Wicked Magic (13 page)

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Authors: K. T. Black

BOOK: Wicked Magic
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As soon as Alex was finished, the liquid in the vial changed from light blue to purple. Millie appeared upset as she looked from the vial to Alex’s face.

“Whatever.” She failed when she tried to look unaffected by Alex’s alteration. “It’s worth seeing you suffer.”

“I hope so.”

“One last thing. If you attempt to deviate from the truth, even a little bit, when Chandler wakes up tomorrow morning she’ll no longer remember who you are or want anything to do with you. Nothing you do will change it. So if I were you, I’d consider how you’re going to answer the questions posed when she’s awake. Answer correctly, and the spell will break after the questions are asked. If not, you end up cursing yourselves forever.”

Alex stared at Chandler, wondering how they found themselves in this predicament. She wished she hadn’t been so arrogant as to believe that Millie wouldn’t dare to try and go against her. It was apparent that had been a huge mistake on her part.

“What are you waiting for?” Millie asked. “Get on with it.”

Removing the stopper, Alex held the vial up to her lips. She tipped it back and allowed her mouth to fill with the bitter tasting liquid. It sat there a moment before she forced herself to swallow it.

Alex closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. When she reopened her eyes, she perceived a purple hue around her body for an instant.

A tingling sensation filled her body as the effects of the liquid activated inside. After she adjusted to her altered state, Alex looked over at Millie, waiting for her instructions on what she wanted her to do.

“Kiss her.”

Alex moved up closer to the bed. She brushed her hand across Chandler’s cheek before she leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. When nothing happened, Alex stood back and gave Millie a questioning look.

“Give it a minute.”

When Alex returned her gaze to Chandler, she noticed pale cheeks filled once more with color. Then Chandler gasped and her eyelids began to flutter as she started to wake up.

Relieved, Alex released the breath she’d been holding. She wanted to go over and wrap Chandler up in her arms and reassure her that everything was going to be all right. Something stopped her, physically preventing her from moving.

Awake and aware, Chandler sat up, looking around the room at everyone, a puzzled expression on her face.

“What’s going on?” Her attention shifted between Alex and Millie.

Alex wanted to answer, but found herself unable to speak. Millie responded for her.

“Remember when I said I’d provide you with proof for the things I was telling you about earlier? I was waiting for Alex to arrive. In order for you to understand, she is the one who must explain it.”

Chandler turned her head and focused on Alex. Cocking her head to the side, a scowl formed on her face as she seemed to be considering something.

“Don’t be shy. Ask her your questions.”

Alex waited and wished she could alter this situation. Having a good idea what she might ask, she dreaded how Chandler was going to react when she learned the answer.

“Millie seems to think you’re a witch. That’s not true, is it?”

Looking down at her feet, Alex closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Like it or not, she had to answer all of Chandler’s and Millie’s questions. As much as she hated being forced to reveal herself to Chandler this way, she didn’t want to change the spell into a curse. The problem was, Millie was going to twist the wording of the questions to make the answers work against her.

“Chandler asked you a question, Alex.” Millie prodded her. “Answer her.”

Alex’s eyes tilted upward as she struggled with the answer.
Just say the words
, she thought, but her mouth refused to work.

“Go on. Tell her.”

“Yes, it’s true. I am a witch.”

“Oh, come on. Witches don’t exist.” Chandler acted like it was a joke. “Why would you say that?”

“It’s true, Chandler. I have never lied to you.”

She shook her head in disbelief.

“You need to show her.” Millie looked over at Zee. “Why don’t you come closer and assist your mistress.”

As Zee ventured into view, Chandler appeared surprised. “You’re the woman from that night at the bar and grill, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I am.”

“But she’s so much more, isn’t she, Alex?” Alex didn’t answer. “Change her back into her true self.”

With only a moment of hesitation, Alex raised her hand and waved it in front of Zee. Once Zee was engulfed in gray smoke, Chandler’s mouth dropped open as she witnessed the gradual transformation of woman into the cat she knew as Zelda.

