The Loss (Heartache series #1) (14 page)

BOOK: The Loss (Heartache series #1)
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I dialed my parents’ number, and it only rang twice before I hear the best sound. “Hello?”

“Mom?” My voice chokes full of emotion, and I hear her gasp.

“Alena? Oh, my God. Alena!” Sounds are muffled and then I hear, “Tom! Tom! It’s Alena!” More shuffling. “Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice. I know you can’t talk long. Dad’s getting on the other line.”

I wipe away a tear I hadn’t realized was there. “Mom, Dad. It’s so good to hear your voices too. How is everything? I’m so sorry to worry you and I….”

“Hey, don’t be sorry. We will always worry about you. How are you doing? Are you okay?” Dad’s voice is also a little shaky, and I feel even more terrible for putting them through this.

“Sweetheart, you’re our daughter. We will always stand behind you and you know how I feel about Bill anyway. I’ve never liked him. Oh! Before I forget, Scott….”

“Huh? What about Scott?” I ask eager to hear. My heart starts racing as I look over at Jase.

“Irene, you’re only going to worry her more and there’s nothing she can do anyway,” Dad speaks up.

“Tom. She needs to know for her own safety,” Mom answers, and I’m getting really confused.

“Mom! What about Scott?” My voice sounds annoyed, and I guess I am a bit.


A tap on my window makes me jump. I turn my head to see Jase, his finger moving around telling me to wrap it up. I stick my finger up in the air and wave for him to get in the truck. As I watch him walk around the front, Mom starts talking a mile a minute.

“Well, no one saw him for about a day. Jolie was frantic trying to find him.” My eyes widen as Jase gets in the truck and he mouths ‘what?’ “Finally later on that night he stumbled into Danny’s. His face was swollen and bruised, his lip cut open, and he could barely walk.” I gasp as my hand covers my mouth.

“What, Alena?” Jase growls.

“Apparently someone grabbed him that morning and pretty much beat the shit outta him,” Dad voice chimes in.

“But why?” I ask, my body shaking now as my heart pounds in my chest.

“Alena, he was trying to find you.”

Now my heart stops. The phone starts sliding out of my hand, but Jase grabs it before it falls to the floor of the truck. I lean back, my head against the seat rest and I’m vaguely aware of Jase talking. “WHAT? Fuck! Okay, Mr. S. Yeah, okay. I’m on high alert.” His voice becomes clearer, and my eyes shift his way. He’s looking at me, concern and anger marring his handsome face. “I’ve got her. I won’t let anything happen. Okay. Thanks.” I watch him end the call and tuck the phone in his pocket then start up the truck. The loud engine roars to life, and I keep watching as he turns and backs out of the parking space, turns back to the front and I grip the seat as he tears out down the street. “He’s in the hospital, had to have surgery from a stab wound on his side.” Tears now stream down my face. Scott. “He hasn’t been conscious enough to tell the police anything but your dad also told me that my dad’s lawyer has everything covered so we’re ready to drag Bill’s ass over the coals. That part we’re ready for. He doesn’t stand a chance, legally.”

“But…. But Scott. It’s all my fau….” I’m choking and stuttering.

His warm touch on my arm makes me calm a bit. “Stop blaming yourself. Scott or anyone else in town will always stand up for you, gladly. You know that.” His voice is full of love and concern but sadly it doesn’t make me feel any better. I caused that. There’s no way anyone can tell me any different. “Your dad said he’s sure it’s the work of Bill, trying to locate you. Scott doesn’t have anyone that would harm him. You know Scott.” I nod shakily, my tears never ceasing. “Come here.”  I unbuckle my seatbelt and quickly slide into his waiting arm, feeling a little better with his strength wrapped around me. “No more going out of the cabin, I’m afraid. We need to see what his next move is and we may have to leave.” I only nod again, into his chest. “But your dad thinks we’re still safe at the cabin, for now.”

“Yeah, but for how long? Maybe we should go somewhere else? Or maybe I should call Bill and talk to him. Maybe it’s time I tell him I’m done and that he’s out of my business, my life.” My voice shakes with the thought but I need to be strong, for my family and my friends.

He reaches down with the hand that is steering and squeezes mine, then returns it to the wheel, his other hand tightens around my shoulder. “Hang in there for me, Al. This will all be over soon. I’ll make sure of it but right now? I need to keep you safe. No one’s gonna hurt you with me around.”

