Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3)
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Immediately, I was jelly in his arms. “That helps,” I murmured breathlessly. Gawd, it was shameful the way I let this man affect me.

Ben laughed. “Good. I plan to do that a lot. Anything else?”

I thought for a moment. “Well, I’d love a shower before we go, since I didn’t get one this morning. And I need to get some work done.” Then I shook my head. “Although I’m not sure how I’m going to accomplish any of it.”

His lips pressed against my temple. “Hush. You have me now. We’ve got this.”

Suddenly Ollie reappeared. “Cookies!  Come on!”

“We’re coming. Be patient. Your mama can’t move as quickly as she usually does.” Ben followed after her and opened the door. “Stay here.” He set me on the couch. Then he dropped the groceries on the island and disappeared down the hall. When he reappeared, he passed me my laptop. “We’ll bake cookies while you work. Then we’ll get you bathed while she naps. Simple.”

I smiled. Ben made everything seem simple. Maybe it was with help. Maybe life didn’t have to be one challenge after another. Maybe it could be something better, something more. He had changed everything almost without trying. Though I opened the laptop and hooked up to the Internet to check my emails, I struggled to concentrate. In the kitchen, Ollie giggled and bounced around, filled with excitement. I couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this happy. Me, I felt like it was safe to breathe, to exhale, and to relax.

Apparently, I relaxed a little too well. Some time I later, I woke up in Ben’s lap. The pool house was quiet and I started to sit up and glance around, but he stopped me.

“It’s okay. Ollie just went to sleep. When you’re ready, we’ll get you bathed.” He pulled me closer against him.

There’s that ‘we’ word again. “I shower alone. Naked.” I folded my arms across my chest as he threw his head back and laughed. “What?”

“You do realize I saw you every bit of you naked…last night, right?” The corners of his lips twitched as if he were trying to hide a smile.

I bit my cheek. “It was dark. That was…different.”

“Yes, it was, but in some ways, it’s also the same. For example, we did that together. You want to get clean? We’ll be doing it together.” Ben looked to the ceiling and sighed. “Come on. Trust me.”

Part of me really wanted to protest, but the rest of me wanted to be clean and longed for his touch on my bare skin again. Almost without thinking, I nodded and braced for the inevitable. He shifted and I wrapped my arms around his neck so he could carry me to the bathroom while I marveled over him, this man who was nothing like I expected.

“Want me to tell you about my friends so you can feel more comfortable?” He spoke as he carried me down the hall.

I nodded as we entered the bathroom. “That would be nice.” To my surprise, he already had clothes picked out for me hanging up on a hook. Even more surprising? I approved. It was an outfit I loved, a simple tank top maxi dress with a light sweater to cover my shoulders and arms. Ben must’ve noticed my smile because he paused. “You approve?”

“Yes. It’s perfect.” I exhaled, hoping to feel more at ease with our plans.

“I’ve grown up with these guys. We all went to the same school…”

I interrupted him without thinking. “A private school, no doubt.” Then I held out a leg so he could help me pull off my yoga pants.

Ben rolled his eyes as he squatted before me. “Yes. So what?” He removed the boot and waited for me to lift my hips up so he could pull down my pants.

“Well, this isn’t too awkward,” I grumbled.

“I know. It’s only temporary.” He stood and walked over to lock the door. Then he took a deep breath and gestured around the room. “So you can sit in the tub and I’ll help you get in and out, even wash your hair and your back.”

I bit my lip imagining being naked and needy in front of him. “Or?”

“Or we can both strip down and I’ll help you take a shower. There’s a built in seat, but you’re still gonna need some assistance rinsing.” Ben held his hands up. “Your choice.” Then while I decided, he pulled his shirt up over his head, revealing a torso I definitely hadn’t given enough attention last night. It made me want to see the rest of him. Immediately. If only that tub were big enough for two.

“I mean, I suppose we could even share the bathtub if you’d feel more comfortable. I could sit behind you…”

“Sold.” In my mind, it allowed for more modesty. He’d mostly see my back, right?

Without saying a word, or even smiling, Ben turned to the bathtub and began running the water. It was this incredible freestanding tub, all contemporary and oval. I could prop my injured parts up without touching a wall. Hell, I could even shave my legs if I felt so inclined. For a moment, images of us entangled on the living room floor flashed before my eyes. Yeah. I guess I needed to be inclined.

Before long, we were both naked and positioned in the tub. While he had been all cool about seeing me naked and moving me into the tub, I had all but drooled at the sight of him. Guys only looked like this in magazines, but here he was in the flesh, pressing his skin to mine. I tried to concentrate on washing my body while he settled in behind me. Then his hand snaked around and grabbed my shower gel.

