The Road to Berlin (190 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Map collections
Übersichtskarten …
T-78/R500–501, 6488356–. Showing Soviet order of battle, 1941–2, also ‘Operationskarten Osten’ 1941–2.
Map collections (2): 1944 operations
(E Prussia/Vienna 1945) T-78/R136, 6065135–5626.

Encirclement AGp North

July/Aug. 1944

Tukum/west of Riga

Aug. 1944

Estonia/AGp North

Sept. 1944

Courland, breakthrough to Memel: E Prussia

Oct./Nov. 1944–March 1945

Breakthrough AGp S Ukraine

Aug. 1944

I Pz. Army break-out to Hungary

March/April 1944

Bug and Dniester

March/April 1944

Collapse of Rumania

Aug./Sept. 1944

Breakthrough AGp Centre

June/Aug. 1944

Warsaw, Narev, Bug

Aug./Sept. 1944

Crimean operations

April/May 1944

Budapest-Vienna (pts I and II)

Oct./Nov. 1944–April 1945



(a) Polish

Polski czyn zbrojny w II wojnie światowej. Bibliografia wojny wyzwolenczej narodu polskiego 1939–1945
(Warsaw: MON 1973).
Blagowieszczańiski, I.,
Dzieje 1 Armii Polskiej W ZSRR Maj-Lipiec 1944 R
. (Warsaw: MON 1972).
Dolata, B.,
Wyzwolenie Polski 1944–1945
(Warsaw: MON 1974). Soviet-Polish operations.
Gać, S., 7
Dywizja Piechoty
(Warsaw: MON 1971).
Gać, S.,
Udzial 2 armii Wojska Polskiege w operacji Praskiej
(Warsaw: MON 1962). 2nd Polish Army, Prague operation.
Golczewski, K.,
Wyzwolenie Pomorza zachodniego w roku 1945
(Poznan: Wyd. Poznanskie 1971).
Jurgielewicz, W.,
Organizacja Ludowego Wojska Polskiego (22.7.1944–9.5.1945)
(Warsaw: MON 1968).
Karpiński, A.,
Pod Dȩblinem, Pulawami i Warka
(Warsaw: MON 1967).
Karpiński, A.,
Dowodzenie w Armii Radzieckiej podczas II Wojny Światowej
(Warsaw: MON 1973). Tactical direction/command in the Red Army in World War II.
Krzeminski, G.,
Lotnictwo polskie w operacji berlińskiej
(Warsaw: MON 1970). Polish air force, Berlin 1945.
Majewski, R. and Sozańska, T.,
Bitwa o Wrocław
, Styczen-maj 1945g. (Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich 1975).
Margules, J.,
Boje 1 Armii WP w obszarze Warszawy (Sierpien-Wrzesien 1944)
(Warsaw: MON 1967).
Okȩcki, S.,
Wyzwolenie Poznania 1945
(Warsaw: MON 1975).
Poplawski, S.,
Towarzysze frontowych dróg
(Warsaw: MON 1965).
Przygoński, A.,
Udzial PPR i AL w powstaniu Warszawskim
(Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza 1970).
Rawski, T.
et al., Wojna wyzwoleńcza narodu polskiego w latach 1939–1945
(Warsaw: MON 1966).
Rzepski, S.,
8 Dywizja Piechoty
(Warsaw: MON 1970).
Sek-Malecki, J.,
Armia Ludowa w powstaniu warszawskim
. Wspomnienia (Warsaw: Wyd. Iskry 1962).
Slawecki, R.,
Manewr który ocalil Kraków
(Cracow: Wyd. Lit., 2nd edn 1971). Liberation of Cracow.
Sta̧por, Z.,
Bitwa o Berlin
(Warsaw: MON 1973).
Warszawa-Lewa Podmiejska 1942–1945
(Warsaw: MON 1971).
Zhilin, P.A. (ed.),
Boevoe sodruzhestvo Sovetskovo i Pol’skovo narodov
(Moscow: Mysl 1973). Though in Russian, this is a joint Soviet-Polish research publication with informative articles.

(b) Czechoslovak

Druhá světova válka. Výběrová bibliografie české a slovenské knižní a časopisecké literatury (1958–1963)
. Historie a vojenstvi, 1963, No. 4.
Svoboda, L., Z
Buzuluke do Prahy
(Prague: Naše Vojsko 1967).
Dukla v dokumentech
(Prague: Naše Vojsko 1970). Photostat collection: operational documents Dukla operation.
Tvaružek, B.,
Operační cíl Ostrava
(Ostrava: Profil 1973).

(c) Rumanian

Collective authorship,
Contributia Rominiel la rázboiul antihitlerist
(Bucharest, 1958). Soviet version:
Vklad Rumynii v razgrom fashistskoi Germanii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1959).
Ilie, Lt.-Col. P. and Stoen, Lt.-Col. G.,
Romania in razboiul antihitlerist
. Contributii bibliografice (Bucharest: Editura Militara 1971).
Romanescu, F. and Loghin, L.,
Cronica participárii armatei Române la rázboiul antihitlerist
(Bucharest: Editura Militara 1971). A detailed and informative compilation.

