What's His Passion 2 - Climbing the Savage Mountain (4 page)

BOOK: What's His Passion 2 - Climbing the Savage Mountain
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He knew he wasn’t hurting his lover. It was probably a slight burn that would turn into pleasure once Jensen was stretched more. Jensen lifted his left leg onto the bed to give Toby even more access.

Soon he had three fingers buried in Jensen’s channel and he was nailing Jensen’s gland with every stroke. Jensen panted while rocking back. Toby smiled as Jensen raised up to get hold of his own cock. While Toby kept it up, he watched while Jensen jerked off.

“Toby.” Jensen’s tone held a touch of pleading.

“Are you ready for me? Do you want me to fuck you, Jensen?” Toby smacked the butt cheek in front of him.

“Yes. Please.” Jensen shot him a needy glance over his shoulder.

Toby reached over to the nightstand where he was pretty sure he’d stuffed the slick that morning after he’d made the bed that morning. He made sure to keep stretching Jensen while he got the lube out and popped the top open with his teeth. After squirting some on his cock, he got the bottle closed before dropping it on the floor next to his feet.

He coated his length then positioned it at Jensen’s opening. His lover moaned as Toby eased his fingers out before he pressed in to replace them. Once his groin brushed against Jensen’s ass, he paused enough to let him adjust to being that full.

Jensen shoved back toward him, giving him the signal to move. He whimpered as Toby grabbed his hips to slip out then slam back in. As they rocked together, their harsh breaths filled the air and Toby did his best to drive Jensen over the edge.

“More, Toby. Please God, harder.” Jensen undulated, fucking his own hand while Toby took him.

Toby did as Jensen demanded, his own rhythm losing its fluidity. Pressure built behind his balls. It wasn’t until Jensen came, clenching around Toby’s cock like a vise, that his own climax hit him hard and he filled Jensen with his hot cum.

Jensen spilled his own over his hand and their comforter. They collapsed into a trembling heap on the floor as Toby softened and slid from Jensen, who lay panting in his arms. Stroking his hand over his lover’s shoulders and back, Toby waited until his heart stopped pounding before he pushed to his feet.

He helped Jensen up. They stumbled into the bathroom where Toby propped Jensen against the wall while he got the shower going. Once it was warm enough, he maneuvered them into the large space. Grunting, Jensen braced his hands on the tile and Toby grabbed the soap from the ledge.

After building up some lather, he washed Jensen’s body, taking care to clean off all trace of his cum. He washed and rinsed his short hair then traced his fingers over the many scars covering his lover’s skin from Jensen’s many climbing trips.

When he finished, Jensen returned the favor, though Toby didn’t have any scars because he’d never climbed a mountain or risked his life in any way. Yet there were times when he thought the scars on his heart should show on his skin, but he always had a feeling that each time Jensen returned, his broken heart healed a little more.

They wandered out to the bedroom where they stood staring at the messed up comforter. Jensen laughed and said, “I’ll take it downstairs and throw it in the washer. Since it was my cum that got all over the thing.”

“I’ll grab another comforter from the closet. Why don’t you bring up a piece of cake and some glasses of milk? We’ll have a snack before bed.” Toby placed a kiss on Jensen’s shoulder before heading to the guest bedroom where they kept their extra blankets.

By the time Toby wrestled one of them out of the bag, Jensen had stuffed them in and got back to the other room, Jensen was sitting in the middle of the mattress, naked and sucking a gob of chocolate frosting off his finger. Toby bit his lip to stop from uttering the groan threatening to escape him. He wanted Jensen’s lips wrapped around his cock and that tongue licking his length.

“Come on.” Jensen patted the bed next to him. “This is some good cake, even if I say so myself.”

Toby set the blanket at the foot of the bed then climbed in beside Jensen, settling before sticking his finger in the frosting. He held it up to Jensen’s lips and his lover smiled as he stuck out his tongue to swipe it through the chocolate.

“Christ! I want your mouth on my cock,” Toby whimpered.

“Your wish is my command.”

Jensen pushed him so he lay back, head on the pillow while Jensen wiggled his way between Toby’s thighs. Then he smeared chocolate frosting all over Toby’s erection. Toby couldn’t help but laugh as he looked down to see Jensen eyeing his length as though it was the best dessert he’d ever seen.

