Unraveled - A Short Story Collective (13 page)

BOOK: Unraveled - A Short Story Collective
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She'd spent a lot of time thinking about everyone in her life and the roles they played. There were far too many draining the life from her. They didn't give anything, just always taking and making demands of her. Chrissalyn was cleaning house and if Lathan didn't put up tonight, she was done. No more chances, no more conversations, no more nothing. He was either going to do the right thing or he could get the hell on and that was all there was to it. Chrissalyn reeled her mind back in and continued her shopping, eventually paying for her purchases and heading home. She needed to clean up and do a few more little things around the house today. "I'm gon’ teach that Devon boy a few things about dancing too," she said aloud in the car chuckling aloud and turning up the CD as she drove home.


Kina was feeling damned good today. She'd been to the hairdresser and from there picked up her dress. She'd even gotten the phone call that she'd been waiting for with the confirmation that still brought a smile to her face even now. "Tonight is the night," she sang along with the oldie playing on the radio station, her agenda completely different from the woman
singing the song.
Payback is a muthafucka
, Kina thought wickedly to herself and began to laugh again. She knew Alisha had something planned for tonight.
Probably something else to put poor Lathan on the spot
, she thought sighing deeply. She guessed she should have warned Lathan how damned clingy and trifling Alisha was, but that was water under the bridge. Tonight he would get a true to life preview of who Alisha truly was and if he continued to be with her, what he could expect for the rest of his life.

Her cell ringing jolted her back to the now. Kina frowned deeply seeing Alisha's name, but took a deep breath and put on the performance of her life. "Girl wassup!" she greeted the woman cheerfully. Alisha laughingly responded nothing much, going on to tell Kina she was just touching base with her before tonight. "Girl I just came from the cleaners picking up my dress, headed home now," she told Alisha.

"Well I can't wait to see you tonight and Tae too," Alisha added and Kina frowned again.

"Yeah girl, we'll be there getting our party on," Kina returned.

“Ok I won't keep you girl, besides I have a few more errands to run," Alisha told her and Kina mouthed a silent thank you.

"Alright girl, see you tonight," Kina returned sweetly and disconnected. "Yeah bitch, tonight," she said again venomously turning up the radio once again and biding her time.


"Hey baby, whatcha doing?" Alisha sang into the phone.

Lathan rolled his eyes and told her he was chilling watching a game.

"I would stop by, but I'm doing some last minute stuff for tonight," she told him as he shrugged.

"Yeah well, that's cool, I'll see you tonight," he replied instead of his true feelings. Alisha smiled again hearing what she wanted to in his reply.

"It’s gonna be a lot of fun tonight," she told him and Lathan simply grunted his acknowledgement. "I'll bring my overnight bag when you pick me up, so I can just stay the night," Alisha told him as she exited her car preparing to go inside the mall she stopped in front of. Lathan sighed deeply.

"Yeah Alisha, do whatever," he replied and she assumed he was irritated because she was interrupting his game.

"OK baby, I'ma let you go, I know you're watching the game," she finished and again Lathan simply grunted. "See you at 7:00" she replied and he told her ok disconnecting before she could say anything else.

Man this is gonna be one long ass night
, Lathan thought to himself finishing the one beer and opening another. Maybe if he got completely blitzed he could make it through the party, dumping her, and the tantrums she would throw afterwards. He sighed deeply and dialed his cell waiting for it to connect.

"Hello," the voice answered. "Wassup," Lathan inquired and the caller told him nothing. "Can I come see you?" he inquired and the caller told him they weren't home.

"Where you at?" he asked slightly irritated again.

"Chill Lathan, you don't have the right to ask me that," the caller replied calmly.

Lathan took another deep breath knowing they were right and tried again. "I'm sorry," he replied contritely. "I need to see you," he pleaded and the caller sighed gently.

"I'll swing by in about thirty, is that cool?" they replied and Lathan's mouth dropped.