I look up at him and smile, then move back over to my seat and buckle up again. I watch out the window at all the beautiful trees thinking how life is still going on around us. It’s weird to think of such a mess I’m in with everything else not noticing, not changing. I just want this to be over and for no one else to get hurt.

Chapter 14

Four days later and I know Alena is going crazy being cooped up in the cabin again. No treks to the pond, to our oasis, except for me taking supplies to our hidden spot behind the waterfall. I left to go to the store again and to check up on Scott. He’s doing better but hasn’t said much. I think whoever did that to him scared the shit outta him. I know Alena is beside herself with worry not only for him but for her family as well. I also called Hailey and Jolie. Jolie said things are going okay at the gym but that there is so much talk going around that I kidnapped Alena, bad rumors flying and in a small town of course it spread quickly. Hailey said she heard the other day at Danny’s that there is talk about what happened to Scott, and the police are beefing up their forces.

When I get up to the counter to pay for my stuff, the guy stops me before I leave. “Jase Briggs?” I nod, worried about what he has to say. “This was left for you. Said to give it to you the next time you stopped in.” He holds out a large manila envelope, and I nod again as I take it.

“Thanks, man.” He smiles, and I leave.

I stow the bags and once I’m in the truck, I rip open the envelope. My breathing stops, my heart goes into overdrive as I pull out the contents. In my hand are pictures of Alena and me at the pond, the diner and the store. What the fuck? Quickly, my head snaps all around. People walking across the street, on the sidewalk or standing around talking. Fuck! I throw the envelope and the pictures down on the seat next to me and turn on the truck, then back out fast. My tires screech in my haste, but I don’t give a shit. The gravel drive smokes and spews rock as I race up the hill and beside the cabin, throw it in park and leave the door open as I run to the front steps. I frantically pull the key from my front pocket all the while screaming out her name. “Alena!” Fumbling with the lock, I about break the door down trying to get inside and finally manage to get it open. The door hits the wall beside it as I storm in. “Alena!” Furniture is turned over. Shit is everywhere. My pounding heart stops, feeling like it’s lodged in my throat.

I run to the hallway, into the bathroom then turn and run into the bedroom. Everything is torn up. The mattress is ripped to shreds but what I find there is what makes me sick. Blood. There’s blood all over the torn up sheets. Fuck!

“ALENA!” I scream as I run back out to the front steps, my hand covering my eyes from the sun as I look around. Deep breaths. I need to calm the fuck down so I can clear my head. I start to walk over to my truck, grab the top of the door when I hear her scream.


The sound is off in the distance. My head snaps up, my eyes straight to the path through the trees. The pond. Our oasis. I take off running, my shoes sliding on the gravel, and I make a beeline for the rocky path. As I run, I fall, skinning my bad knee, but jump up and move on. I swat the brush, feeling nicks along the way on my skin. “AHHHHH!” Her voice sounding closer but not close enough. I fall again, biting my lip when a rock embeds into my leg. Squatting down, I pull it out, blood already forming. I get back up and continue, my bad knee starting to ache. By the time I get to the clearing, I’m panting and sweaty. My eyes zone right to them. Bill is down on one knee, holding Alena’s head under the water in the pond. She’s squirming and trying to push him away so at least I know she’s still alive.


His head turns to me, releases his hold on her head and stands. She coughs and slowly stands up and turns my way. I start to jog over but stop still when his arm raises, his hand holding a gun pointed directly at me. “That’s far enough, maggot.” I bring my hands up, my heart beating so fast I can feel it in my chest. “You thought you could take her from me? You think she loves you?” Then he laughs, loudly. Sick fuck. I start inching my way towards them as he continues, “She doesn’t love you. You are just a memory. A memory she tried to forget. Do you know who was there to pick up the pieces? Me! So many nights I held her while she cried herself to sleep. So many times I was there for her to give her strength. MY STRENGTH!” I stop when he jerks the gun. “You destroyed her and I was there to help her recover. So you see?” He looks over at Alena, who’s breathing heavily from almost being drowned and laughs. “She doesn’t love you. She’s well over you.

Dread and remorse fill me. I had no idea what I’d done to her. Alena’s eyes turn to me, pleading, as she slightly shakes her head. I look at him, watching him look at her and then back into her eyes. I nod and motion to the waterfall with my eyes. She starts to shake her head when asshole starts talking again, turning my way. “I guess this is the end of the line for you, maggot. You see, there’s no room for you in her life anymore.” I shift my eyes to her, watching her take a step back, towards the pond, and then look back at him. “She’s with me now. We’re engaged, you know.” He starts to look at her again, and I take a step forward.

