The Spawn of Hate (6 page)

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Authors: Angel Flowers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Spawn of Hate
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“They are my only friends
Cory, I don’t need to hide anything from them.” Ronnie stated.

I just shook my head. I had just made a fool of myself in front of two hot girls who probably think I am a pervert, but I guess it didn’t matter anyway since we couldn’t do anything to each other anyway.

“I don’t think you are a pervert Cory, you are just a normal guy” Ivy said.

“Stop reading my mind!
Not cool man, not cool!” I said starting to get angry.

“She can’t help it Cory”, Ronnie said “Do you wanna see where you are going to be staying?”

I did want to see where I was staying. On my way there I did nothing but sing silly songs to myself over and over. I figured if she was listening in I would sing nothing but those annoying songs that got stuck in your head. I didn’t trust myself to talk with Aimee around and I didn’t trust myself to think when Ivy was there.

“Cory can yo
u please stop with the songs? You are giving me a headache!” Ivy started screaming after about five minutes of listening to radio Cory.

“I can’t help it either Ivy, I don’t want you in my private thoughts so I am keeping my mind preoccupied.” I told her smugly.

Suddenly she just turned towards me, grabbed my face and planted a huge kiss on me. No there was unfortunately, no tongue involved but still this was my first kiss! I was totally speechless for the rest of our walk thinking back to myself did that just happen? I am figuring she did that just to keep my mind off of singing “Barbie Girl” but damn it worked. We had just stopped in front of a building and Ronnie opened the door for me.

“Well th
is is it Cory, your new home. All wizards live here, just find an empty room and it’s yours.” Ronnie told me.

All I could keep thinking about was if Barbie Girl got me a kiss, what would Gangnam Style get me? Ivy started shaking her head laughing.

“In your dreams Cory, go take a shower” Ivy said as she and Aimee disappeared into a stairwell.

I found
myself an empty room, well more like a studio apartment and settled into it quite nicely still not believing the day I had and it wasn’t even 5 ‘o clock. I wanted to call my parents but this place had no phone. I was tired anyway and slowly drifted off to sleep while sitting on a couch.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the POTUS

I awoke later that evening with a loud bang on the door. It took me a moment to remember my surroundings since I still couldn’t believe I was here. I answered the door to find Ronnie there waiting for me.

“Hey Cory, I thought I would stop by and let you know what’s going on tomorrow.”

I was surprised to see him. I didn’t have any friends but I didn’t want him to think I was into him or anything. Ronnie was still an okay guy and I figured he would at least keep me out of trouble while I was here but I wanted to make sure
he knew that I didn’t march to same beat he did. Turns out I didn’t even have to bring it up.

“Relax Cory, Ivy told me you are not gay and was a little weirded out
when you found out I was gay. I respect that, contrary to popular belief that gay people are perverted predators.”

“Well you were picturing me naked
,” I said seriously.

“And you were picturing the twins naked, it doesn’t make me a pervert, it makes me a normal teenage boy.”

“Good point, so what brings you over here?”

“I wanted you t
o know what to expect tomorrow.” Ronnie replied. “In the hall closets you can find spare uniforms. You stand out as is because you are not wearing a uniform and you are too young to be in the military so people will mark you as the new guy.”

“They already are going to mark me as the new guy because I just showed up here.”

“Well other than the uniform, we exercise every day to keep our stamina up. Tomorrow morning we start at five. Make it on time or you will be repeating the workout in the evenings every day for a month. Well I gotta go, I will meet you here tomorrow at 4:45.” With that Ronnie left.

I did not get a good night’s sleep at all. It could be because of my late nap, or it could be I was ne
rvous about meeting everyone. When the time I was supposed to meet Ronnie came around, I was already out in front of my door. He came down from the hallway from a door at the far end. I guess that was where he lived. As he was walking towards me, the twins came from downstairs. I instantly thought about them reading my mind so I just kept singing the ABC song to myself. I didn’t want to be obnoxious, but I didn’t want her in my head either. I really didn’t want to lose focus on my ABC’s, as it kept me from thinking about other things. If Ivy noticed my ABC song she sure didn’t mention it to me. We left the building we lived in a walked down the street towards the big park that was at the center of everything I was guessing, since I didn’t get a chance to properly explore. Once we made our way to the park, I saw a big group of people hanging out, all wearing different colors of the same jogging suit I was wearing.

