Wicked Magic (9 page)

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Authors: K. T. Black

BOOK: Wicked Magic
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Alex stood and avoided her gaze. “I’d better get in the shower and change. We don’t have much time before the car comes for us.”

The response was abrupt. It left Chandler staring after Alex as she disappeared inside the bathroom.

Chapter 12

The elevator ride to the studio floor was quiet and filled with tension. Alex had intended for this day to be a fun experience to share with Chandler. The way Millie was behaving, she worried how today was going to end. She wished she could have talked Chandler into doing something else while she worked, but she’d been stubborn. All she could do was make the best of things and hope Millie didn’t try anything.

As soon as the elevator doors slid open, a short, middle-aged Puerto Rican woman with a Bluetooth headset and a handheld computer pad greeted them.

“Alex. Good, you’re here.” The woman was a bundle of nervous energy. She seemed to be jet propelled by a gallon of caffeine. “Roger told me to bring you directly to him before getting started.”

“Is something wrong?” Alex asked.

“No, only a few last minute changes. You know, the typical chaos.” She indicated for Alex and Chandler to follow her. “Two of the damn interns called in sick today, so I’m short-handed. I don’t believe for a minute they’re sick. They’ll wish they were when I see them next. I’m good at coming up with unpleasant tasks.”

Alex grinned as she pictured it.

“I made certain that all of your equipment is accounted for and all set up.”

“Thank you, Anna. I do appreciate it.”

“And who is this?” Anna asked, peering up at Chandler.

“This is Chandler.”

“Hello,” she said. Anna gave a slight nod of acknowledgement.

“And this is Anna,” Alex told Chandler. “Roger’s number one assistant, and terrorizer of young interns.”

“Someone has to keep this place running smoothly.” Anna sported an arrogant grin.

As they maneuvered past harried people making last minute preparations, Alex spotted Roger. Even among the other models, he stood out. He was a tall, exotic-looking African American in his mid-fifties, although he looked to be in his forties. His head was shaved bald except for about a quarter inch of growth on top. Dressed in a designer suit and tie, his tailor-made clothing accentuated his muscular physique.

“Is that Roger?” Chandler asked Alex.

“Yes, that’s Roger.”

“He’s beautiful. I thought he was one of the models when I first noticed him.”

“He was a model at one time,” Anna told her.

“Do I need to be worried?” Alex teased.

Chandler blushed and shook her head.

When Roger noticed them approaching, a huge smile filled his face. He ended his phone call and snuck a look at Chandler as he headed toward Alex.

“Alex. I’ve sure missed you.” Roger hugged her. “It seems like forever since I last saw you.”

“Stop exaggerating. It hasn’t been that long.”

“This place isn’t the same without you.” Roger released Alex and took a step backward. “So, who is this lovely young lady?”

“This is Chandler.”

He extended his hand. “I’m Roger.”

Chandler accepted his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Roger.”

“So you’re the one who’s stolen Alex’s heart.” He took the opportunity to check her out.

She squirmed and turned her head toward Alex. “Well—”

“Don’t tease her, or I’ll pack up my gear and leave.”

“You’d never do that to me.”

“Don’t be so sure.” She tried to maintain her serious look, but ended up failing when he laughed. She missed their easy banter.

“Well, I definitely approve.”

“I’m so relieved.” Her reply was filled with sarcasm.

Appearing to ignore her comment, Roger focused on Chandler. “I got you and Alex tickets to
for tomorrow evening. I hope that’s all right?”

Alex looked to Chandler, eager to witness her reaction.

“Yes.” Chandler beamed with excitement. “I’ve been wanting to see it, but I never seemed to make the time.”

“I have another surprise for you as well. Anna’s going to take you to see Philip. He’s going to outfit you with the perfect dress and shoes for your big date tomorrow night. It’s all been arranged by Alex.”

“Thank you. That’s very nice of both of you.”

“It’s nothing.” Roger turned to Anna and gave her a look which communicated a silent request. She nodded and smiled.

“Come on, Cinderella,” Anna said to Chandler.

“Have fun.” Alex watched as she dragged Chandler along with her. “Anna mentioned that there are some last minute changes.”