“Hey!” I started to snatch it back, since I wasn’t done.

“Relax! I’m going to wash your back.” He poured some into his palm and then passed it back to me. While I watched, Ben slowly rubbed his hands together, then gently began washing my shoulders.

I couldn’t move. His touch had me frozen in place. Slowly, I closed my eyes to focus on feeling. It almost seemed to deepen into a massage. Then finally he rinsed, pulling me back against him, deeper into the water.

“There,” he murmured, as if afraid of breaking the silence. “Now your hair.”

Instantly, I was putty in his hands, leaning low until my head was nearly submerged, all but my face. Opening my eyes, I stared up into his. The look was indecipherable, his brow furrowed, deep in concentration. My gut had me questioning, but my head took over.
Savor this. Just relax.

When Ben lifted me to shampoo, I sat and sighed happily as he worked his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp, applying the perfect pressure. Finally, it was time for another rinse, and I leaned back, once more. Despite the possibility of soap in my eyes, I stared up at him, filled with a peace I hadn’t experienced in far too long.

Too soon it was over, but not before he planted a few lingering kisses on my shoulder that had me shivering in anticipation. Mistaking it for a chill, Ben hopped out of the tub, wrapped a towel around his waist, and then hauled me out of the tub and into a waiting bathrobe.

He set me on the toilet seat and began to towel dry my hair. “I’ve never done this before,” he admitted shyly. “Was it okay?”

My insides were quivering and burning up with need.
Was it okay.
I wanted him right now. After Ollie’s bedtime seemed so far away. I blinked a few times, thankful I couldn’t get to my feet. There was a serious chance I’d have thrown myself into his arms, wrapped my legs around his waist, and demanded he take me immediately. I bit my lip a moment before speaking to calm myself. “Yeah. You were great. Thank you.”

Ben smiled and my heart raced even more. “Great. Let’s get dressed. Then I’ll help you get ready. I’ll help lotion you.”

I sucked in a gulp of air. This helping might kill me.

Chapter Ten




I’m not ashamed to admit I was using any and every excuse to touch her. For some reason, I couldn’t stop. On the bright side, Charlie didn’t seem to mind. Even better, Ollie whole-heartedly approved. They both seemed happier, more relaxed and alive than they had been the first time I saw them at the mall. I hoped it was me, us, being together because being with them gave me a sense of purpose and filled me with a hope I hadn’t felt in so long.

Picking up the lotion from the counter, I took a single step toward Charlie and saw the panic in her eyes. Immediately, I squatted in front of her, hoping to ease her distress. “Charlie, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t look at me!” She shrieked and waved her hands wildly.

“Calm down,” I murmured, thinking it might inspire her to be quieter. “Ollie is sleeping in the next room.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down,” she growled. “I just realized I’m a mess. And it’s all your fault!”

“Babe, you’re beautiful…” I was ready to list off all of her finer qualities, show her how I saw her, but Charlie about jumped at me and nearly fell off the toilet lid. I steadied her. “Talk to me. Help me understand.” Then I took her hands in mine even though I could tell she wanted to yank them away.

“You and the kissing,” she muttered.

I shook my head. “I thought you liked the kissing.”

Her mouth formed an ‘O.’ “I
the kissing. I
the kissing. Only now, we kissed when I should’ve shaved. And you massaged when I should’ve conditioned. And now I’m not even close to being done and I’m out of the tub and the water is drained and I have to meet your friends looking like crap.” She crossed her arms over her chest and her nostrils flared. “I hope you’re happy.”

My eyebrows rose. I struggled not to smile. “I’m ecstatic. These are all things we can fix. Breathe.”

“You breathe. I’m fuming.” Her face darkened some even as the blush rose in her cheeks.

“Let me…”

“Oh no. Your help got me into this mess.” Charlie waved me away with her hands. “I can’t think around you. It’s humiliating. I’m constantly making an ass of myself.” She held her palms to her pink cheeks while I waited patiently. “Please go. Somehow, I’ll get ready. With less help.” Charlie frowned, but as upset as she appeared to be, not a tear was in sight.

Turning, I started to leave the room when an idea occurred to me. “Wait right here.”

She let out a hollow laugh. “Where would I go?” Then her shoulders drooped.

I rushed to my desk, grabbed the back of my desk chair, and wheeled it into the bathroom. Charlie grinned the minute she saw it. “Will this work?”

Nodding happily, she admitted, “I can make this work. Help me up?”

