The Protector (44 page)

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Authors: Dawn Marie Snyder

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Protector
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“Alison,” I heard my name being called. I wasn’t sure if it was Eric’s but it was definitely a male’s voice.  My chest tightened even more and I could barely get enough air in my lungs. I was becoming dizzy and suddenly everything moved in slow motion. I began to slow down, not by choice. My body began to fall forward and I heard hard footsteps coming up behind me. I tried to suck in oxygen but nothing was making my lungs expand. I was panting now and the ground was spinning. 

I felt two arms encircle me and I fell back against someone’s body.  I heard two different conversations going on as I tried desperately to gasp for air. “Who the hell are you?” I heard Eric yell at the same time a familiar voice filled my pounding head.

“Damn it Sonny!” 

I managed to lean forward and open my eyes. As I did I caught sight of the one thing I desperately wanted to see, Jack’s cross tattoo. 

“Marine Corps,” I whispered remembering my conversation with Lance.  I leaned back against Jack’s hard body and he pulled me even closer to him. He placed his hand on my chest and I could only imagine the look Eric was giving this stranger at the moment.

“Are you trying to kill yourself or run away from me,” he whispered gently in my ear.  A smile crossed my face, but I was delirious.  I still was not getting enough oxygen, everything was spinning. But it didn’t matter, I was back in Jack’s arms, everything was going to be ok.



I had watched in horror as she began to stagger.  Eric was only a few paces back from her, but he did not see what I did. I was at a full run when I passed him and reached Sonny. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down on me.  I hit the ground hard and took the full brunt of her weight on me, which wasn’t much.

“Who the hell are you?” I heard him yell as he reached both Alison and I.

“Damn it Sonny,” I whispered and I put my hand on her chest and felt her heart racing.  She mumbled something I didn’t quite understand. “Are you trying to kill yourself or run away from me?” My chest ached watching her struggle to breathe.  

Eric was in my face now, cell phone in hand.  “I can have paramedics here in minutes.” Panic rippled through me as I realized the implications of EMS and the police responding.  It was a complication we didn’t need and I knew that if I could get Alison her inhaler, she would pull out of it.

“No,” I shouted at the man who I had grown to loathe. “I need her inhaler.” I looked for Noor who was now by my side. “Where is it?”

“Joed ran back to get it. She forgot it. He should be here shortly.” Her face was filled with a sorrowful expression. Normally I would have jumped down her throat for letting Alison forget it, but not this time. There would be time for yelling later. 

My mind raced as I could feel her breathing getting more shallow.  She wasn’t getting enough oxygen into her lungs or the rest of her body for that matter.

“She needs the paramedics,” Eric yelled.  He was within inches of me, dialing his phone.  I quickly grabbed it out of his hand and tossed in the direction of the rapidly flowing river. Surprise and shock filled his face for a split second, but it was quickly replaced by anger and fury.  He wanted to deck me and I was going to give him every opportunity once I knew Sonny was safe.  “Noor show the fucker your badge NOW!” I said with my teeth clenched and anger radiating through every vein that ran through my body.

Eric’s eyes grew wide, as Noor pulled out her badge. “Federal Agent,” she responded. “This young lady is under federal protection. Back off.” He stood there stunned, and speechless.

“Noor get the car!” 

“Joed’s here,” Noor retorted as she ignored my order.

“It’s not going to help,” I heard Eric say. “Her lungs are too constricted.”

I refused to hear him and took the inhaler from Joed. He looked back and forth between Eric and I.  “They have oxygen back at the hotel.  I have the car.”

I pushed the inhaler between Sonny’s lips and pushed down hard.  I heard the mist escape and hoped it was enough to get her lungs open.  She began to cough and I pushed the inhaler down again. This time I was sure she was getting something into her lungs. She took a little bit deeper of a breath and coughed again.  I threw the inhaler to Joed and in one swift motion picked her up into my arms. I purposely turned the opposite direction of Eric and began to walk with her in my arms in the direction of the car. 

