Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3) (11 page)

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“Holy crap, girl. I’m exhausted thinking about it.” Marisa, who was obviously pregnant as well, collapsed in the seat across from me and set something puffy down on her lap.

“Cool purse,” I commented.

“That’s no purse,” Isabella snickered. “It’s a pillow!”

“Shoot. You try baking two babies at once.” Marisa leaned her head back against her chair and sighed.

“Pass.” I raised my hands in surrender while marveling at how easy conversation was with Ben’s friends.

“So, we were thrilled to hear Ben was bringing not one, but two women with him tonight,” Marisa announced.

I turned in time to see Ben narrow his eyes at her playfully. “That’s not quite how it went,” he argued. “First, Marisa with the name calling.”

“That sounds nothing like my wife.” Sebastian grinned as he wrapped an arm around her. Then he looked her in the eye. “You really let him have it, didn’t you?”

Marisa raised her hand in a pinching motion. “Maybe just a little bit.” She shrugged. “How was I to know? These guys can be so competitive.”

“Tell me about it. I’m convinced it’s why you’re having twins.” Isabella pointed at Sebastian. “See, he’s beaming with pride.”

While they spoke, Ben’s hand had reached for mine under the table. I had thought I’d need him close for comfort, but our touch wasn’t about that. Instead, it was all about the affection, a tender shared moment despite the noise and excitement around us. He squeezed and I reciprocated.

“So how did you two meet?” Gabriel asked from the head of the table as he smiled warmly at me.

Before I could respond, Ollie answered. “Oh, Ben was chosen to grant my wish.”

Immediately, my face fell. I couldn’t meet their eyes when I expected to see nothing but pity in them. Though I anticipated silence, the conversation never faltered.

“You know, you’re not the first girl Ben has helped with a wish,” Marisa commented. “Thanks to him, I’m happily married.”

“Hey, I’d like to think I had a little something to do with that,” Sebastian teased.

Slowly, I glanced around the table. Instead of seeing sadness, these faces were filled with warmth and love. Relieved, I exhaled.

“Actually, Ben’s the one who gave me the courage to reach out to Isabella after our falling out. He’s the reason we’re together now.” Gabriel reached over and lovingly caressed Isabella’s hand while tears sprang into her eyes.

“Stupid hormones,” Isabella complained as she wiped away her tears.

“Here,” Ben murmured as he passed her a handkerchief. “I started carrying these because of Charlie, but somehow, I don’t think she’ll need one tonight.” He smiled warmly at me and I could feel my insides swirling about.

“Yeah, Ben is pretty special,” I agreed, while we stared at each other.

Marisa sighed. “Enjoy the dating part. Ours was short.”

“We’ll be dating the rest of our life. Promise.” Sebastian pressed his lips to her temple.

“Speaking of dates. I found this list the other day that Bella made.” Gabriel pulled out his phone.

“You took a picture of it?  That was work!” Isabella sighed.

Her husband shook his head. “Dating comes naturally. It should never feel like work. And I thought these were terrific ideas.”

“It was for photoshoots.” She rolled her eyes before turning to me. “He never needs ideas. Gabriel is the most romantic man I’ve ever known.”

“I could use some ideas.” Ben shrugged. “I’m lousy at dating.”

My head cocked to the side. “Is this in general or are you talking about me? Are we dating?”

Ben leaned close and grinned shyly. “Let’s see…I’ve been buying meals.”

“That sounds like dating,” Sebastian noted.

The smile on Ben’s face grew. “You slept over.”

“My favorite part of dating,” Gabriel laughed.

“I’m injured. Would you have done all this if I hadn’t been incapacitated?” My brow furrowed. My head wanted the truth, but my heart wanted the dream to be real.

Slowly, Ben lifted my knuckles to his lips while never breaking eye contact. A fire ignited in my lower abdomen. Gawd, I wanted this man.

“Charlie, something in me has wanted to be with you since the moment I saw you six years ago. Back then, you were my Crying Girl. Now, it’s time to dry those tears and see if we can’t find happiness together, build the life I’ve been dreaming of for so many years.” While he spoke, I swallowed hard. His words were beautiful and scary. “To answer your question, yes, we’re dating.”

