The History of the Renaissance World (132 page)

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Authors: Susan Wise Bauer

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Muhammad, sultan of Khwarezm, 300

Muhammad (brother of Ghiyas), 122–23

Muhammad bin Tughluq (Ulugh Khan), 478–82

Muhammad Ghuri, sultan of the Ghurids, 225–28

Muhammad Shah I, king of Vijayanagara, 546–47

Mühldorf, 484

Mu’izzu-d din, sultan of Delhi, 403–4

, 226

, 288–90

Munich, 83

Muntaner, Ramon, 421–22

Murad, emperor of the Ottomans, 539–42, 598

Murad II, emperor of the Ottomans, 650, 673–78,

Murcia, 88, 89, 306–7

Muret, 245–46

Musa (son of Bayezid), 630, 632


in Edessa, 39

in Palestine, 34–35

Mussis, Gabriele de’, 506

Myeongjong, king of Goryeo, 72–73

My Son, 30

Naiman tribe, Mongol, 196, 198

Nambokucho era, 475,
, 569

Nam Dinh Province, 298

Nam Quoc Son Ho
(“Land of the Southern Kingdom”), 27

Namur, Guy de, 412

Nanchang, 527

Nanjing, 25, 58, 527, 528, 638

Nantes, 304

Nanzhao, 341

Naples, 360, 391, 392, 574, 612

Kingdom of, 410, 571, 579

Nara, 62

Naramasimha Deva, 328

Nare Fa Maghan, king of the Keita, 208

Narmada river, 108, 405, 479

Nasiruddin, sultan of Delhi, 327–29

Nasrid dynasty, 307

National College of Dai Viet, 299

natural law, 51

Navarette, 522

Navarre, 43, 89,
, 242–44, 373, 398, 416, 417, 516, 519–21

timelines, 524, 530, 536, 597, 603

Nayaka, Kapaya, sultan of the Andhra County, 480

Nazca people, 189–91,

Ndiadiane N’Diaye, emperor of the Wolofs, 459

Nemanjicć dynasty, 139

Nepal, 119

Neri (Black Guelphs), 411, 415

Neszmély, 674

Neustadt, 445

Nguyen Trai, 640–41

Niani, 209

Nicaea, 39, 219, 223, 234, 420, 423

empire of, 220, 222, 347, 367–70,

timelines, 224, 232, 371, 378

Nicene Creed, 234, 248

Nicetas Choniates, 144–46, 176, 180

Nichiren Shonin, 383

Nicholas III, pope, 389

Nicholas IV, pope, 392

Nicholas V, pope, xxv, 660, 677

Nicholas V, pope (Pietro Rainalducci), 486–87

Nicholas Mesarites, 180

Nicomedia, 423

Nicopolis, Battle of, 601, 616, 621, 629

Niger river, 95–97, 98, 208–9, 456–57, 588

Nijo, emperor of Japan, 65
, 66–67, 161

Nile river, 105, 276–77, 287, 326, 335, 419, 449, 451, 587

Ningbo, 27

Ninth Crusade, 375, 398

Nis, 598

Nishapur, 264

Nitta Yoshisada, 473–74

Nizami, Hasan, 228–29

Nizamu-d din, Chief Justice, 404

Nizari, 226–28,
, 342

Njimi, 95, 588

Nogaret, Guillaume de, 412–13

Norfolk, duke of, 595

Norman Conquest, 584, 596

Normandy, 5, 8, 20, 21, 76,
, 78, 131, 151, 167, 203, 249, 354, 501, 516–17, 520, 625, 667

Henry I’s invasion of, 4

Henry III as duke of, 304

kings of, 16

Normans, 22, 82, 83, 135, 141

North Africa, 43, 44, 88, 89, 90, 94–95, 135, 243, 306, 372–73, 655

timelines, 378, 387

North America, 189

Northampton, 397

North Equatorial Current, 455

North Sea, 447

Northumberland, 445

Norway, 372, 397, 604–6,
, 608–9

timelines, 610, 619, 626

Notre Dame Cathedral, 31, 49, 53, 668

Novgorod, 266, 315

numerals, Hindu-Arabic, 46

Nur ad-Din,
, 39–40, 102–6,
, 134, 135, 137, 155–56

Nymphaion, Treaty of, 370

Obatala, 98

Odantapuri Buddhist monastery, 119

Offa’s Dyke, 394

Ogiso Owodo, king of Benin, 98–99

Ogodei Khan (son of Genghis Khan), Great Khan of the Mongols, 267–68, 310, 313, 316, 339

