The Spawn of Hate (10 page)

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Authors: Angel Flowers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Spawn of Hate
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Unfortunately that familiar feeling was of electricity and I knew the person behind it was Nick. I fell to the floor where the armor guy proceeded to stomp on my fingers. I could hear the bones break.

“Wait Dylan, this fag is all mine.” I could hear Nick say, “Go get Chloe, we are going to need her here in a bit.” Nick walked over towards my still twitching body and broke my nose with a kick. Him and the armor guy took turns beating the heck out of us while Nick blasted us whenever the paralyzing effects started wearing off. Even the fly girl got in some pretty good licks when she recovered. Fortunately blackness took me while this was going on. My last thought as I blacked out was not of death, but that I really should have minded my own business.

I started coming to while hearing voices. I remembered what had happened but decided to keep my eyes closed.

“Chloe hurry up, what is taking so long?” I could make out Nick say and he sounded scared.

“I don’t know, I’m trying he just doesn’t heal like the rest of you
.” I could hear a female voice say that must have been Chloe.

“Well his bruises are almost gone but he still hasn’t woken up” I could hear another male voice say. “We are so dead, we are so dead,
we are so dead.”

“Stop crying Dylan we will figure something out” I heard Nick say.

“I need another break” I heard Chloe say.

“Another one, how many breaks are you going to take?
” I heard a female voice say I. “It’s almost time for school we don’t have time for you to take another break.”

“He is not waking up because you killed him” I heard Ronnie say. “All of you did and I am going to tell. The principal will kill you all.”

I then heard a smack. Judging from the way Ronnie ended his talking, I guessed he was the recipient of it.

“Stop hitting him Aria, I don’t know I could heal him again with the way I’m feeling.” I heard Chloe say.
“Besides, he can’t be dead, dead people don’t breathe.”

“Well if I am going to die because of him, he is going before I do.” I heard a female voice say.

I figured playtime was over. I did not want them to hurt Ronnie anymore and I sure didn’t want them hurting me. I groaned I little and rolled over on my side. I didn’t feel any pain at all, but I guessed it was best not to let them know that.

“Finally” I could hear Nick say relieved. “You got a little taste of what happens to people who cross me. You don’t have a mark on you so nobody will believe what happened here. My homework better be done by tomorrow or I will be back.”

I started whispering something real low under my breath so he could barely hear.

“What are you saying?”
Said Nick as he crouched down lower.

I whispered again and waited until he put his ear directly over my mouth. I bit down hard on his ear with everything I had. I was careful not to bite his ear off, but I wanted to let him know I wasn’t scared. He shot up and went to kick me but the armor plated guy Dylan, grabbed him.

“Nick, Chloe can fix your ear, what she can’t fix is him.” Dylan spoke.

Watch yourself”, said Nick. “I’ll see you again.” After that he and his little crew left Ronnie’s place.

Ronnie got up and closed the door and then ran to help me up. I could tell he looked like he had been crying all night.

“I thought they killed you!” He said sounding as if were about to start crying. “I told you to watch out for that guy. I had it under control. They eventually would have left me alone. I can’t believe you almost died. I had to sit there while Chloe was trying to save you. I didn’t know what to do.”

“Calm down” I told him trying to sound in control. “It sucked while it was happening but it is over now. Just relax, they will get theirs all in due time. Trust me, they will get theirs.”

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door, like someone was trying to break it down.

open up!” I heard a female say that sounded like one of the twins, since I could not tell their voices apart yet. “Ronnie let me in!” I heard the voice say as the pounding got louder, like someone was trying to shoulder charge their way through the door. Ronnie got up and opened the door and in flew Ivy.

“Ronnie you had me worried,
I’m glad to see that you are okay.” Said Aimee continuing “I just saw Nick leave and he was covered in blood and they were carrying Chloe and I heard something about not being able to heal him, and Cory what happened to you?”

“Nothing is wrong with me that some twin on twin kisses couldn’t fix” I said trying to totally change the subject from the horrible night I had.

“You are a pig Cory, Aimee, Nick did this and Chloe almost couldn’t heal Cory.” Ivy spoke.

“He got
lucky, I got some good hits in until his henchmen got my attention.” I said still mad at the way I got jumped. “Trust me, I don’t know when, but one day him and his little group will get theirs. Him and his little group will get caught slippin, just like I did.”

“Cory tried to help me, Nick and Dylan was in here with Aira and Vanessa trying to bully me as usual.” Ronnie started talking continuing “Cory came in and got them off of me in a hurry, but they were just too strong.”

“As long as you are not hurt I say let’s leave it alone.” Ivy stated.  “Even if we manage to surprise Nick, there is no way we have a chance against Dylan, and that’s not counting how hard it is to fight Vanessa. We don’t have a chance against them. Even if we manage to get one of them alone, we would pay the price because I doubt Chloe would heal any of them before she told the principal what we did.”

“Well ya’ll sit here and take it on the chin.” I said angrily, “I am going to get payback, just you watch.” I then got up and left Ronnie’s apartment.

I hurried to my room and got myself dressed. To have been getting my butt handed to me all night I did not feel an ounce of pain, better yet I felt well rested. Well the latter part of that was that I was out for quite a while. I washed my face and headed out to where gym class was. When I got there I saw our Gym Teacher was already waiting, but instead of a jersey she was clad in some type of commando outfit. She started yelling at us to form up. She definitely was not the laid back person she was yesterday, she was all business.















