Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3) (12 page)

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Smiling widely, he laughed. “I mean, I thought I might deserve one.” He shrugged. “Once you heal, I still think I can do better.”

“Better, huh?” I propped myself up on my elbows. “So you want to talk medals?” My voice was incredulous.

“Well, I think we should.” Ben cupped my face, then scooped me up off the floor and laid me on the couch before kneeling beside me. “If we don’t, I’ll start talking about the one thought that keeps echoing through my mind. And I’m pretty sure you’re going to freak out if you realize I’m falling in love with you.” His jaw snapped shut a moment and he looked away. When his eyes met mine again, he released a hollow laugh. “Of course, it helps that you can’t run away at the moment.”

I recognized his fear. It looked identical to mine. Only he had me all wrong. I’d never been a runner. Really, I was more like super glue notorious for sticking it out longer than I should. Rolling onto my side, I traced his lips with one finger, and dragged the back of my hand up his cheek before I found the back of his head and pulled him to me. This kiss yielded fireworks. My heart beat erratically in my chest and my body began to shake slightly. When the kiss ended, our connection didn’t. I pressed my forehead to his. “I’m not running,” I murmured. To my satisfaction, his lids popped open. I grinned. “Why would I leave after a solid gold performance like that?”

Ben threw his arms around me as he laughed. “As much as I love your body, we should probably get dressed.” He moved to gather my clothes, then helped me dress before putting on his clothes too. Finally, completely satisfied and relaxed, we cuddled on the couch. “Want me to carry you to bed? It’s getting late.”

I bit my lower lip and shook my head. “Could I lay with you a while longer? When you’re ready to sleep you can move me, alright?”

He closed his eyes and pulled me closer. “You could lay here all night if you want. Rest.” Ben reached behind and grabbed a throw from the back of the couch to cover us. For a moment, I just basked in the warmth between us.

A door creaking down the hall had us both jumping. “I’ll go check,” he whispered as I moved me to stand.

“Thank you.” I sat up slowly, too relaxed to worry. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time Ollie had woken up needing to pee in the middle of the night. Really, I was barely listening, more focused on recalling every moment that had passed between us since we’d returned to the pool house. I closed my eyes for a moment, shutting out the rest of the world, a smile playing on my lips.

Ben cleared his throat and my eyes opened. He was holding Ollie in his arms and frowning. “I think she’s sick.” I could tell he was struggling to hold it together.

“Here.” I held out my arms and waited for him to place her in my arms. As soon as she had curled up against me, I placed my lips to her forehead. “A little warm maybe.” I hugged her limp body close. “Olls, what’s going on?”

She blinked a few times before she focused on me. “Mummy, I don’t feel so good.” Olivia shuddered slightly. “I’m cold.”

In a flash, Ben had yanked the blanket out from under me and covered both of us. “Is that better, squirt?” Worry lines deepened in his forehead.

She shook her head. “Not yet.”

I took a deep breath. “Can you turn on a light, Ben? And then I’ll need my medical kit from my bag, please.” While he rushed to the wall and hit the switch and disappeared down the hall, I stared at my daughter. She was paler than normal, and her cheeks were flushed. This didn’t bode well.

Soon he returned. “Here.” Ben set the bag on the couch beside me.

I shifted and laid her on the cushions so I could get out the thermometer. After hitting the power button, I lifted her shirt to take an axillary temp. Less than a minute later, it beeped and I checked the results. 102.3 degrees. I inhaled deeply. “Okay, it looks like we’re going to the emergency room.” I looked at Ben. “I think she has an infection.”

I wasn’t sure how I expected him to react, but he disappeared down the hall and I could hear him shuffling around in there for a bit before he returned with our suitcases. “What’s that?”

“Just in case. If you have to stay, I want you to have everything you need.” He shrugged. “Let me get these in the car. Then I’ll move you and Olivia will be last, okay?”

I nodded seriously before speaking quietly. “I noticed you didn’t pack anything.” Then I stared down at Ollie so I wouldn’t have to see his face.

Ben squatted beside me. “Do you think they’ll let me stay? I’m not her father or your husband. I figured if she gets admitted, they’ll kick me out.” He brushed my hair back from my face. “Say something, Charlie.”