“That’s great only, she doesn’t want you.” I hear a click on the gun as he jerks it at me again.

“Stop! Don’t move any closer,” he yells.

“But it’s true. She doesn’t want you. It’s time you let her go. Time we both do. Let her be her, be happy and live her own life.”

“NO!” He screams, the gun shaking in his hand.

I look at her again quickly. She’s close to the edge. His eyes shift and his hand holding the gun moves quickly to her. “BILL!” I scream, trying to get his attention again. She looks at me and smiles, then turns quickly and dives into the water but a shot sounds at the same time, and I start running at him, full force. Water splashes as I get near, tackling him to the ground. The gun falls from his hand at impact, and we struggle. I get in some good shots to his face with my fist, then he pushes me off, and we roll on the grass. I cringe a few times when he connects his fist with my eye. The feeling of wetness around it and the sharp sting of pain as I feel his ring cut into me. He jumps off me, searching for the gun in the tall grass. The sun is beating down, and I see a glimmer shining from the metal about ten feet away. Quickly, I rise, limping with my bad knee, and race him for the gun. He lands close by to it, reaching for it by the time I get to him. I land on top of him, my hand covering his on the gun, trying to pry it away. “Motherfucker! Let go!” I say through gritted teeth. I finally manage to get it from him, but he knocks it out of my hand then pushes me over and starts pounding my face. Grabbing his arms, I push hard, out of breath, my body aching and still, I push him off of me and jump up. I start to hobble to the pond, thinking I’ll dive in and go after Alena, when he stops me.

I freeze when I hear the click of the gun and turn around to face him. “Nice try, maggot. But like I said, this is the end of the line for you. Too bad it was for Alena as well. Guess I just became a millionaire. Oh, I’ll pretend to grieve, devastated at my loss and explain how you pulled a gun on her, then shot yourself. You see, you couldn’t take it that she is mine so you killed her and then in your remorse, you killed yourself. Happens all the time.”

We’re both breathing heavy. My bad knee is about to buckle when the gun fires, and I fall back into the water. Water rushes over me; searing pain hits me in my side. I turn, keeping down deep in the water and make my way to the waterfall, but I don’t have time to take a big breath, so I’m hoping I can make it. I have to. I have to find Alena. Determination makes you do things, gets you through things that you didn’t think were ever possible, and it gives you strength you didn’t know you possessed. Sounds of water hitting hard is above me and makes me hopeful that I’m under the waterfall. The pain in my side and my knee is making it difficult to swim, but I keep going. My hand hits rock, and I come up for air. When I open my eyes, I find I’m on the other side of the waterfall, gasping for air. I look around and don’t find Alena, so I’m hoping she made it into the hidden cave. I try to look out through the rushing water to see if I can spot the asshole except I can’t see, which means he can’t see me either. Pain hits me hard every time I breathe. I need oxygen worse than the agony I’m feeling. After taking several more deep breaths, wincing each time, I take one last huge amount of air and go underwater, my left hand covering my side and my right feeling out in front of me while kicking my feet. Finally, I find the opening and push my way through. I just hope what I find on the other side is my Alena, well and safe.

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

I’m shaking so hard, out of coldness, fear and worry. He should be here by now. What if? No! I won’t think like that. I won’t. He can’t be. I shake my head, the pain in my arm excruciating but thank God, Jase thought of everything, as usual. It was hard to climb up on the wet and slippery rock ledge. It took me several times, but I finally made it. Once I got up here, I walked over to where the small area filled with water is and found all the supplies he’s been bringing here. It took me three bags to find the first aid kit, and then I sat down and winced in pain as I removed my shirt. I’m lucky that the bullet went clean through my upper arm, but I need to clean it out so it doesn’t get infected. Sitting in my wet jeans and bra, I grab the bottle of alcohol and open the cap. I don’t know how many deep breaths I took before I finally managed to pour some on the wound, pressing my mouth against my shoulder to muffle my cries. I’m worried about how much noise I make before anyone on the outside might be able to hear.

Taking the bandage, I wrap it around several times and then tear off a piece of the medical tape to fasten it. I rummage through another bag and find one of Jase’s hoodies. I remove my wet bra and slip it over my head. The warmth encases me and I bring my shoulder up, smelling Jase all over. That should comfort me but until I see him swim in here, I’m terrified. Finally, I remove my wet jeans, socks and panties and take a pair of his sweatpants and pull them on. I look around the small area and see a partially flat rock across the way that’s dry and push myself up, grabbing all my wet clothes, taking them over and spreading them out to dry.

