep, like Cameron, and yet here she was wondering how she could get Tor to tell her more about himself. She’d given him her complete trust. But did he trust her?

Chapter Two


Gaynor Lee swung her leg over the motorcycle and pulled the full-face helmet down, feeling all around it to ensure her hair couldn’t be seen. She turned the key and revved the engine until it rose from a gentle purr into a lion-like roar.

She had the best job in the whole wide world. The pay was pathetic, but the fun she had outweighed any considerations about money. She loved her job so much she didn’t even mind when she was forced to eat two-minute noodles for two whole weeks between paychecks at one stage last year. Of course, now that she was sharing an apartment with Cameron Wilson and Tor Martin, expenses were shared, which meant her budget balanced more easily, but she didn’t care. On days like today, Gaynor would have happily worked for no money at all.

She was an extra and general gofer with a small boutique film studio. Most of their movies were made on shoestring budgets, and that was all good as far as Gaynor was concerned. She was able to share in the makeup artist’s secrets, lend a hand with costuming, and play two or even three different walk-on roles.

Today she was riding a getaway motorcycle in an action scene. Like all car-chase scenes, this one had been carefully choreographed. Their budget certainly didn’t extend to smashing up the vehicles they used. This was no multi-million-dollar James Bond epic, but Gaynor and the other crew members had rehearsed the scene to make it as exciting as possible.

She was to ride down the main street, while two cars tried to cut her off. They would leave just enough space for her to drive up on the sidewalk and squeeze between a street tree and a trash can on a stand. Then she’d ride through a mall, scattering actors pretending to be shopping, only to emerge on another street, where the cars would begin chasing her again.

All went exactly to plan, complete with one shopper dropping her purchases to jump out of the way, until right at the end of the mall. Then another crew member, Ramona, ran out of a store almost under the wheels of Gaynor’s motorcycle. That certainly wasn’t in the scene they’d rehearsed.

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