Oirat confederation, 637–43,

Oise river, 522

Oki, 473

Oki Island, 473

Olaf, king of Denmark and Norway, 605, 608

Old Man of the Mountain, 226

Oliver of Paderborn, 277, 284

Oljeitu Khan, ruler of Il-khanate, 421, 450

Ólodùmarè, 98

Oranmiyan, king of Benin, 99

Orda, 313

Oreja, 45

Orhan, ruler of Ottoman empire, 422–25, 537–40

Origen, 615

Orissa, 230, 270, 327–28

Orkney Islands, 398

Orleans, 235
, 354, 663, 665

Orleans, duke of, 622, 625

Ormus, port of, 273

Orvieto, 389

Os Lusiadas
(Camões), 90

Osman, chief of the Ottoman Turks, 419–22

Otokoyama Shrine, 383

Otrar, 263

Otto IV, Holy Roman emperor, 177, 178, 249–50, 276

Ottocar II, duke of Bohemia, 388

Ottoman empire, 463, 537–40,
, 551, 560, 598–602,
, 621, 628–33,
, 650, 660,

Constantinople overthrown by, xxiv–xxv, 14, 600–602, 629–30, 673, 677–81

origins of, 419–25,

timelines, 426, 432, 439, 454, 460, 469, 543, 550, 556, 603, 610, 619, 634, 644, 653, 682

see also

Otto of Freising, 36, 52, 82–83

Ourique, Battle of, 45

outlaws, in Japan, 471

Oxus river, 134, 262, 263, 342–43, 525, 557

Pachymer, George, 420

Padmini, queen of Mewar, 428

Padua, 572, 575

Pak So, 311

Pala empire, 117–21, 123–24

Palermo, 324, 390, 391, 392

Pali language, 270, 271, 273

Palk Strait, 270, 547

Palma, 306

Panciatichi family, 411

Pandyan Kingdom, in south India, 272–73, 428, 547–48

Pandyan realm, 428

papacy, timelines, 12, 18, 24, 33, 42, 48, 54, 60, 68, 87, 93, 183, 241, 247, 256, 261, 269, 280, 286, 292, 297, 325, 331, 338, 345, 358, 366, 371, 378, 387, 393, 402, 418, 426, 469, 477, 483, 490, 496, 504, 511, 524, 543, 550, 556, 576, 586, 590, 603, 610, 619, 653, 661, 672, 682

papal monarchy, absolute, 323, 413

Paphlagonia, 144, 222

Parakrama Bahu, king of Sri Lanka, 108–12, 114, 270

Parakrama Bahu II, rebel king of Sri Lanka, 271, 273

Parihars, 123

Paris, 20, 31, 36, 49, 50, 53, 152, 203, 204, 205, 238, 260, 355, 356, 368, 412, 464, 507, 519, 520–21, 579, 581, 593, 595, 622, 625, 662–63

Paris, Matthew, 322, 354, 359–63

Paris, Treaty of, 260

Parma, 85

Pasak river, 532

Paschal II, pope, 5, 7–11, 16

Paschal III, antipope, 85–86

Pasquerel, Jean, 664

Pastoureaux, 354–57, 462–63, 486, 582

Paul, Saint, 233

Paul the Deacon, 604

Pavia, 571, 645

Peace of Alcalá, 305

Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, 582–85, 591, 613

Pedro (Pedro the Cruel), king of Léon-Castile, 515, 522, 591

Pedro II (Pedro the Catholic), king of Aragon, 242–46

Pedro IV, king of Aragon, 515, 522

Pelagius, 278

Pemba, 97

Pembroke, earl of, 435

Pennine moors, 443

Percy, Henry “Hotspur,” 621

Pereira, Duarte Pacheco, 659

Perfeddwlad, 394–95

Pergamum, 420

Perpignan, 392

Persia, 429, 545

Persian Gulf, 97, 451

Perth, 434

Perugia, 258, 391, 575

Pest, 315

Peter, Saint, 233

Peter (claimant for crown of Constantinople), 220, 221

Peter III, king of Sicily and Aragon, 390–92

Peter of Aragon, 457

Peter of Blois, 78

Peter of Coimbra (son of John I of Portugal), 655, 657–59

Peter of Langtoft, 434

Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny, 52

Petit, Jehan, 622

Petrarch, xxiii–xxiv, 488–89, 510, 541

Pha Muong, 300

Philadelphia, siege of, 599

Philip, king of Germany, 176–79, 249

Philip (son of Baldwin II of Constantinople), 368

Philip (son of John II of France), 518

Philip II Augustus, king of France, 152–53, 166–67, 170–71, 173–74, 177, 202–3, 205, 233, 238, 240, 248–51, 254, 259, 303, 398

Philip III “the Bold,” king of France, 391–92, 397, 521

Philip IV “the Fair,” king of France, 398–99, 401, 411–14, 416, 435, 466

Philip V, king of France, 417, 461–63, 466, 499

Philip VI, king of France, 467,
, 488, 499, 501–3, 507, 515

Philip of Navarre, 517

Philip of Swabia, 360

Philip of Valois, count of Anjou,
Philip VI, king of France

Philippa, queen of Portugal, 654–55

Philippa, queen of Scandinavia, 608

Philippa (mother of Edmund Mortimer), 620

Philippoupolis, 221

Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, 625, 662–63, 667, 669, 673