I could feel her breathing getting deeper and knew she was going to be ok.  She moved in my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. I gently kissed the top of her head, not caring who saw me.  The last few minutes had been such a blur, I hesitated a second and took her in.  Her hair was disheveled and she was sweaty. But she was the most beautiful thing I had laid eyes on in days.  It was my turn to take a deep breath in and absorb everything about her.  We reached the BMW and Joed opened the door for me and I slid into the backseat with her still in my arms.  Noor slid into the seat next to me leaving Eric standing there looking helpless.

“Are you getting in cop,” I yelled.  He quickly jumped into the front seat.  Joed was behind the wheel pressed on the gas. Within in seconds he was cutting off traffic and headed back to the hotel.

Alison took the deepest breath in yet, and opened her eyes. “Jack,” she whispered. The sound of her voice made my heart race and I looked deep into her emerald eyes.  “Your back?”

“I told you I would be.”  My hand instinctively moved to touch her face. My fingers traced the outline of her jaw from her ear to her lips.  I didn’t dare pull my hand or my gaze away from her. The world continued around us, but I didn’t notice, nor did I care.

Alison’s face looked pale and withdrawn and as if it couldn’t get any worse, her eyes shot to the man in the front seat.  I looked away from her and followed her eyes to his.  His body was turned watching us and watching our exchange. His worry for Alison was still there, but jealousy gleamed from his eyes and it was a look any man could recognize. 

“My inhaler?” Alison whispered searching frantically. Joed tossed it back and I caught it with one hand.  I quickly gave it to her and watched her inhale deeply, once then twice. Her eyes never left Eric’s but she pressed her body closer into mine.  Eric finally looked away as Joed pulled into the hotel parking lot.

“I can walk,”  Alison said breathlessly as I opened the door and stepped out. I wasn’t going to give her a chance, but she hit my hands away and glanced briefly at the man getting out of the front seat. I quickly understood and let her get out of the car under her own power.  She stumbled and fell into my arms.  She wanted desperately to do this on her own so I helped her get upright and held only her elbow as we slowly walked into the hotel.

The young hotel clerk had the oxygen tank ready when we walked in and handed it to Joed without question.  Alison’s breathing became labored once again, and I picked her up in my arms, much to her dismay.

“Please,” she said breathlessly. I felt bad but she needed to lie down and the sooner I got her taking in the oxygen the better.

I only nodded my head no, as we all stepped into the elevator. Eric stood their quietly once again watching every move I made with Alison in my arms.  He was quiet, but I could tell the questions were racing through his head.

As we walked into the room, I set Sonny on the bed and turned to Joed who had the oxygen already on and the mouth piece ready for her. He watched her with concern.  Eric paced back and forth and finally took a seat on the bed next to Alison. He instinctively chose to sit there, I knew, to lay claim to what he thought was his.

“Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?” He looked at Alison as he said this and her eyes grew big in fear.  I knew I needed to answer for her, but I couldn’t .  What was I going to say that was going to make the situation any better for her.  It was Noor who finally spoke.

“Alison is under federal government protection orders.  I can’t say much more than that.”

Eric looked at Noor in disbelief.  “Here?”

It was Joed who spoke this time, knowing he needed to keep me out of it as much as possible. “She was not safe in Albuquerque. We all agreed that a little added protection wouldn’t hurt so we came here.”

“No safe house somewhere?  Something like that?”  I caught Noors glare as Eric said these words. Eric again looked at Alison. “And him?” He pointed to me without looking at me.  “Is this Jack?”

I looked at Alison wondering what he was referring to and I didn’t have to wait long as Noor leaned in and explained. “She called him Jack last night,” she whispered.

A smile of pure satisfaction spread across my face and with it came a stabbing jab in my side from Noor. I quickly made the smile disappear. So she did miss me while I was gone.  Satisfaction filled my heart, but I gauged her reaction, I suddenly felt bad for her and the position she was in. 

