To Love a Man (37 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: To Love a Man
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Chapter 12



Back to Present



“Ladies and gentlemen thanks for joining us again this evening it's a close game the eagles are up by three with ten seconds left on the board. Ramón Norris has been playing phenomenally.”

Desiree stood to her feet as Aj passed the ball to Ramón and he dunked it in. the crowd went wild as the eagles won their back to back title. All the eagles ran onto the court jumping and screaming. Desiree hugged Britney and Nikki. Ramón looked into the stands and smiled as he saw Desiree and Britney jumping up and down with Nikki. As much as he had wanted this Ship he wanted Desiree more. He knew he needed her and the only way he would get her was to be completely honest with her.

He smiled as Desiree looked down to him. He motioned for her to come down to him but she shook her head no. Britney looked from Desiree to Ramón. She nudged Nikki and they both knew what to do.

“Desiree you are coming with us.”

“What? No I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”

“Britney you should be careful pulling her though she is carrying your niece or nephew.”

“NIKKI! Just go ahead and tell my business.”

“What? You’re pregnant? Are you sure?”

“She’s sure.”

They pulled her down to the court
and after the security guards let them pass, they dragged her over to Ramón. Britney hugged him.

little brother I knew you could do it. I am so proud of you guys.”

“Me too!”

Nikki hugged Ramón as well.

“That last shot was incredible. You guys deserve this win.”

Ramón smiled and looked over to Desiree. Before he could speak Aj ran over to him.

“Dude come on it's time for the trophy.”

He looked from Aj to Desiree then smiled.

“I have something to handle first.”

Desiree leveled her head to his and smiled.

“You go ahead this is a moment you really wanted to have.”

“You are more important.”

“I will still be here.”

“How about you come with me.”

“Wait what?”

“Come on.”

Ramón pulled her to him and lead her to his teammates. As the confetti began to fall and Ramón and Aj held up the trophy for a picture Desiree began to wonder what she was really doing there. Before she could retreat Ramón pulled her closer to him.

“Don’t think I am letting you get away from me this easily.”

“Ramón I don't belong here.”

“You belong with me. I am so sorry I screwed up. Please I just want another chance. I love you and I want to prove it to you for the rest of our life together.”

“And Kim?”

“She means nothing to me or our family. She and I never did anything she just wanted to hurt me. To hurt us. I am so sorry for making you think that I was doing something I shouldn’t have been.”

“Ramón I have to tell you something.”

“Wait let me finish. Being without you has been so hard for me. I was so determined to win you back that I worked so hard trying to regain all I lost. You and the kids mean the world to me and I know they mean the world to you. Let’s start all over. Me and you and our beautiful two kids.”

She corrected him shouting over the crowd.

“Three what?”

“Three kids.”

“What do you mean three kids?”

“I mean you wanna start over with me and your three kids.”

“We don't have three kids I told you Kim was lying she isn’t pregnant.”

She smiled. “Maybe not but I am.”

“You are?”

“I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago to get my IUD put back in. see I took it out about three months ago. A week before we had our conversation.”

“Are you telling me that we are going to have a baby?”

Desiree nodded and smiled. He pulled her to him as the camera panned around and stopped on them.

“Excuse me but Ramón now that you have won back to back championships what are you gonna do now?”

“I am going to take my beautiful wife we are going to pick up our amazing kids and we are going to home!”

Desiree smiled wider “And we are going to Disneyland.” The camera
panned away and she looked at Ramón. “I have always wanted to say that.”

Ramón pulled her lips to his and kissed her as controlled mayhem took place around them. Nikki and Britney smiled as they high fived each other both glad their plan worked. Both glad to see a family reunited. Both glad not to have to deal with Desiree and Ramón missing each other anymore.





Desiree jumped in her seat yelling at the ref for such a bad call. Ramón was called on holding and Reggie Miles from Atlanta was given two foul shots.

“Oh come on that wasn’t even a tap. Holding seriously?”

Maddie laughed and looked at Zack.

“Is it me or is mom a little hyped up today.”

“Yeah I know what you mean she seems more hyper than usual.”

Desiree sat back down and fanned herself.

“Oh all of a sudden I don't feel so well. It’s so hot in here.”

Nikki handed her some water. “
Maybe that is because your pregnant self-can’t stop yelling at the ref.”

moaned loudly as an onset of pain consumed her.


Zack looked at her with concern in his eyes. “Mom are you ok?”

“Oh no.”

Maddie and Zack stepped back as Desiree held her seven and a half month stomach. Nikki bent down to her as Bryant moved in closer holding their one and half year old Connor.

“Desi are you ok?”

Desiree shook her head no as she tried to breathe through the pain. A few moments later as the fourth quarter began to wind down a puddle of water ran down her legs. Britney and Chad who was holding two year old Brandon looked at the wet ground.

Did someone spill something what’s going on?”

Madison jumped up. “Mom’s water broke.”

Britney laughed. “We walk away for five minutes and now you’re in labor?”

“No I can’t be not yet.”

Nikki tried to pull her up. “We need to get you out of here.”

“No I wanna watch the game.”

Desiree let out a loud scream as the eagles scored another 3 pt. shot. “Bryant how about you and Chad grab her.”