“A few minor ones. Before we go over those, I wanted to warn you that Millie is one of the models we’re using today.” He looked like that was the last thing he wanted to tell her.

“Yeah, I already know. I ran into her this morning, or should I say, she tracked me down. Fortunately, Chandler wasn’t with me.”

“I was afraid of that.”

Alex narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t give her my new number, did you?”

“No, Alex. I would never do that to you.”

“Someone did, and when I find out who it is there’s going to be hell to pay. She’s been non-stop texting and phoning me since we left Boston yesterday. Now I’m going to have to change my number again.”

“You could get her number blocked.”

“It’s easier to get a new number.”

“I’m sorry she’s being a pain in the ass. It wasn’t my decision to use her today.”

“It’s all right, Roger. As long as she behaves, I can be professional about this.”

“Good, because as much as the client wanted you, he wanted to use her as well.”

Alex shook her head. “You’re such a whore, Roger.”

“It’s just business. You know how it is.”

* * * *

Alex was checking over her equipment when she felt someone invading her space. She turned and looked up to find Millie standing next to her.

“Do you need something?” Alex was annoyed by Millie’s presence.

“I thought we already went over that this morning.”

Alex scanned the room, wanting to make certain Chandler hadn’t returned yet.

“Looking for someone?” Millie inquired in a mocking tone. “Don’t worry. I’m sure she’s still playing dress up with Philip. It’s Chandler, isn’t it?”

Trying to keep her temper in check, Alex glared at her. This wasn’t the time or place to lose control. She was glad that most of the other people were involved in what they were doing so that no one was paying attention to them. The music playing in the background also added a limited level of privacy as they spoke to one another.

“She’s sweet, Alex.” Millie tried to bait her.

“I’m not getting into this here with you.”

“Does she know, Alex? Does she know what you really are?” When Alex didn’t respond, Millie said, “No? It can be hard for regular people to accept, can’t it? That could be a problem for you, couldn’t it? Because I’m certain you have no intention of living like ordinary people any more than I do.”

“And you also forget that your abilities are nothing compared to mine,” Alex warned.

“Maybe so, but words can oftentimes do as much damage, or more, than actions. It would be such a shame if your new little romance ran into a few nasty snags. Wouldn’t it?”

“You go near Chandler and I’ll make you sorry.”

“We shall see.” Millie leaned closer to Alex’s face. “Now, won’t we?”

“Get away from me before I have you pulled from today’s shoot. And don’t think I can’t make it happen.”

* * * *

Finished with Philip, Chandler started to head back to the studio. Along the way, she ended up stopping at the restroom. When she’d entered the room, there were two young models primping and gossiping in front of the mirror of the lounge area. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t acknowledge Chandler as she passed by, which was fine with her.

A few minutes later, when Chandler was washing her hands, another model entered the restroom. As soon as the two young women noticed the look directed at them, by the older model, they gathered up their things and left.

While Chandler dried her hands, the woman approached her. When she recognized that it was Alex’s ex-girlfriend, Millie Winters, Chandler froze, paralyzed as the icy rush of panic filled her body. The way Millie looked at her suggested she knew who she was as well. Not wanting to deal with Millie, Chandler looked away and began heading for the door.

Millie stepped in front of Chandler and prevented her from leaving. As she looked her up and down, Millie frowned, as if she disapproved. “You’re Chandler, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” She managed to stand her ground. The woman was more intimidating in person than she looked in her photographs.

“I’m Millie Winters, but you already know that, don’t you?”

Chandler nodded as she maintained eye contact.

“Did Alex tell you about me?”

“No. Not really.”

“No?” Millie tipped her head to the side and appeared confused. “That’s a bit surprising.” She thought a moment. “The internet?”

Chandler didn’t answer.

“Of course. Wanted to know your competition. Smart. I’ve checked you out as well. I must say, you really don’t seem Alex’s type. In fact, I would hazard a guess that she’s the first woman you’ve ever been with. Am I right?”

Chandler stared at her and wished she could figure out how to leave.

