Wicked Magic (14 page)

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Authors: K. T. Black

BOOK: Wicked Magic
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“Did she ask you to call me?”

“No. She’s not the type to openly ask for help. After making her have lunch with me today, I tried to get her to tell me what was going on, but she’s even more stubborn than you.”

“What did she tell you?”

“Not very much. It must have been some fight. Why else would you still be in Boston?”

“Because sometimes I do have to come into the office.” Chandler became defensive.

“I happen to know you are nowhere near crunch time.” Kara seemed unaffected by Chandler’s tone. “You never stay longer than you have to in Boston. Not when it increases the risk of you running into your family, especially your stepmother.”

Looking through the glass window of her office, Chandler could see a few other people working. Feeling the tears forming in her eyes, she was glad she wasn’t working out in the open at a cubicle. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

“Well, too bad, because I’m not going to leave you alone until we do. If that means I come to Boston to do it, then so be it. So, if I was you, I’d start talking.”

“Why are you such a pushy bitch?” The tears started to fall as Chandler felt her control slipping.

“Because I care about you, that’s why.” Her voice softened. “Now tell me what’s going on.”

“I doubt you’d understand.”

“What’s not to understand? I know about fights. Being married as long as I have, I’ve had my fair share of them. So, unless she cheated on you or killed someone, I don’t get why you’re being so dramatic.”

No matter how good of a friend Kara was, Chandler had no intention of telling her all the details of the day Millie showed up.

“Will you please talk to me?” Kara interrupted Chandler’s thoughts. “Let me help you if I can. I just can’t stand by and not do anything. You sound as miserable as Alex looked.”

“I don’t know if this can be fixed.”

“Why not? Have you tried, or did you just pack up and run away?” She didn’t give her a chance to answer. “Oh wait, we already know the answer to that.”

“That isn’t funny, Kara.”

“No, it’s not. This is your life we’re talking about. I realize when love finally found you it didn’t come in the exact form you were expecting. But it’s here, and you shouldn’t be giving up so easy on it. So unless you’re trying to tell me that you’d rather live your life alone and miserable, then I think you’re being a damn fool.”

Chandler sobbed, openly crying now.

“You don’t ever need to tell me what happened, and I know that sounds odd coming from me, but don’t you dare let Alex walk away without trying. Whatever this fight was about, there must be a way to resolve it.”

“I need more time.”

“The longer you put this off, the harder it’s going to be. If you wait too long, you may be too late. Do you want to risk that?”

Chandler let out a frustrated sigh. “I really hate you, you know.”

“No you don’t.”

“You’re a know-it-all busybody.”

“I know, and one day you’ll thank me for it. Now, please humor me and tell me you’ll try. Pack up your things and come back home. Whatever you decide to do with your relationship, be a grownup and do it face-to-face with her. No one deserves to be left wondering. Okay?”

“Okay.” Chandler gave in, and wiped her tears away as she sniffled.

“Good. Now I’m going to go and let Alex know you are planning on coming back. Don’t make me a liar or I’ll kick your ass.”

“All right,” Chandler answered softly.

“And don’t take too long. If I don’t see you within the next day or two, I’m going to call your stepmother and let her know you’re in town.”

“You wouldn’t do that!” Chandler felt panicked.

“No, I wouldn’t. But I am serious about this.”

“I promise. I have something I have to finish up tomorrow and then I’ll come home.”

“There’s something else I want you to do for me.”

“What’s that?”

“Shut down your computer, get out of that office and go relax.”

Before she could reply, Kara had ended the call. Chandler stared at the phone, wondering what had just happened, before hanging it up. It was apparent that Kara wasn’t about to be ignored.

Chapter 18

Alex sat in Chandler’s chair in the room that she'd used as her office. She stared at the computer equipment that was left behind. Alex had taken it as a positive sign that Chandler hadn’t gathered up all her things when she left. It meant at one point she’d have to come back.

