Wicked Magic (11 page)

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Authors: K. T. Black

BOOK: Wicked Magic
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“That doesn’t surprise me.”

Tip in hand, the driver walked past Chandler and Kara on his way back to the car.

“First class accommodations all the way, I see.” Kara nudged her.

“Pretty much.”

“Lucky bitch.”

Standing by the open door, Alex said, “Come on in, ladies. I’ve poured us all a glass of wine. We can all sit in the kitchen and visit.”

“Sounds good to me. Jake’s still watching one of his games. I’ll never understand why men are so obsessed about sports they’ve never once or ever will play.” As Kara stepped inside, she handed Alex the sack. “Here are all Zelda’s things. I gave her cat dish a quick rinse, but it’ll need a proper wash.”

“Thank you again for taking care of her.” Alex closed the front door once Chandler was inside. Both she and Kara looked on as Chandler released Zelda from her carrier. “I hope she behaved.”

“She was interesting, that’s for sure.” Her eyes focused on the cat.

After taking in her surroundings, Zelda threw an indignant glance toward Alex and then disappeared from view.

“Well, she’ll be a bit upset with me for leaving her,” Alex said. “But all will be forgiven when it’s dinner time.”

“Sounds like my husband.” Kara chuckled.

“Shall we?” Alex directed them toward the kitchen.

As everyone was taking a seat, Kara inquired, “Okay, so what’s going on between you two? First you spend a long weekend in New York, and then there’s your luggage, Chandler.”

“What about my luggage?”
Damn it! Why did she have to be so observant?

“Why didn’t you have the driver put it in your house?”

“Would you like to tell her, or should I?” Alex turned and asked Chandler. “I can do it if you’ve lost your nerve. I know you were hoping to have a little more time to get up the courage. Perhaps a glass or two of wine first.”

“No, I said I would do it.”

Alex reached over and laid her hand on top of Chandler’s. “Are you certain? I really don’t mind.”

“No, no, I can do it.”

Kara looked at both of them. “You’re together, aren’t you?”

Alex looked at Chandler, to allow her to answer, but all Chandler did was smile and nod.

“Oh my God! I knew it.” Kara acted as if she’d known all along.

“Nothing gets past you, does it?” Her response was filled with sarcasm.

“I didn’t think you were
that way

“Well, to be honest, Alex is the only woman I’ve ever considered. Believe it or not, it was a surprise for me as well.” When she felt Alex entwine their fingers, a fleeting look passed between them.

Kara took a good look at Alex, and tipped her head to the side. She appeared to be contemplating something.

“I’m bisexual.”

“Of course you are,” Kara responded as if it was obvious. “Why wouldn’t you be?”

“You’re highly amusing.”

“What can I say? I try.”

“Chandler wouldn’t admit it, but I know she was worried how you would react.”

“Oh hell, I just want her to be happy. If you’re what makes her happy, then it’s fine with me. I’m only mad she didn’t say anything sooner.”

“I needed time to adjust to all of this. I’m not quite as liberated as you two,” Chandler said.

“So now that’s out of the way,” Kara began, “tell me all about your trip to New York.” Looking over at Alex, she gave her a wink. “I’ll get the other details out of Chandler later.”

Chapter 15

Three weeks had passed since Chandler had moved into Alex’s house to live full-time with her. There was a short period of adjustment. Mainly, it was Chandler learning to do her work without being distracted by Alex.

Alex worked about twenty-five hours a week between teaching, meeting with students, homework and staff meetings. Chandler, on the other hand, dedicated at least forty hours a week to her game designing. Even though she had a certain amount of flexibility with her work schedule, she tried to remain consistent.

Last night, it was after midnight before Chandler made her way to bed. In less than a week, she was meeting in Boston with her business partner and the other people involved with producing the
Dark Raiders
videogame series. She was on schedule, but she wanted to make certain she accomplished as much as she could by the time of the meeting.

Weekly meetings were done by video conference, but a couple of times a month Chandler went into the Boston office. When they neared crunch time, the frequency and her work hours would increase until the game was released.