Sonny didn’t answer him. She kept the oxygen mask on and looked at me for direction.  I didn’t know what to say and I was grateful when Noor spoke once again.

“Um, gentlemen, Alison needs to rest can you continue this some other time, or maybe elsewhere. “ I absorbed her words and realized she was not coming to my rescue at all but Alison’s.

Eric got up from where he sat. He leaned down to get closer to Alison. “We still have a conversation to finish, later.” He took his hand and moved the mask away from her mouth and kissed her gently on the lips. 

I felt Joed grab my shoulder and hold me slightly.  I knew he was doing this for my benefit and I was going to let him.  Alison was not mine to claim. 

Joed pushed me toward the door and I glanced back at Alison who smiled at me weakly.  I smiled back and walked out with Joed and Eric following me.  No one spoke while we rode the elevator back down.  Joed stayed close to me afraid I was going to pounce the man who now stood with us. I walked over to Alison’s rental car not sure where I was going or what I was going to do.

“I pulled you over last week. You claimed to be lost.” The tall cop said in an accusing tone. 

The breeze we had in the park had now turned to a light wind from the West. I could feel a change in the weather.  “I was lost and now am found,” I answered back sarcastically.  Anger filled his eyes as he glared at me. 

“I should arrest your ass,” he retorted. He turned and walked around the car.

“For what?” I knew he was grasping at straws and trying to provoke me.  And I had every intention of feeding his anger. 

“What have you done to her?”  He was once again staring me in the eyes.

I looked away from him. I had done nothing to her, The only thing I was truly guilty of was falling in love with her. I had tried to keep my distance but it was impossible. If anyone could even possibly understand it, I figured it was him. But I wasn’t going to test my theory out on him.

It was Joed who answered for me.  “He has done nothing but keep her safe.” His voice was reassuring and calm.  “He has saved her life a few times in the last few weeks.”

“Her life?” Shock filled his eyes as he questioned Joed. “Someone is trying to kill her for what? Some stupid computer part?”  I had to stifle back laughter at his question. He didn’t realize how right on he was and I, nor Joed, were about to take him down that path of justification.   Eric turned on his heel and continued to pace.  The sun was high in the sky now and the weather was warmer than it had been in DC. I took a few steps backwards to get out of the direct sunlight and stood under a large redwood tree that covered most of the parking lot.

He continued on his tirade, talking to himself and directing his comments at us. “I knew I should have made her quit her job and move up here. But she wanted to explore her career possibilities.  We should be married by now and have a kid or two but no she wanted to go to DC and finish her Masters Degree on something that was totally useless and nonsensical!”

Joed and I both stared at the man as he continued to rant.  I stood there wanting to deck him for his insensitivity and his stupidity and his English – who used the word nonsensical?  Alison was one of the brightest young minds out there. Her understanding of the complexities of international relations and technology sharing were now unparalleled, now that Tom was gone.  I watched as Joed looked at me in total dismay.  The Israeli stood by my side and shook his head. “Wow, no wonder she didn’t want to marry the man,” he whispered barely audible.

“Eric, do you hear yourself,” I finally spoke. “Do you realize that she is one of the smartest women in her field?  Do you realize that while she was in Tel Aviv, she gave a presentation worthy of international recognition? That may not mean anything to you, but to her, it was a dream come true? And you should have heard her, she was amazing!”

He turned, his eyes burning with fury. “And where did it get her, almost killed according to this guy here. Now she’s under some federal protection and to top it off, I think she’s in love with you!” He looked directly at me as he said this. Joed only looked away, not wanting to meet my eyes or his.  “She’s mine. She was mine before she fell for you. She’s not yours to take.”

Again I shook my head in disbelief.  I looked at Joed and wondered what thoughts raced through his mind. He knew more about me and what I desperately wanted from her more than I knew myself. Joed still looked away, waiting for me to answer.

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