Then Ben pulled my seat closer and pressed his lips to mine. For a moment, I had forgotten we weren’t alone. Then Marissa spoke. “Fuck. Now I’m gonna need a handkerchief.”

Slowly, I leaned back in my seat and felt my cheeks. They were on fire. With a slight smile, I nodded. “Okay. We’re dating.”

Sebastian chuckled. “And so it begins.”

Chapter Eleven




Our relationship had begun. My happiness was nearly indescribable. The fear of it ending was damn near crippling. Really, I felt ridiculous. It was too early to worry about a break up. With her injuries, she still needed me too much to think about dumping me.

Around seven thirty in the evening, we left the restaurant. I had noticed Ollie looked like she was wearing down. “Hey, squirt,” I whispered. “You tired?” Sadly, she nodded at me. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to go,” Ollie whimpered.

“Oh, sweet girl. We can do it again. Maybe next Tuesday even. You need your rest.” Then I held my arms out to her and she climbed up on my lap and tucked her head under my chin. When I peeked over at Charlie, she was biting her lip and simply shook her head at me. “Did I do something wrong?”

She smiled sadly. “No, you did everything right. Shall we go?”

“Yeah, let’s get her to bed.” I stood and immediately realized my dilemma. “Well, I can’t carry both of you.”

Gabriel spoke up. “Would you like me to carry Olivia? You can see to Charlie.”

“Do you mind, sleepy head?” I murmured in her ear. When I felt her head move against my chest, I passed her to Gabriel who waited nearby.

We must’ve looked ridiculous to the other patrons as we moved through the restaurant on the way to the exit. Honestly, in the past, I would’ve been bothered to draw any attention to myself, but now, with my girls, I didn’t care. It was all about them, and fulfilling their needs. Charlie couldn’t apply pressure to the sprain yet and Ollie was half asleep from exhaustion. They would be carried.

Once we were all hooked in and driving back to the pool house, I reached out and held Charlie’s hand. “I’m so glad we did this. How do you feel?”

She inhaled deeply while contemplating her response. “Well, my foot aches a little, but my heart is so damn happy I barely notice.” Then she gazed up at me with these sparkling eyes and it took unimaginable self-restraint to keep driving and not pull over to kiss her lips raw.

I blinked away the image. “I’m glad. Unfortunately, we broke Ollie.” I jerked my head toward the backseat where she slept with her neck in a terribly awkward position.

“Yeah. She had so much fun. She was so happy. And did you hear that Becca invited her over to play?” Charlie’s face lit up as she spoke.

“I did. Did you hear that Becca said they should be BFFs and Ollie agreed?” I grinned.

Her eyes widened. “She agreed and didn’t talk about death? Oh my gawd, that’s huge!”

Reaching over, I patted her knee. “Yeah. It is.”

Charlie looked down shyly. “Since you’re in the habit of granting wishes, can I tell you mine?” She lifted my hand and held it in both of hers.

“Sure. You can tell me anything. I’ll do what I can to make your wishes come true.” I laughed, feeling ridiculous and powerful all the same time.

I watcher her chest heave a few times and knew she was still building up the courage. Finally, Charlie blurted it out. “I wish that Ollie wouldn’t die. All I’ve ever wanted since I knew I was pregnant was for her to live and be with me. It’s why I moved out of my parent’s house, why Damien and I didn’t work out. It’s the reason I research and study up on cures.”  She sucked in her lower lip and I began to think I might need a handkerchief after all. “It has seemed so hopeless for so long, but ever since you came into our life, Ollie has perked up. I didn’t want her to go to the restaurant. You know this.”

I nodded. “It’s understandable. She’s medically fragile.”

Charlie tilted her head and stared at me. “Yes, she is, but maybe being overprotective hasn’t helped her either. I was both saving and stealing her life.” She sniffled. Without thinking, I felt around for a spare handkerchief, but she stopped me. “It’s okay. I’m going to be okay. You’re good for me and Ollie. Tonight was a really great idea.”

“Well, sweets, it’s not over yet. As I recall, if you’re still feeling up to it, I plan to make a run for the gold.” I winked at her as I pulled up to the gate.