I take a seat on the hard rock, close to where the water is and look up at the small opening above and know that the sun has lowered by the limited light in here and rub my hands over my arms in worry. “Please, come back to me, Jase.” The more time that passes, the more worried I become.

I jump back, almost falling over, and gasp when someone shoots up from the water in front of me. Jase. I move over onto my knees and get as close to the edge as I can. “Jase! Jase! Over here!” His eyes are closed, and he coughs and gasps for air as I reach out my arm, my injured arm resting against my side, and I keep calling out his name. “Jase! Over here!” Finally, his eyes open, his body shaking with cold. He wades over to the rock, and I reach down and over his shoulder, fisting his shirt and start pulling.

“UHHH!” he yells out as he pushes himself up. He crawls until he’s mostly on the rock, his feet hanging over, and when he turns over I gasp. My hands instantly cup his face. His eye is swollen shut, angry red and purple marks all around it and a cut high on his cheek.

“Oh, Jase,” I whisper.

“I’m okay. I’m…. Ungh,” he winces as my hand slides down to his chest and near his side.

“What? What?” I scream.

His head raises, his eyes looking down, as he starts pulling up on his drenched shirt. He’s panting heavily and I gasp again, my hands covering my mouth, when he uncovers a bullet wound on his side. “Oh, no!” Quickly, I’m up and running over to the bags and grabbing the first aid kit. Then scrounging in another bag, I pull out a bottle, grab a bag with clothes, and run back to him, landing on my knees hard. As I remove the bandages and open a small box, I look up and see his head move down onto the rock. I stop and take out two shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I ball up one of the shirts, lean over and raise his head with one hand and put the shirt down as a pillow, then gently lay his head on it. I go back to getting things ready and glance at him. His face is pale. His eyes closed. “Jase.” His eyes open slowly and one corner of his mouth lifts. “Honey, I’m gonna have to try to remove the bullet. You’ve already lost a lot of blood.”

“I’m so fucking glad you’re alive.” I stop, bandages in hand and tweezers in the other. “All this pain wouldn’t be worth it if you weren’t alive. Are you okay?” Biting my lip, I nod and watch his eyes go to my bandaged arm. “You’re hurt,” he chokes as he tries to sit up. I lean over, gently pushing him back down.

“Don’t move, Jase. Please…. Please, don’t move.” Tears are forming as I look up to the small opening above us and know I don’t have much time because all of the daylight will be gone. I look back down and smile, although I know it’s not much of one. “I need to get that out of you before we lose the light. Here.” I open the bottle of Jack Daniels he brought, raise his head with my hand, and slowly pour some into his open mouth. “This will help a little but we don’t have anything to help with the pain.”

He lays his head back down, coughing, and then gives me another smile. “There’s another bag with small rocks, twigs, paper and matches. Form a circle over by the water hole, make a fire. I’ll rest until you’re done then will help you get me over there.” Crap! He has thought of everything. I nod quickly, setting everything down and then getting up, running over to find the right bag. I find everything, placing the small rocks in a circle then filling it with twigs and paper. Lighting a match, it blows out instantly. I look up, the light almost gone and try again. Carefully, I cup my hand around it and move it into the twigs. As it starts to catch I blow on it gently, and it finally starts up. Closing my eyes, I breathe a sigh of relief.

The sound of a moan makes my head snap to Jase. I stumble getting up, my body so sore and my arm hurting, but I get over to him, gathering up the first aid kit and everything I’d gotten out and take it over by the fire then look through more bags and find a blanket, laying it out near the fire but not too close. Walking over to Jase, I help him sit and put my arms around his waist from behind, careful of his hurt side, and he looks up at me. “I’m sorry. I’m sure this is gonna be so painful.”

He laughs and then coughs. “Not as painful as you removing the bullet.”

I’d laugh, but I can’t. I’m so scared. I do my best to help him up, but I don’t think I did that much. He winces all the way over, even as he lays back down. I run back over and grab the makeshift shirt pillow and bring it back, placing it under his head. Kneeling down beside him, I pick up the tweezers and lean over, holding them in the fire. I’ve never been much of a nurse. He always bandaged all my minor injuries over the years. I don’t mind the sight of blood but removing a bullet from a person, especially him? I’m not sure I can get through it. I don’t want to hurt him.

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