Winds of Heaven (33 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“This is life,” Casey whispered and looked at Liz.

“Yes, it is,” Liz agreed with a sigh. She looked down at Skye, who was sound asleep. “We’d better get her to bed.”

Casey eased off the couch and carried Skye into the bedroom. When she got Skye settled in, Skye woke and whimpered.

“Hey, go back to sleep,” Casey whispered and kissed her cheek.

,” Skye whispered. Though her eyes were closed, she reached out for her stuffed animal, which Casey gently placed in her arms.


,” Skye whispered on the edge of sleep.

Casey walked down the hallway to find Liz nearly asleep on the couch. “C’mon, turtle woman. Time for bed.”

“Can we just stay here for a while? My back was killing me, but I’m so comfortable.”

“Sure,” Casey said. “Lift.”

Liz obeyed and lifted her feet; Casey slid under them and sat down, then caressed Liz’s tired feet.

“I can’t believe what a great massage you give,” Liz said. She placed a pillow behind her head and looked down at Casey, who was staring at the fire. “A penny for your thoughts.”

Casey grinned and shrugged. “I was just thinking of all that has happened to you and me in these past few months.”

“Too much?” Liz asked and absently rubbed her stomach.

“Well, it has been a change for both of us.”

“Yes, it has. Look, Casey, if you’re having doubts about all this, I totally understand.”

Casey stopped caressing her feet and turned slightly to face her. “No, honey. I’m not having doubts about my love for you and Skye. But I will be honest. I doubt myself.”

“Why, sweetie?” Liz asked. When Casey was silent, she waited.

“I guess I’m not sure if I’m good enough to be a parent and a partner. I’ve lived so long alone.” She stopped and caressed Liz’s foot.

“It’s hard for me, as well, Casey.”

She heard the sincerity in Liz’s voice. “As far as what?”

Now Liz was silent, and Casey waited.

“Sometimes, I feel I was selfish with having this baby. I mean, I wanted to have her. Julie wanted this, as well. But at the time, I was thinking of how to keep Julie home more. It was such a childish and stupid thing.” She stopped and took a deep breath.

“Liz. You’re a good mother, and you’ll be a good mother for this little one.”

“It just all happened so fast with Julie.”

Casey nodded. “I can imagine it was hard for you.”

“She got so sick, so quickly. The last few months were just tragic to watch. When she wasn’t having chemo that made her violently ill, she was drained and couldn’t do a thing. It just ravaged her body.”

Casey said nothing, letting Liz get all this out. She had never spoken about this.

“She was nearly unrecognizable when she died,” Liz said in a flat, dull voice. She stared at her feet as Casey continued to massage them. “Skye hardly remembers her. Julie was away constantly. Then when she told me of the bone cancer, she spent most of the time in the hospital or at Joanne’s.” She saw Casey’s inquisitive look. “She’s a good friend of ours. Julie wouldn’t stay at home when she wasn’t in the hospital. Joanne told me that Julie didn’t want Skye to see her as ill as she was. The only trouble with that is that I didn’t have an opportunity to care for her. We were so happy when I found out I was pregnant. It was almost as if she …” Her voice trailed off.

“As if she didn’t want to be reminded of something happy when she knew she couldn’t have it.”

Liz nodded, her bottom lip quivered. “It was probably better that way. Like I said, Skye hardly remembers her.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She did this several times.

“Are you okay?” Casey asked.

Liz nodded and continued breathing.

“Braxton Hicks?” Casey gently slid out from underneath Liz and knelt at her head. “They say if you move, the contractions may stop. They’ll be getting stronger now, right?”

Liz smiled and looked at her. “You’ve been reading again.”

“Yes, I have. Now, c’mon. Let’s get you up and into bed. How about some chamomile tea?” She helped Liz into a sitting position, then standing.

“No, I’ve got heartburn,” Liz said. Casey heard the irritation in her voice.

Casey nodded. “Higher levels of progesterone.”

Liz glared at her.

“It causes that muscle to relax and the stomach acid—” She stopped abruptly when she saw the look she had come to associate with certain death in the blue eyes.

“Yes, I know.”

“How about some yogurt?”

“I don’t like yogurt.”

“Okay, how about a nice warm glass of milk, maybe a little honey in it?”

Liz continued to glare. “Remind me to thank Dr. Martin for giving you those pamphlets.” She then grinned reluctantly. “I suppose a big bowl of brownie dough ice cream is out of the question.”

“Uh, yeah.”

“All right, Doctor. Warm milk it is. I’ll meet you in the bedroom. But if you come in there with something chocolaty to eat, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

Casey laughed and propelled Liz in the right direction. She then winced at the idea of warm milk. “Good thing she’s having the baby.”


Chapter 21

It was time. Liz stifled a cry of pain as the second contraction came within three minutes of the last one. She reached for Casey, who was immediately awake.

“Now?” Casey exclaimed as she looked at the clock.

Liz glared at her. “I don’t think the baby cares what time it is,” she said through clenched teeth.