I noticed Khatara first, which was easy because she was so tall. She had on a red suit and all the girls around her did also. They were all quite tall and muscular, though none were as big as Khatara. They also were all quite hairy just like Khatara
but still I couldn’t imagine any man kicking them out of bed. One of her group though was noticeably shorter than the rest and not quite as muscular. She wasn’t out of shape, but she was the Richard Limmons to their Ronald Swartzenogger. I was guessing that whole group she was around was all werewolves. I started to wave at her but Aimee quickly snatched my hand out of the air. Khatara saw me and waved back. She also saw Aimee grab me and shot Aimee a pretty icy glare.

“What are you doing Cory?” Aimee asked.

“I am just saying hi to a friend.” I replied.

“You just got
here, you don’t have any friends yet, certainly not a werewolf. They are only out to take advantage of you. Leave them alone, they only care for themselves and their stupid pack. We don’t have enough male wizards as it is without them trying their best to make it harder.”

Yeah she wanted my body and was just acting jealous. I was thinking she just wanted to lay me down and… I never got to finish that thought. Ivy came out of nowhere a delivered a pretty good slap to my face. She didn’t look mad after she did it either, she actually looked sort of proud of herself. She didn’t say anything and I certainly wasn’t going to let anyone in on what I was thinking. Not that any of it mattered, since her sister rolled her eyes and Ronnie started laughing, so I am guessing they knew I wasn’t having innocent thoughts. As I was recovering from my attack, I saw a group come up from the vampire part of town.

As they came into view I noticed they were all either albino, or very light skinned. I could make out they were all different races based on their features, but they were all still quite white. They did not look anything like movie vampires. They just all looked like a bunch of pale teenage chicks.

“Where are the guys Vampires at?” I whispered to Ronnie.

“They never come to school.” He replied. “I think there are three of them down here somewhere. I have never seen one, but I hear the girls keep them locked away.”

“Okay, but why are they so pale?”

“They can’t make melanin anymore Cory,” Ivy replied. “I don’t have to tell you to stay away from them.”

are Vampires okay to hang around, but the werewolves are off limits.” I asked.

“Because the vampires are snobs, so t
hey wouldn’t hang around you. More importantly they are poisonous” Aimee added.

“Whoa note to self, stay away from vampires” I replied.

As the vampires came into the park I noticed Cranberry was not with them. They vampires assembled all looked to be fairly young, definitely within five years older and younger than I was. I also noticed that there weren’t any adults or anyone who could pass as an adult in the park. Even the were wolves with their hulking size still had baby faces. I also noticed that although I was told we had military here, I didn’t see anyone who could pass as a Soldier. As it started to get nearer to 5 am more and more wizards started gathering in the park. I remember hearing that there were 199 wizards on the planet, but the group assembled here had to be no more than 30 or 40 by rough estimate. A woman wearing nothing but a basketball uniform walked up and everyone got into a formation I didn’t know. Luckily Ronnie pulled me to the side and helped me find a place. As we settled in the woman in the basketball jersey started to speak.

“Alright class, no normal P
T today. Sonar has been stepping up his attacks and we just found out he was behind two more murders. Today we are playing president. Since we have a new student today I figure he can be the president. Half of you have to try to assassinate him, the other half has to protect. Now wizards if your powers are highly destructive, please refrain from using them on each other. I want realistic training but we are not trying to kill anybody.”