“Holy shit!” Chandler exclaimed as she watched Zelda hop up onto the bed. With a tentative hand, Chandler reached out to pet the cat as it curled up next to her. “It’s true.”

“Yes, it is. But Alex has more to answer for, don’t you think, Chandler?”

“Don’t you think Chandler should be the one asking the questions?’ Alex asked, irritated that Millie was trying to dictate things. She didn’t enjoy feeling out of control, but there was little she could do without dire consequences.

“Oh, don’t worry, she will. I’m just going to help her out a little. Point her in the right direction, so to speak.”

Millie turned and focused on Chandler. “So now that you believe, I’d think there’s one very definite thing I’d be concerned about if I were you. You saw that she can do magic. Doesn’t it make you wonder what she can manipulate with it?’ Chandler glanced over at Alex, and studied her as Millie spoke. “Say, for instance, a spell of attraction. Don’t you find it odd how quickly you got together with Alex?”

“Did you put me under a spell?” Alex flinched when the question was asked.

“No. I never did, nor have I ever wanted to.”

“But you do know how to do something like that? You know how to put a love spell on someone?”

“There’s no such thing as a love spell. Love is too powerful to be magically manipulated. Lust, on the hand, is different.”

“Have you ever put a lust spell on someone before?”

Alex let out a breath. “Yes, a few times when I was younger.” Noticing Chandler’s look, she amended. “But it never turned out well. Repercussions always follow when you attempt to manipulate someone, and it’s not something that I practice anymore.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me? Why did you keep who you are, and what you can do, a secret from me?”

“Yes, Alex. Please elaborate.”

Alex gave Millie a dirty look. It would be so easy to shut her up.

“Well?” Chandler waited.

“I always intended to tell you. Our relationship, it was such an adjustment for you, I didn’t want to overload you with one more detail. When my parents return from Europe next month, I planned on taking you to meet them and the rest of my family. At that point, I intended to explain everything to you. But until then, I wanted us to have as much time as possible to be a normal couple. I knew things would be somewhat different once you knew about the magic, but I was going to tell you.”

Chandler seemed to consider Alex’s explanation.

“That sounds awfully convenient,” Millie said.

Alex’s temper flared. “It’s the truth.”

Chandler gave the impression she was starting to sympathize with Alex, but it was obvious that Millie intended to make her doubt her.

“Then that leaves us just one last thing to discuss. The antique mirror hanging in this room. I’m sure Chandler doesn’t realize how special it is.”

“What about the mirror?” Chandler looked over where it was hanging on the wall.

“In my family, it’s something that is passed down from mother to the eldest daughter.” Alex attempted to stall.

“As interesting as that is, I think you need to explain why it’s so special. Or better yet, let it show Chandler what it can do. Maybe something that happened before you two managed to get together. Something juicy, not something random or boring. An event you played over and over again.”

Chandler stared at Alex. Conflicted emotions crossed her features.

Alex didn’t want to activate the mirror. She knew what would come up.

“This is the last thing you have to do, Alex, and the spell will end and you’ll both be free of me.”

She had no choice but to do as she was requested. “Mirror, do as Millie has asked and show us.” She waved her hand and activated it.

When a scene of an earlier moment filled the mirror’s surface, Alex turned away.

“Oh my God,” Chandler gasped, horrified. “That’s me in my shower.”

Without looking, Alex waved her hand, clearing the mirror before it progressed too far. When she heard Chandler get down off the bed, Alex looked up as she approached her. They stared at one another. Chandler was glassy-eyed and looked disappointed, while Alex felt ashamed. The image wasn’t meant to be exploited like this.

As Alex was about to say something, Chandler reached out and slapped her across the face.

“I’m so sorry.” Tears spilled from Alex’s eyes.

Chandler didn’t respond, her own tears falling. Turning on her heel, she rushed out of the room. Alex wept as her heart broke. Zelda jumped down from the bed and followed after Chandler.

“I must say, that was most satisfying.” Millie appeared triumphant.

“Get out of my house!” Alex demanded, and then she left the room to chase after Chandler.