With a sigh, I slowly met his gaze. “You’re probably right, but what if you can stay?” For some reason, I wanted to be hopeful. I needed support. The idea of going through another illness alone terrified me.

With a sad smile, he responded. “If they let me stay, I already have everything I need.” Then he wrapped an arm around me and Ollie. “See?”

I sniffled. Yep. This was starting to seem a lot like love and I knew how that ended. “Maybe you should grab a handkerchief before we go.” I stared at him with glistening eyes, wishing Ben could hold us forever.

Chapter Twelve




We arrived at the hospital shortly before ten at night. They took one look at Ollie and immediately stuck her in a room to keep her away from more germs. She was given ibuprofen for the fever while they ran further tests. Her oxygen saturation was low, in the high eighties. The entire experience felt surreal to me. I marveled at the ease with which Charlie navigated through it all. She knew dates, treatments, she used words I’d never had cause to really pay attention to before. I watched as she expertly handled the on call emergency room doctor.

“You know your daughter best,” he began calmly. “Tell us what you think, what you’d like to see done.”

Her shoulders heaved as she sat on the gurney holding Ollie. “Well, given her history, I’d like to do a chest x-ray, check for the flu and RSV, and draw some blood for cultures as a last resort.” Charlie stared at him, a determined look on her face, ready to argue if necessary.

“I think that sounds like a reasonable plan. We’ll keep it as non-invasive as possible.” The doctor stood up from the rolling stool and moved to examine Ollie. “Okay, Olivia. I need to ask you some questions.”

One eye peeked open and she nodded slightly. “’kay,” she mumbled.

“Does your tummy hurt at all?” He felt around her abdomen.

Nodding, Ollie grunted, “Yeah.”

“Like you’re going to throw up, or just uncomfortable?” He stared at her with a frown.

“Uncomfortable.” Her grip tightened on Charlie’s sweater.

The doctor turned to the nurse on the computer who was ordering the tests and making notes in the chart. “Let’s get a urinalysis too. It could be a urinary tract infection.” Finally, he listened to her lungs, her heart, and looked in her ears, nose, and throat. “So, we’ll get working on these tests and hope to have some answers for you soon. Hang tight.” He reached out and patted her shoulder a few times.

I know he was doing his job, but I was bothered by the familiarity between them. I felt like an outsider and as much as I cared about Ollie and Charlie, this bothered me as well. Leaning on my thighs, I folded my hands and stared at the floor to collect myself and figure out how to help.

When I looked up, Charlie was rocking Ollie back and forth. “Do you want me to hold her for a bit to give you a break?” I stood and stepped closer.

“It’s okay. I’m used to it.” Charlie wouldn’t meet my eyes. She hadn’t the whole time we’d been there, maybe even during the drive. I was too focused to notice. It started gnawing at my gut. Guilt.

“I know you’re used to it. Maybe you could get used to having help because I’m happy to do it.” I sighed in frustration when she failed to respond. “I get it, Charlie. This is all my fault. I’m sorry. I don’t know how to fix this other than to be here for both of you.” I swallowed hard. My mouth had suddenly gone dry and I buried my fists in my pockets.

“Why would you think this is your fault?” I could feel her eyes on me, but now I was afraid to meet her accusing gaze. Charlie tugged on my sleeve. “Why do you think this is your fault? Answer me, Ben.”

I bit my cheek as I faced her. Only her eyes weren’t angry, they were sad. I pulled out the handkerchief and passed it to her. “Here.”

“You think I blame you.” The tears finally spilled over and ran down her cheeks. “I don’t blame you.”

My shoulders drooped. “But I brought new germs. Maybe my place isn’t so clean. Maybe the restaurant was a terrible idea. Maybe I didn’t wash my hands well enough.” I threw my hands in the air. “She was fine. I come into your life and now she’s sick.” I started pacing as I spoke, overwhelmed by the damage I’d caused.

“Ben, stop,” Charlie pleaded.

Shaking my head, I kept moving and torturing myself. “I can’t.”

“Ben,” Ollie whimpered. “Listen to mommy.”