(d) Yugoslav

Beogradska operacija 20 oktobar 1944
(Belgrade: Vojnoist. Institut. 1964). Joint Soviet-Yugoslav work on the Belgrade operation.
Čulinović, F.,
Slom stare Jugoslavije
(Zagreb: Škol. knjiga 1958).
Donlagić, A.
et al., Yugoslavia in the Second World War
(Belgrade: Interpress 1967).
Kljakić, D.,
Ustaško Domobranska Legija pod Staljingradom
(Biblioteka vreme plov). (Zagreb: August Cesarec 1979). Destruction of the
Ustaša Legion
at Stalingrad.
Oslobodilački rat naroda Jugoslavije 1941–1945
(Belgrade: Vojni Istoriski Institut 1958), vol. 2:
Od drugog zasedanja AVNOJ-a do konačne pobede
Pajović, B. and Radević, M.,
Bibliografija o ratu i revoluciji u Jugoslaviji. Posebna izdanja 1945–1965
(Belgrade: Savezni odbor subnor Jug. 1969).

(e) Albanian

Conférence Nationale des Etudes sur la Lutte AntiFasciste de Libération Nationale du Peuple Albanais
(Tirana: 8 Nëntori 1975).

(f) Hungarian

Magyarország felszabadítása
(Budapest: Koss. Konyvkiado 1975). Soviet operations in Hungary 1944–5.
Miklos, H., A 2.
magyar hadsereg megsemmisülesé a Donnál
(Budapest: 1958). Destruaion of 2nd Hungarian Army on the Don.
Ölvedi, I., A
budai vár és a debreceni csata. Horthyék katasztrófapolitikája 1944 öszén
. (Budapest: Zrinyi Katonai Kiado, 2nd edn 1974). Collapse of Horthy regime in autumn 1944.
Ránki, G., A
második világháború törtenéte
(Budapest: Gondolat. 1976).

(g) Bulgarian

Gornenski, N.,
V’or’zhenata borna 1941–1944
(Sofia: Izd. B’lgar. Kom. partiya 1971).
Spasitelniyat B’lgariya Otechestven Front
. Sbornik (Sofia: Izd. na Otech. Front 1975).
Trunski, S.,
From the Tactics of Partisan Warfare in Bulgaria
(Sofia: Sofia Press 1970). Official English translation.
Voini antifashist
(Sofia: D’rzhav. voenno izd. 1974).


Ainsztein, R.,
Jewish Resistance in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe
(London: Paul Elek 1974) See pt 5: ‘Jewish Partisans’.
Ainsztein, R., ‘The Soviet Russian War Novel since Stalin’s Death’,
Twentieth Century
, April 1960, pp. 328–38. A perceptive and informative analysis.
Alexander, J.,
Russian Aircraft since 1940
(London: Putnam 1975).
Allen, W.E.D. and Muratoff, P.,
The Russian Campaigns of 1941–1943
The Russian Campaigns of 1944–1945
(Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1944 and 1946). These two books remain a remarkable achievement even at this distance, particularly the second volume, and can be read with profit, not least for the elucidation of terrain factors.
Armstrong, J.A.,
Ukrainian Nationalism 1939–1945
(New York: Columbia U.P. 1955).
Armstrong, J.A.,
Soviet Partisans in World War II
(Madison: University Wisconsin Press 1964). This is an outstandingly important work on Soviet partisan organization and operations; comprehensive use of German military records.
Armstrong, J.A., ‘Recent Soviet Publications on World War II’,
Slavic Review
, XXI(3), September 1962, pp. 508–19.
Berman, H.J. and Kerner, M.,
Soviet Military Law and Administration
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U.P. 1955). An important study, including Kerner’s own account of wartime experience with the Red Army.
Bialer, S.,
Stalin and his Generals. Soviet Military Memoirs of World War II
. (New York: Pegasus 1969).
Bór-Komorowski, T.,
The Secret Army
(London: Gollancz 1950).
Carell, P.,
Hitler’s War on Russia
(vol. 1) and
Scorched Earth
(vol. 2) (London: Harrap 1964 and 1970).
Churchill, W.S.,
The Second World War
, vols 1–6 (London: Cassell 1948–54).
Clark, A.
Barbarossa. The Russo-German Conflict 1941–1945
(London: Hutchinson 1965).
Clemens, D.A.,
(New York: Oxford U.P. 1970).
Cookridge, E.H.,
Gehlen: Spy of the Century
(London: Hodder & Stoughton 1971). See chapters 4–8 on Gehlen and
Craig, W.,
Enemy at the Gates. The Battle for Stalingrad
(New York: Reader’s Digest Press 1973).
van Crefeld, M., ‘The German attack on the USSR: the Destruction of a Legend’,
European Studies Review
, vol. 2 (1), January 1972, pp. 69–86.
Dallin, A.,
German Rule in Russia 1941–1945
(London: Macmillan 1957; 2nd edn 1981 and Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press 1981).
Deane, J.R.,
The Strange Alliance
(London: John Murray 1947).
Dedijer, V.,
Tito Speaks
(London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1953).

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