During Chandler’s absence, Alex barely slept or ate. For the first time in her life, she worried that the best thing she’d ever found was beyond fixing. She couldn’t help what she was, but she should have been more up front with Chandler as soon as things became serious.

Each day, Alex sent Chandler a brief text message and hoped for a response. Each day she was disappointed. Today, when Kara forced her to have lunch with her, Alex was more relieved than irritated. It was true that Kara was an interfering busybody, but she had good intentions.

Even though Alex knew Chandler loved and trusted Kara like a sister, she had no intention of going into detail about what caused the fight. Maybe Kara would manage to keep the information to herself, but she couldn’t take that chance. People were more accepting of her sexual identity than they were of her magical abilities. Besides, she wasn’t in the habit of blabbing her personal business to anyone not directly involved. The only exception she ever made was with her mother, and even then, she resisted.

When the doorbell rang, Alex sprang to life. Her heart pounded and her palms became sweaty as her mind was filled of images of Chandler. She got to her feet and sprinted to the front entry. Expecting to see Chandler on the other side, her hands fumbled with the lock as she prepared to open the door.

After she pulled the door back, her face fell when it was Kara, not Chandler, who was revealed.

“Well, don’t look so happy to see me.”

“I’m sorry, I was hoping—”

“That it was Chandler.” Kara filled in the obvious. “I may not be her, but I do have news for you about her, if you’ll invite me in.”

“Of course.” Alex stood back, and opened the door wider. “Please come inside.”

“Thank you.” Kara stepped inside the doorway.

“Would you like something? Glass of wine, water?”

“Ever the proper hostess, even in crisis. I may invite you over the next time my in-laws are in town.”

Alex gave her a half-hearted smile before she shut and relocked the door.

“Why don’t we go sit down and talk?”

Alex nodded and then led the way into the kitchen. Once they neared the kitchen island, Kara pulled out a chair and took a seat, while Alex moved around to the opposite side. She stood leaning against the countertop and faced Kara.

“Are you sure you don’t want something?” Alex felt like she should be doing something.

“If you’d like a drink, go right ahead, but I’m fine, thanks.”

Alex went over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. She unscrewed and removed the cap before she returned to her original spot. After a quick sip, she set the bottle down on the counter and cupped the bottle in a possessive grip. The simple act of keeping her hands occupied provided a calming effect for her.

“So, I just talked with Chandler.”

Feeling her stomach do a nervous somersault, Alex asked, “What did she say? Is she still mad at me?”

“She’s stuck inside her head. So stuck she’s not listening to her heart. The thing is, with Chandler, her family really screwed her up. They made her believe that she didn’t deserve to be loved. The fact that she’s spending so much time in Boston shows how frightened she is that what the two of you have isn’t real.”

“But it is. It is real.”

“I’m not the one you need to convince. Chandler is.”

“How do I do that?”

“That’s for you to figure out. Deep down you know what she needs to hear, if you’re honest with yourself.”

“But she won’t answer any of my messages. How do I get her to talk to me?”

“You’re going to have to do this face-to-face, not via technology. And, you’re going to get your chance.”

“When?” She felt hopeful and panicked at the same time.

“Probably in the next day or two. She made some excuse about having to finish something up at the office first, but I’ll be honest with you. I think she’s stalling because she’s afraid to face you.”

“Why would she be afraid of me?” That didn’t make any sense to her.

“Because she’s in love with you, and she’s afraid you don’t feel the same way.”

“Did she say that?” Alex focused on the
in love
part of what she said.

“She didn’t have to.” Kara paused as she scrutinized Alex. “You’re in love with her too, aren’t you?”


“Then fix this.”

Kara stood and walked around to where Alex was standing. Alex turned and faced her.

“I’ll help you as much as I can, but this is up to you two.”

Alex smiled and nodded.

Taking Alex a little bit by surprise, Kara pulled her into a hug. In a motherly tone, with a hint of sarcasm, she said, “Now try to get some sleep. You look like shit.”

Alex laughed. “Thanks, Kara.”

