The Spawn of Hate (5 page)

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Authors: Angel Flowers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Spawn of Hate
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“All of the r
aces here keep to themselves. My Wolves are friendly enough, at least with the wizards for obvious reasons. The wizards in turn despise us and try to make our lives difficult, since they know the true nature of why we are after them. The vampires do not socialize with anyone unless it is deemed absolute necessary and prefer to stay in their own neighborhood. The wizards do not trust us and are still in a cold war with the vampires, constantly trying to outdo each other. The lycans refused the offer of peace which is why you will not find any on our campus except for one, well sort of. Regardless, after today you will no doubt meet your human friends and they will catch you up on why it is social suicide to be seen with a wolf.”

This school was like any other. Still clique heavy. I for one though
, was not about to pass up a chance to hang with a bunch of girls who wanted to get in my pants for once. I thought my life was ruined this morning, now here I am about to be popular. Our food came and we ate it quickly enough. I had a cheese burger meal and she had a rare steak. Watching her eat was like watching the nature channel, brutal. After we finished we got up and walked outside. We got into a golf cart and she showed me the obstacle courses, the Special Forces compound, where the vampires live and finally where all the humans lived. We got out the cart near the entrance of the human neighborhood. There was a kid there at the entrance who was about 6’0 but skinny as a bean pole. He had bright red hair and his face was covered in freckles.

“Cory this is Ronald”, she said kind of nastily.
“I would show you to around your own neighborhood but the company just got less pleasant.”

And with that she hopped into the golf cart and drove away. I didn’t know what that was all about but this guy seemed like the guy you beat up for pocket change, so why did she give the attitude? Maybe he was an old boyfriend. Either way it didn’t matter. What mattered now was that I was about to
meet people and I could make a new first impression and maybe become popular for once. I knew the werewolves couldn’t keep their hands off me, I was hoping to make well with my own people too.

“Hi, I’m Cory” I said and stuck out my hand. The ginger just stood
there looking at me and blushed. Great, the first person I meet is the social outcast.
















Lil Miss Know it All

“Hi, I’m Ronnie.”
The red haired kid replied, still looking kind of nervous.

“Nice to meet you Ron
, I am new here and just trying to figure out what’s what.”

He said continuing, “How can you be new here? All of the wizards have been accounted for. Where did you come from?”

I told Ronnie my story from start to end. He admitted it was a bit weird but that the only people he has ever seen here were all brought when they were young.

“Well that is all of it”, I said “So why don’t you and hairy Miss Hotness get along, I thought they liked wizard guys and why in the hell do you call yourselves wizards? I haven’t seen not one wand or any of you do anything near magical.”

“Umm, which quest
ion do you want answered first?” He asked sheepishly.

“Just pick one bro, any one will do”. I replied.

“Well many people have problems with the werewolves, I don’t mind them at all, they just don’t like me. I am a little different than most wizards”.

“So the wizard thing”…I just let the question linger in the air.

“From when the world first learned of our existence we were called wizards. Merlin the Magnificent was the first known Wizard. He carried a staff but only because he had one leg. The wands and other crap you see on the movies are fiction. Each wizard only has one thing they can do that’s supernatural, though most lose it by the time they are twenty.”

“I thought ever
yone lost their powers by 25? That’s what the principal told me.”

“Well that’s not entirely
true; some people have powers that are physical in nature, like being 12 feet tall or growing six arms. Those powers stay with you for life. Before you ask, no there are no people 12 feet tall anymore.”

“So Bro, what
exactly happens in this place? I don’t understand why vampires and everyone else hides out. Why not use your abilities to get rich, that’s what I would do, make a lot of money.”

“Well the wizards tried that a lot of different t
imes, each ended in disaster. The latest time was in Salem, and I am sure you heard of what happened there. How would you feel if you think the only reason somebody was making it was because they had an extreme unfair advantage over you, like using a motorcycle in a foot race?”

“Hell Bro I would be mad as hell, that’s not fair!”

“The world doesn’t think so either. Wizards are easy to pick out because we can’t resist showing off. Werewolves on the other hand are a secretive bunch. Currently they are hunted not primarily by the world at large, but because they prey on wizards they find, often kidnapping their victims while still young.”

“Hold up Ronnie, that’s what I don’t get, why in the hell would any of you not want a bunch of chicks
lining up to sleep with you? Between me and you, I can’t wait to lose my virginity!”

“Cory I keep forgetting you are new, there are two ways a wizard loses their powers, the first one you already know of, turning 25.”

“Okay Bro so what is the second one?” I replied.

“Having sex.
Every wizard you see here is a virgin. Of that 199 wizards, only 25 or so are male. We are a female driven society, the wizards, all of the werewolves and most of the vampires are all female too. That’s the reason wizards do not like werewolves, the nastier you are to them, the less likely you are to lose your powers. That and when they do conceive, the werewolves most likely have no use for you, it never would be about love, just business.”

“So just like that you lose your powers!” I asked
, thinking this whole scenario sucked. While I did not have any powers I knew about, if I gained some I certainly would like to keep them and get some money to help my folks out.

ll not just like that, you would steadily lose your powers over the course of about two weeks. When we turn 24 that’s when the decline begins normally, so you pick your poison, two weeks and then nothing, or a year.”

“What happens when all of your powers are gone?”

