The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (7 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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Cow chewing girl looked at me and said. "Yeah. It looks like the bitch."

"Who you calling a bitch, ho!" Erin stood up with me following behind her.

I had to crawl over Andrew's long legs. He was on his cell, not paying attention. "Erin, it's okay. She doesn't know better."

"What you trying to say bitch!"

Erin got in her face. "I told you don't call her a bitch. Next time you do that gum will be slapped out your mouth!"

"Erin!" Miles stood, taking hold of her arm. Miles had always been the calm one. Something Erin really needed. She may be a princess, but the girl was an attack dog when it came to the people she loved.

Andrew was still on his phone, but he stood behind us and said to the couple. "Did you call my girlfriend a bitch?"

The dude stood up. "I seem to remember something being said that sounded like bitch."

Andrew leaped forward at the guy. I blocked him while Miles held him back and said, "He's not worth it!"

"OMG! You're Andrew Hughes!" The heifer yelled. "Babe. That's Andrew Hughes!" She stood up straight, poking her chest out as she fixed her hair.

The boyfriend looked closer at Andrew. "Hey, man. Sorry. I didn't know—"

I snarled out at him. "What, didn't know that you were calling me a bitch?"

The skank glared at me.

Miles intercepted. "Why don't we all sit down. You too, Erin."

"Hey, do you think I can get your autograph?" The cow jumped up looking for something in her purse.

Was she kidding?

"Maybe later," he mumbled under his voice as he brought his head down.

"Maybe later!" I spit at him as we sat back down.

"I'm not going to," he said firmly under his breath. "Other people are starting to stare, and I saw a few cell phones pop-up. I don't want these pricks to ruin our evening."

The house lights suddenly fell and the concert began.

Erin and I danced, and sung until we were hoarse. The guys gave up mid-concert and moved together giving Erin and I more space to move. They drank beer, and bobbed their heads throughout the show. When my favorite singer came on stage, I lost it. Andrew looked at me as if I was insane—I didn't care. I loved a man who could sing and play an instrument.

Close to the end of his set, a woman in a suit came to the end of our row with two men—huge men. She signaled us, and Andrew went to see what they wanted. He came back with four backstage passes in his hand.

"Is that what I think it is?" Erin shouted over the music.

Andrew grinned and nodded. "Somehow, they knew that we were here and invited us backstage."

I screamed, and jumped up and down with Erin, while Andrew watched grinning from ear to ear.

Would I say that everything Andrew and I had been through was worth it to this point? Yes! But, the added bonus of seeing him become jealous as one of my favorite singers told him how lucky he was to have such a beautiful woman was priceless.

The moment Andrew and I closed our car doors, he pounced. Andrew attacked my lips, as he bit and dominated my tongue. When he took a breath, I asked panting, "Is this some man thing?"

He countered with a raised brow, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, yes you do. I saw the way you were looking at me when the singer wrapped his arm around my waist."

A low rumble came out of him. "That was inappropriate."

"He was being nice. He hugged everyone—including you."

"It was different."

I smiled to myself as he started the car and sped off. Andrew was quiet during the car ride back; I assumed it was because he was as tired as I was. However, when he reached over, and pinched my nipple through my shirt, I realized he was very much awake.

"Ummm, is there something you wanted over here?" I moved my hands back and forth over my breasts as if I was showcasing them.

He growled something under his breath as he removed his hand. Andrew was in a weird mood, and the sexual tension in the car was making my girly bits throb. When we came to a red light, he turned towards me, and started to unbutton my jean pants.

"Andrew!" I turned my head, looking everywhere to see if anyone was around. He said nothing while shoving his hand down my pants, and began to explore with his fingers. Then, he slapped my thighs, signaling me to spread my legs further apart. When I did, my throbbing sex cheered him on, and Andrew wasn't gentle by any means. Andrew said nothing as he continued to drive with his left hand while his right hand continued to keep me engaged. I writhed in pleasure while he looked straight ahead and smirked. When we stopped at another red light, Andrew turned to face me again, but this time he removed his right hand from my center, and pushed it down over the top of my sex while his left hand took over. With firm speed, I cried out and chanted Andrew's name over and over. The light turned green, but Andrew continued until I screamed out, "Can't Breathe!"

I gulped for air as he released his fingers and sped off, still not saying a word. We were almost to the condo, and I began to fiddle with my pants until the only words that came out of him were, "Leave it open."