Alex ran down the stairs and out the front door. She made it to the middle of her yard in time to witness Chandler driving away. She stared at her vehicle until it disappeared from view, and wondered how she was going to fix things between them.

Chapter 17

Early the next morning, after waiting until she saw Alex leave for work, Chandler returned to Alex’s home. It felt strange being inside the house after the events of yesterday. What was even weirder was when Zelda came up to greet her.

“Go away,” Chandler told the cat, but Zelda didn’t listen to her. She followed after Chandler as she headed over to the room where her computer equipment was set up.

Once Chandler got her laptop and gathered up everything she needed for her meeting in Boston, she headed back to the front door. Zelda continued to follow her. Before she opened the door to leave, Chandler turned and looked down at the cat. They silently watched one another until Chandler felt a teardrop slip down her face. Sniffling, she took one last look around and then she left.

* * * *

Later that day, Chandler checked into the Harborside Inn in Boston. Once she got situated in her room, she decided to call her business colleague and let him know she was in town. She picked up her phone. With a quick glanced at her messages, she hesitated when she saw the ones from Alex, but didn’t open any of them. She scrolled through her contact list, selected the appropriate number and waited. By the third ring, the phone was answered and a familiar voice was on the line.

“Hey, Chandler. What do you need?”

“Hi, Allen. I was calling to let you know that I’m in Boston.”

“You’re a few days early, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I know. If it’s not a problem, maybe we could move the meeting up by a day or two.”

“I don’t think that would be too much trouble. When did you get in?”

“About an hour ago.”

“Are you going to come into the office?”

“Not today. I’ve got some stuff I need to take care of. I’ll be in tomorrow.” Chandler tried to sound more upbeat than she felt. “I understand Dave is having some technical issues. It’s easier to go over those kinds of things in person than it is over the phone. If you wouldn’t mind letting him know that I’ll help him with that tomorrow, I’d appreciate it.”

“Sure,” he assured her. “I’ll certainly be glad to stop hearing him complain about it.”

“Well, the fix isn’t as drastic as he’s making it out to be. Only a bit time-consuming.”

“Not that I’m complaining, but how come you decided to come in early? I know you don’t like providing any more of an opportunity to run into your
than you have to.”

“I was ready, so I thought I would.”

“Don’t want to tell me, huh?” he teased.

“It’s really nothing.” Chandler tried to downplay, but couldn’t completely hide the emotion from her voice. They were friends, but not close enough that Chandler felt comfortable confiding in him about her personal life. What she wanted was a place away from everything so she could think about what to do.

“Okay.” Allen let it drop. “So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Sounds good.”


Chandler turned off her phone and set it down on the table beside her laptop. Then she grabbed her purse and her room key card, and headed out in search of the closest store that sold ice cream and chocolate.

* * * *

A week passed and Chandler was still in Boston. As much as Chandler didn’t like being in the city, she wasn’t ready to return to Castleton.

Daily messages came in from Alex. She read them, but didn’t respond back. A part of her wanted to, but she wasn’t sure what to say. Hell, she still wasn’t sure what to think. She missed Alex. Missed what they had, but didn’t know if she still belonged in Alex’s life. Why did relationships have to get complicated? As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she loved Alex. Being around her, life had started to make sense, and then Millie showed up and everything went to hell.

Burying herself in her work, Chandler distanced herself from anything or anyone tied to Castleton. That even included her friend Kara.

Chandler was working late at the office when her desk phone rang.

“Chandler Gray.” Her reply was automatic.

“Chandler, it’s Kara. And don’t you dare hang up on me.”

“I wasn’t going to.” Chandler stopped what she was doing.

“Well, I didn’t know what to think. I haven’t heard from you or seen you in over a week. When you didn’t respond to any of my messages, I started to worry. Jake was the one who suggested calling your office.”

“I’m fine. Just busy.” She began to fidget, afraid where this conversation was leading.

“Don’t give me that. What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m working,” Chandler answered like it should be obvious.

“I’m not talking about your job, you idiot. I’m talking about you and Alex.”

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