To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (16 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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Could things get any more humiliating?

He scowled at the stunned first officer.  “Well, don’t just stand there, waiting for every crewmember to come down the hall and see me like this.  Come in and close the damned door.”

One side of Tranis’ mouth drifted up in a roguish grin.  He walked in, and the door slid blessedly shut before anyone else got to view the show.  He stood next to Lidon, looking Degorsk up and down.  The crotch of his formsuit swelled magnificently.

Degorsk deepened his scowl despite the strange pleasure of being on display for the two men.  His groin felt heavier than ever to have two sets of eyes on him.  Looking at him with blatant desire.

Tranis licked his lips.  “I wanted to check on you to see how you were doing.  It looks like you’re doing very well.”

Degorsk’s voice was nearly a growl in an effort to hide the way his pulse sped up.  “Well, as you can see I’m strung up like a criminal under interrogation, my ass having just been beaten bloody by our weapons commander.  I’m doing amazing.”  He showed his fangs in a burst of foul temper.

Lidon rolled his eyes.  “I did not beat you bloody.  Red and sore, yes.  Maybe a little bruised, but a pain inhibitor and healing wave will fix that.  After I’m done with you.”

He reached around and patted Degorsk’s rear with a not very gentle hand.  The pain made the Imdiko hiss.  His fangs folded back up to the roof of his mouth as he instinctively tried to placate Lidon.

Tranis shook his head.  “It hasn’t improved his temper much.”

Lidon shrugged.  “I’ve only delivered the painful part of the treatment.  We were just about to work on making him scream for a different reason.”  He grinned at Degorsk.  “Let’s let the commander have a look at you, Imdiko.  I’d like an objective opinion of my work.”

“Ass,” Degorsk grumbled.

“Exactly.”  The Imdiko’s continued attitude earned another painful smack to his burning hindquarters.  He jerked and groaned.  Damn, it hurt.  But the heat of his abused flesh was lighting up everything else as well.  Pre-cum dripped from his primary dick.

Lidon’s expression was hateful in its merriment.  “Turn subject 180 degrees on the vertical.”

The hover cuffs turned Degorsk around so that he faced away from the other two men.  Tranis whistled in appreciation as his ass came into view.  Heavy hands caressed his hindquarters, bringing more pain and pleasure.  The doctor bit his lip hard, trying not to react.

“I do believe you’d glow in the dark, Degorsk.  That is a thing of beauty.  My compliments.”

Lidon sounded quite pleased.  “Thank you.  Of course the canvas was of particular quality.”

Damn it, the two jerks might spend the entire night jabbering while he hung here suffering.  Knowing how peevish he sounded and not caring, Degorsk said to the wall, “I sure wish somebody would shut up and fuck me.”

There was the sound of muffled snickers.  Then Tranis sighed, “Well, he’s in capable hands.  I suppose I should go to my quarters and work with my own capable hands.  Thanks for the inspiration.”

“Why don’t you stay?” Lidon offered.

Degorsk’s breath caught.  Lidon was inviting Tranis to watch them fuck?  His dicks swelled harder still at the thought.  Things went very tight in his groin.  While being on display during discipline was not a thrill at all, an audience while he had sex was an entirely different matter.

Lidon was still talking.  “I’ve been wondering what I could stuff in his mouth to keep those stupid jokes from coming out while I enjoy his ass.  You’ll do fine.  If you’re so inclined?”

A growl trickled from the Dramok.  “I am very inclined.  Thank you for the offer.”

Pure erotic elation slammed through Degorsk.  Both of them.  He was getting both of them.  Every argument against getting involved with anyone, especially these two, dissolved in mindblowing anticipation.

He was too excited to even speak.  So when Lidon ordered the cuffs to set him down on hands and knees on the sleeping mat, he stayed silent.  He found himself facing the end of the bed where Tranis stood, aroused and glorious.

Lidon crawled up behind him, wedging his thighs between Degorsk’s.  The sound of a seam parting made the Imdiko catch his breath.  Lidon was taking out his cocks.  Hot, moist lengths of skinclad iron lay on the Imdiko’s ass a moment later.  Lidon shifted, and the smaller one angled down, pressing against Degorsk’s anus.  At the insistent push against the aperture, Degorsk opened himself.  The cock slipped inside him, pushing deep while its larger twin slid up the crack of his ass.

