The Douchebag Bible (42 page)

BOOK: The Douchebag Bible
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deception that I will never be able to muster.

I’m just a man, and though I fight for what I think it good

and just with all my might, I will never be able to call myself good.

The desire to do evil will never leave me. There’s always a bit of

Yang in Yin and a bit of Yin in Yang.

I don’t speak of balance. It’s nothing so orderly and easy to

comprehend as that. What I’m talking about, ladies and

gentlemen, is grime. There is a thick and potent residue of good

on the surface of evil and vice-versa.

Or maybe that’s not the truth either. Maybe at the end of

the day, it’s enlightenment and acceptance of the truth that makes

men good and it’s ignorance and unfairness and thoughtless

cruelty that make men evil.

I hope that this is not the case, because if it is then the

majority of the species are evil, and they will always call their evil

good and call that which is truly good evil.

If we truly live in that world, a world where the good

people—those who hearts are brimming with compassing and

soaring heights of understanding and sorrow—are labeled evil by

those who are blind to their own evil, then the good will need a

defender. Not just one defender, but many—even if their words

and deeds for the sake of good will be perceived as
in defense of


Terroja Kincaid

December 8th, 2008


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