The Moon and the Stars (16 page)

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Authors: Constance O'Banyon

BOOK: The Moon and the Stars
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“I'm 'fraid not this time. He had to go to South Carolina today. Some kind of business for Wade.”

Caroline's spine stiffened. “Charleston?”

“I'm not sure of the name of the town.”

Caroline's hand began to tremble, and she was afraid she would drop the delicate cup, so she carefully placed it on the tray. Her throat seemed to close, and she could not catch her breath. Frightened, she leaned back in her chair. After trying several times, she was able to breathe. “I did not know that your husband worked for Mr. Renault.”

“Goodness, yes. Nate worked for Anton Renault until he died; now he works for Wade.”

Caroline wanted to know more about Wade. Perhaps she could find a weakness in him somewhere. Dolly seemed more than willing to talk about him, so Caroline shamelessly asked, “Is his mother still living?”

Dolly was amazed that Wade hadn't told Caroline about himself. But then, he had always been a very private person. She had no qualms about telling this young woman whatever she needed to know. In the end, Wade and Caroline would wind up married—she was sure of it.

“Wade never knew who his mother or father was. Anton Renault found him sleeping in one of his warehouses down on the docks and took him home with him. He was half starved at the time.”

Dolly talked ceaselessly as she stuck her needle through the canvas and leaned back to give Caroline her full attention. “Anton's wife died some years back, childless. So he finally adopted Wade, and the boy became the son Anton had never had.” She calculated on her fingers. “At that time Anton figured the boy was around six or seven, we don't really know his true age. The one thing Anton was sure of was that the boy was Creole. He might've come from the streets, but he spoke French like one of those uppity people.” She grinned, her eyes dancing with a teasing light. “You know, the same way you speak American, all prim and proper.”

“I have been accused of having an accent.”

“And so you do. Why, if Wade is of a mind to, he can rattle off that French as well as anyone.”

“I have heard him at times.”

“Well, Anton didn't like him speaking French. He told the boy if he was going to live in this country, he could just speak the language.”

Caroline suddenly saw Wade as a boy, and pity for him washed over her. “Mr. Renault does not know who his parents were?”

“No, he doesn't. But if it bothers him any, he never says so. I doubt the truth of his past will ever be known.”

Caroline took another sip of tea, her heart hurting for the boy Wade had been. Having grown up with a mother and father who loved her, she could not imagine what he must have gone through in his lonely childhood. Even if his adopted father loved him, that did not give him a past. Now she could better understand why he was such a loner.

“It is easy to see that he has had a very good education.”

“Well, for a time he did attend one of those fancy schools. Then he and Anton had a falling-out—I never knew what it was about, and, of course, Wade would never say. But he took off, heading here to Texas. He stayed with me and Nate for a while.” She shook her head. “He actually became a bounty hunter for a time, and he was good at it, from what Nate tells me.”

“I have heard about that myself.” She wondered what Dolly would do if she told her the truth. She decided against it. She would take care of Wade in her own way.

Dolly's expression was sorrowful. “Then Anton got sick and sent for Wade. He went home, and they settled whatever it was that was wrong between them before Anton died. Wade took up the family business and even made it more of a success than Anton had. But he's a restless soul, always looking for something that is just out of reach. I hope he will find it in you.”

Caroline saw no reason to state the obvious, because Dolly was determined that she and Wade belonged together. She certainly could not tell her she was actually his prisoner. “Mr. Renault informed me that we would be leaving tomorrow.”

Dolly rubbed her hand over her knee is if it hurt from sitting for so long. “That is what he told me, too.”

“Why does he have a private railroad car?”

“It's used mostly for business. Wade has to travel a lot, and sometimes my Nate uses it. I traveled in it a few times myself, and I can tell you it's better than riding in a public railroad car or a stagecoach.”

“Yes, I suppose it would be.”