Chapter 19

She loves you
. Three simple words and they said everything. Chandler reread the brief text from Kara again.

Smiling to herself, Chandler closed the message and selected Allen’s number. It was early yet, but she knew he’d be up. He was one of those evil, happy morning people.

“Chandler?” Allen sounded perplexed when he answered the phone.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?” Chandler took a quick look at the clock, worried she’d guessed wrong.

“No, I’m just surprised to hear from you so early. What’s going on?”

“I’m going back to Castleton today. I would have told you yesterday, but I decided last night. I need to get back home.”

“No problem. I’m surprised you stayed as long as you did.” There was a brief pause. “You didn’t run into the old
, did you?”

“No, thank God. I need to take care of something at home.”

“Are you going to stop at the office before you leave?”

“No, I thought that once I was showered and dressed, I’d pack up and go.”

“Okay. Well, give me a text when you get home so I know you got there all right.”

“Sure, not a problem. The hardest part is getting out of the city.”

“Always is.”

“Well, I’d better get moving or I’ll end up getting stuck in rush hour.”

“Yeah okay, so I guess I’ll see you next month then?”

“Most likely.”

“Have a safe trip.”


Chandler ended the call, and then set her phone down on the table next to her laptop. Glancing at the clock, she knew if she hurried and got checked out, maybe she could beat the worst of the early morning traffic.

* * * *

Alex sat at her desk in the back of the room and waited for her 9:30 a.m. class to start. She checked the clock, noting that there was at least five more minutes before class started. She looked down at her lecture notes and wondered why she hadn’t called in sick. After her conversation with Kara last night, she was far too distracted to be focused on teaching her students the secrets of exposure, lighting and lenses. There was only one thing to do, and she doubted that any of the students would object.

As Alex got up and walked to the front of the room, she was bombarded with a chaotic mix of student voices and notebooks being pulled from backpacks. After taking a position at the podium, she waited until the few remaining students made their way inside and moved toward their seats.

Alex’s students began to settle down when she walked over and closed the door. Once she was back behind her podium, everyone became quiet and waited for her to begin class.

With a practiced smile, Alex looked out at her students and greeted them. “Good morning, class. How many of you are ready with your projects?” She waited and noticed only half the class raised their hands, and of those most of them were hesitant at best. “That’s what I thought. Just this once, I’m going to extend the date until next week.”

A low murmur of relieved voices echoed around the room.

“I’m also going to excuse you early so you can go work on them.”

Excited voices followed the relieved smiles forming on their faces.

“I need to attend to something, and won’t be back on campus until tomorrow. So, if you have questions for me, please come see me now.” The room filled with the noise of students gathering up their things as they prepared to leave.

Doing a quick scan of the room, Alex looked to see if there were any anxious faces. When she found three of her students looking in her direction, she nodded and directed them to follow her back to her desk.

* * * *

As Chandler approached Alex’s house, she found her confidence wavering. The only reason she didn’t stop and turn back toward her own house was because she knew Alex would still be at school.

Using her key to unlock the door, Chandler turned the doorknob and opened it. She stood still a moment and looked inside as if she expected something to happen. When nothing did, she stepped inside and shut the door behind her. As she walked through the house, Chandler noticed that everything was the same as when she’d left.

She didn’t get too far before she heard the front door open and close. She froze when she heard a surprised voice call out her name.


She turned around slowly and faced Alex.

“You’re home kind of early, aren’t you?” Chandler felt like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t.

“I felt like I needed to come home.” She looked like she wanted to rush over to Chandler, but resisted, probably worried she’d scare her away.

They stood staring at one another, until Alex asked, “So, how did your meeting go?”

“Oh, fine.”

“That’s good.”

“I never meant to stay away so long, but there were things I needed to help with. Some things are easier to do in person.”

“Oh yes, they most certainly are.” Alex moved forward a few steps. “When did you get back?”

“Just now.”

“Kind of early for you, isn’t it?”

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