She then split us up into two teams, matched evenly.
Khatara ended up on the team to protect me and so did Ronnie. I figured I would just hide it out for a while, but part of me wanted to see everyone in action to gage exactly what did I get myself into. The woman in the jersey walked to the side of the park and blew a whistle. All I had to do was get to the other side of the park. As soon as the whistle blew it was chaos. I noticed that vampires avoided other Vampires and likewise with werewolf on werewolf. The wizards had no such problem and began hurting each other as soon as they could. Once someone either fell or was threw on the ground they were deemed killed. I noticed that one wizard on the other team had the power of flight. She took to the air and was flying straight at me. Before she could reach me a vampire with extremely long hair jumped up and pulled her out of the sky. When I say jumped up, think of at least a twenty foot leap. I saw Khatara face off with both of the twins. I figured this was no contest. She instantly kicked Aimee in the stomach and she was out. She attempted an overhand right at Ivy, but Ivy ducked and followed up with a punch of her own. Everytime Khatara tried to strike, Ivy would somehow be out of reach and quickly retaliate. Her blows didn’t seem to hurt the big werewolf all that much, but she was landing often. I saw Ronnie going toe to toe with the small werewolf who clearly was getting the better of him until a girl jumped in and took the werewolf out in one blow.  I took too long just being awestruck when I noticed someone clearing a path through the crowd.

I could not exactly see who was causing the
ruckus, I could only see people drop left and right. Altogether it looked like we lost half our number and the other team looked to still be in good shape. I saw Khatara jump into whatever was tearing people up as Ivy was being helped off the field. The crowd parted a bit and I could see what was making all of the commotion. It was a boy, no more than 13 or 14. He was definitely younger than me with brown hair that was kept close cropped. He had green lights shooting out of his hand and everytime it struck someone they went down in a heap. I saw a vampire make a move for me in my peripheral vision. I turned to fight her and she just gave me a smile that sent chills up my spine. I fought a vampire before I figured I could get this one too. I feigned throwing a punch with my left and caught her beautifully with a right hook to the chin. She barely budged. One of my best shots barely registered. Note to self, these chicks were no freaking joke.  She shoved me hard and kept smiling. She could take me out anytime and was just toying with me. I spit in her face and backpedaled as far as I could when the girl who took out the werewolf earlier jumped in front of me.  I could see the vampire’s smile slip a bit, if I didn’t know better I would say she was nervous. She charged the blond and started delivering punishing blows. I could hear her hits ring off of the blond girl’s body but to her credit she took the blows like a champ. Suddenly two Vampires were fighting the blond girl and they were working her over pretty good. I jumped into the fight because it looked like they could really hurt her. I punched one of the vampires in the side of the head and felt instant pain in my hand. It felt like I had just broken my hand with that punch and the vampire didn’t seem as if it hurt her at all. She looked at me and was attempting to throw a punch but the blond girl recovered and took her out with a kick to the head. Now it was us two versus one Vampire but the guy with the lights was still coming towards me.

“I can hold her off” The blond girl looked at me and continued “Get out of here before Nick reaches you”.

I took off at a full sprint to the other end of the park. As I was running I could see the crowd shift and move towards me. The guy with the hands who I figured was Nick, turned towards me and really started letting people have it. I saw Khatara go down to his lights as another werewolf took her place to keep him distracted. A female wizard jumped in my path and started walking towards me. Normally I would have brought the pain but I had no idea what she could do. Ronnie ran in from the side to take her on. She suddenly vanished. I mean as in she was not there anymore. She appeared on my right side and gave me a kick to the back. I turned to return the blow just as she disappeared and kicked me again. I tried swing at her again but she vanished and continued her assault. Everytime I swung I connected with air and was beginning to get tired from the punishment I was taking. I decided on a different course of action. When she appeared and hit me from behind, instead of turning around and taking a swing, I started shadow boxing with all I had at the empty area in front of me. She reappeared just as I was throwing a right cross. I caught her square in the temple and she went out like a light. I couldn’t believe I had just hit a girl like that. As I was standing there stunned, I suddenly felt a wave of electricity wash over me and I felt face first on the ground unable to move.

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