order to be in a couple, they have to give up who they are as individuals. Consider the following dream of a young woman named Jeanne.
| | Little Green Apples
| | I am waiting for James outside a small grocery store. He appears, and we embrace, then go inside the store to buy some apples. There are many different kinds of apples. He gives me the biggest, reddest one he can find. I thank him but feel uneasy, because green apples are my favorite, and he made the choice for me.
In describing the dream, Jeanne said, "James likes to give me presents, but often he assumes he knows what I want and makes choices for me." This dream alerted her to how much this really bothers her. She was reluctant to discuss this with him, but this dream gave her a clue: "I began by thanking him, as I did in the dream, for the things he gives me and does for me; from there I made him see that I need to start making more of my own choices." After they talked about it, this area of their relationship improved.
A relationship involves balancing partnership, autonomy, and intimacy. For some, intimacy, the sharing of deep feelings and vulnerabilities, is frightening, especially when little trust has been established. A balance needs to be struck between the needs of the individual and the requirements of the relationship. Achieving this balance takes cooperation and communication. First, you must remember that your concerns about losing your identity as an individual come from your own thoughts. You are an individual no matter what you or others think. The main danger is not that others will think you have lost your identity; it is your own fear, rather, that frightens you. You are yourself if you say you are.