"You're here?" he inquired and the caller assured him they were. "Yeah that would be good," he replied and the caller relayed their understanding before disconnecting. Lathan sighed gently anticipating his visitor.
Wonder what they're doing up here?
He thought to himself but quickly dismissing it.




rriving fashionably late and trying to make an entrance, Alisha walked into the Casis inside the Grand Hyatt and took in the opulence of the room. The place was absolutely exquisite with the huge wood trimmed windows, custom designed crown molding and trim. The tables were beautifully draped with white linen tablecloths, complimented by the bold red and black centerpieces, which were DCA’s company colors. The chairs were black cloth, diamond designed with wood trim, which contrasted nicely with the teal green carpeting throughout.

“Hey girl,” Alisha waved cheerily at a couple of her co-workers she’d spotted as she stood waiting for Lathan, but not waiting for Lathan.

He still insisted on pretending they weren’t a couple but after tonight that would all change, she thought and smiled to herself as she headed to the bar. All the drinks were complimentary tonight but Alisha had to reign herself in. She couldn’t get drunk tonight of all nights. It was too important and she wouldn’t or couldn’t afford to mess it up.

She spotted Lathan moments later come through door and be immediately inundated with co-workers and upper management who pulled him over to where they were all congregating. Alisha sighed lightly, slightly miffed that she had to once again pretend he wasn’t hers as she watched a couple of the women flirting openly with Lathan.

Stop trippin’ girl. Tonight is the last night for all this bullshit
, she thought again knocking back the tequila and ordering another.

Kina and Tae were having a great time. They’d danced almost non stop since their arrival almost an hour ago. Taking a breather they headed over to the bar where she ran into Alisha, almost immediately ruining her evening until she remembered her plans for later and found herself smiling instead.

“Hey Kina,” Alisha greeted her cheering up immediately seeing her friend.

“Hey Alisha,” Kina greeted her amiably as Tae stepped up and put his arm around her waist.

“Alisha, this is Tae,” Kina told her calmly and Alisha greeted the man who returned her hello and stepped away to order their drinks, leaving Kina and Alisha alone.

“Girl he is sexy as hell,” Alisha told her friend giggling slightly
. “I’m offended you been hiding’ him all this time,” she added still laughing.

Kina mustered up a fake laugh and joined her friend offering no explanation or apology for her actions.

“Mm girl, I like that dress” Kina remarked lying to her friend.

The dress was an Alisha usual. Low cut in the front, so that the little bust she had was nearly exposed and too tight across the hips and butt drawing needless attention to the oversized b
ack she carried. Thankfully it was at least black.

“Thanks Kina, I like yours too” Alisha returned looking her friend over in the deep fuchsia and black dress she was wearing.

Alisha thought Kina looked exceptionally nice tonight, having gone to the hairdresser and actually choosing a dress that flattered her figure instead of making her look like a frumpy schoolteacher. Tae returned shortly and handed Kina her drink. Before she took it she asked him to hold onto it for a few moments more while she ran to the ladies room. Tae smiled and assured her he would as he took a seat at the bar and waited for her.

Alisha looked the man over again after her friend left noting how extremely attractive he was.
How the hell did Kina managed to snag that?
She thought arrogantly to herself perceiving her own beauty and physical attributes to be far superior to those of her friend. Alisha rose from the bar stool and headed to the other side of the room to converse with some other co-workers she’d spotted, purposely passing closely to Tae her hand grazing his thigh. Tae jumped slightly and looked the woman in the eye. Alisha winked slyly as she completely her purpose and continued her journey. Tae sighed deeply and shook his head, finishing his drink and ordering another as Kina returned to the room and headed his way.


“Damn,” Lathan said aloud as he took in Chrissalyn and the dress she was wearing.

