Winds of Heaven (30 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“No, that’s all right. Can I ask you why you didn’t use the ladder?” He pointed to the ladder with a big sign on it reading, “Use for the pumpkins out of reach.” It was leaning against the vendor’s booth.

“Hey, corn on the cob,” Liz said eagerly.

Casey tossed the smashed pumpkin down on the pile and pulled out her wallet.


Chapter 18

“Hold still, baby,” Liz said as she buckled the belt around Skye’s waist. “This old flannel shirt is perfect.”

Skye fidgeted while she tried to stand still. “Do I look like hobo, Mama?”

“You sure do, sweetie.”

Skye looked at Meredith, who winked and nodded. “Just like Casey did when she was your age.”

“I was never that small,” Casey said and took the cork from the bottle of wine. “And now, your scruffy beard.”

Skye frowned as she watched Casey hold the cork over the flame of the stove. “It too hot,

“Nah, it won’t be hot.” She charred the cork and walked toward Skye, who backed up. “
, I’m
’ ya, it’s not hot.”

“You do it,” Skye said.

Liz gave Casey a challenging smile. “Yes, Casey, you put some on. Better yet, let me do it.”

Skye laughed and Meredith applauded. “Excellent idea, Liz.”

Liz took the cork out of Casey’s hand and pushed her into the kitchen chair. “Now let’s see, we want a beard.”

“Paybacks, Ms. Kennedy,” Casey said as Skye clapped her hands.

“What a night for trick or treating,” Meredith said; she and Liz watched as Casey took Skye by the hand and led her up the walk.

Liz smiled when she heard Skye announce, “
or tweet.”

Meredith laughed openly. “What an adorable child. Skye’s cute, too.”

Liz laughed along but said nothing as Meredith stopped and turned to her. “You’re in love with my granddaughter, aren’t you?”

She saw the crimson color rise in Liz’s neck to her cheeks. Even her ears were red. “Yes, Meredith. I believe I could fall hopelessly in love with Casey.”

“You sound a little hesitant,” Meredith said and was interrupted by Skye as she ran to Liz. She carried her orange pumpkin and presented it to Liz.

“Look, Mama. I got candy,” Skye exclaimed breathlessly.

“I see that, sweetie. Did you say thank you?”

Skye nodded and looked at Meredith, “Look, Gamma, I got candy.”

“How wonderful, Skye. Are you having fun, darling?” She reached down and chucked Skye under the chin.

Again, Skye nodded, then grabbed Casey by the hand. “C’mon,

Casey laughed and allowed her to pull her down the sidewalk to the next house. Liz and Meredith followed behind.

“So I sense a little uncertainty, Liz.”

Liz shrugged. “I don’t know, Meredith. Casey has been single for so long. And she made her view on commitment and children very obvious.”

“That was before she fell in love with you.” When Liz did not respond, Meredith continued. “And she is in love with you.”

“How can you be so sure?” Liz asked. She smiled as she watched Casey gently prodding Skye up to the front door.

“Well, she hasn’t gone trick or treating since she was a child. I haven’t heard her curse in a few days.”

Liz laughed at that. “I have to agree with you there.”

“And I see the way she looks at you,” Meredith said. “I know that look. I see it on your face, as well.”

Liz bit at her bottom lip while she walked side by side with Meredith. “You need to be patient with her. I can’t imagine it’s easy for either of you.”

“How do you mean?” Liz asked.

Meredith thought before she answered. “Well, given how you met. How both of you loved Julie. And how you have a child and one on the way.”

“That’s my big concern,” Liz said. “I know Casey cares for me and Skye. But to be a permanent part of our lives. It might be too much to ask.”

“Possibly,” Meredith said in agreement. “But don’t give up, sweetie.”

Liz smiled and looked at Meredith. “I can’t. I’m stuck on your granddaughter.”

Meredith laughed and slipped her arm in and held on to Liz’s. “I have a good idea the feeling is mutual.”

When the streetlights came on, Liz informed Casey it was time to get back. Casey frowned and looked in Skye’s pumpkin. “Hmm. Okay,
. You made a good killing here. Let’s get back and see what you got.”

They sat around Meredith’s kitchen table as Meredith prepared the hot chocolate. Casey poured Skye’s bucket on the table. Liz laughed at Skye and Casey, who still had the black cork on their faces. Skye knelt on the chair and placed her elbows on the table. She looked at her mother.

“Can I eat some?” Skye asked.

Casey gave Liz a pleading look. “Can we?”

Liz rolled her eyes as Meredith placed the cups in front of each. “One piece…” Liz said. “Each,” she added and Casey pulled a face.

. Pick out a good one.”

Skye frowned, deep in concentration as she looked over the Halloween booty; Casey did as well. Finally, Skye made her decision.

“Is it okay if I have a piece of your candy?” Casey asked.

“Sure,” Skye said absently. She handed the candy to Liz to open it.

