Unraveled - A Short Story Collective (11 page)

BOOK: Unraveled - A Short Story Collective
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Devon sat watching Chrissalyn waiting for her to speak. They’d enjoyed a wonderful meal and ice cream desserts. Now they were relaxing in her den. Devon loved the room. It was warm and inviting with the plush sofa and recliners she’d put in. It was tastefully decorated in various shades of green, with matching lamps, shades and artwork. The room took you from completely energized to relaxed snooze in one fell swoop.

“What did you wanna talk about Chriss?” Devon asked gently as he stroked her face, sitting close to her on the sofa they shared.

Chrissalyn sighed deeply. She wasn’t so sure anymore about Lathan, but she wasn’t sure she shouldn’t go ahead and end it with Devon either. Sensing her indecision, Devon lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “We don’t have to talk right now,” he told her kissing her immediately and ending any protest she may have wanted to make.

Devon kissed Chrissalyn deeply his hands gently caressing her body as they embraced. Chrissalyn found herself becoming more aroused as they continued to kiss. Devon gently laid her down on the couch, never disengaging from her lips as he did and began slowly undressing her.
Make him stop
, Chrissalyn was thinking to herself as Devon continued. Her body, however, was screaming for his attention and enjoying every moment.

Devon felt Chriss begin to respond as he removed her blouse and the bra underneath, his hand caressing her bare breast as the nipple hardened beneath it. Her breathing had become ragged and uneven as his hands traveled downward toward her center. “Mm, Chriss,” Devon murmured as he gently removed her skirt.

She was wearing a beautiful royal blue silk thong. Devon loved the feel of it under his hands as he caressed her through it.
You can’t do this
, Chrissalyn’s mind tried again as her body quickly told it to shut up. “Devon, wait,” she managed to get out before he kissed her again silencing her once more as he continued to his work.

Devon deftly removed the thong and touched her, finding her very aroused. “I think you want this,” Devon said softly as he left her lips and kissed his way down her body. Chrissalyn couldn’t deny the heat coming from her
body as Devon gently parted her legs and buried his tongue in her softness. Chrissalyn moaned deeply as he tasted her bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.
Oh he is so good,
Chrissalyn thought breathlessly as the first wave hit her and she cried out in ecstasy.

“You’re delicious,” Devon murmured as he returned to her nipples and gave them special attention.

Chrissalyn was on fire with want for the man touching her right now. Her hands roamed freely over Devon’s firm, toned body helping him from his pants and freeing his erection from his boxer briefs.

“Chriss,” Devon murmured softly as he kissed her once again and lowered himself on top of her, entering her.

Chrissalyn moaned deeply feeling him inside her as they began to make love.
Too late for regrets now
, she thought to herself enjoying the things Devon was doing to her. He was indeed every bit the sensuous lover she’d envisioned. They made love for the next forty-five minutes slowly and intensely as Devon brought her to two more orgasms, before she felt him hold her tighter, groan deeply and finally reach his own blissful end. Chrissalyn sighed deeply as they lay enjoying the afterglow. She couldn’t feel guilty about what’d taken place between them remembering how wonderful it’d been.
Now what?
Her mind asked as Devon held her and gently kissed her forehead. Chrissalyn pushed all those questions from her mind as Devon returned once again to her lips to start the process all over again.

Wow no more weird snacks before bed
, Chrissalyn told herself as she awoke bathed in sweat from the erotic dream she’d just had. She’d seen Devon earlier, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to say the things she thought she wanted to say. Instead she asked him to be patient with her and understand she was at a crossroads right now. He’d asked her if this was about Lathan and she’d answered honestly. He’d been quiet for a few moments and Chrissalyn knew he was hurt, still Devon was the perfect gentleman. He’d kissed her softly and assured her he would be patient and allow her the space she needed to make her decision, even if it meant losing her.

