The Spawn of Hate (17 page)

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Authors: Angel Flowers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Spawn of Hate
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“It is good you are here Principal as you need to hear this.” Irina spoke with authority.  “The human Cory will move in with us immediately.”

The way she said it was unreal, like it was a threat. After being bitten by that loon in Nevada I was not going to go live with any of them dead chicks. I stood up and let it be known.

“I am not going anywhere with you! Now get out my room!” I said trying my best to sound menacing. Irina calmly walked up and back handed me damn near across the room.

“No one told you to speak human”. Irina said as she faced the principal.

“Are you mad Miss Hamekova?” the principal spoke continuing, “I have let your kind in this school but I think you have loss your place in life.”

“Your threats are meaningless human”. Irina spoke, the first time I had ever heard her call the principal human. “My race has been dying out slowly while you wallow in luxury. My clan is ready to die here today if our demands are not met. We do not plan on leaving here alive, we just plan on killing as many as we can until we fall. We are going extinct anyway, now is as good a time as any.”

“Well hold on Miss Hamekova, why should I give young Mr. Price to you?” He is a wizard and I don’t know what plan you have in store for him. I will not give him his death at your hands!”

“Principal”, Irina spoke, this time without the venom. “I believe this human is a child of the dark like my clan. I think I could get our numbers up with his help. I will not harm your wizard in anyway. These are desperate times for my people and I must try whatever I can to see us through it.”

“This is preposterous, Miss Hamekova.” The principal said almost laughing. “Mr. Price a child of the dark? For one he looks nothing like a male vampire. Secondly he has already shown characteristics of a wizard. If he is a child of the dark than I am the duchess of York!”

“Principal, on several different occasions this human has been in contact with our fluids. He has shown no ill effects either time. Whether you believe he is a child of the dark is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact he shows no ill effects. This in itself it enough for me to try.”

“Mr. Price unaffected by you?” The principal said now shaking his head and laughing. “Tell you what Miss Hamekova since you are so positive. If Mr. Price shows no reaction, please take him to live in your little fantasy with the understanding that he is not to be harmed. If in fact he does react like any other human, you will leave this building. Furthermore the Vampires are no longer allowed to be a volunteer to take part in selection for Alpha or Bravo team.”

“We have and agreement Principal”. Irina spoke as she motioned for two of her vamps to come get me.

“You guys are crazy if you think I am going to stand for this.” I said as I willed my machete into existence. You want some? Come and get some!”

“Human you fake magics do not fool us, you are making this harder than is has to be” Irina said trying to talk me down.

“Cory look at me”, spoke Annova. “I am not going to hurt you. I am only going to give you a little kiss. That’s all.”

The way she said it as she started walking towards me swaying her hips had me hypnotized. I just noticed how much she filled out her blouse when it hit me. Her top is never that low. In fact all of the Vamps had their chest out, I was being set up! I jumped back just as she was about to grab me and looked for a way out as they fanned around the room.

“Help me Sir!” I cried to the Principal.

“I recall you telling me something along the lines of get out of your room Mr. Price?” He said reminding me we were at a war of words before these chicks came in. “Just calm down Mr. Price, it won’t hurt a bit.”

I could see I had no help coming from him. Just as they closed in on me I swung my machete wildly. They knew it was fake but their eyes still saw a machete so they were not taking any chances. Suddenly the vampire Vikonika closed in on me and grabbed me followed by a bunch of other vampires. They stretched me out against a wall with a vamp holding each limb, just like I wanted them to do. I let the electricity flow as Vampires started dropping all around me. Before I could admire my handy work Irina took one of my hard cover books and rammed it as hard as she could in my stomach. I threw up from the violent hit and immediately hit the ground. She picked me up by the neck and pinned me against the wall.

“I do not know what you did to my sisters but I am your queen now.” Irina said full of hate. You try anything with me I will crush your windpipe and leave you to die, no matter what deal I had with the principal. Do you understand?”

I nodded.

“Good, now you could have had it the easy way but you just vomited. Now stick you hand in my mouth.”

I could see her fangs growing as I placed my hand by her mouth. She bit down just gently enough to break the skin. Instantly began acting like I was having a seizure. She squeezed harder on my windpipe as I instinctively tried to pry her hands off. She dropped me to the floor as I gasped for air.

“I trust this was sufficient Principal” Irina spoke never taking her eyes off of me.

“It seems you have gotten the best of me Miss Hamekova”. The principal spoke now looking at me. “However your demonstration has left me with more questions than answers, What are you Mr. Price?”
















Chapter 22


              Irina drug me out my front door by my collar with the rest of her Vampires in tow. I saw the twins looking at me and I sent Ivy a message saying the principal is letting them take me and I am scrade but don’t interfere or they might get hurt.

