Read Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3) Online
Authors: Emma Nichols
I nodded as I bit my cheek to keep from smiling too widely. This man. He was crazy in all the very best ways. And he wanted to stay. Never in my life had I known a guy to stay. Hell, even my own father was a complete coward. I began to scowl, but stopped and shook the dark thoughts out of my head. Ben wasn’t going to be around forever, but I was sure going to enjoy the hell out of having him around for now.
Shortly after lunch, I could see Ollie beginning to fade. She started making silly mistakes, which frustrated her to no end. I looked to the kitchen table, hoping Charlie could help. Sure enough, our eyes met and she nodded. Standing, she disappeared in the kitchen and returned a moment later with a couple of syringes.
“Ready for your medicine?” She held the first one out while Ollie obediently opened her mouth and accepted the syringe. “Good. Swallow.” Ollie made a face, struggled a moment, then opened her mouth for the second medication. “Thank you. Ready to rest?”
The little girl’s face fell and I sensed she could burst into tears any moment. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I tugged on her sleeve to get her attention.
“I don’t want it to end.” She sniffled.
“What’s ending? You’re just going to take a nap. I’ll be here when you wake up and we can work until dinner.” Her face brightened. “Sound good?” Ollie nodded enthusiastically and I heaved a sigh of relief. Thankfully, she had no idea the lengths I’d go to in order to keep her content. I’d always been a people pleaser. “Good. Then it’s a plan.” I leaned back against the couch and folded my hands behind my head. Before they wandered off to the bedroom, I caught a glimpse of Charlie’s face and wondered for a moment if I’d overstepped. It nagged at me, but thankfully she returned quickly and immediately sat back down at the table.
Apparently, she was avoiding eye contact, so I stood and moved to sit in the open chair beside her. “Hi.” I stared at her grinning until she met my gaze.
Leaning back, one of her eyebrows arched. “Hello?”
“So, did I mess up…again?” I smiled shyly and tried to channel some of Gabriel’s boyish charm. It seemed appropriate in this situation, especially since I had no idea how to be.
Charlie’s face scrunched up for a moment. “What do you mean?”
I sighed. “You know, by offering to be here after her nap.” I spoke quickly, hoping to explain my reasoning before she had a chance to light into me again. “I thought it would help her go to sleep, get the rest her body needs, without putting up too much of a fight. You don’t have to entertain me or even talk to me.” I gestured to the coffee table where my laptop sat open. “I can get some of my work done. Then I’ll work with her some more before I leave.” For some reason, I found myself pleading with her, willing her to let me stay. Even though her place wasn’t nearly as nice as mine, I felt more comfortable here than I had on the estate for years. Hell, I’d sleep on the couch here, if I thought she’d let me.
“It’s okay.” Charlie tried to smile, but failed miserably.
I cocked my head as I studied her. “Then what’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “Nothing. What could be wrong?”
I chewed on my cheek for a moment as I attempted to analyze the situation. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”
Reaching out, she laid her hand on my wrist and I was acutely aware of how cold it felt against my skin. Without thinking, I covered it completely with my hand, marveling for a moment how tiny she seemed. We sat in silence a moment staring as we touched. Finally, she broke the silence. “It’s not you, it’s me,” Charlie murmured.
“How’s that?” I frowned.
“I’m not used to being around guys.” She must have sensed I was about to argue because she qualified her response. “Medical professionals don’t count.”
“Really? I would think anyone with a penis counts.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “What makes me different?”
Charlie licked her lips for a moment, an innocent act which distracted me greatly. “Well, let’s see…there’s our history.” She pursed her lips and waited for me to respond.
I smiled shyly. “Ah, the white elephant in the room. I rather like our history.” Really, I did. When I heard how Gabriel and Isabella met, I seriously hoped the Crying Girl and I might find our happy ending.
“Every time you’ve met me, I’ve been this crazy chick,” she spluttered, her eyes beginning to fill with unspent tears.
Without thinking, I reached out and wiped the big fat droplets that began to leak out. “No,” I whispered. “You were my Crying Girl.”
Charlie hiccupped. “That’s worse! I’m weak and sniveling. You must hate me.”
I slammed back in my seat. “Why would I hate you?”
“I’m pathetic,” she spat.