Chrissalyn couldn’t describe what she felt at that moment, given the huge gamble Devon was taking. She sighed gently as her breathing returned to normal and she lay down again to try and go back to sleep.
Well at least Saturday night will be fun
, she thought to herself yawning widely. Devon was taking her to DCA’s employee appreciation gala. Even though she didn’t work there anymore, Chrissalyn knew everyone would be glad to see her. The gala was always live with plenty of food and drink, colorful participants, and a wannabe hip DJ. She chuckled to herself once more before allowing sleep to once again find her.




ou think I’m playing with you huh?” Sammy threw at Alisha as they talked. He’d called and once again ordered her to come over. Alisha sighed deeply as she answered.

“Sammy, please,” she began, trying to get him to see reason. “I can’t just walk up to the man and say, yo playa its over,” she replied still trying to buy time.

She had no intention of breaking up with Lathan. She just needed to make it to Saturday to put her plan into action.

“Yes the hell you can,” Sammy threw back angry as hell. “I’m tired of fucking around with you Alisha,” he spat once again giving her an angry glare. “Either you break the shit off, or I will,” he finished evenly and opened another beer.

Alisha took another deep breath. “Sammy, I promise I’m going to take care of this,” she pleaded. “Just give me the chance OK?” she added sweetly getting up and going over to him and sitting on his lap.

Sammy looked up at her as she sat on his lap and sighed deeply. “Alisha, if you playing again –,” he began before she leaned down and kissed his lips.

“I swear baby,” she told him again sweetly and Sammy grunted an approval.

Alisha breathed a silent sigh of relief. Now she could continue her plans for Lathan and Saturday night without worrying about Sammy or any nonsense.

“You staying the night,” Sammy ordered as he motioned her off his lap and he rose.

Alisha didn’t have
a choice if she wanted to keep Sammy cool. “OK baby,” she replied again as Sammy took her hand and they headed into the bedroom together.

Alisha was sure to make him use a condom as they made love. She made up the excuse of having been with Lathan recently knowing it would turn Sammy off to doing her raw. As he slept Alisha lay awake hoping and praying that she could pull this off and finally be free of Sammy and forever Lathan’s.


Kina looked pensively at the invitation. She was taking Tae of course, but there was someone else she wanted to invite to. She picked up

made a call and after gleaning the information she needed, she smiled to herself once again before yet another call. She got the answering machine, but that was fine. Kina left a message and returned her mind to the celebration and all that it promised to offer.
Oh honey, Saturday night is gonna be off the chain
, she thought wickedly to herself as Tae entered the bedroom from the shower.

“Mm, don’t you look delicious,” Kina murmured looking him over lustfully. Tae smiled at her and walked over to the bed.

“Do you wanna taste me?” he asked sensuously as he kissed her neck softly.

“Mm, yes I would,” she replied her hand caressing his broad chest.

Tae began undressing Kina and gently squeezing her breast, hands roaming freely until he found her center. Kina was engulfed in the things Tae was doing to her.

“How about we taste each other?” he asked quietly kissing her ear as Kina heated up even more.

“Yeah, I’d like that” she replied as they positioned themselves for pleasure.

Kina had to admit she found it extremely difficult to concentrate while Tae tasted her. Still she managed to please him, teasing the head of his dick with her tongue before taking him deeply into her mouth and sucking him gently. She heard Tae moan in pleasure and begin to move deeper into her mouth. Kina felt herself getting closer and closer to her orgasm as her body began to heat up, she was right at the threshold and Tae’s next lick sent her over. She moaned deeply and as if on cue, Tae came hard, sending the warm liquid cascading into her mouth. Kina swallowed and caressed him with her tongue until he’d calmed down. They disengaged and lay beside each other, basking in the glow of their individual and collective releases.

“Ready for round two?” Tae asked as he kissed Kina deeply and she felt her body catch fire once more.


Devon was still deep in thought about his plans for Saturday. It was Thursday so he only had another day to go.
Should I really do this?
He asked himself feeling guilty for what he’d planned. Devon sighed deeply as his cell rang. Checking the display, he frowned slightly seeing it was Lathan. “Yeah man, wassup?” he spoke amiably enough.

