The Road to Berlin (191 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Tolstoy, N.,
Victims of Yalta
(London: Hodder & Stoughton 1977). A thorough and shattering account of the forced repatriation of Russians, including Vlasov men; much of the material is new and drawn from documents 1945–6.
Turney, A.,
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Wagner, R. (ed.),
The Soviet Air Force in World War II
. The official history, originally published by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, translated by Leland Fetzer.
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Werth, A.,
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Kehrig, M.,
Stalingrad. Analyse und Dokumentation einer Schlacht
(Stuttgart: DVA 1974). Virtually unrivalled source material/documentation plus eye-witness evidence establishes this massive volume as the most comprehensive and penetrating account of German operations at Stalingrad and as a definitive analysis of the complex offensive and defensive phases of the battle.
Kleist, P.,
Zwischen Hitler und Stalin 1939–1945
(Bonn: Athenaum-Verlag 1950). Important work, essential material on Vlasov movement; see
Dokumente Anhang
Klink, E.,
Das Gesetz des Handelns: die operation Zitadelle
(Stuttgart: Deut. Verlag 1966).
Mader, J.
et al., Dr Sorge Funkt aus Tokyo
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Middeldorf, E.,
Taktik im Russlandfeldzug. Erfahrungen und Folgerungen
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Philippi, A. and Heim, F.,
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(Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1962).
Stenzel, E., ‘Die Entwicklung der sowjetischen Artillerie bis zum Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges’,
, 1977 (4), pp. 475–90.
Trepper, L.,
Die Wahrheit. Ich war der Chef der Rote Kapelle
(Kindler: 1975). Personal account by chief of Rote Kapelle (‘Red Orchestra’).
Warlimont, W.,
Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht 1939–1945
(Frankfurt: Bernard & Graefe Verlag 1962).
Wilhelm, H-H.,
Die Prognosen der Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost 1942–1945
(Stuttgart: DVA 1974).

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