Wicked Magic (12 page)

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Authors: K. T. Black

BOOK: Wicked Magic
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“Yes, she can.”

“Okay, if she can, I’d like to see it.” She focused on Zelda, and tried to hold back her laughter. “Come on, Zelda, morph into a person for me.”

“Alex has to turn her.”

“Sure she does.” She thought Millie was a complete nut. “Let’s say Alex can do what you’re trying to imply. Why would she do that?”

“The cat is her familiar. Alex uses Zelda for things she wants.”

“Really? Is that the best story you could come up with?” Chandler shook her head, feeling amused. Millie appeared to believe what she was saying. “I mean, what are you trying to say? That Alex is a witch?”


“And you know this how?”

“Because I’m one.”

“Wow! Of all the things you could tell me—”

“I know. Something like this requires proof, something you can see in order to believe it. I understand. And, I shall provide it for you in time, but right now I have more to tell you.”

“Please, do enlighten me.”

“Of all her magic, Alex loves that antique mirror of hers the most. You know the one I’m talking about. The one in her bedroom. It’s always where she’s kept it.”

“What’s so special about the mirror?”

“It shows more than a reflection. She uses it for her voyeuristic propensities.”

“You’re trying to tell me she spied on me, is that it?” The more Millie told Chandler, the more preposterous her explanation seemed.

“Oh, I’m more than certain she did. I wouldn’t be surprised if she recorded a few things as well.”

“Next you’ll be telling me I’m under the effects of a love potion.”

“It’s possible you could be under the effects of something.” It was obvious Millie was trying to fill her with doubts. “You must admit, she did get involved with you rather suddenly.”

Chandler stopped smiling. There were enough stated truths to cause her to pause and consider everything she said, no matter how outlandish it sounded.

“No.” Chandler shook her head with emphasis. It wasn’t funny anymore. “This is all bullshit. You’re just screwing with me.”

“I didn’t expect you to believe without actual proof.”

“Then prove it.”

“If you insist.”

Moving around the kitchen island, Millie approached Chandler. She hesitated a moment when Chandler started to back away from her, and Zelda growled, preparing to pounce.

“It won’t hurt.”

Chandler eyed Millie, hesitant to trust her.

“I promise.”

Chandler stood her ground, while Millie reached inside her front pants pocket to retrieve something. As soon as Millie held the object up, it sparkled, and captured Chandler’s attention. Afterward, something shifted, and caused Chandler’s behavior to alter.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Chandler stared at it, completely enthralled. “It’s a writing pen.”

“A special writing pen.”

Moving forward, Millie extended her hand. All Chandler could think about was how much she wanted to touch it. Just before she did, Zelda growled and hissed. Chandler stopped moving and glared at the cat. Millie lowered her arm. When Chandler could no longer see the pen, she became anxious as she searched for it in Millie’s hands.

“Why don’t you put Zelda outside?” Her voice was low and persuasive. “Then you can have the pen.”

“Okay.” It didn’t make any sense, but Chandler felt compelled to follow her instructions. The desire to have that pen outweighed reason at the moment.

She walked over to where the cat was sitting and attempted to pick her up. Zelda fought her until Millie said, “Behave, Zelda. You don’t want Chandler to get hurt, do you?”

The cat appeared to huff out a breath as she stared at Millie. She allowed Chandler to pick her up and put her outside.

When Chandler returned, Millie wore an arrogant expression.

“Come closer, Chandler.”

She moved next to Millie, and smiled as she looked down at the hand that held the pen.

When Millie once more held it out to Chandler, she encouraged, “Go on. Take it.”

A thrill surged through Chandler as she accepted it. Once it was in her hand, she took her time and examined every inch of it from every possible angle.

“But it’s only a pen.” She beamed, so captivated by it that she worried it would disappear if she looked away from it.

“Is it?” Millie appeared pleased by her response. “Look at all of it. Don’t miss any part.”

Chandler nodded. As she removed the cap, the exposed ballpoint made contact with the skin of her hand. A flash of blue smoke puffed from the pen. Before Chandler could react, her hand absorbed it.

“Millie?” Chandler questioned as she felt lightheaded and confused. Her body began to weaken and her legs threatened to give out.