My brow furrowed. “Is that what you think? I don’t find you pathetic in the least. From what I gathered from your conversations with Professor Morceau, you’re amazing. It hurt me to know what you were going through.”
Her hand shot up and covered her mouth for a moment while she squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Finally, Charlie moved her hand and muttered, “You pity me. That’s even worse.” With surprising speed, she pushed her chair back and stood, ready to run off again, but my hand captured hers and I pulled her onto my lap instead. “What are you doing?”
I studied her a moment. She didn’t seem mad, just intensely sad. Hugging her close, I forced her to bury her head in my chest. This felt so familiar and then the words spilled forth. “I don’t know why you’re crying,” I whispered. “All I know is I wish I could take your pain away.”
Charlie wrapped her arms around my neck and burrowed into my neck. I could feel my shirt growing damp as her tears flowed. All I could do was hold her, rocking slightly, hoping it was comfort enough. Finally, I was acutely aware of her growing limp against me. She pulled her head back and looked up at me with glassy eyes. “Still?”
I knew what she meant. I’d said those words to her long ago. Nodding, I cupped her cheek. “Always.”
The more time we spent together, the more I realized Charlie was completely worn out. Being a single mom was hard enough. Add in a chronically ill child, and I had no idea how her head hadn’t popped off yet. “Know what else I told you before?” She yawned as she shook her head. “You inspire me. I meant it then, I mean it even more now that I’m getting to know you.” She made a face of sheer disbelief, but I didn’t feel like arguing. “We’re moving to the couch and you’re going to take a nap.”
“Excuse me?” Even as she asked, Charlie let out another yawn.
“Yup. Hang on.” Standing, I felt her hands tighten around my neck.
“I’m perfectly capable of walking,” she grumbled.
I grinned. “This is true, but if you did, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” I pretended she was a giant weight and curled her a few times.
“Put me down! You’ll wreck your back.” She tried to wiggle out of my arms, but I merely held on tighter.
“Nope.” I laughed. “I’m never letting you go.” I think we were both shocked silent then. I didn’t know how to explain it, but for some reason, as impulsive as my words had been, I meant them. I’d searched for her for years. Maybe I’d built her up in my mind, but after half a day spent together, she was everything I’d hoped she’d be and more. Charlie was a keeper and Ollie’s dad was an idiot. I’d never make that same mistake.
As we collapsed on the couch, she wondered, “What about Ollie?”
“What about her?” I frowned, trying to understand her question. Instead she shook her head, wriggled out of my grasp, and curled up on the end of the couch.
Opening one eye, she met my gaze. “Just fifteen minutes, ‘kay?”
“Right.” Leaning down, I planted a kiss on the tip of her pink button nose. I had no intention of waking her. Charlie needed her rest and whether she was ready to admit it or not, she needed me too.
What the hell was going on between us?
I closed my eyes intending to think it through, knowing he wouldn’t bother me if he thought I was resting. The next thing I know, I’m waking up to Ben shushing Ollie. I blinked a few times and stretched before sitting up. “Olls, you really need to rest.” I frowned at her. “Can’t you sleep?”
Olivia and Ben exchanged looks then she giggled. “Mommy, I did sleep.” She rushed over to the table to pick up my cell phone from where I had left it next to the laptop. When she returned, she held it out for my inspection. “Look.”
I glanced at the time and my eyes must’ve bugged out. “Oh my God! How could you let me sleep this long!” I glared at Ben as I leapt from the couch. Immediately, I knew my mistake. Somehow, despite years of experience with these feet, I landed badly, rolling my ankle. A loud ‘pop’ sounded in the room and my angry eyes faded, replaced with fear, then a sharp, pulsing pain. My ankle no longer supported me and I nearly collapsed onto the floor until Ben swooped in and scooped me up in his arms. I buried my face in his chest to hide the pain.
“What was that noise?” Ollie wondered as she looked at us.
“That’s the sound of us taking your mom to the doctor,” Ben replied calmly. Then he set me back on the couch. “So do we need to call for an appointment?”
I bit my lip. “I may not have a doctor per se.”
“Per se?” He smirked. “You’re one of those moms who doesn’t take care of herself, aren’t you?” For some reason, he looked saddened by this.