Alex seemed to understand and respect what was required for Chandler to do her job, but during the last few days, Chandler had spent most of her time working on the game. She hadn’t meant to neglect Alex, but old work habits resurfaced. Things would go back to normal after the meeting.

* * * *

Lost in a delicious dream, Chandler felt light touches as they roamed over the sensitive parts of her body. Thinking it was only a dream, she fought waking up. She believed the sensation would end once she did.

When she felt the firm pressure of fingers teasing her between her legs and something warm and wet latching onto her breast, her eyelids fluttered open as she realized it wasn’t a dream. She looked down, and discovered that the bed covers had been pulled aside. She’d also been stripped of all her clothing. Alex was lying on top of her as she worshipped her body.

About to comment, her breath hitched, followed by a low moan when an extra hard suck and the firm press of a thumb caused a surge of pleasure to radiate throughout her body. Alex smiled around a mouthful of breast before she looked up.

When Chandler stared into her eyes, Alex redoubled her efforts. She had little time to think before she succumbed to a powerful orgasm. As Chandler lay panting, Alex waited until she recovered before she leaned up and gave her a kiss.

“Good morning, dear Chandler.” Alex grinned evilly. “I do hope you slept well.”

“I was hoping for a little more sleep.”

“You didn’t like how I woke you up?” She over exaggerated her surprised expression.

“I didn’t say that. I just prefer to sleep past eight o’clock when I’ve been up half the night working.”

“Actually, it’s after seven.”

Chandler stole glance at the clock and groaned.

“You only have yourself to blame,” Alex pointed out while she drew lazy circles on Chandler’s stomach. “You told me yesterday you’d finish your work at a decent hour.”

“I said I’d try.”

“You need to try harder.” Alex leaned down and kissed her again.

“I’ll be better once I’m past this work meeting. I wanted to be prepared is all.”

“I know you do. But let’s not think about work right now.” Alex reached for Chandler’s hand and brought it down between her legs. “I have a little over an hour before I need to get ready for work. I don’t want to waste it talking.”

* * * *

Wide awake, thanks to Alex, Chandler ended up beginning her work day earlier than she’d anticipated. Once she was situated in her office, Chandler started going through all of her work-related emails. After she responded to her colleagues’ questions, Chandler considered taking today easier. She was on schedule, and there weren’t any foreseeable problems. Only working half the day wasn’t going to dramatically change that.

Decision made, Chandler thought she would surprise Alex by making dinner for her. If she worked until one o’clock, she would have plenty of time to go do some shopping and still have time to prepare dinner before Alex got home. Then later, they could spend the evening together. Maybe even go out to a movie. She’d leave the latter up to Alex.

After she figured out what she wanted for her menu, she typed out a brief list of all the ingredients she’d need for tonight’s meal. Once she’d printed it out, Chandler dove into her work.

* * * *

With a bouquet of Gerber daisies and mums in one hand and a sack of groceries in the other, Chandler went to unlock the door. As she put the key in the look, she discovered the front door was already open. She frowned, positive she’d locked the door before she left for the store.

As she made her way into the house, Chandler was surprised to find Zelda waiting for her just inside the door. The cat meowed at her, and danced about as if something was going on. That was unusual behavior for Zelda, but Chandler was so focused on what she needed to do for dinner that she walked by the cat without a second thought.

Zelda scrambled after her and yowled up a storm, as she tried to get Chandler to pay attention. Chandler slowed her pace somewhat and looked down at the cat.

“What’s going on, Zelda? If you’re thinking it's dinner time, you’re off by at least a few hours.”

The closer they got to the kitchen, the more persistent Zelda became. When the cat crossed in front of her, nearly causing her to trip, Chandler looked at the cat and scolded, “Damn it, Zelda! What are you doing?”

When Chandler looked back up, she froze when she noticed who was standing in the kitchen area. Zelda was quiet now as she stood beside Chandler.

“Hello, Chandler. You should have paid attention to the cat.”

Chandler stared at the uninvited guest in the house. “Millie? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Now is that any way to greet someone?” Millie tisked. As she walked up to Chandler, Zelda growled. She took a moment to smirk at the cat, and then she focused on Chandler. “Mm, such pretty flowers. Although I believe roses are Alex’s favorite.”