“How far apart are they?” Casey asked as she quickly dressed. Pulling on her jeans, she tripped on one leg and fell to the floor. “Shit!”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Casey. I don’t need a trip to the emergency room.” She let out a sigh as the contraction subsided.

Casey stood and zipped the jeans, then flipped on the light. She grabbed the phone and dialed Niles’s number. “Niles… It’s time... Yes, now... Okay...Call Gram...” She snapped off the phone. “Okay, Niles and Brian will be here in ten minutes. Yesterday, we planned the route they should take.”

Liz tried to grin at Casey’s preparations but only grimaced as the next contraction came. Casey flew to her side and knelt down. “Okay, I’m calling Dr. Haines.”

She dialed the number. “Dr. Haines… Yes... It’s time... Three minutes... Yes, yes. Okay,” she said and took two deep breaths as instructed. Liz cried out and Casey told the doctor, “We’re leaving in five minutes.”

“Casey!” Liz cried out and reached for her.

Casey knelt beside her and grabbed her hand. “Okay, let’s get you dressed.”

“Honey, I’m fine. Just get my slippers.”

“Slippers... Where?” Casey said frantically and looked under the bed.

Liz was struggling, and as she sat up, Casey came from under the bed and her head hit Liz in the cheek.

“Damn it, honey, I’m so sorry!” Casey cried out, rubbing her head.

Liz held on to her cheek. “It’s all right. Casey, calm down before you faint,” Liz said through her contractions. “Casey, oh, God...”

“What is it?” Casey asked frantically. The flood of fluid cascading between Liz’s legs had her staring in disbelief. “What in the mother of Christ…”

“I think my water broke, sweetie.”

“Your water?” Casey cried out. “Where the fuck is Niles?”

Liz reached for her. Casey knelt in front of her, wild-eyed and worried. “Sweetie, take a deep breath.”

Casey took several and nearly hyperventilated. She swayed precariously for a moment as the blood rushed back to her head.

“Now, honey. I love your body, but you might want to put on a shirt.”

Casey looked down at her semi-nakedness in disgust and grabbed a sweater and pulled it over her head, then slipped into her shoes.

With that, the doorbell rang. “Don’t move,” Casey said to Liz. She then flew to the door to greet Niles and Brian.

“Okay, you two stay with Skye…” Casey said and took the keys from him and dashed back to Liz.

“Hi…” Niles called to the frantic figure and Brian laughed as he took off his coat.

“I’ll call you when you can bring Skye,” Casey called over her shoulder as she led Liz out.

“Did you call Meredith?” Liz asked through her pain as she slipped into her coat.

“Yes. Don’t worry. She’s coming right over, then we’ll meet you at the hospital.” Niles kissed her cheek. “Good luck, Liz. Not with the baby, with this one.” He motioned to the frantic Casey.

Liz laughed. “Tell Skye we love her. You bring her later, Niles,” Liz said as Casey quickly but gently ushered her out the door.

“Casey, please don’t get a ticket. I’m fine, we have plenty of time,” Liz said wild-eyed as she watched the woman she loved scream down the dark street.

Casey came to a screeching halt at the emergency room. As she dashed out of the car, she forgot her seat belt. The welt across her neck would be evident for several days. She grunted painfully as she fought to unclasp the treacherous belt. “Mother of God!” she exclaimed angrily, nearly ripping the seat belt off the door.

“Casey, sweetheart, please,” Liz begged through her contractions.

“I’m all right,” Casey said painfully and stretched her neck.

She ran in, got a wheelchair, and stupidly tried to go through the revolving door. After getting wedged between the doors, she looked out to see Liz sitting in the car watching her. Casey heard her muffled yells and pulled the wheelchair back.

“Stupid fucking doors,” she yelled and rushed to the automatic door. It slid open and she dashed back to Liz and helped her as she sat with a groan. Casey quickly wheeled her through the sliding doors.

“Casey, honey, slow down,” she said as the contractions came again.

Casey maneuvered the wheelchair up to the nurses’ station. The older nurse smiled at Liz.

“Having a baby?” she asked and saw the red ugly welt across Casey’s neck. “What happened?”

Liz waved her hand in dismissal. “We had a near-death experience getting out of the car.”

Casey rolled her eyes as the nurse laughed and took the forms out. “Okay, big picture here!” Casey said helplessly.

“She’s worse than a man.” The nurse winked at Liz and handed a pen to Casey, who scribbled all the information and quickly set the pen down.

“Dr. Haines called, she’s on the way. We will get you all set. C’mon, Mommy,” she said.

Casey stood there. Liz looked up and held her hand. “Casey, honey, she’s talking to you.”

“Oh.” Casey blinked. “Oh,” she said as if she just figured out the theory of relativity and followed them down the hall.

Two hours later, Liz was sweating profusely and crying with each contraction as she lay in the stirrups. Casey held her hand and mopped her forehead. “It’s okay, sweetie.”

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