The Spawn of Hate (16 page)

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Authors: Angel Flowers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Spawn of Hate
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Summer is our leader and the only one who could hold way more than her own in a fight. Next there was Ronnie, Kara and me. We had just been thrown together less than a week ago and it showed whenever we were war gaming. Summer could only do so much fighting and her only real back up was Kara. Still, I was excited to be going outside the wire.

We took armored trucks to airport just in case any IED’s were waiting on us. During the flight to Nevada we found out our job was to be a diversion so the other teams could finish off the attackers if in fact an attack ever came. I was dozing in my chair during the flight when suddenly the loud speakers came on and we could hear the principal talking.

“We are about 5 minutes from landing and the compound is under attack. They have not breached the bunker yet and it is doubtful they can
based on the fact it 100 feet of reinforced stell and concrete. Still, vengeance dictates we return their earlier hospitality shown to us by Sonar at our school.”

The plane fell silent as we landed. I could see the small planes the other teams were in already landed and they were empty.
As we ran up to the scene I could see carnage unfold.

The other people there did not seem like they were there to really break into the bunker as it was only 5 of them. Unfortunately the five that they brought was
Winter, some Asian kid, and three robot looking things. I figured the real reason behind Summer’s abduction must have been to figure out how to make those things, or make them better. I could already tell team 3 was down and team 1 and 2 looked to be circling around the group. The Asian kid and one of the robot things charged at group 1 as the rest of them faced off against group 2.

As the Asian kid took off running towards team 1 I saw Nick blast him full on to no effect. The Asian kid just laughed and started walking towards Nick slower than the pace he did have. Nick blasted him and the robot at least ten times before he gave up. I saw Vanessa vanish and end up behind the kid and grabbed him. As soon as she put on her bear hug she went stiff and went down in a heap, almost like when Nick hits you with his blast. Dylan was busy with the robot and it looked like he was getting the worst of it. While the robot was not very fast by any standard, neither was Dylan when he went all steel skinned
mode. The robot basically had Dylan pinned down and started raining blows on his face. Nick and Aira were just trying their best to stay away from the Asian kid who was definitely tougher than he looked. Team 1 didn’t look too good and we were unsure if we would be cannon fodder or not so we decided to see how team two was fairing before we helped.

Winter was standing back as the two robots were heading towards team two. Khatara took off at one robot and really started laying in to it, giving as good as she got. Storai got behind the thing and started trying to kick it legs out from under it, but this machine looked like it was doing fine. Unfortunately we could see the wolves hands start to bloody by raining blows down, not that the vampires were doing much better.

Annova charged the thing with her sword and you could hear the blows raining off of it with the unmistakable sound of metal on metal. Irina had her sword out too but soon you could tell they were just hunks of metal as the robot did show some deep nicks and bruises, but not enough to stop it in anyway. Still the robots didn’t seem to be doing any real injury on their own. As we were watching the fight, Summer came up with her plan.

“Okay I can feel that
Winter is somehow controlling those robots. I am going to try my best to scramble her signal. I think the robots are just there to tire us out in time for the real fight, which I don’t think showed itself yet. Ronnie, help team three in the plane. They are just hit with some kind of nerve agent. I think this fight was pre planned to field test those robot things. Kara and Cory head off to help out team one. If things get too hairy I will be there to back you up. Let’s move.”

and Kara ran to the first fight with a plan in mind. She was to transform and take little nips out of the Asian kid but not really engage him as we did not know what he could do. I was going to try to get that robot off of Dylan. Unfortunately that plan went to heck pretty quickly as the Asian kid tired of trying to run down Nick and Aira and instead walked over to where Dylan was getting pummeled and put his hand on Dylan’s face. Dylan’s body reacted horribly like he was being shocked by one of those paddle things when they are trying to stop your heart. The robot got off Dylan as I didn’t even see Dylan moving. I figured this guy had some kind of electricity power and that was the reason Vanessa couldn’t hold him. I almost forgot about Vanessa but I could see her on the ground shaking violently like she was in a seizure. The robot and the Asian kid now had Nick and Aira cornered. Kara came from behind and leapt on the Asian kid and bit down on his shoulder so hard I swear I could hear his bones snap. Next thing I saw was Kara fall helplessly to the ground as the Asian kid cursed but still made his way towards Nick and Aira. Aira tried to take to the sky but the robot fired some sort of grappling hook thing and snatched her right down. I figured I had better do something quick.

I made a mirage of Vanessa appear in front of them holding an AK 47. My mirage Vanessa pointed it at the Asian kid and acted like she was going to fire. I couldn’t actually make my fake fire as
they could tell it was not real since there would be no sound. Still I saw the Asian kid dive to the ground as the robot leapt in between the Asian kid and my fake Vanessa. Whatever power the Asian kid had he was not bulletproof judging how he dove for cover. I had fake Vanessa vanish and appear beside the Asian kid like she was going to shoot. The kid screamed and the robot charged my fake Vanessa. Just like I hoped Aira got untangled and her and Nick grabbed Kara and was making their way towards me. I had fake Vanessa pop in and out of existence trying to come up with a better plan. I could see the Asian kid had lost a lot of blood and was now stumbling as the robot made futile attempts to catch fake Vanessa. I could see real Vanessa being evacuated but for some reason they did not take Dylan. I was getting ready to run myself back to the ship when I had a hypothesis I wanted to test.