My mouth dropped as my sex cried out for a rest. My body was a blob of goo, and the nubs were begging to be pinched again. We entered the vacant garage—Andrew turned off the ignition, turned towards me, and began again. I silently screamed out as my head slammed back into the headrest, while my mouth hung open and gasped for air. I scratched around for anything to hold on to as I slammed my eyes shut, trying to control my body as it began to convulse into waves of uncontrollable pleasure.

I don't know how long we sat there, but I couldn't move, let alone breathe. Andrew moved my wet bangs off my forehead as his fingers softly stroked my hair. I looked into his sultry eyes as I said, "I don't think I can walk."

"I'll carry you."

When we got back to the condo, Andrew continued to show me exactly just how appreciative he was to have me as his girlfriend.

Wet, warm, and sensual lips, feathered between my shoulder blades and down my spine—ouch—until they took a bite out of my ass. I looked behind me and stared into Andrew's wicked eyes as he followed his wet path back up my spine until he reached my lips for a kiss. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Yes it is." I turned onto my back. "Are you hungry? I can make breakfast."

Andrew leaned up on his elbow, and said as he faced me, "That sounds great, but I have a meeting with Miles this morning."

I poked out an exaggerated pouty lip. "I thought we could have breakfast in bed."

He smiled as he drew lazy circles around my belly button. "Why don't we have lunch
dinner in bed, after my meeting?"

"I can't," I heavily sighed out. "I'm meeting your mom and sister for lunch."

Andrew groaned as he shook his head. "Andria, again…mentioning my mom in bed…"

"Hey, mister! You're the one who suggested lunch in bed. I also planned to look at houses today."

"Have you found anything that you like?"

"A few, but so far nothing has really stood out. I have looked at houses, condos, and townhomes—and nothing."

"Why don't you stay here?" Andrew blurted out.

I knew I looked a bit shocked because I was. "You want me to stay here as in your condo, here?"

Andrew sat up, with a seriousness about him. "Yes, if you want to. You wouldn't have to rush with your search, and the place is already furnished. If you want to redecorate, go ahead. My mom loves to do that stuff if you want help."

I sat up against the headboard next to him. "You're really okay with that?"

He leaned in close as his breath covered my lips. "Andria, will you move into the condo?"

A chuckle escaped. "Well, since you asked me nicely," I said placing my lips over his. We kissed for a while before he remembered his appointment, and hurried out of bed. "Won't Taylor or your parents need to use the place?"

"It's fine. They already have their own homes." He winked.

I watched his muscles flex as he walked his naked body to the bathroom. "What's the meeting about with Miles?"

"He's auditing all of my accounts. The numbers aren't adding up."

"Sounds fishy. Do you need a loan? I came into a few million," I laughed out.

Andrew poked his head out of the bathroom. "Thanks, I'm fine."

"That you are."

He smirked, peeking back out. "What was that?"


"Andrew said that you're moving into the condo?"

I smiled to myself. Andrew must really want me to move in there. "He made that suggestion today, Rebeca. I was worried I would be inconveniencing you both."

"Dear, Nelson and I rarely use the place."

"Neither do Wade and I," Taylor added, and shoved a piece of bread in her mouth.

She's barely showing, yet she said she's been eating for triplets. You couldn't tell by her outfit. Skinny jeans, oversized t-shirt and stilettos. She still had a killer body.

"Andria and I looked all day and nothing seemed to click," Erin added.

The four of us were at an Italian restaurant waiting for our entrees to arrive. I was famished. I never did eat breakfast, and Andrew and I had burned quite a few calories both last night and this morning.

"Now that you have use of the condo, will you move up sooner?" Rebeca asked.

"I'll move some things in perhaps, but I'll be in LA for a couple of weeks with casting. I planned to 'officially' be moved by mid-March."

"I'm excited to have you close again," Erin said cheerfully. "You can help me plan the wedding."

"Fun." I answered
so cheerfully.

"It will be fun...and hot. I'm regretting doing this in August, but the dates work for Miles's family."

"Are you sure that you want to get married in Louisiana? What about the rest of his family situation?" I asked.

She had mentioned that a few had made it clear that they would not be attending. 

"The old world southern charm will make a great backdrop; and as for that 'situation,' Miles doesn't want them there anyway."

"Honey, it sounds beautiful." Rebeca squeezed her hand. "Maybe we'll be celebrating another wedding soon?" They all looked over at me.

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