“Answer me. Why are you here?” Millie was up to something, and Chandler didn’t like speculating what that could be. “And how did you get in?”

“Why don’t you set that sack down before you drop it?” Millie drew her attention to the items in her arms. “Then you and I can finish the little chat we started in New York.”

Chandler wanted to argue, but the sack was getting heavy. Millie stepped back and moved around the kitchen island. She stood where the chairs were located but didn’t take a seat.

Chandler set the sack and flowers on the counter. From the corner of her eye, she noticed as Zelda jumped up on the counter across from the island. She wasn’t allowed on the counter, but Chandler made no effort to scoot her down.

“I know it’s awfully rude of me to just drop in, but it’s a bit difficult to announce myself when Alex has changed her number yet again.” When Chandler didn’t move, Millie said, “Go on. I’m sure you have some things that you don’t want to spoil. Go ahead and put them away. We have time. I have nowhere special to be.”

Most of the things Chandler bought needed to be refrigerated, but a few of the items could be placed inside the pantry. She knew if she was quick, she could get off a text message to Alex. Her heart pounded as she put the perishable items inside the fridge. Once she stepped inside the pantry, she went to fish her cell phone out of her front pocket. She panicked when she couldn’t find it, and searched all her pockets. She knew she’d taken it with her when she’d left the house.

“Something wrong?” Millie called out to her.

Letting out a sigh of resignation, Chandler folded up the sack and placed it in its slot. She turned and headed back into Millie’s view. Standing in front of her, with her hand outstretched, Millie showed Chandler that she had her smart phone.

“How did you get my phone?” Chandler sprung forward to retrieve it.

“You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Millie allowed her to take it.

Chandler tried to activate it, but nothing happened. It was dead, like the battery was completely depleted.

“What did you do to it?”

“I’ve disabled it, for now. I’d prefer it if we could talk without any interruptions.” Then Millie looked at the bouquet of flowers still lying on the counter. “Oh, don’t forget those gorgeous flowers. I’m certain Alex will be surprised when she sees them. Simple can sometimes seem more attractive than elegant.” Chandler knew she wasn’t talking about the flowers.

After setting her useless phone on the counter, Chandler found a vase to put the flowers in. She considered turning around and running out of the house, but something stopped her. When she entertained the thought of leaving, it seemed impossible. It was as if she knew Millie would stop her if she even attempted it.

“I’ve been quite concerned about you. I know, I don’t look like the type to give a shit about anyone else, but you’ll find I’m full of surprises.” Millie watched as she arranged the flowers and filled the vase with water.

“Yes, I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about me.” Chandler’s response was flippant. She set the vase on the counter, and moved where her view of Millie was unimpeded.

“But I am.” Millie acted hurt by the implication. “I could tell when I met you that you haven’t had much experience with a person such as Alex. There is so much more to her than I know she’s let you see.”

Chandler leaned against the kitchen island. “I wish you would just tell me why you’re here.”

“Don’t you see? I am. And, I’m prepared to elaborate, if you will do me the courtesy of listening.”

“Well, that all depends upon what you have to say.”

“Yes, it does, doesn’t it? It also depends on how well you understand.”

“Then tell me this golden tidbit of knowledge you’re so positive I need to know.” Chandler was growing impatient.

“Have you noticed anything unusual since you’ve been in Alex’s presence?”

“What am I supposed to have seen?”

“That answers my first question.” Millie paused for a moment as she seemed to contemplate something. “There’s a good deal more to Alex than she’s told you, or even allowed you to see. Things that I understand quite well.”

“Such as?”

“I imagine before you met her, you were visited by an elderly woman?” Millie waited for Chandler’s reaction. “I’m right, aren’t I?”


“She’s here in this room with you.”

Chandler laughed, as she felt like her time was being wasted. “Who? You?”

“No, the cat,” Millie answered, as if she was an idiot.

Chandler glanced over her shoulder at Zelda. The cat looked up, appearing to understand every word said.

“That’s ridiculous. You’re actually trying to get me to believe the cat can transform into a human?”

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