Irina led me to a building that looked almost like the one I stayed in with different decorations, as in there were no decorations. As soon as we got into the building she let go of my collar and grabbed my hand, almost tenderly. She led me down to a basement I knew my building didn’t have and two guards opened up a door which led to a long hallway with a door at the end of it and another door on the wall almost at the end. She opened up the door on the wall and her Annova and Vikonika went in with me.

The room was very spacious with a couch, big screen T.Vs’, (Yes ,Plural)All kinds of game systems and computers galore. It looked like the man cave from heaven. There was even a batting cage and swimming pool in this place. Still I did not want to be here. I wanted to be home with my mom and dad. I wanted the problems I did have, like wondering if I am going to have to beat anyone up and how I could make my out  of style clothes look better. They sat me down on a big comfy couch and just stared at me. I don’t know if it was the missing my parents, the missing my freedom or just plain self pity but I just sat there and cried.

As soon as I started I could feel them holding me. All that did was make the water works happen more. As I was finishing up Irina spoke.

“It won’t be so bad living here Cory”, she said, the first time I remember her ever using my name. “If you want anything just let us know. We tried to decorate for you and give you all the stuff we figured a boy your age would want. If you get lonely you could call one of us and we will come talk to you.”

“But I don’t want to live here.” I said, my voice still shaky from crying earlier.

“You have to live here Cory”, Vikonika spoke. “We are dying out and we need to keep our race from going extinct. We at least need to try and see if you can help us. At worst you will have to go through two weeks of sex. At best you will be pampered for the rest of your life and live like a king with dozens of women waiting on you hand and foot.”

“You are not a king if you never can leave the castle.”

“Cory I am going to give you some ground rules”, Irina spoke tilting my chin to face her. “Don’t try to kill yourself. If you do I will make sure your parents join you. Don’t try to escape, if I find you I will cut off your arms and legs, I only really need one part of you. And your parents will die.  We don’t attack each other. If you do I still only need one part of you working. Last but not least, tell me if you think someone is mistreating you. You fall under my rule and I will not let you be misused. Cory I hope you do not think I am lying. I want you to be with us willingly, but I would not hesitate to take what I need from you. I will give you a week to get situated here, then you will have to perform the duty you were brought here to do. Connecting to your room is Josef’s room. He is a male and you can visit him whenever you like. Josef right now is the single most important Vampire in California. Him and his companion can both tell you what happens to people who cross me.”

Irina then got up and walked out the room with Annova and Vikonika. I was feeling absolutely horrible and wondered how I got myself into this mess. While being some chicks love slave sounded great on paper, not so much in real life. I couldn’t think a way out of this mess without my folks being hurt unless I contacted the Principal and I was sure he couldn’t help, not without telling the government’s secrets. It made no sense on to why it has to be a big secret in the first place. Plenty of people already knew about this place anyway since former wizards grow up. I went to sleep depressed since my day couldn’t get any worse.
















Chapter 23

Not in Kansas Anymore

              I awoke sometime around 4 am and started getting dressed. I checked my door and it was locked. I started banging on it when Vikonika opened the door.

“What can I do for you Cory?” She spoke.

“It’s almost time for school and they might pick the teams today I have to go.”

“You don’t have school anymore Cory.” Vikonika spoke continuing, “You are one of us now, just go back and catch up on your beauty sleep.”

“I don’t want beauty sleep, I want to go to school.” I said as I pushed my way pass her.

“I wonder if you will remember this when you wake up?” She said as she looked at me quizzically.

“What do you mean when I wake up?” I replied. I saw her kick coming at the last instant and I was unable to dodge in time.

I awoke in a bath tub with some Vamp I did not know washing my hair as another one I also could not recall giving me what I guess was a pedicure. I tried to get up and started splashing in the tub when Annova who I did not notice standing above me put her foot on my chest to hold me down.

“Relax Cory, we are just making sure you stay healthy.” Annova said looking way more menacing than normal. “Do not give my sisters a hard time. We just need to make sure all of you is clean. Now stand up so we can get all of you.”

I felt myself under water and found out I was naked. No way was I getting up in front of these crazy chicks so they could do you knows what. I tried so sink lower in the water when I felt a pair of hands roughly pull me up.

“Cory we have already seen you so stop being shy.” Annova spoke. “How do you think you were undressed in the first place? Now stand up before my temper gets the best of me. I think Irina is coddling you, this is the reason you act this way. If it was up to me, you would be thoroughly beaten for a couple of days until you begged to begin the reproduction experiment. As is I am over ruled. Now stand up straight and you bet not move or make a sound.

I felt helpless. I knew she wasn’t joking and she would probably kill me. I thought I could take her in a fight but then what about my folks. I just stood there as they cleaned me with Annova looking me up and down like I would picture one looks at a dog in the pound. After they were done they dried me off with what could be the nicest towels I had ever felt. After they were done I just walked over to my bed and laid down. I could hear Annova tell the other two vamps to leave the room.

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