The Road to Berlin (187 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Bek, A.,
Volokolamskoe shosse
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1959).
Grossman, V.,
Za pravoe delo
(series: ‘Sovetskii voennyi roman’) (Moscow: Voenizdat 1959).
Melezh, I.,
Minskoe napravlenie
. Roman (Minsk: Gos. Izd. BSSR 1956).
Simonov, K.,
Dni i Nochi
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1955).
Simonov, K.,
. Ocherki i rasskazy 1941–1945 (Moscow: Voenizdat 1960).
Simonov, K.,
Zhivye i Mertvye
(series: ‘Sovetskii voennyi roman’) (Moscow: Voenizdat 1961).
Vishnevskii, Vs.,
Dnevniki voennykh let (1943, 1945)
(Moscow: Sov. Rossiya 1974).
Zhukov, Yu.,
Lyudi 40-kh godov
. Zapiski voennovo korrespondenta (Moscow: Sov. Rossiya 1969).
Zhukov, Yu.,
Lyudi sorokovykh godov 1941–1945
. Zapiski voennovo korrespondenta (Moscow: Sov. Rossiya 1975).

15. Translations

Chuikov, V.I.,
The Beginning of the Road
(London: MacGibbon and Kee 1973).
Chuikov, V.I.,
The End of the Third Reich
(London: MacGibbon and Kee
Deborin, G.,
Thirty Years of Victory
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1975).
Dërr, G.,
Pokhod na Stalingrad
(Operativnyi Obzor) (Moscow: Voenizdat 1957).
Galder, F.,
Voennyi Dnevnik
, vols 1, 2, 3 (parts 1 and 2) (Moscow: Voenizdat 1968–71). (F. Haider:
Got, G.,
Tankovye operatsii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1961); translation: Hoth,
Panzer Operationen
Grechko, A.,
Battle for the Caucasus
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1971).
How Wars End
. Eye-witness accounts of the fall of Berlin compiled by Sevruk, V. (Moscow: Progress Pub. 1969).
Kaval’evo, U.,
Zapiski o Voine
. Dnevnik Nachal’nika Ital’yanskogo General’novo Shtaba. (Moscow: Voenizdat 1968).
Khattori, T.,
Yaponiya v voine 1941–1945
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1973). (Trans: T. Khattori, Japanese orig.)
Krylov, N.,
Glory Eternal: Defence of Odessa 1941
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1972).
Kolyshkin, I.,
Submarines in Arctic Waters
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1966).
Koniev, I.S.,
Year of Victory
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1969).
Koniev, I.S.
et al., The Great March of Liberation
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1972).
Mansergh, Sir Aubrey (ed.),
With the Red Fleet: The War Memoirs of the late Admiral A.G. Golovko
(London: Putnam 1965).
Melentin, F.,
Tankovye srazheniya 1939–1945 gg
. (Moscow: Inostr. Lit. 1957).
Minz, I.,
The Army of the Soviet Union
(Moscow: FLPH 1942).
Rokossovskii, K.K.,
A Soldier’s Duty
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1970).
Shtemenko, S.M.,
The Soviet General Staff at War 1941–1945
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1970).
Shtemenko, S.M.,
The Last Six Months
(London: Wm Kimber 1978).
Soviet Peace Efforts on the Eve of World War II
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1973).
Stalin, J.V.,
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union
(Moscow, 1944 and Hutchinson, London, 1945). (English translation: J.V. Stalin.)
Strategy and Tactics of the Soviet-German War
, by officers of the Red Army (London, n.d.—pub. with
Soviet War News)
The Battle of Kursk
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1974).
Two Hundred Days of Fire
. Accounts by participants and witnesses of the battle of Stalingrad (Moscow: Progress Pub. 1970).
Zhilin, P.,
They Sealed their own Doom
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1970).
The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov
(London: Jonathan Cape 1971).

16. Interviews

Marshal of the Soviet Union V.D. Sokolovskii
Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovskii
Marshal of the Soviet Union V.I. Chuikov
Marshal of the Soviet Union I.S. Koniev

Additional interview material from: Marshal of the Soviet Union A.I. Yeremenko; Chief Marshal (Artillery) N. Voronov; General S.P. Platonov; General N.G. Pavlenko;
General P.I. Batov; General A.E. Boltin; General I.I. Yushchuk; General B.S. Tel’pukhovskii; Colonel B. Polevoi; Colonel K. Ya. Samsonov; Lt.-Col. S.A. Neustroyev; Irena Nikolaevna Levchenko.

I have retained complete transcripts of these exchanges and I have drawn upon them extensively for this present volume. In addition, I was able to make considerable use of the original
directives and associated operational orders. To supplement this invaluable material I also turned to personal diaries and personal archives made available to me, so that there may be some discrepancies between what is recorded in official accounts and what I have uncovered from contemporary, personal records—in which event I have relied almost exclusively on the contemporary record, as opposed to any retrospective construction and interpretation.


For this Bibliography, the German materials have been grouped as follows:

  1. General/

    (a) Army Groups

    (b) Armies/Corps

  2. Intelligence reports/assessments of Soviet forces (organization, command, weapons, tactics)

  3. Map collections

This compilation cannot pretend in the least to be comprehensive; it is intended merely to identify types of material utilized throughout the present work, such as
, or army/corps records where relevant. Under (2) I have attempted
assemble a profile of significant intelligence reports and assessments.