Even the smaller of Lidon’s two dicks was a thick package.  Degorsk shuddered but offered no resistance as it moved deep within.  Then it slid over the hot spot and he shook all over, a cry escaping his lips.  Electricity surged, and he clutched at the bedding.  The cock moved over the button of sensation, rubbing insistently.  Degorsk’s insides twisted tight, and he cried out again.

Then Lidon reached his end, his groin pressing hard against Degorsk’s sore rear, which only knotted the Imdiko’s belly more.  He wouldn’t last.  Not like this.

“I think this will be necessary,” Lidon murmured.

“I could have used one the other night on you,” Tranis said.

“You did plenty of damage without it,” came the return growl.

Degorsk had no idea what they were talking about.  He was too busy trying to keep himself from losing control.  A moment later, he felt Lidon lean slightly over him.  Both the Nobek’s hands closed over his main dick.

A lightning bolt of pleasure made Degorsk shout.  Then Lidon’s hand at the base of him clamped down hard, halting the tidal wave rolling from his second cock into the first.  Too gone over the impending climax to understand what was happening, Degorsk bucked hard, trying to fuck the hands holding him so that he could relieve that brutal pressure.  Instead, Lidon released his hold, but a tight pressure remained, keeping bliss at bay.

Degorsk gasped.  “What the fuck?”

“I put a cockring on you.  You were right on the verge.”  Lidon sounded amused.

Degorsk tilted his head down so he could look.  There was a ring on the base of his front dick, one of thin flex-metal, ratcheted tight.

He tried to decide how he felt about wearing it.  He hadn’t wanted to come too soon, but at the same time, he really, really needed to.  The torment of interrupted climax made him feel a little crazy and a lot frustrated.

“Shit,” he said.  He was trembling all over.

“Easy,” Lidon soothed him, drawing back to make his cock drag deliciously through Degorsk’s ass.  “It will be worth the wait.”

He shoved back in, hitting that place that made things surge and billow.  Degorsk wailed in response, knowing he could only take it until Lidon decided he’d had enough.  In and out, slow and steady and strong, the cock worked him with insistent power.

In front of him, Tranis stepped close to the mat, pulling at the crotch seam of his formsuit.  His cocks spilled out, so hard they curved back towards his belly.  They were right in front of Degorsk’s face, and the spicy, masculine scent of the Dramok’s sex had him desperate for a taste.

Tranis grabbed hold of the Imdiko’s long hair and wound it around his fist.  Everything dominant in Degorsk’s makeup fled at the powerful display.  He rolled his eyes up to look into Tranis’ face, his mouth opening to accept the man’s need.

“Very good,” the Dramok whispered as he accepted the invitation.  His main cock slid into Degorsk’s mouth, filling it with heat and male flavor.  The smaller one traced a hot, wet path down the outside of Degorsk’s throat.

As Tranis’ front prick traveled deeper into his mouth, moving closer to the Imdiko’s throat, Degorsk swallowed and held his breath.  He took Tranis all the way to the root.

“By the ancestors,” the man groaned, his eyes half-lidded in ecstasy.  “You have an amazing mouth, Degorsk.”

“And it looks damned good wrapped around a dick,” Lidon added, still moving in and out of the Imdiko’s ass.  “I’m going to have to enjoy that in the near future.”

“You’d better wear that ring,” Tranis groaned, slipping back out until only the tip of him remained between Degorsk’s lips.  “Fuck, he’s good.”

Degorsk rewarded the praise by rubbing his tongue back and forth along the underside of Tranis’ cock as it pushed back in.  The hand holding his hair tightened painfully and the Dramok growled in reaction.

As Tranis found his rhythm, fucking Degorsk’s mouth with delicious thoroughness, Lidon pulled free of him.  The Imdiko shivered to feel the Nobek’s larger cock pushing against him, insistently taking the place of the smaller.  He was nearly the same size as Tranis lengthwise, but Lidon had a touch more girth.  Degorsk pushed out hard to accept him.

“Good, Degorsk.  That’s it,” Lidon sighed as he enclosed himself in warmth.

