Wanting You (23 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #love_contemporary, #love_erotica

BOOK: Wanting You
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“I didn’t mean this Jake. This is too far,” Dad said.
I was totally speechless. Seriously, all this started with my dad.
“Well, this is what it is. You need to leave now.” Jake’s pinned stare on my dad didn’t cause him to back away.
“I will not leave my daughter like this. Let her go now.” Dad took a step closer to Jake. Before I had time to blink, Jake hit Dad on the side of the head, causing blood to fly everywhere as he fell with a thunk on the floor.
“Dad!” I screamed. Jake began to kick Dad several times in the chest as he lay there.
“You started this old man! You wanted her away from writing! You wanted her with a man!” Each sentence was punctuated with a kick.
“Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!” I yelled, trying to get Jake’s attention. By the fourth one, he finally looked at me. Fury laced in his eyes. He turned back and punched him hard in the head, causing Dad’s body to go limp. I screamed as loud as I could.
Jake came around the bed slapping me hard across the same cheek he did earlier. The taste of metallic iron surged in my mouth, as I turned my head to stare at my Dad’s lifeless body. I didn’t know what to think, just that now more than ever … I had to get out of here.
“Jake, I’m sorry. I won’t scream anymore. I thought my dad loved me.” This was first angle that came to mind. The sad thing was … I didn’t need to act. All those hopes of him loving me were squashed and it killed.
Jake was seething. “Your dad loves you enough to send you a real man to take care of your sexual needs so you don’t write them for the world to see. But … he stepped too far and got way too into my business. I know my mom loves him, but she can’t know this is how it went down.”
“What went down?” I whispered.
“How we fell in love. He’ll never forgive me, so I’ll take him out … Mom will be sad and Sydney will deal. I mean, hell, I did fine without a father around, right?” He smiled, my stomach rolled. “Problem solved.”
Jake walked over to Dad and panic flooded me. I hadn’t quite worked out all the shit that had blown up here in the past few minutes, but I knew I didn’t want him dead. I couldn’t do that to Sydney, knowing firsthand what it meant to grow up without a father.
“Jake, wait.” He stopped and turned to me. I tried to give him a small smile.
“Come here.” I bit my lip trying to be as seductive as I could even when my body was screaming … ‘
don’t do this.’
Jake came to the side of the bed and stared down at me; I was truly at this man’s mercy. “Kiss me,” I whispered.
Jakes smile was revolting, but I kept mine plastered on my face. When his lips met mine, I kissed him full out. I gave it all to him, lips, tongue … everything. When he pulled away, he stared down at me. “What was that for?” he asked.
“I’m seeing that maybe Dad was right. I do need a real man,” I said sweetly.
“Stop playing games with me, Savannah,” he growled.
“Kiss me again and see if it’s a game.” I stared into his angry eyes as his lips came crushing down on me hard. I gave everything I had to the kiss, hoping like hell that I could pull this off.
As he pulled away this time, I saw a flash across his eyes, but still unsure what it was. “I love you,” he said, staring into my eyes. I knew I couldn’t say the words, it was too much, and so I gave him an award-winning smile, which he returned.
“Let me touch you,” I whispered. “I want to make love to you, but I can’t do it like this.” I pulled on the ropes to punctuate my words. Jake stared at me as if he was thinking whether he should or shouldn’t.
“I’ll undo your arms only, but if you scratch, you’re getting tied up again.”
“I won’t. I promise. I want to make love to you. Can you please do my legs, too? I want to wrap them around your body.” The sweetness in my voice made me want to gag.
“One. Only one.” I could deal with that.
“Okay. Thank you.” I bit my bottom lip and made myself begin to start breathing a little heavier as though I was waiting for him. As he tentatively climbed up my body, he untied my left hand and then my right.
I rubbed my wrists to get the circulation flowing again. I used caution, as they were raw and tender from the rope he used. As he untied my leg, I whirled it up and down trying to get the blood to flow there as well. He did exactly as he said and kept the other tied, but after watching how easily he unwrapped the ropes, I thought I might have a shot.
“Better?” he asked.
“Much. Thank you.” I kept smiling sweetly.
As his body blanketed me, his mouth met with mine again as I began to kiss him again. I tentatively wrapped my arms around him beginning to caress his back, feeling his skin form goose bumps. He began kissing down my body. I laced my fingers through this hair, massaging his head as I frantically searched around the room for something to help me.
The lone lamp on the side table would help if I could get a good grip on it. The alarm clock may work better; it was much smaller, though, and wouldn’t pack as good of a punch. Jake’s lips continued to kiss every part of my body. I added a few moans and groans along the way, which had him speeding up his efforts. My body was on full alert.
One thing came to mind, but I needed to act with caution. I tugged gently on his hair as his eyes flew up to mine filled with lust. Smiling, I asked, “Can I have my turn?”
“What?” His eyebrows pulled together as if he was confused.
“I want to kiss you. Will you let me?” I smiled with venom.
“I know you won’t untie my leg, but you could loosen it so I can climb on top of you?” His stare told me he thought I was playing him again. “Please. I will make it totally worth your while. I want to wrap my lips around that cock of yours. Please,” I said breathlessly, well I was shooting for breathless, I’m not sure how it came out.
He nodded, climbing down to the foot of the bed. He didn’t take the knot wrapped around my ankle off; he simply gave me more length so there was slack for me to move. Perfect.
“Thank you,” I said shyly. “This is one of my fantasies ya know. To be tied up, but the guy still allows me to pleasure him. Can I get up? Because I want you to lie down.”
Jake’s eyes bore into mine for what seemed like an hour. He held out his hand, and I took it, pulling myself up off the bed. As he lay down on the bed, I kneeled down at the end. This was my chance.
I rubbed my hands slowly up his legs feeling his coarse hair in every move. I held the bile that was threatening to escape. Reaching his shorts, I undid the snap and zipper pulling down slowly. “Careful with that,” he groaned as I began to massage his dick through his pants, feeling it was already hard.
I smiled up at him “Always.” I pulled down his pants and underwear, throwing them to the side of the bed. Looking at his dick, I was repulsed. Not only was it small and puny, it was hairy and looked as if this clean cut guy did not give two shits what his dick looked like.
Normally, I wouldn’t care about it, as Deke’s not manscaped, but with Jake … everything was yuck.
I massaged his balls with one hand and used the other to jack up and down slowly. His head flew back into the pillows as he shut his eyes. I took that as my only opportunity.
Without contemplating it, I wrapped my entire hand around his balls while the other was already wrapped around his dick. Using every bit of strength I had, I pulled hard and twisted as if I wanted those damn things to come off in my hand.
Jake’s eyes flew open in surprise as he started yelling every cuss word in the book, “You fucking bitch!” He tried to pull away from me, but my grip was pretty good. I gave one last hard pull and listened to him yell again. “Fuck!”
I released him and scrambled off the bed as he lunged pretty slowly at me. Using my leg with the rope, I wrapped it quickly around his neck pulling as tightly as I could. His hands left his groin and began pulling at the rope, but I had a really tight grip on it.
Reaching down, I untied my other leg, then tied the rope to the bedframe as securely as I could. His face began to turn purple, but I didn’t stop. I began screaming as loud as I could. Running over to Dad, his chest was rising and falling. I needed to get him help.
Pulling open the door, I looked around to find a way out. Running down the hallway, I turned to run into something hard. “Get off me!” I yelled, hitting, punching, and kicking as hard as I could as large arms wrapped around me.
“Shh … baby. It’s okay.” Deke’s deep voice had my body stopping in an instant. Whipping my head up, I saw it was really him. I could not control the sobs that escaped me as I fell limp into his arms.