/War diaries

‘Aufmarsch Barbarossa 1941’
(Chefsachen). See:
Aufmarschanweisung ‘Barbarossa’
(Chefsachen), January 1941, April–September 1941, OKH/GenStdH/Op. Abt. T-78/R335, 6291208–1819.
‘Barbarossa Bd
. 3’, Op. Abt. III (Chefsachen), September 1941–February 1942. T-78/R335, 6291819–958.
‘ …
über dem Umbau des Heeres nach Abschluss Barbarossa’
(Chefsache), July 1941 (Vortragsnotiz, prepared by Op. Abt.). T-78/R338, 6292343–433.
‘Barbarossa Bd. 4’
, Op. Abt. III (Chefsachen), Operation ‘Blau’: operational material March–July 1942. T-78/R336, 6291960–2175.
‘Barbarossa Bd. 5’
, Op. Abt. III (Chefsachen), Continuation Bd. 4, to June–October 1942. T-78/R336, 6292175–334.
Planning papers for ‘Unternehmen Kaukasus’, Op. Abt. II, 1940–42. T-78/R336, 6292583–726.
Plans/dispositions campaign in Russia 1942
. GenStdH/Org. Abt. Evaluations Soviet strength, German dispositions (1942). See esp. ‘Weisung für die Aufgaben des Ostheeres im Winter 1941/42’ (6402283–) and ‘Auffrischung and Umbildung des Ostheeres im Frühjahr 1942’ (6402374–). T-78/R430, 6402397–2694.
War Diary: OKH/GenStdH/Op. Abt. la: KTB
(1945). For period 2–24 April 1945; includes Feindlage, operational material. T-78/R304, 6254545–5440. (See also KTB Anlagen, capture of Budapest, Soviet January 1945 offensive,
… for period 1–28 February 1945; 6255440–785.)
War Diary: Chefsachen Anlagen zum
KTB/OKH/GenStdH/Op. Abt. Ia. Hitler’s directives, Guderian papers, regrouping on Eastern Front (January-March 1945). T-78/R305, 6255787–6059.
Chefsachen ab 1.1.45
. FHO (Chef): OKH/GenSt/Op. Abt. Operational orders, period 11 January-13 April 1945. T-78/R496, 6484110–286. (See maps ‘Vermutliche Weiterführung der sowj. russ. Operationen’: Stand 2.2.45.) (Important collection.)
After-action reports/survivors/units
disbanded or disabled: Eastern Front 1944–5.
OKH/Allgemeines Heeresamt/Abwicklungsstab:
Reports, survivors units mauled on Ostfront: Jan.–March 1945
Reports, survivors units, Crimea, April–May 1944
Reports, survivors, Rumania, August 1944
, Oranienburg pocket, February 1944
Fate of units, Army Group Centre, destroyed by Soviet offensive, June–July/September 1944
Destruction, units of 4th Army, June–July 1944
Additional files, German units/Army Group Centre, destroyed June–July 1944. T-78/R139, 6067660–6069008.
Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumänien
. Folder: June–July 1941, papers, reports, Rumanian-Soviet situation. T-501/R280, 1093–1190. Folder:
Deutsche Mission
… Conferences, Antonescu and military questions, military operations in areas AGps A and B (1942). T-501/R281, 619–1175.
Sonderakte Verhalten der Rumänen
, FHO(II). Collapse of 3rd Rumanian Army, Rumanian resistance nw Stalingrad, November 1942–March 1943. T-78/R459, 6437425–501.
Ungarn-Chefs. v 29.3–2.4.44. OKH (GenStdH). Defence of Hungarian territory, mobilization of Hungarian forces. T-78/R333, 6291114–122.
Ungarn, Bd. III, v. 5.3.-21.3.44 (Chefsachen). OKH/GenStdH/Op. Abt. II. Operations in Hungary, performance Hungarian troops (papers for Feb. 1942–March 1944). T-78/R333, 6290687–844.
Bulgarien vom 4.2.43–16.5.44 (Chefs.). OKH/GenStdH/Op. Abt. II. Operations in Bulgaria, plans, possible Turkish policies. T-78/R333, 6290413–482.

(a) Army Groups

Heeresgruppe Nord
(AGp North). Tactical groupings for ‘Barbarossa’, battle reports 16A and 18A, 3rd and 4th
, opening/siege of Leningrad, Leningrad-Volkhov operations: March 1941–Jan. 1942. T-311/R51, 7063699–7066741.
War Diary (KTB):
Volkhov-Neva-Ilmen-Tikhvin (November 1941); Staraya Russa/Kholm (January 1942); Volkhov-Finnish front (April 1942). T-311/R54, 7066372–7067843.
War Diary (KTB):
Volkhov pocket, AGp North sector (June 1942); Volkhov operations (July 1942); Soviet/German operations, Volkhov/Staraya Russa. T-311/R55, 7067846–8670.
Spanische Division
/Spanische Legion. Spanish Legion, operations near Leningrad, replacement by German units (October 1941–August 1942). T-311/R72, 7093678–920.
Operation ‘Nordlicht’
(capture of Leningrad). Operational directives, maps, signals (August-October 1942). T-311/R75, 7098019–8290.

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