Phrygia, 420

(Aristotle), 46

Piacenza, 646

Piast dynasty, in Poland, 283–84, 555

Piazza, Michele da, 506

Piers of Exton, 596

pirates, in Japan, 471

Pir Muhammad, 561, 632

Pisa, 16, 83, 104, 141, 144, 176, 367, 369–70, 415, 416, 573, 575

papacy in, 615, 617

Pisan, Christine de, 521

Pistoia, 415

Pius II, pope, 616

Place of the Moon (Huaca de la Luna), 191–92

Place of the Sun (Huaca del Sol), 191

plague, 505–10,
, 515–16, 523, 525, 579, 645

timelines, 511, 524, 530

Plantagenet dynasty, xxiv, 76–79, 255, 596

Plato, 53

world soul of, 50

Plato of Tivoli, 46

Plymouth, 579

Plzenň, 649

“Poem on the Evil Times of Edward II,” 445

Poitiers, 77, 151, 203, 308, 518

Poitou, 152, 250, 520

Poland, 551–55, 673, 674, 675, 677

timelines, 556, 564, 570, 682

Polans, 283, 315, 316

timelines, 286, 292, 297, 317, 325

(Aristotle), 354

poll taxes, 581

Polo, Marco, 381–82, 386

Polonnaruwa, 108, 270–71

Pontefract Castle, 596

Ponwars, 123

porcelain, 56

porphyria, 577–78

Portchester, 595

Portsmouth, 304

Portugal, 45–46,
, 88,
, 90, 242–43, 515, 591–93, 654

Cortes of, 656–57

explorers from, xxiv, 656,
, 658

slave trade and, xxv, 654, 658–60

timelines, 597, 603, 661, 672, 682

Posilge, Johann von, 608


Nazca, 189

Song, 97

Powys, 394

Poyang, Lake, 527

Pradyumnesvara, 120

Prague, 552, 615, 618, 646–47, 649

First Defenestration of, 618

Prague, archbishop of, 612, 615

Prague, University of, 613, 615

Pratapa Rudra, king of Kakatiya, 478–79

Prester John, 279

Prignano, Bartolomeo,
Urban VI, pope

Priscillian, 234

Prithvi Raj, king of the Chauhans, 123

Privilege of Košice, 553

Prokop the Shaven, 647, 649

(Anselm), 6

Provisions of Oxford, 361–62

Provisions of Westminster, 362

Prussia, 284–85, 552, 554, 608

Ptolemy, xxiii

Punjab, 226, 228, 431, 478

P’yongyang, 73

Pyrenees, 233, 236, 245, 392

Qadi al-Fadil, 156

Qalawun, sultan of Egypt, 376, 449

Qara Yusu, 632

, 57

Qila Mubarak, 327

Qinzong, emperor of China, 25

Quantum praedecessores
, 36

Quanzhou, 56

Qur’an, 46, 458

Qutb-ud-din, sultan of north India, 228–29

Qutb ud-Din Mubarak Shah, sultan of Delhi, 429–30

Qutuz, sultan of Egypt, 347–49

Rabat, 243

Rajput Parama clan, 428

Rajputs, 123, 230, 329, 427–28,

Ralph of Diceto, 151, 166

Ramadan, 155

Ramapala, king of Pala empire, 117, 119

Ramathibodi (U Thong), 531–33

Rambouillet, 663

Ramesuan, king of Syam, 532–33

Ramiro II, king of Aragon, 44, 242

Ramla, 172

Rano, 588

Ranthambhore, 228, 428

Ranulf de Broc, archdeacon of Canterbury, 130–31

Raphael, xxiv

Raska, 137–39

Raspe, Henry, 323

Ravenna, 319

Ravenspur, 595

, 450

Raymond, prince of Antioch, 35, 40, 135

Raymond, ruler of Tripoli, 156–57

Raymond VI, count of Toulouse, 237, 240, 242–43, 245–46, 249, 257–59

Raymond VII, count of Toulouse, 259–60

Raymond of Burgundy, 44

Raynald of Chatillon, 135–37, 156–59

Raziyya, sultan of Delhi, 230–31, 326–27

Red Sea, 97, 105, 287, 451

Red Turban rebellions, 526–28, 565

Reformation, Protestant, xxiv

Reiche, Maria, 191

Reims, 53, 665

Rhine river, 321

Rhodes, 420, 422

Rhone river, 233, 258, 541

Riazan’, 313, 560

Richard I (Lionheart), king of England, 150–52, 166–68, 171–74, 177, 202, 203, 399

Richard II, king of England, 578–85,
, 594–96, 620

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