I picked up Vann’s mostly naked body, wrapping my arms under her knees and held her close. “Baby, where is he?” I didn’t want to rattle her any more than she already was. Her shaking body told me she couldn’t handle much more, but damn I was so proud. My girl’s strong as shit.
“I-In there, with my dad,” she stumbled between sobs. Z was right on my tail and went into the room, guns a’blazing. I wanted so badly to beat the hell out of whoever was behind that fucking door, but Vann needed me more.
“Clear!” I heard Z yell, which made me relax. Whoever was in there was subdued.
“Your dad?” I asked, walking into the living room, trying to find something to cover her naked body with. Finding a throw blanket on the back of the couch, I sat in the chair wrapping the blanket around her.
“Deke ... Gary is Jake, my dad’s stepson … my stepbrother.” The entire scene she had just went through came pouring out of her as she talked into my chest, and I didn’t know how to feel about her father, but I sure as fuck wanted to kill this Jake dude.
“It’s okay, baby.” I rubbed her head slowly as a shit ton of police came in and out of the house. The paramedics came in with a gurney.
“Is Dad okay?” she asked, hearing the commotion. She tried to get up and see better, but I pulled her tight to me. None of these assholes I work with were gonna see her naked.
“I don’t know yet. Z hasn’t come out,” I answered, using the most soothing voice I could muster when fury was ripping through me.
As if on cue, Z came strolling out of the hallway toward us. “Is Dad okay?” Vann asked as she sat up, flashing Z her bra. She immediately wrapped the blanket around her to cover.
“They’re gonna take him in for tests, but he seems to be okay. The other one …” His voice trailed off. “Remind me never to get in a fight with you.” He smiled, which I was not in the mood for.
“Z what the fuck is going on?” I barked.
“Your girl here kicked his ass.” He smiled, shaking his head. “He’s alive … barely. The paramedics will be bringing him out first because you did such a bang up job on him.”
“What?” I asked. Vann left this part of the story out.
“Let’s just say if the dude wants to have sex, it’s gonna be really hard when his balls are detached and his dick is bleeding. Not to mention all the air he lost when your girl wrapped a rope around his throat and tied it to the bed.”
I squeezed Vann. Strong and brave. Damn.
Z continued, “I’ve gotta hear the whole story start to finish and get a statement together, but first I’ve got meds coming in to look at you. Are you okay?”
“I think,” Vann whispered.
“Do you hurt anywhere?” Z’s voice was laced with concern.
“My wrists and ankles are sore.” Vann held out her arm. Her wrists were rubbed raw with spots of blood coming through the skin, her ankles the same way.
My blood was boiling. “I’m going in there with him before they take him away,” I ordered.
Z shook his head. “No. You’re not. You’re gonna stay with your girl while she tells me her story, but we are gonna go find a different room than this one since they’re bringing them this way.”
I growled. “After what this fucker did to Vann, he deserves to die.”
Vann curled back into my arms; she clung to my shirt pulling me closer to her. I knew Z was right, but I just didn’t like it.