“Well it depends on the person, to keep our secrets many of us are forced into taking government jobs, like judges, lawyers, cops or something similar. The not particularly smart end up in the military on Delta Force or Seal Team 6. Those are the only technically ‘Non’ powered people allowed in here or to know about this place with one exception. While we work for the President, we do so indirectly. Ever wonder what the vice president really does? He orders us around to kill or capture targets or simply wreak havoc somewhere. The President has deniability is word of us ever gets out. Occasionally it does though and we have to change our name. We were originally known as Area 51, a name given to us by FDR until the debacle in Roswell. Since I have been here we have went through two names, the Illuminati and my favorite the New World Order. Currently we just call ourselves the school.”

“Okay so what is your super power, why are you a wizard?” I asked curiously.

Suddenly Ronnie looked at me. His skin began to darken and his face became fuzzy. Not fuzzy as in hairy but fuzzy as in you really couldn’t make out any of his features. Suddenly I was looking at a copy of myself. Well truthfully his hair stayed the same and he still had the same height and build, but other than that I was looking at myself. After looking at the shock I had on my face he changed back to normal. This was the first time I had ever witnessed the supernatural with my own eyes that I could not come up with an explanation for.

“Dude, that was awesome!” I said excitedly, “You could be anybody you wanted and get pretty much any chick you wanted!”

“I would never use it for that” he blushed continuing “It’s not all that cool, I don’t think it would get me on Alpha or Bravo team.”

“What is Alpha or Bravo team?”

“Those are our field teams, they get to go out and do missions. Only the very best get that job though. Alpha team is basically the strongest wizards we have, they are normally used when we need a small team to carry out a mission where the government thinks it is unwise to send in a larger group. Remember what I said about wreaking havoc? Alpha can sneak in and destroy a lot of stuff and sneak out before the enemy even realizes they are in a fight. Bravo team is normally built around a guy who for some reason was a bad fit for Alpha and the rest of the group is picked to highlight their leader’s strengths and cover the weaknesses. Bravo is normally Alpha’s back up but their main mission is assassinations and snatch and grabs.”

“Well, if you don’t think your power is cool, then who is the strongest guy here?”

“That would be Speed”, he said quickly. “She is blindingly fast, not comic book fast, but fast enough to hit you before you knew you were in a fight. She can take any object and make it a deadly projectile. She can’t keep up her speed for long though, but she has been known to break the sound barrier. She is also the leader of the Alpha team.”

“Your leader is a
girl?!?” I said still unbelieving.

“Of course she is
, I just told you most wizards are women.”

“Why aren’t they called witches or sorceresses?”

“Because they just aren’t, you are all over the place Cory with these questions. Just one thing at a time, let’s go meet everyone else. Just watch out for Nick and that stupid group of his.”

“Who is Nick?”

“Nick is probably going to be the next Alpha Team leader, if not Alpha Team, definitely the next Bravo team leader.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because with the exception of Speed, Nick has taken out pretty much everyone he has ever faced in one on one combat.”

This was a little worrisome. On one hand I wanted to reinvent myself while I was here, I wouldn’t be the poor dark kid anymore. I could handle myself in a scrap, but who knew how big this Nick kid was and the fact he was a bully. The fact I was hanging around Ronnie who from first impressions I am sure wasn’t Mr. Popularity I was probably doomed. If I had some powers I really hope they came soon. I thought about this long and hard as I followed Ronnie through the couple of streets that made up what I figured was the human neighborhood. I didn’t see anybody out when suddenly Ronnie stopped and in front of us stood the most beautiful pair of drop dead Asian twins known to man.

“Cory I would like you to meet Aimee and Ivy.” Ronnie said as he introduced us. I was still floored. They both had long dark hair although they wore it different. Ivy wore hers in two long braids.

Aimee just had her hair all the way down, no accessories or
style needed. As I was staring at Aimee suddenly Ivy spoke up.

“I doubt she would consider making out with you, I don’t think it matters whether sh
e thinks you are ugly or not. And I for one would never join in, that is just gross.” Ivy finished speaking, leaving me horrified.

“Huh?” I said, wondering how the hell she knew.

“I can read minds” she replied.

“No you can’t that’s impossible!” I said trying to fight off my embarrassment.

“Right now you are thinking about me naked.” Ivy said.

Damn I had better think of something quick, I just tried to shift the conversation off of me.

“Then what is Ronnie thinking Miss Smarty Pants.”

“That is easy”, she replied continuing “He is thinking about you naked.”

Holy crap. It all made sense now, why he seemed so shy. He wanted to get a piece of this. I looked at Ronnie and he looked like he could crawl in a ball and die. I figured he was just as embarrassed as I was, there was no need to make him more ashamed. Still I didn’t swing that way and I would just have to make that clear later.

“You are lying, none of us was thinking that stuff,
you were just trying to fool your sister.” I said trying my best to play it off.

“Was she lying?” Aimee looked at me and spoke.

“No, I was thinking about how she would look naked.” I replied wondering why in the heck I just said that.

“So you were thinking about us in that way.” Aimee asked me.

“Yes I was” I answered trying my best to figure out why in the heck I was answering her questions.

“Just stop it!” I screamed. I know she was doing something to me I just didn’t know what. They started whispering and giggling.

“Cory”, Ronnie crawled out of his shell and started speaking. “I am sure you realize that Ivy can read minds and Aimee acts as a truth serum once she gets eye contact with you.”

“You could have told me that way earlier be
fore I made a fool of myself. How can you stand hanging around them if they know whatever you are thinking and you can’t hide anything from them.”

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