When Lidon found that sensitive area in Degorsk’s sheath, the tighter fit sent sheer elation through his core.  Degorsk cried out around Tranis’ cock and nearly choked.  Agonizing need pulsed hugely through his loins.  He jerked against both men.

“He’s definitely feeling it,” Tranis chuckled, though his voice was strained.  His grip on Degorsk’s hair kept the Imdiko from moving his head too much.  The Dramok never missed a beat as he pumped in and out of his mouth.

“Good,” Lidon gasped, slipping in and out, finding that spot over and over to make Degorsk’s muffled shouts continue.  “I’ve been waiting to give it to him for three years now.”

Their words were so much noise to Degorsk.  His stomach clenched as his secondary dick strained to release boiling ecstasy into the primary.  His entire lower body was seizing up with fierce need as the two men fucked him.

The shaft in his mouth oozed spicy-salty-sweetness against his tongue, warning that it would soon erupt, sending hot cum down his throat.  The thick rod up his ass was driving harder and harder into him, against the spot that made him feel he was going insane.  Lidon’s hips slapped loudly against his painful ass in quicker succession, with an occasional pause to grind brutally against the hot, interior button.  Degorsk was sobbing in torment as the other two men worked their bodies into his.

“Lidon.”  Tranis was panting now, his chest heaving for air.

“Go.”  A thickly calloused hand reached beneath Degorsk, grabbing his front dick.  He squalled as excruciating bliss demanded escape.

Tranis moved back, grabbing his cock in one hand while pulling Degorsk’s head back with the other.  He whipped himself hard, leaving the tip of his prick in the Imdiko’s mouth, lying on his tongue.

“Here it is,” he groaned.  “Here it comes, Degorsk.”

At the same time, the hateful barrier clutching the base of Degorsk’s cock released.  Lidon’s hand closed over him in its place.  He squeezed and pulled.

Tranis’ head fell back, and he unleashed a primal scream.  He worked his cock hard.  Thick streams of hot fluid shot into Degorsk’s mouth, sliding down his throat.

A thunderclap of rapture resounded through the Imdiko’s body.  He shrieked as burning elation jolted through his cocks, ushered out in near painful bursts by Lidon’s coaxing, squeezing grip and that constant thudding inside his ass.

Degorsk’s aching sexes flexed seemingly forever, milked until he was drained.  He was dimly aware of suckling on Tranis’ burning flesh, tasting and swallowing each sweet drop.

A low roar announced Lidon’s gratification.  The Nobek released Degorsk’s sated cock and grabbed hold of his hips.  He pounded against the Imdiko’s ass and then froze, grinding hard as if he would shove his entire body inside Degorsk.  The thick length of him swelled against the tight confines then eased, swelled and eased.

Degorsk shuddered.  Lidon was filling him with his cum.  Making himself a part of Degorsk.

The gasping trio pulled apart.  Lidon released Degorsk from the hovercuffs, and the doctor collapsed from his crouch.  He heard the other two chuckle and didn’t care.  He was worn out.  They were welcome to congratulate themselves.

He was lifted and placed in the middle of his sleeping mat.  Then the two men crowded in close on either side of him, somehow making the small bed surface hold them all.

Degorsk’s face ended up burrowed into the hollow of Lidon’s shoulder, with Tranis curled up behind him, spooning his body.  He sighed.  It was warm.  It was good.  It even felt right.

Lidon’s breath in his ear was the best part of all.  “Feeling better, my Imdiko?” the Nobek asked.

Degorsk felt Tranis’ start at the familiar term.  Lidon shouldn’t be calling him his Imdiko if they weren’t clanned.  Maybe tomorrow Degorsk would argue the point with the demanding Nobek.  But for now, he was too tired and too content to argue.

So he only said, “Yes, Lidon.  Thank you.”

Encased in the warmth of the two bodies on either side of him, Degorsk fell asleep.  He did not dream.




Chapter 7


Two days after discovering the destroyed mining colony, the grim trio of Tranis, Lidon, and Piras gathered in the captain’s office.  Piras sat behind his desk while his two senior officers sat across from him.

Piras looked at the vid along one wall, the one showing the planet that had once contained the Kolb and Elg colonies.  His words sprayed in bursts of venom.  “Two more colonies destroyed and two defense stations as well.  No survivors.  And now another colony has fallen silent.”

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