Charlie giggled. “I think I can rally. I mean, it’s the least I can do if you’re going to give it your all.” She smiled at me, but I couldn’t get past those lips. So perfect, begging for my attention.

“Well, then. I’ll get Ollie in the house, then I’ll be here for you.” I leaned over and pressed my lips to her temple.

She turned suddenly and stared up at me. “Will you? Will you be here for me?” Then it was as if she worried she’d said too much and she shifted to stare out the window.

“Yes. I’ll always be here for you.” Sure, it was early to make those kinds of proclamations, but somehow, I felt certain I could back up those words forever.

Less than ten minutes later we were settled in the pool house. I’d taken off Ollie’s socks and shoes, but otherwise left her completely dressed when I tucked her under the covers. Then I went out to the living room and dropped onto the couch beside Charlie. Somehow, establishing that we were dating had given me a confidence I previously lacked. “So, want me to take off your socks and boot,” I teased.

“There’s nothing sexy about that,” Charlie groaned. “Why do I have to be injured?”

“I think the real question is why do you have to be so clumsy?” I chuckled and braced in case she decided to punch me in the arm.

“Well, the exhaustion doesn’t help.” She shrugged then narrowed her eyes at me. “Did you flinch?”

“Maybe a little. Do you need more sleep?” I brushed back her hair with my hand as I studied her face. No dark circles were evident.

“It’s more mental than physical. Why did you flinch?” Charlie’s brow furrowed.

“I half expected you to punch me in the arm or jab me in the ribs.” I grinned as I wrapped an arm around her.

“Why would I do that?” She seemed genuinely confused.

“Babe, it’s no big deal. It’s just being playful.” Her frown deepened and my smile faded.

“I’ve forgotten how to play. My life has grown so serious. That’s how it is when life and death constantly hang in the balance.” Charlie shook her head as if to rid it of the sadness. Then suddenly she stared deeply into my eyes and leaned into me. “Make me forget,” she murmured.

“Forget what?” I leaned closer, our lips inches apart.

“All the bad stuff in my life.” She tilted her head.

“I can do that.” Our lips were nearly touching.

Then she spoke again. “Help me remember.”

My brow furrowed. “Remember what?”

“How to have fun and be happy.” Charlie seemed to be waiting for a response, but I didn’t want to tell her. Instead, I’d show her.

Standing abruptly, I moved the coffee table out of the way, grabbed my desk chair, and wheeled it over to her. Then without asking permission of saying a word, I lifted her and sat her gently on the seat. I vaguely noticed she was smiling, but I had other things on my mind, like finding the perfect song. Picking up my iPod, I sighed.  All the times the guys had teased me about not having my music organized into playlists. They were right and I was paying for it. I stuck it on the dock, hit shuffle, and prayed when it blared out of the speakers it would be something remotely appropriate.

Thankfully, Bruno Mars began belting out
Just the Way You Are
. Soon I was lip syncing to it, dancing and using her as a prop. Soon I had pulled off my shirt and had picked her up in my arms to join me as I swayed to the music. Then Charlie Puth came on.





One Call Away
. I had chills. How different would my life be if he could live up to all his promises, make good on all the hype? Still, I watched as he danced, moving his shirtless torso in ways that only made me want him more.

By the time the song ended, I was smiling and the lingering sadness had melted away. “Hi,” I whispered shyly. No matter what song came on next, I knew we wouldn’t be dancing.

The look in his eyes was intense. It was as if he were staring into my soul. Every so gradually, he began to undress me and I could hear nothing but the rhythmic sound of his breath and the pounding of my heart. Ben’s touch was both gentle and decisive. He knew what he was doing, what he wanted, and he knew he would have it.

Gawd, I was so easy. After so long, I didn’t care. Finally, I was with a man who was worthy of being in our life. My skin tingled at his touch and goose bumps broke out over my skin.

“Did you know you have a smattering of freckles across your shoulders?” He murmured in my ear as he stood behind me.

“No, I never really paid attention.” My voice sounded breathless, like I’d just run a mile. In truth, sex with him was the most cardio I’d had in years. No wonder I was practically panting.