“Gladly.” Oh, and I meant it. Wrapping my arms around her, I inhaled the scent of her freshly shampooed hair before I grazed the tender skin on her neck with my teeth. I felt her shiver in my arms and realized the impact my actions had on her. Immediately, my cock started to harden, but I ignored it. There would be time for us to go for the gold later.

“Not…helping,” she panted.

I sighed. “I know. If it makes you feel any better, this isn’t helping me either.” I ran her hand over the towel on my semi and heard her inhale sharply.

“Now you really have to go.”

Looking into her eyes, I recognized how she struggled against her need too. “You got it. Just like you’ve got me later. Say the word.” I kissed her temple as I checked to make sure she was settled safely on the chair. Then I gathered my clothes and left the room. “Call me if you need me.” I watched for her response, a slight nod, before going back into the living room to get dressed. It was only four in the afternoon. This was going to be a long night.

Twenty minutes later, Ollie wandered out from the bedroom looking still sleepy, but wearing a big grin. “Is it time to go yet?” She plopped down next to me on the couch.

“Not yet. We’ll leave in a little over an hour.” I started typing on the blog, determined to finish this post before we left.

“Hey, where’s my mom?” She glanced about the room.

“In the bathroom getting ready, squirt.” I grinned.

“Oh.” Ollie studied the laptop a moment. “Are you working?”

I laughed. “Trying to. What would you like to do? I need fifteen minutes, then I’m all yours.”

She tugged at her chin. “I could work too.” Ollie slid off the couch and rushed back to the bedroom. When she returned, she had her journal in one hand and her crayons in the other. With a serious look on her face, she knelt in front of the coffee table and opened her book before spreading out her crayons.

It took me several minutes to be able to focus on my task since I found this little girl so fascinating. I was eager to see what she’d draw. Soon a series of pictures emerged as she divided the page into four panels. In one, I was tucking her in to bed. The opposite corner showed us baking cookies. There was a picture of the three of us sitting on the couch smiling. The final image showed the three of us holding hands outside.

“Those are really good,” I commented. “I’m really honored to be in your journal.”

Ollie gave me the side-eye. “Maybe someday I can be in your journal.” She gestured to the laptop.

I chuckled. “I’m sure that could be arranged. You and your mom have become a pretty big part of my life.”

Standing up abruptly, she folded her hands under her chin. “Do you mean it?”

Nodding, I admitted, “I’ve never taken anyone to Taco Tuesday before. You two are super special.”

Her eyes lit up and she launched herself into my arms. “Thank you, Ben. I know just what I’m going to draw tomorrow.”

“Can’t wait, Ollie.” I hugged her close.

Then I heard the squeak of wheels and the bathroom door opened. We turned around on the couch expectantly. A moment later, Charlie rolled into view. She was using her booted foot to propel herself across the floors.

“You’re brilliant,” I announced proudly. Then I frowned. “And far too independent for your own good.”

“Better than having you accuse me of being needy and dependent.” Charlie shrugged. “So tell me about these friends of yours.”

I took a deep breath. “Gabriel and Sebastian both have money,” I blurted out, since I recognized she had issues with wealth. “Sebastian inherited when his parents died.”

“That’s terrible.” Charlie frowned.

“Maybe it was their time,” Ollie commented quietly.

“It was a plane crash. They were actually murdered. Long story.” My brow furrowed. Death was a bit of a touchy subject for me. “No one should determine if it’s someone else’s time. Hell, no one should decide if it’s their time, even.” I could feel myself getting worked up when Charlie reached out and laid a hand on my forearm.

“And Gabriel?” She smoothly changed the subject.

I exhaled. “He grew up wealthy, then started earning his own money with little help from his father.” I forced a smile. “They are both great, my very best friends.”

“What about their wives?” Charlie pulled her sweater more tightly around her body self-consciously.

“Isabella was a single mom when she met Gabriel.” This time my smile was genuine as I remembered their romance. “She’s wonderful, smart, a talented photographer, a great mom.”

“She sounds great. I can tell you really like her.” She smiled, but I heard a ton of questions.

“I do. I like both Isabella and Marisa. They are such perfect matches for Gabriel and Sebastian.” I reached out for her hand, towing her closer to the couch. “They haven’t had an easy road, any of them. It’s nice seeing them so happy and in love.” I meant it. Really, I did, but I couldn’t admit how hard it was to be around them lately when I felt so acutely everything I was missing. “I’m so glad you two are coming with me tonight.”

“We’re important to him!” Ollie bounced on the couch and laughed.