I think I got my power by biting and drinking the blood of a wizard. I felt instantly different afterwards and was able to make illusions soon after that. I had fake Vanessa keep the robot out of my reach as I charged the Asian kid who now lay face down. As I crept towards him I could see he was covered in some type of grease. I didn’t know what it was so I tried to avoid it. I bit down good and hard and started to drink from him as I felt the same euphoria I had before. I wanted to drink more when suddenly I felt a jolt. It broke me away from him, but it wasn’t strong and continuous. It was almost like touching a live wire without too many volts running through it. It shocked me a bit but not so much to stop me from trying again. I bit down harder this time and began to feed until I saw the robot heading directly towards me. I was so caught up I forgot to keep up my illusion. I broke contact and ran off as I saw the robot pick up the Asian kid and began running away towards a helicopter I hadn’t noticed before. Just as the robot was almost there it suddenly stopped and fell over, dropping the Asian kid with him.
I turned and saw winter running full speed towards the copter with Summer giving chase. Winter reached the copter first and started the engines.

The way the engine started so quickly I would say
Winter had it on remote. The blades were too deadly to get close to so we could do nothing but watch her fly away. Sure we could have gotten our planes up but then what? They were built for speed with no offensive weaponry. After she took off I went to check on the Asian kid. He was dead. That bite Kara gave him must have nicked an Artery as he had bled profusely. As I was walking back I could see Nick on his knees crying over Dylan. Apparently Dylan didn’t make it either. The bunker opened up and we rushed inside with the robots Summer disabled and our dead.














Show Me the Real You

Inside their compound the doctors tried to revive Dylan but it didn’t work. We wrapped him up and placed him in their morgue until we took off. This place was entirely vampires so Khatara and Storai looked wary. As big as this bunker was though, there were only 10 vampires here, and that’s including Cranberry’s son. As we were inside I asked if there was any place I could shower off. They directed me towards
a locker room and I went in and looked in the mirror.

I was amazed no one said anything to me with how I was looking. I had blood all over the front of my uniform with the crimson liquid dripping down my mouth. I am lucky I am
so dark as I don’t think they could tell if my mouth is bleeding or if they saw me drink that dude’s blood. I stripped down and climbed into the shower and started scrubbing off. After I finished my shower I got out and started drying off. Suddenly I could feel hands grabbing on my private area as someone whispered into my ear.

“Human if you scream I will rip this thing off.” I heard the unmistakable voice of Cranberry. “I am not the crying little lady you met as I have given birth and my attitude is back to normal. I will not hurt you if follow along
with what I want you to do. Do you understand?”

I nodded and Cranberry switched hands as she walked from behind me to face me.

“I am going to bite your hand human. It will hurt but you will not cry out. The ones you brought with you are too weak to help and you will most likely get a lot of them killed trying to save you.  Now stick your hand out.”

I stuck my hand out and she bit down hard on my hand. I could feel myself bleeding as she sucked once or twice then spat my hand out her mouth. Although I was done getting bit, she still had her hand on my stuff. I thought about trying to see if I had whatever power the Asian kid had but if it
was electrical, she could involuntarily cause me great harm. Unfortunately although my mind was on survival, my Johnson was on something else as I could feel myself get excited.

She withdrew her hand instantly as she felt it too. I just reacted and grabbed her to see if I did in fact have some kind of electric power. I grabbed her arms and thought about shocking her. I could feel something coursing through my body and she went stiff and started vibrating. I instantly let go as she crumbled to a heap. I could see although my power may not be projectiles like Nick’s, mine seemed stronger as Nick’s last no more than 1 min while mine lasts for at least 30 minutes
as Kara and Vanessa was still somewhat feeling the effects when I went into the shower. I got dressed and left Cranberry on the floor. I know I shouldn’t have done what was going through my mind but I couldn’t help it after what she had done to my life. I kicked her good and hard in her bottom and walked out the room.

I found my way back to the living area. The vampires who live here looked at me oddly like they knew what was going on. Summer told me everyone was already loaded up and was just waiting on me. I practically ran out of there as I saw the other vampires run to the locker room. We boarded the plane and
was in the air when I got the full story of what happened.

Dylan had a heart murmur since as a child and that shock just fried his heart completely. Vanessa was up and about and so was Kara. The Asian kid died due to blood loss cause by a nicked artery. None of team 3 made it. Summer thought the nerve agent just knocked them out but it also stopped them from trying to breathe. Khatara and Storai were alright with only a Khatara’s broken hand
as the only injury. Irina and Annova had it a little worse, as Annova suffered broken ribs from a kick from Winter. Summer was able to shut down the robots remotely and now had all three of them onboard the plane. We sat in silence for the remainder of the trip until we reached the school grounds.




              Once we were inside the school, the principal was there to greet us. He gave us the “I’m so proud of you” speech but since Dylan got killed we really were not in the mood. I wasn’t a fan of the guy but that was no way to die. I just wanted to find my bed. I went into my room and laid down when suddenly the principal was at my door.

He let himself in and sat on the edge of my bed.

“Mr. Price I wanted to check up on you and see how you are doing.”

“Since when do you care about my wellbeing?” I said sarcastically.

“Why the acidity Mr. Price?”

“You are the person who told my family I died and forbid me to see them.” I said not trying to hide my ever growing anger.

“Well that was for the best”. He said trying to put on a sympathetic face. “I only wanted to thank you for hanging around Summer. Most students shun her but you are giving her the teenage experience. I wouldn’t be shocked if she started developing a crush on you.”

“Well if it makes you happy maybe I should stop hanging around her period.” I said it with such conviction I wasn’t sure if I even believed I was faking or not. I did see hurt flash across his features and I could see I struck a sore spot. Before I could even revel in my small victory my door burst off the hinges as Irina walked in with what looked like her entire clan.

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