He’d been shocked to see her earlier not expecting her to be in attendance. The blue was absolutely beautiful on her, clinging softly to her voluptuous curves and dipping just enough in the front to tease but not offend. He sighed deeply knowing he still had a mountain to conquer before he could be with her, his eyes scanning the room and coming to rest on Alisha before he frowned distastefully.
What the fuck was I thinking trying to turn this bitch into a real girlfriend?
Lathan thought to himself distractedly as Alisha looked up and their eyes met. She immediately smiled completely oblivious to the repulsion Lathan was experiencing at the moment. He quickly averted his eyes returning to the beautiful sight he’d been enjoying moments earlier, only to find her wrapped contentedly in Devon’s arms as they danced together.

The DJ slowed the pace a little and several couples were enjoying a stolen romantic moment on the floor together. Lathan was intensely jealous watching Devon hold Chrissalyn close as she rested her head on his shoulder. He almost lost it when the man leaned down and kissed her softly on the forehead. Lathan didn’t know how he was going to make it through the rest of this night having to watch them together; knowing the woman in Devon’s arms was supposed to be his. Alisha saw Lathan staring intently onto the dance floor and followed his gaze.
What is that bitch doing here?
She fumed to herself immediately angry at Chrissalyn’s presence. Alisha sucked her teeth in disgust and once again looked over at Lathan seeing the emotion etched in his face as he watched them dance.

What the fuck does she have that I don’t?
Alisha sighed deeply to herself asking the age-old question and throwing back yet another tequila shot. She rose and made her way to the bar to order another, deciding she needed to get everything set up and the show on the road. Chrissalyn’s arrival had complicated things but not derailed them.
Hmph, well this will show the bitch once and for all who has Lathan’s heart
, Alisha thought to herself as the bartender graciously handed her the drink as she smiled, headed off to put her plan into action and end the madness.


“You having a good time?” Devon asked Chrissalyn as they found an empty table and sat down. She smiled and told him she was having a wonderful time.

“It’s actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be considering,” she chuckled and Devon laughed with her.

“You want something from the bar?” he asked preparing to go and retrieve it. Chrissalyn asked for a crown with coke and Devon laughed. “Girl you a real drinker, no sissy drinks for you.”

Chrissalyn told him she wasn’t an amateur and if he couldn’t hang he could get a sissy drink and she wouldn’t laugh. Devon laughed even harder trying to gather himself.

“Hey, I’m a man, I’m a man, I’m a man,” he shot back in rapid succession as they both doubled over with laughter again.

“Well go get the drinks then, I’m a man,” Chrissalyn replied as they both wiped tears away and Devon headed for the bar.

Lathan had been watching the couple intently and took the opportunity to walk over and speak to Chrissalyn while she was alone.

“Hey Chriss,” Lathan spoke quietly.

Chrissalyn was still smiling slightly to herself recalling her conversation with Devon when Lathan’s voice startled her. Quickly gathering herself she looked up at him and returned his greeting.

“I didn’t know you were coming,” Lathan told her looking directly into her eyes trying to gauge her thoughts.

“Is it a problem that I’m here?” Chrissalyn asked calmly.

Lathan sighed softly and told her no. Chrissalyn grunted noncommittally and returned her attention to the dance floor effectively dismissing Lathan. She didn’t know why but she was extremely irritated with him. Well that was a lie; she did know why she was irritated. Chrissalyn was sick and tired of being sick and tired where Lathan was concerned and obviously he still hadn’t done what he’d promised concerning Alisha, given his nervous demeanor that she was here at the party as was Alisha.

“Chriss, can we talk?” Lathan asked not deterred by her mood at his presence. Chrissalyn turned to him once more and looked him over before answering. “Did you do what you needed to do Lathan?”

Lathan sighed deeply and tried again. “Please Chriss, just a few minutes,” he answered instead. She sucked her teeth and turned her head once again. “Meet me in the Cartier room, its down the hall on your left, in 10 minutes, please,” Lathan told her and walked away unsure if she would or wouldn’t show.

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