Dolly went back to her tapestry, but she continued to talk. “Honey, I can tell you're mad at Wade about
something. But be kind to him. He's about the most alone person I know. We only see him as a man, but there's some of the little boy in him, too. It's like he's looking for something to hold on to.”

“I have never seen him in that way.”

“If I was as pretty and young as you are, and if I didn't love my Nate so much, I'd set my sights on him. Even at my age, when he speaks to me with that exciting French accent, my knees go weak.”

Caroline could not help laughing. “I think the woman who decides to take on Mr. Renault will have her hands full.”

Dolly winked and chuckled. “You're probably right—but wouldn't it be fun just the same?”

“I don't know what kind of business Mr. Renault owns.”

“He's got several large warehouses in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Then there all those big barges that go up and down the Mississippi to bring back cotton, indigo, tobacco, and sugar cane.”

Caroline sat forward so she could catch the breeze that stirred the curtains, but when it touched her face, it was like a blast from an oven. She felt as if a fist were clenching her chest, and she gasped for breath. Something was wrong with her. Dolly was taking out a stitch and did not seem to notice that Caroline was having trouble breathing. She suddenly had the feeling that everything was closing in on her, and there was a ringing in her ears. “Dolly, would you think it rude of me if I went upstairs to rest for a while?”

“Not at all, honey. You just rest all you want to. If you'd like, I'll have your lunch tray brought to your room.”

Caroline walked to the door and turned back to her hostess. “Thank you for the tea. It was delicious.”

Dolly noticed after Caroline had gone that she had not even finished a full cup of tea. She had a suspicion there was more to the situation between the young woman and Wade than either of them would admit. She could not be wrong about Wade's feelings for Caroline. But why were they traveling together, and why had Wade sent Nate to South Carolina to make inquiries about her?

Chapter Thirteen

Caroline opened the window and stood staring outside for a time before she started to undress. She unhooked her gown and then removed her corset, thinking she might be able to breathe better without it. The world tilted a bit and then righted itself.

She was feeling very ill.

She leaned against the casement, wondering what she should do. If she were in San Sebastian, she would go to Dr. Davis and he would help her. The real problem she faced was keeping her illness from Wade, and that would not be easy because he noticed everything that went on around him. She moved to the bed and eased her body onto it. She ached all over. Then she was struck by a sudden chill, so she pulled the covers over her and finally fell asleep.

She was not aware that the maid came in to bring her lunch tray. She slept through the day, too weary to lift her head. When night fell, she still had not awakened.

Wade himself came into the room to see why she had not come downstairs for dinner. He knocked softly on the door, and when she did not answer, he went inside. He stood over her, watching her for long enough to determine that she was asleep. Guilt was a new emotion for him—he had pushed her too hard. He quietly left and softly closed the bedroom door.

It was sometime during the night when the fever struck. She was hot one minute and shivering the next. She was under the covers and then on top of them, wrestling with her illness all night.

Just before sunup she slid out of bed and got dressed. She had to hold herself together so they could leave today. She brushed the tangles from her hair and secured it to the back of her head in a chignon. Just the chore of dressing and doing her hair exhausted her. She sat down near the window with her hands folded in her lap—waiting for Wade.

As it happened, Trudy came in first, carrying a breakfast tray. The girl looked troubled when she saw that the guest had not eaten the food she had left the night before. “I'll just take this tray away, ma'am,”

“Thank you, Trudy. I was not hungry yesterday.”

“But you will eat breakfast, won't you, ma'am?”

Caroline knew she could not swallow a morsel of food because her throat was hurting. When the girl left, she did reach for the glass of water.

A short time later Wade knocked on the door and called her name.

“You can come in,” she told him, pinching her cheeks so she wouldn't look so pale.

He looked surprised when he entered the room. “I see you are ready.”

With effort she held her head upright. “As you see, I am wearing the gown Dolly gave me. I hope I don't have to wear it as long as I did the trousers. I don't relish the thought of going into a river to wash it when it gets dirty.”