Lathan returned his greeting before getting to the purpose of his call.

“Listen man, we really need to talk,” Lathan told his friend.

He’d made up his mind he would do the right thing and tell Devon to his face about his own feelings for Chrissalyn. It was the least he could do after lying to him all this time.

“What’s on your mind?” Devon asked casually already having a good idea of the subject.

Lathan sighed slightly.
“I’d rather talk face to face,” he replied and Devon asked him when and where.

Lathan asked his friend to meet him at Parelli’s, the bar they frequented.

“OK, I’ll be there in a few,” Devon replied getting ready to disconnect.

“Alright, I’ll see you there man,” Lathan told him and hung up.

Let’s see what bullshit story he comes with now
, Devon thought to himself as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. He sighed deeply thinking about this whole mess with Lathan, himself, and Chrissalyn. Devon had never felt the way he felt about Chriss for any other woman. He absolutely loved her, but she still couldn’t or wouldn’t let go of Lathan.
Shit, maybe I should just let go and move on
, he began to think dejectedly to himself. Sighing again and noticing he’d reached his destination, Devon got out of the car and entered the bar, finding an empty table and ordering a drink. He was once again absorbed in his thoughts, never seeing Lathan enter the bar, or notice his presence until he pulled out the chair across from him and sat down. “So what’s on your mind man?” Devon queried, opening the door for Lathan to finally come clean.

Taking a quick swig from his drink, Lathan looked at his friend evenly for a few moments before speaking. “It’s about Chriss,” he replied and Devon continued to watch him, remaining mute. “Look, I haven’t been completely up front with you about that whole situation,” Lathan began and Devon sighed lightly trying as hard as he could not to become angry.

“What about it?” Devon asked a lot calmer than he felt.

Lathan was trying to gauge his friend’s mood, not wanting this to escalate and become ugly. “I, um, well I,” Lathan began and Devon continued to wait, not offering any help in his struggle to get out what was on his mind. “I have a lot of feelings for Chriss,” he finally got out and Devon remained quiet, never taking his eyes from his friend. “And well, I’ve finally decided to do something about them,” he finished and waited for Devon to react.

Finishing his drink and ordering another one, Devon finally addressed Lathan. “Does she know this?” he asked simply and Lathan told him she did, having seen her the other night and confessing it to her.

Devon sighed deeply again, angry as hell, but trying hard not to punch his friend and knock him out of the chair he sat in. “So what did you hope to accomplish by telling me?” Devon threw at him, the edge evident in his voice.

Lathan sighed lightly, knowing his friend was angry. “I just wanted to be up front man, that’s all,” Lathan threw back.

He was sorry Devon would be hurt when Chrissalyn broke up with him, but he wasn’t backing down now. He’d wasted too much time already where Chrissalyn was concerned.

“Man shit,” Devon threw back his anger showing this time. “I asked you the same shit what, a month plus ago when me and Chriss first started talking,” he fired at Lathan. “And what did yo trifling ass tell me? Naw me and Chriss are friends,” Devon told him still glaring angrily at him. “So now that yo punk ass has finally figured out you wanna be with her, I’m supposed to what, understand? Back off and let you have her?” Devon finished growling slightly at the end. He was furious having this conversation with Lathan.

Lathan sighed deeply. “I know you
’re pissed man,” he began trying to keep him own composure. “But ain’t nothing I can do about how I feel for her, or how she feels for me,” Lathan threw at his friend.

Devon jumped from his chair, as did Lathan, knowing his friend was over the edge. Devon descended on him and caught him with a right to his jaw. Lathan returned his own blow and the two men were past the point of no return. Security immediately separated the two and removed them from
each other. “Both of ya’ll leaving,” the burly bouncer told Devon and Lathan who were both still eyeing each other hatefully. “You first,” he nodded toward Devon, who stood a few moments more glaring at his friend.

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