Millie reached out and caught Chandler, preventing her from falling.

“W-what…what was—”

“Something to help you sleep,” Millie finished for her.

As Chandler’s body got heavier and her eyes threatened to close, she managed to utter one last word. “Poison?”

“No, Chandler. Just something to bring clarity.”

Then the world, for Chandler, went black.

Chapter 16

Something felt off as Alex pulled into her driveway. Once she’d parked the car and turned it off, a flash of gray jumped down off the front porch and sprinted over to the driver’s side door. When Alex discovered it was Zelda, she opened her door, but remained seated.

Confused, she looked down and asked, “Zelda? What are you doing outside?”

The cat yowled as she peered up at her mistress’s face. Alex patted the passenger side seat. Zelda responded by jumping up first onto Alex’s lap, and then over to where she indicated.

After she shut her door, Alex turned and focused on Zelda. She did a quick scan of the area, and once she determined it was safe, Alex waved her hand in front of Zelda. A minute later, Zelda was transformed into Zee.

“What’s going on?” Alex felt herself begin to panic as she took in Zee’s agitated expression.

“Millie’s here. She broke into the house early this afternoon.”

“Has something happened?” Alex searched her face, anxious to determine what was going on.

“Yes, but I don’t know exactly what. She bewitched Chandler and made her put me outside.”

Alex didn’t need to hear anything else. She reached over, shoved the car door opened, and jumped up to her feet. Zee mirrored her actions. Both women ran up to the front porch, Zee trailing behind Alex. When Alex tried the front door, she found that it was unlocked.

Once they were inside, Alex called out, “Chandler!”

When Alex noticed Millie, she narrowed her eyes, and moved with purpose toward her.

“What have you done?” Alex was furious as she rushed toward Millie. “Where’s Chandler?”

Millie jumped up from the kitchen chair she was seated in. Holding up her hands in front of her, Millie attempted to hold Alex off.

“Just calm down, Alex.” Millie backed away and managed to keep herself out of Alex’s reach.

“Don’t tell me to calm down.” Alex surged forward. She wanted to strangle the woman.

“You will if you want to help Chandler.”

Alex stopped. She was breathing hard, seething with anger. Somehow, she managed to control herself enough to deal with her.

“That’s better.” Millie treated Alex as if she was a child.

“Start talking. Now!”

“You’re not the one with all the power right now. For once, I am.” She looked around Alex. “Zee, why don’t you have a seat and get comfortable?”

“Go ahead, Zee.” Alex remained focused on Millie as Zee walked past her and took a seat at one of the kitchen island chairs.

“Millie, if you think by doing whatever it is you’ve done, that it’s going to change anything, you’re completely insane.”

“I don’t expect it to.” Millie sounded unaffected by Alex’s tone. “I’m here for a different purpose.”

“If you’ve hurt Chandler—”

“She’s fine.” Millie gave a frustrated sigh. “Once I’ve had a chance to talk to you, I will take you to her.”

“She’d better be,” Alex threatened.

“Tell me, Alex, did you ever get around to telling your beloved everything about you?” Alex glared at her, but didn’t respond. “No? Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“I don’t see why it’s any of your business.”

“If you care so much about her, why haven’t you told her?”

“Is that why you’re here?”

“Yes, Alex, it is. I know, I’m a spiteful kind of bitch, but I don’t like the way you left things with me. Thinking you could just pick up and leave and there’d be no consequences.”

“I didn’t just leave you,” Alex pointed out. “You cheated on me and I ended the relationship. I don’t know what you expected to happen, but I can’t believe you’d think I’d look the other way after what you did to me.”

“Maybe not, but I’m not going to sit by and watch you live happily here in the country.”

“Then I have to ask, did you tell her about me?”

“Oh, I alluded to it, but I’m saving that for you.”

“Really, and how do you expect that to happen?”

“You remember my grandmother, don’t you, Alex?” Millie appeared pleased by her surprised reaction. “I see you do.”

“What did she make for you?”

“Oh, a sleeping spell with a little something extra. One with a catch that I’ll need to explain. Something that will make me feel better about your newfound relationship.”

“I hope you’re ready for the repercussions that will follow.”

“I’ve already anticipated everything you might consider.”