Shell Game

“Listen up.” Our teacher spoke sounding just like some type of drill sergeant. “Barricade has been spotted in Jack London square, not even 20 miles north of here. Me and bravo team are going to go bring her in. She is smashing windows and being a nuisance. Currently she has local law enforcement running for cover and she is armed. Meanwhile, Sonar himself has been located at the Mormon Temple located in the Oakland hills. He is with a pack of lycans and is starting a huge fuss. Alpha team has already left to find him. We think this is a trap. Sonar hasn’t shown himself in years and now him and his most trusted Lieutenant both show up. I know he is probably listening in on this conversation right now, but he also knows we cannot let a chance like this go to waste. You all will participate in the defense of this base should this be a target. More than likely he is just trying to lure Alpha or Bravo into a trap. The D.C. team is on its way but they are not expected for another 6 hours. Get outfitted, you have your orders.” Our teacher then turned around and went towards the door where I first entered along with four other Females dressed in similar clothing. I saw everyone heading towards the school so I figured that is where I should be heading to. We were given helmets and bulletproof vest and some type of machine gun. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with that since I never even fired a weapon before. The Vampires were sent to guard their territory while the werewolves we sent to guard theirs. The wizards for the most part stayed scattered around the big park, all facing the door. We were in groups of two and I got Aimee as my partner. We all were prone in the sand with our weapons pointing towards the door. I figured it was the only entrance in this place since we were all guarding it. It must be hell if this place ever caught fire and that was our only way out. Still, I was scared witless. Somebody out there wanted a fight and after last night, I didn’t want to give it to them.

“Aimee” I spoke, “What is going on?”

“Sonar, that is what going on”, she replied. “You heard Fairplay. He is around here somewhere and he is looking for a fight.”

first off who is Sonar and second, who is Fairplay?” I asked.

“I forgot y
ou’re a newbie. You know how us wizards at this school are the good guys, well there are bad wizards out there too. Sonar is the worst. He once was with us, but he wasn’t on any team. Nobody could find out anything useful with his powers since all he could do was hear really well. He could pinpoint anyone within a hundred miles just by the sound of their voice. One day the President called and said he needed help locating Bin Laden.”

“You mean to tell me this place located Bin Laden?” I asked.

“Not this place, Sonar did it by himself. They thought they knew where Bin Laden was at, but nobody was sure. Sonar confirmed it. After that he started taking jobs with the Government finding crime lords and making them pay. Soon he found out he could get paid working for the other team, so he left. He gathered up all the rogue wizards he could find, some even left here to join him, fed up by the rules. He now has vampires, werewolves and even lycans on his side now.”

“Damn, there is a real life supervillian out there?” I said unbelieving what I just heard. “Well hope he is bullet proof. No way
is anybody going to come through this door. We have the freakin Seals guarding this place.”

“Not anymore we don’t Cory” Aimee informed me. “They left with Fairplay to incase she needs back up. Special Forces
is backing up Alpha team. It’s just us here.”

“Oh” I said quietly. “Is Fairplay our teacher?”

“Duh, Cory” she said mockingly. “They call her that because of her power, other wizards powers don’t work whenever she is within 20 feet of them. When they face her, other wizards really don’t stand a chance unless they are great fighters or great with a weapon.”

Suddenly alarms started going off. I heard a gunfire erupt from somewhere behind me. It sounded like it was coming from where the vampires lived. I looked back just for a second when Aimee grabbed me.

“Cory that is not your focus, have faith they can handle whatever is going on back there. Our mission is this door and whatever comes out of it.” Aimee told me.

Suddenly we were face to face with a T-Rex. Like straight outta the Jurassic T-Rex. The lizard started towards us, tearing up trees as he went. He really didn’t attack anybody if it was a he, but ran snarling and snapping around the park. We let a hail of bullets into that thing. The T-Rex didn’t even budge. I saw Nick get up and try to blast it with his powers. They went right through
the thing. Suddenly the T-Rex looked towards the werewolf compound and took off that way. I figured for such a big animal he didn’t make any noise while he was stomping around. Suddenly a heard a lot of screaming coming from the Vampires area and men in black outfits were running from there gunning people down with Vampires hot on their heels. I left my area and tried to find someplace to hide. I lost sight of Aimee but I could hear gunfire all around me. I was hoping she made it but I knew I couldn’t stay here. I ran and ducked into the restaurant where I had shared a meal with Khatara. I saw other kids hiding in there with some werewolves. I figured I was better off on my own and tried to keep low and run back to my apartment. As I was running I saw one of the men in the black outfits ahead of me, talking into a radio. He had a weapon but it was a pistol, which was more than I had since I was so scared I lost my gun. He looked around and ran towards my apartment building. For some dumb reason I followed him.

The man entered our building and went straight into my apartment. For some reason my door was open. I walked up to my door and peaked in. What I saw made my heart drop.

Summer was lying on my floor decapitated. A woman in some type of metal armor had her head and the man was speaking to her.

“I hope you are finish.” The man spoke,
“We have the element of surprise right now but we are taking casualties. We killed all the male vampires we found, but we are sure we missed the oldest one.”

“I already know that” the lady in the armor spoke, her voice sounding a little metallic. “I am almost finished here. Let’s make our escape while the men are battling the students.”

“You want me to signal the withdrawal?” The man asked.

“No, if we do then we have
an 40% chance of escaping.” The woman spoke continuing “They are all mercenaries anyway. If only we leave our chances are greater than 90%.

I had just walked in on
Summer’s murder scene. I couldn’t just let them get away. I charged into the room and blindsided the man with an elbow to the head. He was shorter than I was and stumbled, but it wasn’t the knockout blow I thought I gave him. The lady in the Armor turned towards me and shot me with some type of Taser. It wasn’t quite as bad as Nick’s blasts, but it still hurt like you wouldn’t believe. I then felt someone spray some type of liquid over my face. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I had been pepper sprayed. As I sat there on the floor in pain, the lady in the metal suit started speaking.

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