“Gay or straight, it is hard to resist Alex’s charms. Although, I must warn you, Alex is a bit of a player. I think the longest relationship she’s ever had was with me, and that was a little over a year.”

“You seem bitter about that.”

“Ouch.” Millie chuckled. “Spunkier than you look.”

“And you’re a bitch.” Chandler narrowed her eyes. She felt cornered and she didn’t like it. Angry emotions churned in her stomach, making her both lightheaded and nauseous at the same time.

“Oh, you have no idea.” Millie laughed, responding as if Chandler had paid her an enormous compliment.

“No, I think I do.”

“I see a bit of Alex has rubbed off on you.” Millie sounded impressed. “But I dare say she hasn’t revealed all her secrets to you yet. I wonder what you’ll do when you know all of her. Will you like what you find out?”

“I don’t see why you care so much about my relationship with Alex unless it’s because she’s with me instead of you.”

“Hey, I’m just trying to give you fair warning, something I wish somebody had done for me.” Millie acted as if she was doing Chandler some huge favor.

“It’s touching how concerned you are for me. As much as I’d like to stand here and discuss this with you, I’d rather get back to the studio and see Alex work.” Chandler walked around Millie and exited the restroom without looking back.

Chapter 13

By the time Chandler returned to the studio, the photo shoot was well underway. Anna met her as soon as she appeared inside the room, and then showed her where she could sit and observe. The woman scurried away once Chandler was settled.

Still going over the conversation she’d had with Millie, Chandler barely noticed the scene playing out before her. Millie was worse than she’d anticipated. Her behavior reminded Chandler of how her stepmother and stepsisters treated her. Millie was a pretentious bully, identical to them in many ways. Trying to imply that not only was Alex using her, but insinuating that Alex was hiding something from her as well. It all led Chandler to one conclusion. Millie was still carrying a torch for Alex. As she pondered that, she wondered if Alex still cared at all for Millie. Alex never talked about her, so she’d assumed that she didn’t, but now she wasn’t one hundred percent certain.

What Chandler hated the most about their impromptu meeting was the doubts Millie had placed in her mind. Being here in New York, seeing the life and the friends Alex had left behind, she wondered how long it would be before Alex grew bored of her and Castleton. Was she a novelty, someone for Alex to use like Millie was trying to insinuate?

When Millie returned to the studio, preparing to take her turn in front of the camera, Chandler found the woman staring at her. A triumphant smile adorned Millie’s face as she seemed to know she’d gotten to Chandler.

Attempting to appear as if Millie hadn’t affected her, Chandler redirected her attention to Alex. That worked until Millie and another model replaced the previous models Alex had been photographing. As soon as Millie was in front of Alex, Chandler noticed her visible reaction. Where Alex had been easygoing and fluid with the other models, she was more rigid and sharper in tone as she directed the next set of shots.

A few hours later, when the session was finished, Chandler watched as Alex gave her camera to an assistant. After instructions were given to the young man, Alex made her way over to Chandler. Looking past Alex, Chandler noticed Millie was lagging behind, eyeing them. Acting on impulse, Chandler stood up from her chair and met Alex halfway. Wrapping her arms around Alex’s shoulders, Chandler leaned up and kissed her. It was a simple kiss, but one meant to let Millie know that Alex was hers.

Surprised, Alex hesitated before she responded. She put her arms around Chandler’s waist and kissed her back. When Alex pulled back, she wore a confused but pleased expression. “What was that for?”

“Do I need a reason to kiss you?”


“Is there anything else planned for today?” Chandler tuned out everything else going on around them, content to remain in Alex’s arms.

“A few people are getting together at one of the local clubs later. We’ve been invited, but I thought I would leave it up to you whether or not we go.”

Chandler thought a moment. “Would you be upset if we went back to the hotel? I’d rather spend the night in, just you and me.”

“If that’s what you’d like to do.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to miss doing stuff with your friends while you’re here.”

“We won’t be missing anything. It’s mostly the younger models and crew that are going.”

“Because we could go if you’d rather.”

“No, going back to the hotel is fine. I need to finish up here with a few more things and then we can head out. Okay?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

Alex gave Chandler a quick kiss and then left her.

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