I froze and took a deep breath as I moved closer, nearly touching her. “I’m sorry, Ollie. I didn’t mean to make you sick.” I leaned over and placed a tiny kiss on the top of her head.

,” she urged.

With a nod, I murmured, “Okay, squirt. Anything for you.” Slowly, I stood and met Charlie’s eyes. “I’m really sorry.”

“Do you have any idea about the incubation periods for germs?” Charlie stared at me seriously.

“Yeah, I understand the concept…” I shrugged.

“Well, then you should know it’s not you. It’s me. I did something. Hell, it was probably the Easter bunny. I don’t know.” She sniffled and dabbed at her nose. “We never know. I do everything I can to keep her healthy and still, she gets sick. I’m responsible, not you.” Charlie tried to force a smile. “So cheer up. We can’t both be sad.”

Her words changed everything. The crippling weight on my shoulders lifted. “Hey, I’m just glad you don’t blame me.” I let out a hollow laugh. “Know what?” I forced her chin up with one finger.

“What?” She frowned at me.

“I bet Ollie doesn’t blame you either. I bet she thinks the risk is worth all the reward, don’t you squirt?” I glanced at Ollie.

She looked up at her mother and nodded ever so slightly. “Love you, Mama. Not your fault.” Then Ollie snuggled in more and closed her eyes again.

For a moment, Charlie stared at her daughter in silence. Then she sat a little straighter and looked at me from the corner of her eye. “You’re pretty good at this.” Then she shifted so she could dry her eyes on final time. “Okay. No more tears and sadness. No more guilt. Right?”

“Right.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Want me to go get you a drink? Maybe a snack? How can I make you more comfortable?”

“Silly man,” Charlie murmured as she reached out and caressed my cheek. “Don’t you know you already did?”

“Nah. That was nothing. Seriously. I think I’ll grab a soda from the machine.” I stretched my arms. “Tell me what to get you or I’ll pick for you.”

“Gah. Okay…a Coke and a York Peppermint Patty.” She grinned. “Thank you.”

“Awesome. Be right back.” I walked to the door, but paused. “Hey, should I get a ginger ale or Sprite for Olls?”

She shook her head. “No, they’ll give her everything she’s allowed to have, but thank you.” Then Charlie hugged her sleeping daughter and I strode out the door in search of vending machines.

When I returned, the room was empty. At first, I panicked, then a nurse popped her head in. “They’ll be back soon. They had to go to x-ray.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and worked on finding one of those HGTV shows Charlie seemed to like so much. They returned a few minutes later and so did the doctor.

“We’re still waiting on the chest x-ray, but right now we know she has a flu virus for sure. Based on her sats, pneumonia wouldn’t surprise me either.” He sat on the stool and wheeled over to the gurney where Charlie sat holding Ollie. “We’re going to start an IV to make sure she gets plenty of fluids. Then we’ll work on giving her some IV antibiotics if she has pneumonia. And we’re going to catheterize her after we get the urine sample.”

Soon the room was over run by nurses while Ollie whimpered alone on the gurney. Charlie sat in the nearest seat to hold her hand and I left the room to pace the hall while they catheterized her. I had no idea how Charlie managed so well. The worry, the tests, the wait, it was all killing me.





Ben surprised me constantly. I’m not sure what I expected exactly, other than the only two men I’ve ever really been close to have been nothing but disappointments my whole life. Now, this guy I barely knew had come into my life…our life and he was sticking in a way no one ever had. It amazed me. Shortly after one in the morning, the doctor returned with all the test results.

“We have multiple infections. Most kids would get some IV antibiotics and be on their way, but I’d rather keep Olivia just to be safe. Of course, you can stay with her.” He gestured to me.

“And Ben?” I felt weak and needy even asking.

“Is he your husband?” He glanced at Ben. We both shook our heads. “Her father?” Again I shook my head and pursed my lips, ready to protest. “Well, he can visit during normal visiting hours, but he’ll have to sleep elsewhere.” The doctor stood and walked to the door before turning back. “We’ll have a room ready shortly and get those antibiotics running.”

“Thank you.” I sighed.