“I don’t have to use magic to deal with you.”

“Maybe so, but today I will get the pleasure of seeing you grovel before your lover.”

“What makes you so certain she’s going to reject me once she knows? Unless you’ve manipulated the outcome.”

“It’s true. I have given Chandler some things to consider. For the last few hours, those ideas have been bouncing around inside her head while she’s been asleep.”

“So no matter what I do, I’m screwed.”

Millie snickered. “What do you say we get this started? Hmm? Wake up Chandler and let her learn all the things you’ve kept hidden about yourself.”

Looking behind Alex, Millie told Zee, “I’ll need you there as well.”

Zee stood and walked over beside Alex. They both waited for Millie to tell them what to do next.

“If you’ll be so kind as to lead us to your bedroom.” Millie gestured in the direction of the stairs.

Alex hesitated when she started to open her bedroom door. As much as she needed to know Chandler was all right, she worried how this day was going to end. Mentally kicking herself, Alex realized she should have told Chandler all about herself before now. Then Millie wouldn’t have been able to distort the truth.

Growing up special, Alex knew it could be off-putting for the average person when they learned she was a witch with magical abilities. They either tried to take advantage of that knowledge, or regarded her with fear.

Millie was the only one, outside of her immediate family, that Alex had ever met who was even close to what she was. They understood each other, but Millie possessed minimal power. What little she did have, she used to keep herself looking young and beautiful. She was an expert at manipulating others with her beauty.

Because they were so similar, Alex had tried harder than usual to make her relationship with Millie work. Even when Alex began suspecting Millie was only interested in her for her abilities, she’d made excuses for Millie’s behavior.

Millie had hoped one day that a portion of Alex’s magic might be shared with her. What she didn’t understand was that a love bond was required for the partial sharing of power. It was something that was never destined between the two women. Deep down Millie must have realized this. Alex believed that was the motivation behind Millie cheating on her.

As everyone stepped inside the room, Alex’s attention went to the still figure sleeping on the bed. She watched the shallow rise and fall of Chandler’s chest as she slept.

“See, Alex, unharmed, just as I said.”

“Tell me what I have to do to fix this.” Alex tried to comprehend how she’d ever allowed herself to get involved with such a vindictive person.

“It’s going to take more than a kiss to break this particular spell.” Millie walked over to one side of the bed and looked down upon Chandler’s sleeping form. “You must also reveal the secrets you’ve been keeping from her.”

“Nothing like a bit of revenge to make you feel better. Right, Millie? Fine, whatever, let’s just get this over with.” Alex moved toward the side of the bed where Chandler was sleeping.

“Wait!” Millie stopped Alex. She held up a vial for her to see. “You’ll need this to rouse Chandler from her sleep.”

Alex eyed the vial, concerned with what all its contents were meant to do.

“You expect me to give that to her?”

“No, Alex. It’s for you. It’s mostly a truth serum, but has a few extra little surprises included. Specifically, something to prevent you from retaliating against me with or without magic.” Millie walked over to hand her the vial. “And you can’t undo it.”

Alex accepted the vial. She held it up and examined it. When she focused back on Millie, she decided to mess with her before she gave in and took the potion. It wouldn’t change anything, but she’d feel better. “It must make you feel terribly inadequate possessing so little magic that you have to ask your grandmother for help. I know this is her work. I can only guess what you had to promise her to get her to prepare this for you.” Alex was pleased by Millie’s deflated reaction. She knew how much it bothered her. “But you know the sad thing? If your grandmother wasn’t so greedy and just dark enough with her magic, you and your mother would be more powerful than you are. Because of your grandmother’s selfish ways, neither one of you were ever allowed to develop your abilities. All because she believed her power would decrease in strength if she allowed it to be shared. She was wrong, of course. Nonetheless, I think it was probably a good thing she hoarded it. I shudder to think what damage you could do otherwise.”

“Shut up!” Millie spat out. “Stop stalling and drink the liquid in the vial.”

“Before I do, I’m going to add one more little piece to this potion. After we’re done here, and you leave Castleton, Chandler and I will never see you again. You will move away and live your life without ever again interfering in our lives, or with anyone else tied to us. It will be as if we never knew each other. And we will never cross paths again.”

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