“I mean, I go to the walk-in clinic.” I shrugged, then grimaced. Already my ankle was swelling to twice the normal size. “So, if you can just help me to my vehicle with Ollie, I’ll go get this looked at. Then we’ll see you tomorrow.”
Ben threw his hands in the air. “What are you talking about?” His frustration was evident as he ran a hand through his hair. After exhaling, he turned to Olivia. “Can you go get your shoes and your coat, please? And I’m going to need some help finding something for your mom.” She scampered off happily. Once we were alone, Ben knelt beside me. “I know this isn’t what you’re used to, but I’m not leaving.” He chuckled. “How many times do I have to tell you? Or maybe I need to show you?” He stood and shook his head at me. “Ollie, how are we doing?” Ben reached down and squeezed my hand. If he meant to comfort me, it worked.
I started to relax, confident I would get the medical treatment I needed and reassured Ollie would have someone to look after her if I needed x-rays. His grip started to relax and I knew he was about to search her out, but I suddenly had a death grip on his hand, like he was some kind of life preserver. “Thank you,” I mumbled. “It’s really hard for me to admit I need help sometimes.”
Looking at me with a half smile, he nodded. “It’s not just that though, is it? I think you’re used to people letting you down, so you’ve built this world with only room for you and Ollie because it’s safer that way, less disappointment and hurt.”
My eyes prickled and my cheeks warmed. This guy was a bit too astute. “Maybe.” I shrugged.
“Here’s the problem with that kind of life,” he murmured as he gazed into my eyes with his deep chocolate brown ones. “You not only prevent hurt and disappointment, you wall out the potential for true happiness, pure joy, and the kind of excitement that comes from being surrounded by people who care about you.” Ben bit his lower lip. “This is just my opinion, of course. Don’t take my word for it.”
Slowly, he moved toward the hall, our fingers gradually losing touch. When he exited the room, it felt colder somehow and the pain seemed more acute. I frowned as I considered everything he’d said. It didn’t matter if he was right. Ollie was sick. She needed my undivided attention right now. This was no time for change and upheaval.
Minutes later, they emerged a picture of togetherness that didn’t seem possible given the limited time they’d spent together. Still, Ollie walked out smiling, holding my flip-flops. Without thinking my eyebrow rose. “Really? It’s what…fifty degrees out?”
Ben licked his teeth before speaking. “Listen, I’d love to know what you think is going to fit around that ankle. Do you want a sock on that foot and a sock and shoe on the other?” He threw his hands up in the air and bolted from the room. Seconds later, he returned with a pair of socks and one left shoe.
I felt ridiculous as he helped me with the sock on the injured foot. When he started to repeat the process with my good foot, I stopped him. “I think I can take it from here.” I smiled shyly in case my words had come out harsher than intended.
Backing away with his hands up, he turned to Ollie and checked to make sure her coat was all buttoned up. Then he grabbed my big sweater from the back of the dining room chair. “Arm,” he instructed. Soon enough I was ready to go. I started to ease myself off the couch. “What are you doing?”
“Getting up so we can leave.” I rolled my eyes at Ollie who giggled in response.
Before I knew it, Ben had gathered me in his arms and we were moving down the stairs and out to the car…only not mine, his. Oh, and apparently his was a Porsche sedan. He set me in the front passenger seat while I stewed. Soon he had Ollie safely belted in, then he hopped in the driver’s side and smiled at me. When I didn’t smile back he sighed. “Now what?”
“Itty bitty bank account?” My chin jutted out angrily.
“I’m gonna chalk this up to the pain.” Then without explanation or apology, Ben drove us to the urgent care walk in clinic.
The wait was long, but he entertained Ollie with the camera on his phone. They made mini movies. They took pictures. They sent everything to his email so he could download it for them to use in her masterpiece. The nicer he was, the more I felt like a complete and utter jerk.
Finally, I was seen, x-rays were ordered, and the injury was diagnosed as a severe sprain. “You’ll need to stay off your feet for a few days to let the swelling go down. Your ankle will be incredibly unstable, so I recommend a brace. Ice it frequently. Keep it propped up. And…given the severity, I’m going prescribe some serious pain meds.” The doctor started to scribble on his prescription pad, but then narrowed his eyes at me. “No driving on these. No driving at all, as a matter of fact.” He whirled on his stool and turned to Ben. “Got it.”