“You sure are, squirt.” I planted a kiss on the top of her little bald head before turning to Charlie.

“Where’s Mama’s kiss?” Ollie prompted.

,” Charlie hissed as her cheeks turned three shades of crimson.

“No, she’s right. I wouldn’t want you to feel left out.” I shrugged like it was no big deal, but my heart thudded painfully in my chest as I struggled to make this kiss as chaste as possible with our audience. Tenderly, I pressed my lips against her forehead.

“No, you have to kiss her lips.” Now Ollie was choreographing apparently.

I rolled my eyes uncontrollably. “Maybe your mama doesn’t want me to kiss her lips.”

Leaning in with her eye narrowed, Ollie demanded, “Do it right.”

“Listen, bossy pants,” Charlie began.

Before she could complete the thought, I leaned in and captured her mouth, shocking her silent. “Let’s see if this one is kid approved,” I murmured against her lips.

Smiling, Charlie slowly pulled back. “Better?” Her eyes sparkled mischievously.

“That’ll do.” The little girl nodded and settled in on the couch for a few seconds before she slid back down onto the floor and opened her journal. “I’m just gonna make one big picture until it’s time to leave. I can’t wait for my new camera to arrive. Then I can make movies too.”

Reaching out, I laced my fingers through Charlie’s and watched quietly as Ollie crafted our kiss.






Historically speaking, I hated being wrong…but not with Ben. The feeling was so unfamiliar I analyzed it on the drive to the restaurant. He had been right about pretty much everything for as long as I’d known him. It was a record, since I’d never known a guy to be right ever, period.

We arrived first, which was perfect since Ben insisted on carrying me while the waiter chuckled. “Newlyweds?”

“No!” I waved my hands emphatically. “Broken foot.” When I met Ben’s eyes, I realized he wasn’t amused by my reaction.

“There are worse things than being married to me,” he muttered when we were finally alone.

“Really?” I teased. “At the moment I can’t think of a single thing.” Then I propped my chin on my fist and batted my eyelashes at him.

His brow rose. “How about a broken foot and a sprained ankle? Those seem pretty bad to me.”

“While this is true, that pain is temporary, while the misery of marriage can go on indefinitely.” I could feel this discussion had the potential for our first really big fight, so I lifted the menu and buried my face in it while Ollie colored on her kid menu.

“I can see why you would think that. Hell, I probably used to think that.” Ben sighed. “Still, I suspect tonight might change your mind.”

I lowered the menu just enough to meet his eyes. “Never.” Then I raised it before he could further argue his point.

There was a commotion that sounded like a herd of tiny elephants and I realized some of his friends had joined us. “Finally someone I can actually talk to,” a little girl announced as she pulled out the chair beside Ollie. Immediately, I guessed this was Becca.

The protective mom in me braced for the worst. After all, this little girl was the picture of health from her fresh face to her full head of hair. She took one look at Ollie’s mask and turned to her mother. “Sanitize me, please!” Then she held out her hands.

My jaw nearly dropped as her mother pulled a travel-sized bottle of Purel out from her purse and squirted some in her daughter’s palm. “You, too, Konnor,” the little girl ordered as she rubbed it in and nudged her younger brother. When she was done, she smiled at Ollie. “Hi. I’m Rebecca. This is Konnor. What’s your name?”

“I’m Olivia, but my mom calls me Ollie.” She glanced at us. “And Ben calls me Squirt.” Her cheeks appeared over the edges of the mask and my heart nearly burst.

The girls chattered happily back and forth for a moment before the adults had their formal introductions. No matter what else happened this meal, I would forever remember that Ben was right…right about the restaurant, right about the entire experience. His friends were wonderful.

Isabella planted herself beside me. “Mind if I sit here?” I shook my head while she collapsed in the chair and sighed. “Sorry, first trimester. I just wanna sleep. I forgot this part.”

“Gawd, I remember every bit of it…the morning sickness…”

“I forgot that too.” She threw her hands up in the air while smiling.

“Just what did you remember?” I laughed.

Isabella leaned in conspiratorially. “The fun of making them, and the sweet snuggly newborn phase. Thankfully, the bad stuff is a blur.”

We giggled like old friends. Then another couple, Marisa and Sebastian, joined us in the private room. The wives squealed and hugged. I smiled helplessly. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled as I gestured to my boot.

“Good thinking, Ben,” Sebastian nodded approvingly. “Now she can’t run away.” Then he clapped Ben on the shoulder while Ben blushed.

“What can I say? He turned my head and my ankle,” I joked. “Then I refused to wait for help and managed to wound my pride and break my other foot.”

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