“I’m going to kiss them.” His words vibrated against my skin and hummed through my core. Then he made good on his claim as his lips grazed my skin repeatedly in a way I felt sure I’d never recover from. Gradually, his kisses became more intent, his breath coming in short puffs against my skin. I felt like I was going up in flames even though my panties were damp with desire.

Ben’s hands were everywhere all at once, caressing my breasts through my bra before removing it in what felt like one fluid motion. Soon, he had picked me up, cradling me against his chest. After laying me gently on the thick shag area rug, I held my breath and waited for what would happen next. It didn’t take long for him to position himself between my legs and carefully remove my panties. The maxi dress and sweater were long gone. Everything was gone. Only Ben remained.

His lips were on me once more, this time on my stomach. I started to push him away, self-conscious of my faint stretch marks, but instead, he laced his fingers with mine and shook his head. “Never be ashamed of your body, Charlie. Not with me.” He moved to lay parallel with me. “This body of yours has done amazing things. You housed a new life. Be proud. You’re an incredible mom and a strong woman. There’s nothing sexier than that.”

I was shocked silent, my eyes wide, my heart racing at his words. Ben knew how to change everything, including my outlook. Swallowing hard, I could feel the fear nagging at me again. This was a man I could love. Other than losing Ollie, nothing else scared me more.

“Stop thinking,” he whispered against my skin. Then he chuckled. “Guess I need to work harder at making you forget and helping you remember.” He rolled and one arm snaked around my waist. “On your knees, gorgeous.”

Soon Ben had positioned me, ensuring I had my balance holding onto the coffee table, my legs slightly parted, as he slid his head under me and began to lick my most secret places. If not for last night, I’d have expected a layer of dust to blanket his face. My hips began to move, grinding against his chin. Then he added a finger, touching me just right before diving inside me.

A whimper escaped my lips. Naturally, he noticed, but instead of ceasing his actions, he increased the intensity. This time, I could feel a moan building.

“Are you ready for me?” His words were spoken against my thigh.

Somehow, I managed to nod. In response, Ben moved me onto the floor. For a moment I stared up at him with eyes that most certainly spoke of longing. He grabbed a pillow from the couch and shoved it under my hips. I knew I was in trouble. Already I was seconds from shattering completely.

“I know you hate missionary, but given your injuries and my desire to stare into your eyes while we come, I thought this variation might appease you.” Without waiting for a reaction, he lifted my legs and my ankles settled over each shoulder. Seconds later, I felt his cock positioned against me. Ben watched for me to meet his gaze before pushing deep inside me.

My back arched instinctively and I spread my thighs as wide as possible to accommodate his hips. Last night was surprising and impulsive, but tonight we knew what we were doing. There was a level of comfort between us, a growing affection that had surpassed lust and was making a beeline toward love.

This angle had him hitting inside me just right. The way our eyes connected had me feeling like our souls had intertwined. It was painfully intense. The stone walls I’d constructed around my heart were useless. In a matter of days, my defenses had crumbled and I’d let Ben in, in every way possible.

“Charlie.” My name sounded rhaspy, strained, and I thought I knew why. He was close. I could feel him growing impossibly hard inside me, hotter by the minute. “Oh, Charlie.”

When he spoke my name the second time, my body responded in waves, gripping him in the rolling intensity. His eyes widened in surprise then his lids lowered as he slammed against me, as close as our bodies would allow. Ben had felt me, but a second later I felt him, too, as he spurted inside me.

Sure, I’d had sex before, but it was nothing like this. When we were done, I didn’t feel like showering, and he didn’t run off and leave me. No, Ben took his time exiting my body. And when he did, he planted a kiss on my abdomen, then moved to press his lips against mine again. My arm wrapped around his back and I ran one hand through his thick dark hair.

“I’m just going to get us a towel while you think.” He grinned down at me.

I knotted my fingers in the rug. What was I supposed to be thinking about? How could I think after that? Hell, there were parts of my body that still didn’t have feeling. Then I remembered and giggled. Suddenly Ben knelt beside me and began to wipe gently between my legs. “You want a medal?”

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