Nikki grabbed Connor and Britney grabbed Brandon as Bryant and Chad grabbed Desiree and carried her out of the row. The girls soon followed along with Zack, Maddie, Jamie and Eddie. As Ramón dunked the ball he smiled and looked up to the empty stands
a worried look came across his face when he realized the row was almost empty. As a whistle blew and someone called time out Coach Patulous called him over.

“Marco you are going in for Ramón. Ramón you need to get to the
Nurses’ station like now I think your wife is in labor.”

Before Ramón could ask how he knew he looked to see Madison and Zack waving for him to follow them. Without thinking he ran out to the hall
where Chad and Bryant were holding a pain stricken Desiree. He ran over to her and rubbed her forehead.

“Desi baby are you alright?”

Desiree screamed loudly gripping Ramón hand.

“No she is not due for another month
and a half.”

“What you’re in labor? We gotta get you to the hospital.”

“She wants out and she wants out now!” Desiree screamed.

Nikki came running back with a
security guard on a golf cart.

“I think this will help us make a path to the
Nurses’ station they will know what to do there.”

They game long forgotten they moved quickly
helping Desiree onto the golf cart. As she and Ramón rode, everyone followed them to the First Aid station. Ramón hopped off and ran to the woman standing in front of the door.

“My wife is in labor I need someone to do something.”

“Ok calm down I am Zoë and I am a Registered Nurse. I can help you. Bring her on in. how far apart the contractions are?”

“I think like a minute or two.”

Another Registered Nurse walked over to them.

“Hi I am Daisy and I will be here to help Zoë.”

Zoë smiled.

“First thing is first I am gonna check to see if she is dilated and Daisy will call the paramedic unit to rush her to the hospital as fast as they can.”

As Daisy got on the phone Zoë checked Desiree. She removed the gloves and stepped back. Daisy walked over to her.

“Paramedics are on their way.”

“Yeah that is gonna be too late. She is fully dilated.”

“Wait what now? I'm what? No I
can’t be my water just broke not even five minutes ago.”

“This baby is coming and coming now. I am gonna need everyone to step out.”

“No Ramón don't leave me.”

“I am right here baby. I am not going anywhere.”

Ten minutes later Ramón walked out the first aid station as the two paramedics walked in with a gurney. Nikki looked at him.


“Everyone is fine. Desi did so great. They are gonna take her and Abby to the hospital now to make sure they stay that way. I am gonna ride with them and you guys can follow us there.”

hugged Zack and Maddie.

“You guys are officially big brother and sister.”

Ramón kissed their heads as he walked back into the station. A few minutes and security escort later they excited the little room with the paramedics. As they arrived at the hospital they were greeted by Rachael and Joseph. Ramón smiled at his parents and they walked in one by one.

Desiree smiled as they walked in
to her room never knowing that life could be so perfect. Even though she knew that eventually they would fight again she learned to treasure the little moments. Ramón walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead and smiled down to her and his new precious baby girl another sweet woman in his life.

About the Author

Rontora Nolan was born in Philadelphia but raised in Ohio. She began writing at the age of 13 when a freak accident caused her to spend her entire summer off her feet and her hands glued to the keyboard. She spent her free time in class trading stories with her best friend dreaming of the day when people would read her works. This is her second Novel but first self-published one. She is currently a military spouse taking care of her husband and two boys. Writing has always been a passion of hers and she is looking forward sharing more of her works with you as time goes by. Feel free to check out her website
there you can see what she is up to check out her upcoming projects and leave her your feedback and/or questions and she will get back to you.

A Passion Rekindled
Written By: Rontora Nolan
A day of regret



Scarlett Bryant wanted to cry; all her emotions seemed to pile on her at one time. Hatred, betrayal, rage, sadness…the list went on and on because she was starting to feel herself lose control. As she, thought about the truth that was just revealed to her, she felt like she was going to be sick. She looked around her apartment trying to focus on anything to control her tears. She glanced at the black leather sofa across from her, then to the fifty-inch flat screen on the wall.

She glanced down to her left hand and glanced at the engagement ring and wedding band that occupied her ring finger. The tears fell, silently splashing on her legging covered legs, and she gazed at the picture frames on the wall. She took a deep breath and looked at Shane Bryant forcing the tears to stop. After two years of Marriage she knew she was still in love with him but didn’t know if she could forgive him for the bomb he just dropped on her.

She looked him up and down. Any other day she would be aroused at the sight of him in his workout clothes which consisted of black sweat shorts and a black Nike beater she shook her head.

“Why?” she whispered softly trying to control her emotions.

“I don’t know…I messed up and I know that I'm sorry.”

She looked into his pleading eyes and didn't know who he was. She knew he loved her at one point, but when did he stop? Was it the way she spent more time with her mother then him? Could it be at night when he’s in bed and she’s traveling to be the daughter that her mother needed? Did he go to his ex because she wasn’t woman enough to take care of home? Shane moved closer to her but she pushed him away. She didn’t want him to touch her she didn’t want him to look at her at all. She just wanted to leave. She grabbed her multi colored blue coach purse and threw it over her blue bubble print Ruched V-neck top.

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