Casey picked the peanut butter candy. “This is my favorite.”

Liz groaned as she stood. “This child sits right on my bladder, I swear it.”

Casey helped her out of the chair and watched as she disappeared down the hall.

Meredith sipped her hot chocolate while Skye placed her candy, piece by piece, back into the pumpkin. Casey watched with a smile.

“I had a nice talk with Liz while you and Skye were begging for candy.”

Casey gave Meredith a wary glance. “Oh?”

“Yes.” Meredith offered a smug grin. “I told you so.”

Casey turned bright red and avoided her look. “What did she say?”

Meredith raised an eyebrow. “About what?”

“You know very well what I’m talking about.”

Meredith laughed evilly. “I think she wants to go steady.”

Casey laughed along. “Oh, you need to be committed.”

“She also has reservations.”

Casey stopped laughing then. “She does?”

“Yes. It appears your reputation might be preceding you.”

Casey leaned back with a dejected grunt.

“You need to be honest with her, Casey. You have nothing to lose.”

“But Liz.”

Meredith shrugged. “Well, it’s either worth it or it’s not.” She reached over and took Casey’s hand then. “You have to decide, sweetie. It’s time, don’t you think?”

She watched as Casey drank her hot chocolate; she said nothing.

Casey stood in front of the fireplace, staring at the dancing flames. Liz was sound asleep as was Skye. Trick or treating took its toll on both Kennedys. Her grandmother’s words rolled around in her head. So much had happened in the three months since Liz and Skye came into her life; it was amazing just how much.

Never did Casey think she’d be in this position. When Julie broke it off with her five years earlier, Casey was hurt and angry. She had loved Julie, even though in the back of her mind, Casey somehow knew it wasn’t going to work between them, not in a forever sense anyway. There was an attraction and love, but not the same way she found with Liz.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she muttered. Was this all too soon? she thought. Was she jumping in with both feet and not thinking clearly? She was right not to have children with Julie. Now she was on the verge of starting something with Liz, who had a family. Did she want this? This had been gnawing at her in the back of her mind.

Her grandmother said Liz had reservations; Casey’s reputation, she had said. Liz was a level-headed, intelligent woman. “Shit,” Casey said. Her own indecision now plagued her.

She turned the gas jets off, and as she made her way down the hall, she heard Skye whimpering. Carefully pushing the door open, she looked at Skye as she slept. The nightlight dimly illuminated her bed; Casey gently sat on the edge and lightly ran her fingers through Skye’s blond curls, mindful not to wake her. Casey shook her head and smiled, feeling the tears well in her eyes. She adored Skye, probably from the first meeting in the bus depot. She remembered the feisty kid with her hands on her hips. She almost laughed out loud when she remembered Skye yakking all over her shirt. At the time, Casey was completely irritated at the whole situation.

Now? She bent down and lightly kissed Skye’s forehead. In her sleep, Skye clung to her fish and rolled over on her side. Casey pulled the quilt over her shoulders, once again running her fingers through her blond hair.

“I love you,
,” she whispered and stood. She looked up to see Liz standing in the doorway, tears streaming down her cheeks. She smiled and made no move to wipe them away.

“I heard her whimpering,” Liz whispered and stepped back as Casey closed the door, leaving it slightly open.

“I did too. She’s okay. Probably dreaming about candy.”

Liz smiled and looked into Casey’s eyes. “Why are you crying?” Liz asked and wiped the tears away.

“Why are you?” Casey countered, running her hand under her eyes.

“I was touched at your gentleness with Skye,” Liz said.

“I love the little dwarf,” Casey said and sniffed.

Liz took Casey by the hand and led her across the hall into their bedroom. “And the little dwarf loves you.”

Casey stopped and pulled on Liz’s hand. “Do you?”

Liz reached up and cupped Casey’s cheek. “I believe I do.”

Casey grinned and pulled her into her arms. “I love you, too, Liz. I know there’s still a lot we need to talk about. I know I’m not the best candidate for this.” She kissed her forehead before continuing. “My past sucks.”

Liz walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. Casey helped her as she lay down with a deep sigh. “Your past is over, Casey. Let’s concentrate on right now.”

Casey nodded as she pulled the covers over Liz and got undressed. She slipped into bed and sidled close to Liz and lay on her side, facing her. Liz turned her head and smiled. “Good night, Casey.”

Casey leaned over and lightly kissed her lips. “Good night, Liz.” She kissed her again, and this time, Liz returned her kiss and didn’t pull back.

Breathing heavily, Casey moved and loomed over Liz, still holding their kiss. When she heard Liz moan, her heart raced. She reached down and cupped her plump breast, letting out a whimper as she ran her thumb over her erect nipple.

Liz easily slipped the tip of her tongue into Casey’s mouth, and Casey responded by kneading her breast, reveling in the feel of the silky material. Liz arched her back, then gently pulled Casey’s hand away from her breast.

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