“I can’t wait to feel you clean this mess off me, but I’m not sure I can watch you do it,” Toby admitted, so he let his head drop back and he closed his eyes.

Another whimper emerged when warmth and suction surrounded his cock. He reached down to thread his fingers through Jensen’s hair, holding him there with his nose pressed into Toby’s pubic hair for a second before letting up on the pressure. Jensen popped up to glare at him and Toby grinned.

“Prick,” Jensen muttered, but he ducked back down to begin feasting on the icing still covering Toby.

“Oh shit,” Toby murmured, smoothing his hand over Jensen’s head then running his fingers down to the hollow of Jensen’s cheek from the suction he placed around Toby’s shaft.

Slow and easy while he thrust up into Jensen’s mouth, doing his best not to go too deep because he didn’t want to choke him. Jensen let him do as he wanted while he cleaned him off. Toby shuddered when Jensen reached between his legs to take his balls and tug on them lightly.

“Jensen, I’m close,” he warned as his orgasm built. It wasn’t going to be as intense as his first one earlier, but it would still rock his world. Toby knew that.

Jensen pressed just the tip of his finger against Toby’s hole then as he took Toby all the way down, he shoved it in, causing Toby to come with a cry.


He curled up over Jensen’s head, holding his shoulders while he emptied his balls. Jensen drank as much of it as he could, but some trickled out of the corner of his mouth. When Toby was finished, Jensen surged up to take Toby’s lips.

As they kissed, Toby wrapped his hand around Jensen’s cock, knowing he was close as well. The taste of himself on Jensen’s tongue made Toby give another spurt of cum which he scooped up to create a small slick layer to ease the friction of his hand on Jensen.

Jensen broke their kiss, throwing his head back as he came all over Toby’s hand and stomach. He kept pumping until Jensen grimaced because his shaft was sensitive. Toby gave him a peck, licking some of his own cum off Jensen’s chin before he rolled out of the bed.

After picking up the plate and setting it on the dresser, he strolled to the bathroom to get a cloth. He washed himself then took it back to Jensen and cleaned him up. Toby tossed it toward the hamper before climbing under the blankets.

He encircled Jensen’s waist, pulling him back against his chest. He sighed as they wiggled to find the perfect spot for both of them. Once he was satisfied, Toby exhaled slowly.

Jensen covered his hand with his. “When I was in rehab, I used to dream of us sleeping like this.”

“Really? What else did you dream about while you were getting better?”

They hadn’t really discussed what had gone on during rehab for Jensen. While Toby had been falling apart because the man he loved had disappeared, Jensen had been in a true fight for the rest of his life. If he hadn’t gotten control of his addiction, Jensen would’ve died eventually, and Toby would’ve lost Jensen forever, not just for six years.

Hell, even him going away for months at a time to climb mountains wasn’t as hard as him falling off the face of the earth without so much as a phone call. At least with the trips, Toby knew where he was, even if he couldn’t talk to him sometimes.

“I dreamed of standing on top of a mountain. It was like I was the only person left on earth,” Jensen said softly.

Toby wasn’t surprised by that dream. It had to be lonely while at the center. Sure, there had been people there to help Jensen, like counselors and doctors. Hell, even the other patients could’ve been seen as support in a way since they knew what Jensen was going through. Yet there wasn’t one person there who had known him from his previous life. No one he could’ve counted as a friend.

At least that was the feeling Toby had gotten from what little Jensen had told him. Jensen had emerged from the program strong and clean, with a new passion for climbing the world’s highest mountains and two new friends. While he’d had one relapse, he hadn’t gotten lost in the drugs and alcohol again.

He’d returned to Toby a changed man. A better man as well, and Toby found himself falling deeper in love with Jensen every day.

“Is that dream why you want to summit Everest? To stand at the top of the world and see how small you are in the grand scheme of things?” Toby got where a mountain could make a man feel like that.

Jensen shrugged. “I don’t need to be reminded how insignificant I am in the world, Toby. I learned that lesson early on in life.”

Toby shifted and wiggled them until Jensen lay on his back and Toby propped himself up over him to look down.