Immediately Ben stood before me. “Hey, it may not look like it now, but this is a good thing.”  He forced a smile. “While you’re in here, I’ll come in the mornings when Ollie is fresh to help her on her movie. I’ll get a list of anything you need, fill it, and return again in the late afternoon and stay until visiting hours end.” He wrapped an arm around my neck and kissed my temple. “We’ll make this work. I’ll get your mail, do your laundry, bring you treats. It’ll be awesome. You’ll see.”

The way he described this hospital stay seemed so different from any I’d had in the past. Still, Ben stood before me making all kinds of promises I expected him to break. So, I pasted a smile on my face and nodded while I waited for him to disappoint me like everyone else.

“Oh, and I thought I should let you know, Gabriel and Isabella send their love. If I know them, they’ll send more than that in the morning, but this is a start.” He chuckled.

I stiffened. “Why would you tell them?”

Ben’s brow furrowed. “Because Becca and Ollie sat together and played tonight over dinner and they may need to watch for infection since they have two kids and Isabella is pregnant with a third. I thought it was the right thing to do.” He threw his hands up.

My mouth opened, but it took me a moment to find my words. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just…hate pity.”

Rubbing my back, Ben murmured, “These are friends. Good people. No pity, ever. Please relax.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to Ollie having friends to notify about illnesses. This is new to me. So much I’m not used to.”

Shortly after two in the morning, we were brought to our room. Ben stayed long enough to help us get settled, then he left even as our nurse threatened to kick him out. “I’ll be back later,” he teased the woman. “I have to take care of my girls.” Then he kissed Ollie on the head, gave me a peck on the lips, and reluctantly departed.

Ollie was asleep before he even left and I fell asleep on the window bed soon after. The nurse had brought me a wheely chair so I wasn’t helpless. Somehow, I felt better than expected and not just because of the pain pills. Really, I didn’t have much time to be upset. Although I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to watching the clock like a hawk and clutching my cell phone like it was my lifeline. Luckily, Ben didn’t leave me hanging long.


Ben: Morning, girls! Be there soon. Bringing food. Let me know if you think of anything you want.


Sure, it wasn’t super romantic, but it was loving and thoughtful. It was enough. When he arrived, I was sitting on the chair towel drying my hair. “Ah, my darling Charlotte, you may want this.” He grinned as he passed me a toiletry bag with my blow dryer sticking out.

While I should’ve been happier to see him…and the blow dryer, I was bristling from his use of my full name. “Listen, I hate that name. My mother gave it to me. I’m not so fond of her either.” I sighed. “She hated nicknames, even though Charlotte was too big for me, and especially hated boy names for girls.” My shoulders heaved as I tried to explain. “When I left that house and all her disapproval and controlling ways, I left that name behind too.” I smirked a little as I made my next admission. “So, yeah, I probably do get a little bit of sick pleasure from calling myself Charlie and referring to Olivia as Ollie most of the time.” I chuckled. “Please, don’t ever call me that again.”

“Never. Promise.” Ben leaned over and planted a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Would you please accept this chocolate croissant as a peace offering?” He held a bag out to me.

“Were we fighting?” I frowned.

Ben bit his cheek as if to hide a smile. “We will be if you don’t eat this croissant.”

I reached into the bag. “Far be it from me to sneeze at your efforts to maintain our accord.” Holding the pastry to my lips, I took a big bite and moaned in pleasure.

His eyebrow rose. “I had rather hoped I’d be the only one to coax those sounds from you.”

“Eh, you and chocolate. Count your blessings. It’s a short list.” Leaning back in my seat, I finished eating. Then I noticed the box. “Hey, what’s that?”

Ben grew visibly excited, hopping out of the rocking chair. “Ollie’s camera came. The timing was perfect. I can’t wait to show it to her.”

A smile spread across my face as I imagined her reaction. “She’ll be thrilled.”

Ollie shifted on the bed. “About what?” After blinking a few times, she sat up in the bed.

“Guess what this is?” Ben set the box on her tray table and wheeled it over to her.

Her eyes widened. “Is it my camera?” She started to bounce in the bed as much as all wires and tubing would allow.

“It sure is, squirt. You feeling up to working with it today?” He pulled out his keys and used one to break the tape.

After nodding emphatically, Ollie helped open the box. “I’m feeling better.”

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