He saw the stubborn tilt to her head that always meant trouble for him. “Dolly has purchased other clothing for you, so you can have several changes on the journey.”

“You are kindness itself,” she said in a tone that implied otherwise.

He wanted to tell her how sorry he was that the trip to San Antonio had been so rigorous, but he knew she would only throw his words back in his face. “Shall we go?”

She stood, wavering a bit, and grabbed on to a chair to steady herself. She was glad he had his back to her and didn't notice. “As always, I am yours to command.”

“If only that were true.” Wade was accustomed to her candid remarks, and he chose to ignore them this morning. He glanced at her breakfast tray and frowned. “You have not eaten anything.”

She walked to the door. “The one thing I still have is my right to eat or not to eat. I do not choose to eat this morning.”

He took her arm and escorted her downstairs. “Madame, in your present state of mind, I would deny nothing you say.”

Dolly met them at the bottom of the stairs. “Caroline,” she said, hugging her, “I have known you for such a short time, but I think we'll always be friends, don't you?”

“I feel that way, too. You have been very kind. If you don't mind, I will write you sometime.”

Dolly's face brightened. “Please do. I hardly ever get a letter. I'd like to know how you're getting on from time to time.”

Wade nodded at Dolly, and she patted his arm. “Let us see more of you. And take care of this lady.”

Wade escorted Caroline outside and down the steps to the waiting carriage. He helped her inside, climbed in beside her, then nodded to the driver. “Take us to the depot.”

Caroline turned to wave at Dolly, who stood on the front porch. “She is the one good thing that has happened to me since I've known you.”

Wade looked down at her but said nothing.

Caroline could feel the heat crushing down on her, and she laid her head back against the cushioned seat. The world was spinning, and she closed her eyes.

“Are you ill?” Wade asked, noticing how pale she was. “You have been acting strangely the last two days.”

She was afraid that if he found out how sick she was, he would take her back to Dolly's house. “Wouldn't you act strangely if you were put in my position? I only want to go home to Charleston as quickly as possible.”

He clamped his jaw and said nothing.

They drove through town, but this time Caroline did not take the same interest she had when they first arrived in San Antonio. She wanted to lie down. She hoped the private car would have a bed where she could rest.

When they arrived at the depot, Wade helped her from the buggy and turned to give instructions to the driver. “See that the horse I left in the stable is sold.”

“I will find a buyer, sir.”

Caroline had grown accustomed to her little filly. She hoped that whoever bought her would treat her kindly.

Wade took her arm and steered her across the tracks. Even from a distance, she could see
painted in red across a black railroad car.

He assisted her up the three steps. “It will be cooler inside. I had the porter open the windows earlier. After we are on our way, there will be a pleasant breeze.”

She only had the strength to nod in agreement.

“If you will excuse me for a moment, I want to see that my horse has been made comfortable in the boxcar stall. Make yourself at home. I will not be very long.”

When he had gone, she glanced around the private car. Knowing Wade, she was not surprised to see that this was a man's domain. The walls were lined in tooled leather, and two cowhide couches had been placed along each wall. She saw several rifles displayed in a glass-front gun cabinet. In one corner a heavy oak desk was piled high with letters and documents. There was a small table with four chairs, and even a small kitchen.

Caroline was so weak she had to lean against a chair for support. After a while, she was able to approach the wide partition that served to create a private bedroom. The bed was large, and here, too, the walls were tooled leather. She saw two trunks at the foot of the bed. She imagined one of them would be Wade's,
and the other, probably hers. She loosened the ribbons of her bonnet and tossed it on a chair before she was hit by another bout of dizziness and dropped down weakly on the bed. A feeling of helplessness washed over her, and she gripped a pillow fiercely to her chest, trying to call out to Wade.

She closed her eyes, hoping the tilting world would soon right itself. But when she opened them a moment later, everything was still spinning. She felt sick to her stomach and was glad she had had nothing to eat.

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