“Don’t you dare say you’re not important or you’re insignificant, Jensen. You’re the most important thing in my world and when you’re not here, I miss you. It’s like there’s a giant hole in my life that nothing except you will fill.” He glared at Jensen.

Smiling, Jensen cradled Toby’s face in his hands. “I know that. Why do you think I came back to you? You were the only person I wanted to see as soon as I got out of rehab. In my dream, I’d stand on the top of the mountain, feeling like I was the only person in the world then it was like your voice would invade my mind and all I knew was there was someone out there who had cared about me at some point. I would pray that you would give me another chance, once I got my act together.”

“Why didn’t you return right after you got out?” Toby nuzzled Jensen’s palm.

“I might have been clean, but I certainly didn’t have myself together. I had to figure out a way to function without the numbness—a way to accept all the shit I couldn’t do anything about while fixing what I could. I didn’t want you to become my next addiction, Toby. I didn’t want to force you to be the ‘sane’ one while I worked the rest of my shit out.”

“I would’ve done it. I would’ve gladly been the one you leaned on while you got better,” he whispered.

Jensen curled up to press a kiss on his lips. “I know that, but I didn’t want that for you. It’s not healthy. I needed to find my own strength, so I could lean on myself first. Trust me, even sober, it wasn’t pretty there for a year or two after rehab. There were times when Jigger and Cat didn’t even want to be around me.”

Toby frowned and Jensen grimaced, obviously trying to think of a better way to explain what he meant.

“Leaning is a two-way street. If I’m to lean on you, you have to have the trust that I’ll be here for you to lean on as well. Do you understand that?”

He nodded.

“But for a while there, I wasn’t strong enough to be leaned against. I wouldn’t have been able to be the foundation you needed to build any dream on. I wasn’t stable and my own core was built on shifting sand for a long time.” Jensen closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “As I learned how to climb, I learned to be patient and to become a person others could trust to be there to help them find their way up or down the mountain. Eventually I discovered I trusted myself not to crumble if things got tough. I wouldn’t reach for drugs—or alcohol—to get me through the trouble. I need a clear mind when I climb. A mistake of a millimeter could be life—or death—and I won’t risk that for myself, you or any of my climbing partners.”

“Thank you for including me in that,” Toby told him.

“Of course. You’re foremost in my mind when I’m climbing.”

“God, I hope not.” Toby tried to sound horrified. “You need to keep your brain a hundred percent focused on the trail ahead of you.”

Jensen punched him in the chest and they laughed while Toby rubbed the spot.

“You know what I’m talking about. You’re the reason I take every precaution to get up and down the mountains safely. I know you’re waiting for me and I refuse not to come back to you. I did that once and it hurt both of us.”

It had hurt them both. Toby knew that and it was one of the reasons why he still had doubts buried deep in his soul about Jensen sticking around. Yet it was something he had to work through on his own because Jensen was doing as he promised and kept returning.

“I appreciate the caution.” Toby rested his fingertips on Jensen’s chest over his heart. “I’m getting used to having you around. I’d hate to have to learn how to live without you again.”

A yawn surprised him and Jensen chuckled.

“We need to get some sleep. You have work in the morning and I have to start getting my shit organized for the trip.”

There was some bumping and shoving as they got situated on the bed again, blankets covering them. Toby kissed Jensen goodnight.

“Dream about something amazing tonight,” he ordered.

“I’ll dream about you,” Jensen replied.



Chapter Four




At the end of the valley and above the glacier Everest rises, not so much a peak as a prodigious mountain-mass…the highest of the world’s mountains, it seems, has to make but a single gesture of magnificence to be lord of all, vast in unchallenged and isolated supremacy.


—George Mallory




“I ordered a new sleeping bag,” Jensen told Jigger as he propped his phone between his shoulder and his ear, so he could type in his address on the website.

“Good. The one you’ve been using is a wreck, dude, and there’s no way it’ll keep you warm enough in Base Camp.” Jigger snorted. “I just emailed the company we’re going through. Looks like there’ll be about eight of us on this expedition, along with three guides. I’m not sure how many Sherpas they’ll be using. Their contact guy is emailing me a list of shit they suggest we take with us.”

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