2 Weeks Later ...


These last two weeks had been hell. I’d had to relentlessly talk to the cops and answer all of their questions … repeating the same answers over and over again.
Jake was currently being held without bail at the county jail awaiting trial. He, of course, survived. It seems that all the bad ones usually do. Cops say I’d have to testify against him and my father.
My father … he made bail. He was currently at home with Julie and Sydney. I knew that Z and Deke were keeping a really close eye on him by doing drive-bys. He’d made no attempts to contact me nor I to him.
Grams had been by my side and having her around had been wonderful. I felt stronger every time I was in her presence. Even though she told me that I was the strong one, I didn’t quite feel that way.
Sawyer, Kinsley, and Z had been hounding me nonstop. I loved them, don’t get me wrong, but checking on me every five minutes when Deke wasn’t around, was driving me a bit nuts. I knew they were worried, but it wasn’t like I was gonna kill myself or something. Was this shit bad? Hell yeah. But that didn’t mean I was gonna end it.
I had too much to live for.
This brought me to Deke, who had been treating me like a damn porcelain doll, as if I was gonna break any moment and collapse into a big pile of shit. He hadn’t made love to me once since it happened. I didn’t want to think this … but I didn’t think he wanted to touch me. I was dirty. I’d let another man touch me when I was his. I’d even touched another guy’s dick and I know he was repulsed.
I hadn’t gotten much more than a passionate kiss from him since he found me. And a man like Deke must’ve been getting it somewhere ‘cause he wasn’t gonna hold off. That thought made my stomach roll. If he’d been with someone else, while he lay in my bed every night, it would send me over the edge.

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